Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 638 - Battle of the Snow

Manda stood on the newly built tower, looking at the distant sky.

It was clear, there were no clouds, and there was a clear line at the junction of the sky and the snow.

“Are you sure there will be a snowstorm today?” Manda looked back at Ogg.

Ogg wiped his nose and said, “The great prophet said that the wind and snow will not come until noon. It is useless for you to stand here now.”

Back at the wooden house, Manda counted the seventy-two pearls he had coughed up in the past few days. The war is approaching, and the soldiers are chanting Mengda’s name every day, and the output is quite gratifying.

But Manda was not in a rush to transform them into the original power. After the last pain, he felt that he was a little hasty, and every time he swallowed, he would never eat more than a hundred.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and the wind started, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes gradually rushed. It was less than a candle’s time, and the eyes were all silvery white.

Boyuin stood at the door and murmured: “The beasts of the tundra are coming, Harumath, please, let these beasts avoid our tribe.”

Comparing natural disasters to beasts is a common feature of primitive people. Manda felt it necessary to do a popular science:

“The changes in the weather have nothing to do with the beasts. When the cold air and the humid air meet…”

Manda said a lot, and Boyuin seemed to understand but not understand: “Bai Kugar is right. The wind and snow do not come because of beasts. I am talking about beasts come because of wind and snow.”

If you say that, the difference is big.

But why does the beast follow the wind and snow? When encountering such a blizzard, shouldn’t the beast find a place to hide from the disaster?

Boyuin explained: “The tundra has such wind and snow every day, but such violent blizzards are very rare in the land of the dispatchers. Such violent blizzards will break through the boundaries of the tundra. The beasts do not If you get lost, you will attack the village where the servants are dispatched.”

Manda was very interested in this: “Your tribe has been attacked by beasts?”

“Every tribe has been attacked by beasts. The beasts from the tundra are difficult to defeat. Only the bravest fighters dare to fight to the death. I am one of them.”

Boyuin opened his shirt and revealed the wound on his back: “When I was young, a two-headed bear broke into the tribe. My mother took my nine brothers and hid in the cellar. Only me Fighting side by side with my father, we chopped his head with a hunting knife, stab his chest with a hunting fork, and burned his hair with fire. We fought with it for a whole night until we were exhausted, and then we conquered it.”

“What do you mean by conquest?”

“Nunu!” Boyuin did not hide.

“Why do you have to be slaves?”

This time Boyuin’s face was not so good, he tried to find an excuse for himself, but he did not have the courage to deceive Baikuga.

In the end he chose to tell the truth: “If we don’t slaves, we will be beaten to death by that bear.”

“That’s it.” Manda looked into the distance, thinking about the logical problem of this passage.

After a long silence, Manda asked, “Who conquered whom?”

Boyuin smiled with emotion: “Who can tell what happened for so many years.”

“Take me to see the beasts of the tundra,” Manda said solemnly, “see if I can conquer them.”

General Gogoc of the Bayer State was drinking alcohol in the tent. He was the vanguard of General Romonlov and led a thousand soldiers to directly attack the Boyuin tribe.

Originally there were only two days left, but when the wind and snow suddenly came, he was forced to stop and camp, depending on the situation, it would take at least half a day. The food in Bayer is very scarce. It only carries one-way rations when sending troops to fight, and never brings more rations. The rations for the return journey are all robbed.

The soldier may be hungry if he delays for a moment. If he is only hungry for half a day, it will be fine, but no one knows when the wind and snow will stop. If it lasts for more than two days, he can only be forced to retreat.

What should I do after retreating? No food or no food. He is very familiar with the rules of the Bayer people. Vanguard rushes in front and other troops robs behind. All the villages behind him must have been robbed.

If you can’t get it, you can only ask for Romonlov, but will he give it?

Maybe I can give a few mouthfuls of leftovers of soup, but during this period, I don’t know how much ridicule and sarcasm will be caused by him.

Damn Romonlov, why let me be the vanguard! I have never offended him!

In the New Year, he gave him two hundred gold coins. Isn’t he too small?

After drinking a can of soju, the irritable Gogoqi was about to fall asleep when he heard a noise outside the tent.

He called the guard and asked, “Who is arguing?”

“Several military tents were overturned by strong winds.”

“Did they come out to fight on the first day? Haven’t seen the wind and snow? Let them set up the tent quietly, or sleep on the snow for me!”

After a while, the outside quieted down, and Guogoqi went to sleep wrapped in a blanket.

After sleeping for a while, the noise sounded again, and Guogeqi was furious. He just opened the tent and ran into the panicked guard.

“General, there is an enemy raid!”

“Nonsense! Where did the enemy come from!” This is not in line with common sense at all, and no one will send troops to fight in such bad weather.

The guards did not dare to argue, but the sound of fighting gradually came over.

