Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 594 - Bear Goddess

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The Ranno people live on the Hapkula Mountain, translated in Old Tili, it is the Giant Bear Mountain.

In this vast mountain range, there are nearly 20,000 Ranno people living in them. They are divided into more than one hundred tribes, large and small, and they share the belief in the giant bear mother god.

After living in a tribe for three days, Odysseus tampered with everyone’s memory. He not only became a member of the tribe, but also gained a beautiful wife.

At least the leader of the tribe thought she was beautiful.

On the fourth day, Odysseus finally waited for the opportunity, and his tribe would go to the cave at the top of Hapkura to offer their sacrifices to the giant bear goddess.

Their sacrifice is wolves, four short-faced white wolves.

The bear is also a beast that lives in the extreme cold. The bear is the sacred beast of the Ranno people. Under no circumstances should it hurt the bear, even if it will be eaten by the bear in the next second.

But the wolf is not so lucky. It is the main prey of the Ranno people. All the Ranno people wear clothes made of wolf skin. Wolf meat is their favorite food, but this is limited to ordinary wolves, which are huge. The ferocious short-faced giant wolf is their sacrifice to the giant bear mother god.

Climbing steep rocks in the wind and snow is not an easy task. Ranno, who has wolf claws on his hands and feet, is very talented in this area, but Odysseus’s talent is slightly worse, climbing halfway. He had to use his skills to crawl on the rocks like a snake.

The leader was surprised when he saw Odysseus’s behavior. He was about to ask, but he forgot what he wanted to ask.

There is no sun in the extremely cold place, and I don’t know how long I have been climbing all the way. Several people of the tribe fell from the rock and fell directly under the cliff of ten thousand meters, but the other tribesmen of the tribe didn’t bother to take a look.

Odysseus liked the rationality of the people of Ranno very much, and one more glance would not change anything, so why bother to do such meaningless things.

When they reached the summit, everyone entered the palace of the giant bear goddess.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a palace. The entrance of this cave is 150 feet high and 180 feet wide, which is more magnificent than the gate of the palace.

This also reflects the figure of the giant bear mother **** from another angle, and ordinary people may not be as tall as his toes.

This is the sixth time Odysseus has come to the extreme cold, but he has never seen the giant bear goddess before. He knows the power of this god, and only tells the origin of this god, and treats such a role. He always stayed away.

But this time was an exception. His goal was the giant bear mother god. He came to a **** boulder, and the leader waved his hand and ordered everyone to lift the four short-faced white wolves.

This is the altar of the giant bear goddess. The short-faced white wolf is very heavy. Each wolf weighs more than 10,000 pounds. When sending it from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain, more than one hundred people are required to hold the rope and hang it. Now it is sent to the altar. , More than a hundred people are needed to carry the wooden bars up.

Odysseus was one of them. The blood-stained altar was slippery and slippery. More than a hundred people couldn’t do it neatly. Someone fell every two steps. When transporting the second white wolf, more than one hundred The people all fell off the altar, and several people were crushed by the giant wolf and died directly.

When transporting the third giant wolf, Odysseus used his skills to make everyone’s steps always consistent, and the white wolf was successfully sent to the altar in one go.

The leader was overjoyed. This was a good sign. He desperately prayed to the mother god, hoping that the next giant wolf would have the same good luck.

But the good luck was over. Odysseus didn’t want to engage in this dangerous and hard work anymore. He used his skills to make everyone forget his existence.

The fourth giant wolf was carried a dozen times before it was barely on the altar, and more than 20 people were killed in the middle.

The leader ordered all the corpses of the tribe to be packed up and taken back to eat.

For the people of Ranno, the dead people are precious food, but other than that, they are useless.

The four white wolves were neatly placed on the altar, and then waited for the mother **** to enjoy them.

Under the leadership of the tribe leader, all tribe members shouted in unison: “Kubaga! Kubaga!”

The mother **** may not be too hungry today, and it took a long time to walk out of the depths of the cave.

From the outside, he was a bear, not a two-headed bear, but a black bear with shiny fur.

But Odysseus knew that his original appearance was very different from this, and he had almost nothing to do with bears.

He is taller than an adult two-headed male bear, lying on the ground almost 80 feet, if he stands up, it is estimated to be more than 120 feet.

Standing on the altar, he did not rush to enjoy the sacrifice, but silently scanned his followers.

“Kubaga! Kubaga! Kubaga!”

With timidity, fear, and full of gratitude and respect, the Ranno people knelt on their knees, put their hands on the ground, their foreheads on the ground, and the louder they shouted.

The mother **** just watched quietly, as if testing whether this group of believers were pious.

The leader was very nervous. The longer the mother **** stayed, the more likely he was to get angry. Last time he lost his temper and trampled half of the tribe to death.

But he can’t do anything now, he can only shout harder.

