Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto





After reading up on the scrolls containing knowledge of seals and how to detect them, unbeknownst to the village, Gilgamesh had already become a genius in sealing jutsu—understanding its applications, modifications, and detection. However, he was still a bit far from becoming an expert. Gilgamesh instantly detected a seal on the ninja that confronted him, leading to a hypothesis in his mind. Yet, he chose to focus on the one who slandered his name before his first friend in the village.


"This should be enough…" Gilgamesh was about to complete his sentence, already seeing the ninja charging towards him quietly thanks to his amplified sensory skills, even though his back was turned towards the ninja. Grabbing Naruto, Gilgamesh jumped high above the charging ninja and weaved signs for a basic fireball jutsu. Using his left hand and Naruto's right hand, he completed the signs in two and a half seconds. A huge golden ball of flames crashed at the ninja at high speed, destroying the playground and its structures.


Gilgamesh picked up on two masked ninjas watching the fight from a building nearby. 'What's with these Anbu ninjas?' Gilgamesh asked himself in thought, looking in their direction for a half-second before landing on the ground with Naruto on his back.


Naruto was filled with awe, witnessing his peer move quickly and release a near-blinding fireball at their opponent. As for the ninja, his body was nowhere to be found, but Gilgamesh knew exactly where he was. The ninja appeared to be moving underground at a considerable pace toward his location.


Gilgamesh released a smirk as he weaved hand signs for an Earth-style jutsu. Completing the hand signs in less than a second, an earth wall was erected, and launched a surprised ninja into the air. Gilgamesh's smile widened as he reached for his gear bag and began throwing kunai and shurikens infused with his energies. They flew at a blinding speed that wouldn't be followed by the eyes normally, but Gilgamesh's blue and golden energy that covered them was a dead giveaway.

Just because the ninja could see it didn't mean his body could react on time, as blades and shurikens were lodged in his body. The ninja fell from the great height the mud wall was launched and was in a whole world of hurt and pain.

The ninja managed to get up groggily, and it was obvious to all that he was in pain. Continuing the fight instead of seeking medical help would be unwise. The ninja looked at Gilgamesh and Naruto, who were now standing on a tree branch covered in golden energy. It was as if he had just seen a god in a mortal body and was completely captivated by it, and soon collapsed.

Walking away from the scene, Naruto bombarded Gilgamesh with questions, amazed at how strong his friend had become. Gilgamesh, on the other hand, had his mind on those masked ninjas he kept sensing and was getting pissed off. Naruto could feel the frustration in him, even though his facial expression was relaxed.


"Somehow, I don't know. But I can tell we are being followed. Is that why you are angry?" Naruto asked.


"Ho, look at you unlocking one of your traits as an Uzu… Anyway, it's true, some rats that don't know their place yet are following us, but don't worry I'll take care of it. As of now, you are too weak to do anything." Gilgamesh ended the conversation slowly. Having also seen visions of the Uzumaki Clan and knowing all there was to know about them, Naruto was already becoming a sensory type, one of the traits of being an Uzumaki.


Gilgamesh escorted Naruto home and left him unable to sleep, thinking about Gilgamesh's last sentence. For once, he couldn't offer any witty remarks, taking it as truth. He began brooding on how to get stronger. A thought passed his head about asking Gilgamesh to train him, but he shook his head immediately. The ego he had as a young boy wouldn't allow it; he wanted to learn and show Gilgamesh that he could, in turn, surpass him.




After leaving the area, a quick circulation went through Gilgamesh's body, and his golden energy seeped out circularly, covering the entire village and its outskirts. Gilgamesh could now sense every living thing inside the village and its outskirts with colour. Gilgamesh then thought of a plan to get rid of those ninjas who kept following him without his permission since he basically knew every secret tunnel, passageway, cave, and underground basement. The village was now at his mercy! If he wanted to find anyone now in the village, it would be easier than before.






The following day, Shisui moved to the Hokage mansion to meet the Third and told him about how the people of his clan might be inciting a coup since the village discriminates against them so much. Shisui had been thinking a lot lately ever since he was instructed to spy on Itachi by the police force, which is made up of the Uchihas, and his deal with Gilgamesh didn't make things better. He decided to meet the Third.


The fact that they were not allowed in the subduing of the nine tails during the nine tails attack weighed on the Uchiha clan and allowed rumors, such as the village discriminating against them and talks of a coup, to become rampant in the clan.

The Third was outside on his balcony on a sunny day, watching the clouds pass over his head. He wore his ceremonial wear without his hat as he stroked his beard in thought, wondering what Tobirama, the Second Hokage, would have done. Shisui with his exceptional body flicker technique appeared behind the Third, disrupting his thought process.

"Shisui Uchiha, reporting." Shisui reported as he respectfully knelt behind The Third.


"Just go as if I have ordered you to spy on the clan," the Third said as he waived him off, knowing Shisui would do exactly as he was told as long as it benefited the village.



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