Visibility in the wind and snow was very low, but the camp of a thousand people was not too big. Gogoqi realized that the guards had not lied, and hurriedly ordered the whole army to meet the enemy.

But this order is not so easy to execute. Gogoqi is a third-tier believer of Pallas, the **** of warfare The physique was still unsteady in the wind and snow, let alone ordinary soldiers. When they struggled to get out of the tent, the enemy army was already in sight.

They are very tall, at least two feet taller than ordinary people. They are not many. There should be only a hundred people going up and down. Their speed is not very fast, but the formation is very stable. The wind and snow seem to have no interference to them.

Their weapons are fairly sophisticated, with wooden shields and long swords, but their battle clothes are so thin that they can’t even cover their bodies completely.

It’s understandable without armor. After all, armor is too expensive, but why don’t they even have a thick suit? Are they not afraid of the cold?

Judging from the lines of their bodies, they seem to be…women?

Guo Geqi didn’t have time to think about it. There were probably more than 300 people around him. Taking advantage of the enemy’s seventy or eighty steps away, he immediately ordered the arrow to be released.

While the soldiers were shooting arrows, Gogoqi launched the third-order skills of the God of War to chaos.

The chaos chasing technique seems ordinary, but it is extremely effective on the battlefield. This skill can dispel the fear and panic of the soldiers, allowing the soldiers to accurately execute the general’s orders in a calm and relaxed situation.

Because the skill is very hidden, it is difficult for the enemy to find the right time to interfere and destroy. It was with this powerful skill that Encia had always maintained a soldier’s fighting state in the hard fight.

After the first round of feather arrows, the enemy was not affected.

After the second round of feather arrows, the enemy is still moving forward.

After the third round of feather arrows, the enemy was within twenty steps, and Gogoqi ordered the soldiers to prepare for the battle.

The soldiers quickly lined up in three rows, the first row raised their shields, the second row held the back of the first row of soldiers, and the third row put up spears on the shoulders of the second row of soldiers.

The soldiers acted very calmly, but Gogoqi was not so calm. Although visibility was poor in the wind and snow, he was sure that many arrows hit the enemy.

But he did not see an enemy army falling down. He saw an enemy army with a few feather arrows stuck in his body, still maintaining the same pace, and following the army neatly walked to the front.

They also raised their wooden shields, and the shields of the two armies collided.

Gogoqi ordered a stab, and the soldier in the third row pierced a spear.

Most of the spears were pierced on the shield, and it felt as if they were pierced on a stone. The shaft of the spear was bent and only a scratch was left on the surface of the shield.

There were also several spears that pierced the enemy’s body, but the spear blade only penetrated less than an inch. Under their skin and flesh, there seemed to be bones as hard as a shield.

The most frightening thing is that they don’t know the pain. After the injury, their bodies hardly reacted, and even their expressions did not change.

Guogeqi took a breath: “This is a living corpse, a giant’s living corpse.”

The enemy did not launch a counterattack. They held their shields and squeezed forward, letting the Bayer’s spears pierce their skins and flesh again and again.

There was a stalemate for a while, and the Bayers couldn’t hold it anymore. The enemy army was much higher than them. From top to bottom, the soldiers in the first row of shields were crushed.

Without the cover of the shield, the female fighters began to fight back.

They raised their swords, UU read www. uukanshu. Com slashed down together, the actions were neat and consistent.

Under the boundless blizzard, the Byers’ blood splashed all over, forming a thin red mist.

The Bayer soldiers were no longer calm, and the third-order skills of the God of War failed, because their general Gogoqi had already escaped.

The generals fled, and the soldiers naturally had no possibility of resistance. They struggled to get up, turned around and ran, and did not run a few steps. Some people accidentally fell down, and the people behind accidentally tripped over again. A group of people were rolling in the wind and snow, watching I get up and move quickly, but the actual efficiency is terrible.

The “girls” took neat steps, pursued them in a hurry, and their tactics were very simple-keep moving forward, with a very clear purpose-kill people at sight.

Guatel sat on a girl’s shoulder, looking at the battle with a dull expression. The hourglass in his hand was not halfway through, and the battle was over.

There were more than 300 corpses lying on the ground, and more than 500 Bayers knelt down and begged to descend. Fewer than two hundred people followed Guogeqi and fled.

Guatel commanded the surrendered Bayers to build a simple altar and pile all the corpses under the altar.

He prayed to Hephaestus silently, and after getting the answer, he lit the pyre under the corpse.

When the body was about to burn out, Guatel issued an order: “Half of the people stay, and the other half are dedicated to the **** of fire.”

The girls turned their faces neatly and looked at the wailing Bayer.

Guatel looked at the sky and shouted: “Hephaestus in the flames, please look here, thank you for giving me this victory, this is my gift to you!”

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