Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 104 - Murder outside the city

   “The whole three-story palace, we only reached the outermost floor, and only explored a restaurant. Is that the end?” Stanley gritted his teeth, really unwilling.

   But without any hesitation, he immediately picked up the sack and climbed onto the ground with Ogg and Manda.

   Pour the golden tableware on the ground, Stanley still wanted to take the empty sack to try his luck, but Ogg stopped it.

   “The great prophet told me that if you return to that palace again today, you will stay there forever.”

   Stanley stamped his foot severely, and Manda said on the side: “Don’t be so depressed, as long as you remember this place, we still have a chance.”

   “There is no chance, this palace will leave this place soon.” Stanley was muttering to himself, suddenly a cloud of dust floated out of the pit.

   Stanley sighed: “It has already left. Pluto gave me instructions, but I can only do this.”

   Manda didn’t understand Stanley, and Stanley didn’t want to explain more. They took the golden tableware back into the sack, and dragged it along the way down the mountain.


  Rain Pigou wore brand-new robes and waited to greet the two high-level deacons-Janessa and Hannes, as well as their five deacons and twenty entourages.

   From early morning until noon, they did not see them, but they waited for the bad news. A punisher killed four civilians outside the city and was besieged by soldiers and civilians.

   And this murderer is the high deacon Hannes.

As the highest priest in Niujiao Town, Rahn naturally has the obligation to rescue them. On the way out of the city, Rahn has been complaining to the man with purple hair: “If you can follow my advice, don’t let Hannei When Si comes, we won’t get into so much trouble!”

   The man was silent, he could understand Larne’s mood, and at the same time he knew Hannes’s purpose in coming to Niujiao Town.

   Hannes is the nephew of Bishop Buckn, otherwise he would never become a Tier 3 believer with his strength and talent, let alone a high deacon.

He came to Niujiao Town to accumulate merits. The high deacon is the bishop. Bishop Buckn is unable to push his nephew to the same level as himself. He is not up to the choice of the bishop. All the merits are Hannei. The key to Sri Lanka’s future.

   Hannes has a stupid attitude. The biggest sorrow of an idiot is not knowing how stupid he is. Hannes always believed that he was very wise, especially in the case of sudden changes, he believed that he could make the right choice quickly.

   He made a self-righteous choice this morning. When the carriage was about to arrive in Niujiao Town, he found a woman selling apples that seemed to smell of heretics.

So he decisively issued an arrest order. According to his inference, the woman would be dragged to the dungeon and beaten up, and then quickly confessed her crime, then executed publicly, and then took this opportunity to establish Hannes in the horns. The majesty of the town.

   But today’s situation was unexpected by Hannes. He did not expect that the residents of Niujiao Town knew how to resist. The woman’s husband and children desperately tortured the godly punishment, and attracted the attention of passers-by.

   Hannes felt insulted and the Lord’s majesty was provoked. He personally killed the family of four. Just as he was about to read the crimes, he found himself surrounded by civilians.

   Seeing that there were more and more onlookers, Hannes’s anger became more and more fierce. He wanted to kill all the onlookers, they were all suspected of heretics, and his proposition was also responded to by his subordinates.

   Fortunately, Janessa, who was with him, made another decision and sent someone to ask Rahn for help. She firmly believed that Rahn could have a better way to solve this problem.

“What can I do? It’s better to let them fight and let me see how much money Viscount Gessack has!” Seeing that there were many soldiers among the onlookers, Rahn sighed and put on his pockets. Cap got out of the carriage.

   He wouldn’t be like other God-punishers, while preaching and giving a reasonable explanation to everyone, reading out the family’s guilt, and then finding a reasonable excuse for this tragedy.

   This seems to be in line with the usual actions of the God Punisher, but the effect in Niujiao Town is extremely poor. The onlookers smell of fire, and an improper remark may lead to disastrous consequences.

   Rahn prefers to hit the key points rather than doing the futile things step by step. He found a chief guard and stuffed five gold coins into his hand calmly.

   “Show me a way and let me take my people out of here.”

   “I can’t help you this time. Your people are in big trouble. Baron Corret brought the soldiers here. I can’t be the master or cover up the news.”

  The chief guard wanted to stuff the gold coin back to Rahn, Rahn held his hand tightly: “Just a little bit of heart, don’t be too nervous, I’m just asking you to show the way.”

   “The road has been pointed out. It is Baron Corret, not the Viscount himself, nor the Stanley Knight.”

  Rahn understood the meaning of the captain of the guard. Baron Corret was a vassal of Viscount Gessac, in charge of the two villages outside Bullhorn Town. Although Gessac trusted him very much, he should not handle this matter.

  He is here now, and he can only prove one thing. Gessack and Stanley are not in the town. The things in the town are currently in charge of Corret.

Rahn shook the hand of the chief guard again, and he assured him to take the gold coins. With this news, he also had the confidence to rescue Janicea and Hannes. He knew what Corret was and knew. Corret’s strength.

   The chief guard holding the gold coin was very nervous, and asked himself, how long has the sergeant of the **** punishment army been here? Why did you become friends with him? Sooner or later, he will get in big trouble.

The chief guard pointed to a carriage parked in the distance. Larn understood, and walked to the carriage. The two guards came forward and signaled that Larn could not continue to approach. Larn took out the Divine Sword and the Holy Emblem to show himself. identity of.

   Baron Corret, who was sitting in the carriage, lifted the curtain and invited Rahn up.

   No greetings, no greetings, Corret knew what Larn was coming from, and the first sentence went straight to the subject.

   “I can’t let those godly punished people leave, this matter is too much involved.”

   Lahn shrugged and said: “It’s just four can it be involved?”

   Corlett sneered: “Maybe it doesn’t matter elsewhere, but here is Niujiao Town, a Guatle almost set off a stormy sea, and now there are four lives, which is enough for the Viscount Lord to give an order to start the war!”

   “So we said we were at the point,” Larn whispered, “Do you want to declare war on behalf of the Viscount?”

   Corret opened his mouth, and he was speechless for a while. Rahn Pigou spent less than two months in Bullhorn, but he knew everything about the baron’s weaknesses.

   “I can let your people leave here first, but I can’t leave Niujiao Town, and must be under my watch.” Corret made concessions.

Rahn heard this and said with a deep smile; “My Lord Baron, forgive me for offense. There are two third-order warriors, five second-order warriors, and twenty first-order warriors in those five carriages, and you are only a first-order warrior. Believers, there is also a Tier 2 guard nearby. With this strength, what do you use to monitor them? If they really want to leave, how do you stop them?”

   Corret gritted his teeth and said: “I still have my army!”

  Raen smiled and said: “Your army cannot enter Niujiao Town, which is the territory of the Viscount unless you want to declare war on the Viscount.”

   Colette said: “The Viscount gave me the clan emblem when he left, and I also have the right to mobilize his army.”

   Lahn sighed and said, “So, do you still want to declare war on the God Punisher?”

  Corret’s eyes were frozen. He was worried about his situation, but he didn’t expect that he had reached the point of nowhere to go.

   “When it gets dark, I will find a way to make everyone fall asleep, and then take my people away, and you will be reprimanded by the Viscount for doing things badly. Apart from that, there will be no more losses.”


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