Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto







“Hmph, fine. When do we leave?” Gilgamesh said as he sensed someone behind the door.


The door opened and revealed a dark-haired boy came in.


“We will be leaving soon.” Itachi said and offered his greetings to Shikaku.


“So there you have it. I will leave things to you.” Shikaku said as the duo left the office.


Seriously, I cannot understand how we are sending kids on dangerous missions. Gilgamesh is not even ten years old and he is going about being a menace!’ Shikaku thought as he released a heavy sigh.


Itachi led Gilgamesh to a rooftop far away from the Hokage’s mansion.


“This is our mission detail. We are to escort target A and make sure target A arrives at destination C in three days. Target A is waiting for us at the gate. Make preparations and rendezvous at the gate in two hours.” Itachi said and Ninja jumped away from the rooftop, leaving a file containing the mission details and explaining the code names Itachi just talked about.


Interesting. Is this done to increase mission success and reduce information leaks?’ Gilgamesh thought as he left the rooftop. He already had everything he needed to leave with him but had spare time and decided to visit Naruto.


Gilgamesh found Naruto quite easily but was surprised to see him in the woods training.


Naruto was panting and sweating profusely as he kept hitting the tree in front of him with his palms creating a bloody mess.


“…Must get stronger. If I am strong and show everyone how capable I am, maybe everyone will like me.” Naruto uttered to himself as he kept injuring himself.


“Maybe they will know that I am not a demon and just a regular person like them!” Naruto said as his energy returned and began striking the tree harder with his straightened palms.


“Why be normal? Why not show them how scary a demon can be?”


“What??” Naruto yelled as he fell forward but quickly picked himself up in fear.


“Huh? It’s just Gil.” Naruto replied after recovering from his shock.


“What do you mean just Gil? Do you want me to… in fact let me slap some respect into you!” Gilgamesh said as he began slapping Naruto till his cheeks swelled up.


“That’s shoo mean of you Geel!” Naruto yelled unwilling to apologize for being himself.


“I haven’t had anyone to try this on so let me try it on you.” Gilgamesh said as he stretched his hands towards Naruto who flinched for fear of another slap but let his hands stop inches before his face.


In the next second, Naruto was covered in a warm golden light.


“What’s happening? Why is this light? The injuries on my hands… they are gone.” Naruto exclaimed as he saw the bruises and small wounds on his fingers and palms close up and heal. Even his puffed cheeks returned to normal.


“Wow, I feel refreshed!” Naruto exclaimed as he folded his fists and wore a bright smile as bright as the sun above the village that morning.


“Say, the way you were hitting the tree. Those movements seemed a bit too organized for a simpleton such as yourself.” Gilgamesh asked Naruto.


“So I went to the Hygua clan and climbed a tree to check out the layout first. I have been beaten and scolded by many ninjas who catch me immediately before I can even learn anything from them so I have learned to start checking out the area first especially when they are not around to know the best places to hide and learn.” Naruto explained to his friend as they both sat on the grass.


“So I saw an old man training a kid I have never seen in the village playground. The boy started hitting a wooden dummy with wooden arms that turned and moved with every hit the boy landed. His master would scold him sometimes and other times when he got it his master would not even smile and just leave as he expected it. That boy is strong, I think he can beat you, haha.” Naruto finished his explanation and laughed at Gilgamesh in the end.


“That’s a smart way of learning. But I have a mission to do now so I won’t be available for now.” Gilgamesh said as he prepared to leave after getting up.


“Oh, don’t you worry. Soon I’ll get strong so much so that I will slap you back and you better believe it!” Naruto said with a smile on his face.


Gilgamesh smiled and wanted to talk more but body-flicked away.


“Woah, that’s new!” Naruto said but then furrowed his eyebrows and got back to his training.




Arriving at the gate with a small backpack for supplies, Gilgamesh was greeted by Kotetsu and Izumo who in turn greeted them back.


“So today’s your first day outside these walls huh? I can remember my first mission, you see…” Kotetsu tried to start his story about his first mission outside the gates of Konoha but was interrupted by a bust of clouds in front of them revealing Itachi.


“I am present Itachi. Where is target A?” Gilgamesh asked casually.


“You should refer to me as captain since I will be leading this mission.” Itachi said as Gilgamesh leaned in towards Itachi’s personal space.


“Well, why don’t we…” Gilgamesh smiled but turned his head to see a cart driver with pointing at the two chunins with a disappointed look.


“Are these my escorts? Children? What sort of sick joke is this? My boss would definitely not be happy when he finds out that his goods can’t even reach his destination safely just because children were assigned to escort us!” The cart driver complained as he couldn’t believe his eyes. He knows Kotetsu and Izumo were the gate guards so that means they were not his escorts. He also received a letter not too long ago to meet the ninjas that would be escorting him at the village's gate.


After the cart driver made that statement, the air got heavier as the duo put aside their quarrels and focused their chakra pressure on the cart driver.




Tens of metres ahead,

A bandit leader organizing a group of ten bandits observed a carriage moving towards his location with considerable speed.

“Alright boys let's prepare, dinner’s ready at twelve o'clock!” The leader ordered.

“Yeah!!” All the bandits behind him cheered and began making preparations for the ambush.



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