Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto



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"Such a waste." Gilgamesh uttered to himself as Shisui felt his life force fading away from his body.

Raindrops began dripping little by little until they poured down in torrents.

"Usually, this kind of rain means something…" Gilgamesh thought to himself as rain poured down his body without touching his skin thanks to the armour he donned at the moment. His golden armour glistened in the rain as calm returned to the once chaotic battleground.

'What a way to die… I gave it my all, but my earlier mistakes led to my loss. Maybe there is some truth to what he says about over-relying on the sharingan… In the end, I wasn't able to stop my clan from going to war with the village… only if Itachi were here, this might have triggered him to awaken his Mangeyko, hopefully, he might be able to get my eyes and run away from this monster in time… Am I seeing my best friend in the distance?' Shisui thought to himself as his injuries became less painful and a deep sleep became irresistible. His blood mixed with the rain and he began to close his eyes until his eyes faintly saw Gilgamesh approaching him.

'Is this death? It's almost poetic, I, who didn't want to rest till I completed my goal of pacifying my clan have no choice but to rest now… wait, what is he doing? Is he trying to take the spoils of his battle, my sharingan? In the hands of someone like him, it's not only the village that will be in danger!' Shisui thought as he fought hard not to close his eyes and offer a last resistance.

"Ho, look at you getting lively again." Gilgamesh chuckled to himself as he crouched beside the dying Shisui.

"You… why… do… you want my… sharingan?" Shisui managed to ask and coughed but no more blood came out.

Without saying anything Gilgamesh hands covered Shisui's face and Shisui could only watch in horror as someone who wasn't even an Uchiha tried to take his most valued possession.

Shisui tried to struggle but couldn't muster enough energy to do so since he had lost a lot of blood, he was only conscious because he hoped someone would notice him soon. But suddenly, Shisui began to feel his body getting better and strength returning slowly to his body.

"But how? Is this your genjutsu?" Shisui asked but became unconscious soon after. Shisui had lost a lot of blood and depleted nearly all of his chakra.

Previously as mentioned before, Gilgamesh had learned the medical ninja arts from the library but never went to the practical classes held by medical ninjas in the village. His knowledge was purely theoretical and he has never tried it on himself since he hadn't been wounded in combat. His only real experience with medical arts was now as he healed Shisui.

A warm golden glow covered Shisui for a second, closing most of Shisui's wounds but not completely. The rest would be up to Shisui.

'Hmm, that's that. But I wanted to talk to him anyway. Hmm, can I enter his mind now? Maybe later.' Gilgamesh thought as he thought of removing his armour and his armour dispersed into golden particles.

Gilgamesh then dragged Shisui's body to rest against a tree and weaved hand signs for his fireball jutsu as he launched a colossal ball of golden fire into the sky. A bright fireball shot into the sky at great speeds and dispersed the clouds around the training grounds in the forest causing rain to stop falling in that area.

"Maybe I'll call that golden sun jutsu." Gilgamesh quipped to himself as he was proud of his work, he had changed the weather with a basic jutsu! He only added in a little more of his coexisting energies than usual and his golden fireball expanded in mass and increased its velocity and acceleration at the age of six!

Gilgamesh considered this to be his first feat of many but was disappointed when he felt no one around to watch it.

After six hours of Gilgamesh modifying the jutsu and techniques he already knows, Shisui woke up. His heart by then had pumped enough blood to make him wake up and get up on his feet.

"Now I am more afraid of why you didn't kill me." These were the first words that came out of Shisui's mouth.

His skin looked pale, he had eye bags and he looked like he needed more rest and food. But Shisui was ready to body flicker away as fast as he could. Since he couldn't reveal anything about Gilgamesh, maybe the Uchiha police force might at least investigate the matter and deal with Gilgamesh.

"Don't even think of running, I have another mission for you." Gilgamesh said and Shisui gulped at that statement.

After hearing what Gilgamesh had in store for him he managed to widen his already stressed eyes.

'Just who is this kid? Who is this?' Shisui thought to himself as he almost collapsed again after digesting Gilgamesh's plan.

"Don't worry I'd release you, but would you even want that? Once you've tasted the top with me you would never want anything less. Who knows maybe you might learn more about yourself and start living for me and maybe yourself since all you think about is the wellbeing of Konoha to the point you are willing to use your genjutsu on Fugaku, your clan leader." Gilgamesh said revealing another thing only Shisui and a few others knew.

"Did you really think that would be a good idea? Once he dies another will take his place and the same thing you are trying to curb will happen again, a cycle created by your own linear thinking. You couldn't have just brought The Third and Fugaku to secretly meet in an undisclosed location? But it's already too late for that anyway. Your clan is doomed and you will follow me until I say otherwise." Gilgamesh finished and left the area with a ninja jump.

The barriers were deactivated after Gilgamesh left, leaving a stoic Shisui who lay down on the grass watching the clouds go by.






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