This is the **** that truly belongs to the mortal world. Not only the body belongs to the mortal world, but the power also belongs to the mortal world. All the creatures in the mortal world appear helpless and insignificant before Him.

The mother **** suddenly roared, and everyone fell silent.

After all, the mother **** was angry, and everyone was motionless. Their fate was completely determined by the mother god’s mood.

The mother **** took a step forward, and more than thirty Ranno people died at his feet.

The others were trembling, trembling almost kneeling unsteadily, but they still did not dare to leave, did not dare to move, they were still waiting for the mother god’s next ruling.

The mother **** did not rush to take another foot, he bent down and looked at Odysseus, and let out another roar.

Strangers, mother gods found strangers!

Why is he a stranger? In their memory, Odaxia is their tribe.

The mother **** stared at Odysseus, who dared not look back.

The mother **** raised a toe, the sharp toenail fell, and a piece of gravel was splashed on the altar, and there was a pit more than a foot deep on the hard rock altar.

He just moved his toes, not much different from human clicking the mouse. This is a warning to Odysseus.

Next, he raised his toe again and aimed at Odysseus,

What should I do now? Falsify the memory of the mother goddess? Or let the mother **** forget herself?

Tampering with memory is Athena’s sixth-order skill. This skill is 100% effective for ordinary people, and it has a half-efficiency for beginners. The success rate for third-order believers is less than 30%, and the success rate for fifth-order believers is less than 10%. It is almost impossible to tamper with the memory of believers of Tier 6 and above, so Odysseus has never tried to tamper with Manda’s memory.

Forgotten Tier 3 skills, the success rate is much higher, but that is only for mortals.

For the giant bear goddess in front of him, neither Tier 6 nor Tier 3 skills can bring any effect. Using skills will only provoke the opponent, which is a typical suicidal behavior.

Seeing that his toes were about to fall, Odysseus shouted in Arandius, “Callistor, beautiful nymph, I walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally found you.”

When Odysseus uttered the name Callisto, the mother goddess trembled and took a step to the left. A dozen Zano people were trampled to death again.

He stared at Odysseus, tears appeared in his cold eyes.

Ten thousand years, no one has called this name in the past ten thousand years.

Odysseus struck the iron while it was hot, and shouted again: “Callistor, great Nymph, you have suffered.”

The mother **** screamed up to the sky, tears mixed with her nose and rolled down her cheeks. The viscosity of the nose was a little big, and the two Ranno people were wrapped in their noses and drowned.

Callisto, the original name of the bear goddess.

She used to be a nymph on the Olympia mountain, following the goddess of the hunt Artemis, she is the most beautiful of the goddess of the hunt, but unlike other nymphs, she is not good at singing and dancing, she is better at hunting, she Loyal, brave, and superb shooting skills, Artemis is the best assistant in the hunting ground.

Artemis liked her very much, other gods also liked her very much, and Zeus also liked her very much. This is a bit troublesome. On Olympia, being liked by Zeus has never been a lucky thing.

Callisto has been avoiding Zeus, but fell asleep accidentally while chasing prey. Zeus’s opportunity came. The way the **** king expresses love is very simple, hold on, and then take possession.

Callisto couldn’t cry, so she could only swallow her anger, and when she found out that she was pregnant, she couldn’t hide things.

Knowing the truth, Artemis turned his face immediately and described Callisto as a shameless person who seduce the **** king, humiliated her with the most vicious language, and expelled her from the hunting ground.

Callisto did not seduce Zeus. Artemis knew this well. The goddess of hunting knew what his father was like.

The reason why Calisto was expelled was not because Calisto was morally corrupt, but the goddess of the hunt did not want to cause trouble. He knew that the trouble was approaching Calisto moved to the deep forest alone, strong Nymph built a wooden house alone, waiting to give birth.

After the child was born, Callisto regained a little happiness, but disaster followed and Hera came to the door.

For most of the time, Hera was irrational, but she adhered to the three iron laws.

The first iron law, Zeus only loves Hera, and all misbehaviors are seduced and seduced by bitches.

The second iron law, the **** who seduce Zeus must be severely punished, so that she or him should die.

The third iron rule is that children born to a **** are also bitches, and they must be punished with the same crime.

Hera rushed into Callisto’s cabin, grabbed her by the hair, and beaten her.

When assaulting Callisto, Hera found that Callisto was beautiful, which made the diva’s mood even worse.

So he made Callisto’s figure plump and swollen, with thick black hair growing on his body, and his beautiful red lips turning into a big mouth with blood, and he looked like a bear as a whole.

Next, the Queen used her powerful ability to tear open the passage between the gods and the human world, kicking Callisto to the mortal world and sending it to the edge of the world.

Callisto has lived on the edge of the world for tens of thousands of years and has become today’s giant bear mother goddess.

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