Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 98 - Mountain Beast

  Denguluo Mountain is the largest, highest, and most famous mountain in the central part of the Oligino continent. It is five days away from Niujiao Town, and it is necessary to ride a horse-drawn carriage to drive around day and night.

   Fortunately, these five days did not have a hard time. Stanley hired three carriages, one for him and Lulian, one for Manda and Ogg, and one for his six corpses.

   is different from the carriages I’ve been in before. The carriages are at least twice as big, with sleeping berths, dining tables, ham and ale.

   At dusk on the fifth day, everyone came down the mountain. After dinner, Stanley couldn’t wait to go up the mountain overnight, and Manda asked Ogg to do a divination first.

   Ogg caught a pheasant and sacrificed it to Prometheus. After completing the sacrifice, he received an oracle.

   “We can’t go up the mountain tonight, we will die.”

   Stanley surprised: “I’m really curious, what can be on the mountain to kill us? We will not dig treasures tonight, just camp at the designated place.”

   Ogg shook his head and said, “I never question the will of God, and I will never go up the mountain tonight.”

   Manda smiled and said, “What does it matter if you wait one more night? I heard the coachman say that there are many bandits going up the mountain.”

   “How unlucky mountain bandits will meet us? If we can **** hundreds of gold coins from them, we won’t have to dig for treasures.”

   Stanley finally obeyed the oracle and spent the night under the mountain. At dawn the next day, four people and six corpses set off along the steep mountain road.

The mountain road Stanley chose cannot be called a road at all. To be precise, it is walking through trees with branches. These trees are very tall, very sturdy, and very wild. They start to branch from a position of less than one meter. NS. The hard and sharp branches made a lot of blood on Manda, and the pain was painful under the sweat soaked, coupled with mosquitoes and various unknown bugs chasing around and biting, if it weren’t for the Jurassic fortune in the previous life , Most people really can’t stand this suffering.

   Ogg was a little overwhelmed. At noon, Stanley let everyone eat and rest for a while, Ogg lay on the ground and rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

   When he set off again, Manda took a lot of effort to wake Ogg up. Ogg sat on the ground and rubbed his eyes and said: “The great prophet told me that we must wait until night before we can move on.”

   Stanley snorted: “Didn’t the great prophet tell you that if you lie in the name of God, God will cut your tongue.”

   Everyone continued to trek along the mountain road. As night fell, the luxuriant foliage blocked the moonlight, and all they could see was darkness.

   Stanley walked in the forefront holding a lantern, Lu Li’an followed behind, the two of them were not favored by mosquitoes, Stanley’s breath was too cold, Lu Li’an’s body was smeared with a special concoction.

   The last six corpses did not recruit mosquitoes. The old blood on them was really not nutritious.

   The most bitter thing is Manda and Ogg. The two of them have become the mobile dining table for mosquitoes. A slap on the body can blow up a large swath of mosquitoes with blood.

   went all the way to a flat place, and they entered another forest. The trees here were different. They were also very thick and tall, but they were tall and neat, without so many wild branches. Moonlight shone through the cracks in the canopy to the ground.

   The most special thing is the color of these trees, which seems to be blood red and very moist, as if there is a fishy smell.

   Manda touched the bark of the trees, shaking her whole body with fright, these trees were actually warm, and the touch was exactly the same as the skin.

   Lu Li’an took out a handkerchief, dipped it in the powder, and wiped Manda’s hands.

   “Don’t touch these trees. They are poisonous. People who are poisoned will become one of them. They will take root under their feet, their heads will sprout, and then they will open their branches and leaves and stay here forever.”

   Stanley said in front: “But I heard that these trees are also very good medicinal materials.”

Lu Li’an smiled and said, “That’s right. When I go down the mountain, let your corpse carry some branches for me. For these trees, it’s like cutting hair and nails. I think they won’t mind. of.”

   “It depends on whether my friends have any extra strength. If each of them carries a few bags of gold, you will have to figure out how to deal with the branches.”

   After everyone walked through the forest for a long time, Manda suddenly felt refreshed, the sweat on her body was gone, and the mosquitoes disappeared.

   Strange, how did I know that the mosquito disappeared? It seems that I can’t hear the nasty “buzzing” sound.

   Not only could not hear the mosquitoes, but also the noisy bugs along the way, and the surrounding suddenly became very quiet.

   The temperature also dropped a lot, and Manda, who was covered in sweat, couldn’t help fighting a few cold wars.

  The near omen pendant was slightly hot, and Manda stopped.

   Ogg said loudly behind him: “The great prophet told me that there is…”

   “Don’t make any noise,” Stanley extinguished the lantern, “There is a golden horned ice frog here. If it gets stuck with its tongue, we are about to become icemen.”

   Golden Horned Ice Frog? A familiar name, where should I have seen it…

Come to think of it, it is a sacrifice for the promotion to Tier 3, the cipher text translated by Manda himself, the horns of the golden horned ice frog, the scales of the silver scale python and two copper shell snails. Judging from the order and name, the golden horned ice frog Obviously the most precious.

Gu Gu Gu!

   There was a muffled roar, which was very similar to that of an ordinary frog, except that the volume was much louder. Stanley squatted on the ground, letting the crowd surround him, and the corpse on the outside.

   Seeing Stanley in such a way, it seemed that the golden horned ice frog was not very easy to deal with, Manda asked in a low voice: “Can we kill one? I really want its horns.”

   Stanley shook his head and said: “There may be a chance during the day, but you can’t take this risk at night. Its eyes are not easy to use, but its ears are very clever and fast. To deal with it, you must at least see its tongue.”

   “Will it appear during the day?”

   “I only saw it at It is said that this thing hides in a deep cave during the day.”

Gu Gu Gu!

  The sound was getting closer and closer, and Manda heard the sound of the flippers landing. It was the ice frog jumping.

   “It’s coming this way,” Stanley’s voice was inaudible, “Don’t make a sound, slow down, and wait for it to go far away before we leave.”

After more than a dozen breaths, a huge frog jumped in front of everyone. It squatted on the ground, and its height was more than four meters. Its fat body was shining with golden light under the moonlight, and its abdomen swelled and contracted, making it wet and sticky. There seemed to be golden waves on the skin.

The golden horn the size of a horn is just above his head. Manda was heart-stricken. It is very difficult to restrain his inner greed. Fortunately, Manda has not lost his sanity. It was the first time he saw this legendary creature. Can not easily challenge the advice of the strong.

   But this frog didn’t know the reason, and stayed on the spot for a while, and a forcing chill came from its body, causing Ogg’s huge body to shake.

   Click it!

   The shaking Ogg stepped on a dead branch.

   Stanley immediately held his breath, he still had the last glimmer of fantasy.

Gu Gu Gu!

   The frog screamed and stood still for a while, slowly sliding its front foot, turning its body towards the crowd.


   It raised its head, its belly began to swell slowly, and its mouth opened slightly.

   Stanley shouted: “Run!”

   Everyone ran away. The frog spit out a tongue and stuck it to a living corpse. The living corpse struggled twice, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a block of ice, and the huge tongue was caught in the frog’s mouth.

   swallowed a living corpse, the frog suddenly jumped up and chased Manda.


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