Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 173 - Lord Monchik

“Give me the name of God (

Back in Niujiao Town, Stanley arranged a meeting between Leonde and Gessac in only three days. The negotiation between the two parties went smoothly. Gessac was a man willing to spend money, while Leonde was able to take money. The person in charge received two hundred gold coins from the earl and at the same time 20 believers, and promised to complete the sacrifice for them within two months.

Gessack liked Leonde’s straightforwardness very much, and at the same time he was full of praise for the Monchik Knight. Stanley dedicated the chain mail to the earl. He repeatedly emphasized the preciousness of this chain mail and expressed the Mongolian euphemism euphemistically. Cheek Knight did not want to join the war.

It may be that Stanley was too euphemistic. Gessack misunderstood Manda’s intentions: “This kid wants to bribe me, but it’s not bad. I like such a straightforward person!”

Gessack immediately wrote a letter, sent to the royal capital, recommended Kreich Monchik to the king, King Gaius VI asked the Minister of State to organize a simple meeting, and immediately announced the canonization of Ke Reich Monchick is Lord.

No one raised objections, including Archbishop Howett.

General Long Gessen noticed something unusual, and the reactions of others were expected. Earl Gessack was a big red man in the eyes of the king. He was just asking for a lord, no fuss.

But the main feat of the Monchik knight was to help the local lord kill the brutal punishment. This was undoubtedly a serious provocation to the archbishop.

In the past six months, such provocations have been endless, and the archbishop has expressed dissatisfaction, but recently, he seems to have become more and more numb.

At the end of the meeting, General Rongerson approached the Minister of State, Lécio, and expressed his hidden worries:

“The archbishop is too quiet, I found him quiet for a long time.”

Lasio nodded and said, “The people who can sit in this seat are very smart, and being quiet is a smart choice.”

“But I always feel that he has something to do with the plan. The Northern God’s Punishment Army is gathering. There is news that they have been ordered by the archbishop to fight a sacred counterattack.”

The Minister of State shook his head and said: “Howett has been under our surveillance, including the letters he sent to the Pope must be checked by us. I have never seen the counterattack you mentioned.”

“It’s okay to be more prepared. We should send more reinforcements to Gesac.”

“Let Wang Jun fight side by side with a landlord? It sounds exciting, but this is tantamount to reducing the status of the king. Except when foreign enemies invaded, our country has never had such a precedent.”

Longgerson pondered for a while, and thought of a way to do both: “First imprison Howett, and then let him order the disarming of the God’s Punishment Army.”

“This is tantamount to grudges with the Pope, and it is tantamount to grudges with the Starr Empire where the Pope is located. Although our country is strong enough, it is not a wise thing to openly declare war with the Pope.”

“But this will happen sooner or later! The Kingdom of Roma belongs to our king, and all the gods will become our enemies!” Long Gesen raised his voice, which made Lasio a little dissatisfied.

“All the God-punishers? General Longson, I think you have misunderstood your majesty’s thoughts. Do you think we are going to drive the God-punishers to an end? Stern warning, moderate deterrence, and then use tolerance and kindness, in a peaceful way. Let the God Punisher understand who is the master of the Kingdom of Roma, this is the result your Majesty wants.”

“The peaceful way?” Rungeson sneered, “I am afraid that the peaceful way you mentioned will not solve any problems.”

The Minister of State Affairs also laughed: “So you think that all problems can be solved with force?”

Long Gesen closed his smile and said, “As far as I am concerned, I am just a warrior.”

Lasio also sank his face: “I believe you are a smart warrior. As I said just now, smart people know when to be quiet. Count Gessack only punished some restless divine punishments. This has nothing to do with war. The kingdom is still peaceful now, so the warrior had better be quiet.”

Rungeson hurried back to the mansion in anger, and it was difficult to calm down until dusk. He called the commander Georgia: “Find a reliable messenger and help me send this letter to Stanley.”

“Are you talking about Stanley, who was just named Viscount? You don’t seem to be familiar with him.”

“It’s really unfamiliar, but he is a warrior and should be able to understand what I said.”

Georgia still couldn’t understand: “Why don’t you send the letter directly to Count Gessack?”

Long Gessen shook his head and said: “Viscount Gesak is always under the gaze of everyone, walking too close to him is not good for me to him.”

Stanley had just received a letter from General Rungeson, and Gesak sent good news.

The king agreed to make Monchik a lord, and at the same time revealed in his letter that he would make Gaisac a marquis within this year.

“I finally recovered the glory of the family. This is all thanks to the blessing of the Lord of the Gods.” Gesak closed his eyes and prayed to his natal **** Zeus. Ten years ago, with the help of Stanley, Gesak completed it. After entering the ranks, it is a pity that his talent is too poor, and he is still a first-rank believer to this day.

After praying, he gave Stanley a surprise. He was going to Iron Mountain Town personally to preside over the canonization ceremony of the Monchik Knights.

Stanley almost fainted on the spot, Gesac gave him countless favors, but he also knew the fate of deceiving Gesac.

“My lord, just canonize a lord, you don’t have to come out in person, this will reduce your status.”

“When did I care about this kind of thing?” Gessack smiled, “No matter a noble or a commoner, even a slave, as long as it is someone I admire, he can become my friend.”

“But Solens’s attitude is still unclear. It might be dangerous to go to Tieshan Town rashly, so just hand over the king’s papers to him.”

“Give it to him? Will Monchik be his vassal?”

Stanley was taken aback: “But…Monchick was originally in Solon’s territory.”

Gesak smiled: “It used to be, I am afraid it will not be in the future.”

“But his food is in Tieshan Do you want to bring him to your territory?”

The earl shook his head: “No need for the time being, I want Thorens to carve out a piece of land from his territory as the fief of Lord Monchik.”

“I’m afraid this is wrong…”

“I want to see if he gives or not. The arrogant Solens thinks that he can despise me if he gets in favor of Grand Duke De Enke. I want him to understand that I can take his territory at any time, or even take it away. His life.”

The canonization ceremony was scheduled for a month, and Stanley hurriedly sent a letter to Manda.

Manda rubbed her brows and threw the letter into the fire, while Yudola said by the side: “Are we leaving Tieshan Town?”

Manda said angrily: “What are these words? I just got a foothold here!”

“Then how to avoid Gesac?”

“You can’t hide. I can never give up the title and let the poet make me a suitable mask.”

Xu Shi spent a long time with Guatel, and the poet’s IQ seemed to be lowered. He sent Manda a pair of iron masks.

“Wear it, absolutely no one can recognize you.”

Manda nodded and said, “Yeah, I’m a man with an iron mask. Of course, no one recognizes me. Where can anyone wear such a mask to accept canonization? I asked you to help me make a leather mask to change my appearance. “

“I can give it a try, but do you think it works?” The poet laughed. “Even if you lied to Gesac, how can you lied to Solens? Knight Monchik became another person, this What is the explanation?”

Manda pursed her lips and said, “Didn’t Solens go to visit the Grand Duke? He’s back?”

The poet nodded and said, “I think he must come back. Don’t forget the temper of Viscount Bullhorn.”

“Uh,” Manda said openly, “then I can only say sorry to Stanley.”

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