Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 191 - 1st generation hero

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Gesak brought his army of believers to the granary.

There are a hundred members in the legion of believers, but only sixty people were gathered in haste. These sixty are enough. Gessack firmly believes that Claudesai has no strength to compete with his legion of believers unless he takes Sauron. Si brought into Niujiao Town.

This also aroused Gaisac’s suspicion, why does Claudesai appear in Niujiao Town? Why didn’t the defender send a message? Is there a ghost among them?

On the way, he and his retainer Nagel reconfirmed some details. The retainer said that he absolutely did not see Solens, nor did he see the appearance of the believers of the ancient gods.

It’s useless to think too much. We must keep food at the moment. With the current situation, Gessac is already in a state of isolation, and trade blockade is inevitable. I found my face in other lords.

When he arrived near the granary, Gessack had seen the fire, and the granary was on fire.

He was anxious to take people to extinguish the fire, but he heard an officer report: “Claudesai has a warrior around him.”

“How many people? What class?”

This officer is a second-order Athena believer who Gessack has cultivated for many years. He can judge the identity of the opponent, and he can also roughly guess the opponent’s class.

“There are sixteen samurai warriors, at least eight of them are above the second rank, and one may reach the fourth rank. They formed a choir.”

The choir of this era is not just a civil society that sings poetry, but also a special organization of the God’s Punishment Army-a group of singers who can make everyone feel terrified.

The choir in the God Punishment Army consists of ten to twenty people. Generally, only one fourth-order God Punishment warrior possesses singing skills. The other members are first and second-tier. Although they do not have singing skills, they can use rage. The bleed and blood eclipse skills enhance the effect of singing. If used properly, a choir with rich combat experience can repel hundreds of troops.

Rahn Pigou used to be the lead singer of the choir. He also had a choir in his army, but he would not easily use the choir against Stanley. He tried twice and found that Stanley had a hundred ways to get them. Can’t sing.

Although Stanley was not in Niujiao Town, he had prepared for the choir in advance. Hearing the singing, the soldiers immediately covered their ears. They knew that the singing of the God Punisher was fatal.

Retainer Nagel did not panic, he calmly ordered: “The ancient choir welcomes the enemy!”

The ancient choir is Stanley training a special unit to counter the choir. The captain is a second-order believer of the Muse. He led ten soldiers to stand in the forefront and began to sing ancient poems.

From the standpoint of combat power alone, the second-tier muses cannot be the opponents of the fourth-tier divine punishment samurai, but the way to counter the choir is not fighting, but music.

Music is the gift of the muse, as long as he hears the other party’s singing, he knows what kind of tune to deal with. Interference from the melody, disruption from the rhythm, and suppression from the timbre are all basic methods. After the foundation is firmly established, the most fatal emotional distortion will follow.

Muse believers are very good at changing other people’s emotions with singing. The choir’s **** punishment warrior is singing the tragic story of the Lord of **** punishment saving the world with blood, but he was disrupted by a “Summer Overture” by the “Ancient Choir” Emotions, they feel that they are in the flowers, holding flower baskets, picking flowers, dancing and watching the blood of the Lord of God’s Punishment.

This was an obvious act of blasphemy, and it also caused the God Punishment Warriors to fall into violent conflicts and struggles. After a while, the choir began to become messy, some people were crying while holding their headaches, and some were laughing loudly.

Stanley’s countermeasures were very effective. Nagel, the retainer, suggested that Gaisak immediately attacked. Gaisak followed his advice and made the ancient **** believers and soldiers rushed up.

Nagel had fought in battle and was once a commander of the Marquis of Nars and a third-tier believer of Ares, the **** of war. Because of his admiration for Gesak, he became his vassal under the recommendation of Stanley.

He can always make correct suggestions, but it is only correct. In Gesak’s view, Nagel’s military skills are very solid, but his style of action is too stable, and he cannot take some dangerous moves like Stanley did at critical moments. And strange tricks, so Gesac spent most of his time in the army to train young people.

Now that Stanley was not by his side, Nagel finally became the commander. He organized the soldiers to start an orderly counterattack, and soon surrounded Crowdsey and the God Punishers.

Gesack praised: “Nagel, you should have your own title.”

Nagel respectfully said: “Thank you for your respect.”

“Go and catch Crowdsey, I want to live, watch out for the Tier 4 God Punishment Warrior on the opposite side.”

Nagel led a small team towards the enemy, and Crowdersey immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat. Nagel pulled him off the wagon first, took a rope, tied it firmly, and sent him to Gesac.

Gesak lowered his horse and said to Nagel: “Let the soldiers fight the fire. I have something to say to Baron Crowdersey alone.”

Crowdersey sat on the ground, looking pale at Gesac, who squatted on the ground, patted Crowdsey’s cheek, and sighed: “I let you go back, and you ran back by yourself. I really don’t understand, are you so eager to die?”

Claudesai lowered his head and whispered: “It’s Sorenz…”

“Sorrens asked you to do this?”

Claudesai nodded and whispered: “Sorrens said, as long as I do this…”

“What can I do if it is done?” Gesac was curious, and he came to Crowdersey and said, “Speak louder, I can’t hear you, anyway, you are going to die, talking like a man.”

Claudesai lowered his head and said, “If I kill you, he will give me the entire Iron Mountain Town.”

“You killed me?” Gesac laughed loudly. “What did you kill me with? I’m right in front of you. Try it!”

Before the laughter was over, Claudesai jerked out his right hand, and a beam of white light gushed from the palm of his palm and pierced Gessac’s forehead.

Gesack instinctively caught Claudesai, and the guards around him were about to rush over, but Nagel, who had rushed over, chopped their heads one after another.

The third-order skill of Ares, the **** of war-mortal slaughter, mortals within ten steps will be slaughtered in the blink of an eye. This trick has no effect on the believers of the ancient gods and the warriors of the **** With Nagel’s current strength, the third-order skill can only be used once a day. He must choose the most suitable time to start, that is, in the cover. Sark started when there were no followers of the ancient gods.

All the believers of the ancient gods went to put out the fire, and Gesak handed over the command to Nagel, and Nagel took the opportunity to move all the believers of the ancient gods elsewhere.

Gesac pulled Claudesai’s clothes unwillingly, Nagel stepped forward and kicked him to the ground.

“Do you think that taking refuge in you is just admiring you?” Nagel spit, “I have been with you for three years, and I didn’t even get a baron. I was really blind.”

A hole the size of a gold coin burned out of Gezak’s forehead, lying on the ground, his eyes open, and he lost his breath.

Claudesai is responsible for leading Gessack out of the castle, and Nagel brings Claudesai to Gessac. Claudesai uses a magical weapon to kill Solonsi. Even if he can’t kill him, Nagel can always Come back to make up.

Several ancient **** believers discovered the anomaly here, and just about to rush over, they saw Nagel grinning and said, “Is anyone in a hurry to die?”

The believers did not dare to respond. Without Gesak, the Legion of believers was just a group of scattered sand, and there was no courage to fight Nagel at all.

Amado, hiding in the crowd, smiled and swallowed his breath for many years. He finally became the master of Niujiao Town.

At the same time, Stanley was in a fierce battle with Rahn Pigou, Rahn changed his formation, but Stanley failed to respond.

Seeing that the soldiers were being eaten away by the Divine Punishment Army a little bit, the officers looked at Stanley anxiously, they were waiting for the commander’s order.

But Stanley couldn’t give any orders. The intense pain had already made him lose his ability to think. The only thing he could do now was to sit on the horse’s back and not fall off. Once the main general fell off the horse, the battle was over.

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