Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 735 - True Sphinx

The ancient gods lived on Mount Olympia, and the Lord of God’s Punishment lived on the dark blue celestial body.

Where does Typhon live? What about the Primordial God and Titan God?

Manda hadn’t thought about this kind of problem, and now it seems that he needs to think about it.

He crashed into a rock in the underworld, the rock led to a strange place, and the sphinx was here.

First of all, it can be confirmed that the position in front of you is definitely not in the world, and there is no place in the world where you can see the sun without seeing the sun.

It is very important to determine the current position. Manda smells the trap. This trap is likely to be fatal. Without reinforcements, the chances of him getting out of it are slim.

The three-headed dog forced him here, and the Sphinx was here waiting for him to take the bait.

But why doesn’t the three-headed dog do it in the underworld?

It should be that he didn’t want to offend Pluto. From this inference, it is better to fight with the three-headed dog in the underworld. The three-headed dog will converge in the underworld. When it comes to this unknown place, I am afraid that the Sphinx will not have any scruples.

Manda’s thoughts were moving fast, but the Sphinx didn’t give him much time to think.

“Go ahead, how do you want to die?”

Manda thought for a moment and said: “You can take me to the sky, and then throw me down and fall to death.”

“Simply neat, I like it,” Sphinx nodded and said, “Take off your flying boots first.”

“Wait a minute! The appearance of falling to death is too ugly!” Manda meditated for a moment.

Sphinx nodded and said, “Okay, take off your clothes first!”

“Wait a minute! Knives are not gentle enough, how about we use our fingers?”

The Sphinx sighed and said, “I should chop off your hands first, and then cut off your tongue, Manda Crowdersey, don’t play tricks with me, I know you, you first To be clear, do you want to die or not?”

“To tell you very clearly, I don’t want to.”

“Sit down if you don’t want to die and have a good chat with me.”

Manda sat obediently on a large bluestone. If the Sphinx is a first-order god, Manda will definitely have the courage to fight. Even if he is a second-order god, Manda has the courage to compete with him for a few rounds.

But after Typhon’s resurrection, Sphinx was upgraded, and he is now a sixth-order god. Even on Mount Olympia, the sixth-order gods are quite statusable existences.

Manda now has a temple, but it has not yet reached the highest personality of a mortal. From the perspective of the gods, it is a white duck.

Let a white duck single-handedly challenge the sixth rank, saying that it would be considered to lift Manda if the pebble hits the stone.

Is he really a sphinx? Look at his face and curly blond hair, which really resembles a lion.

Manda said with a straight look: “What do you want to talk about?”

“I want to discuss a business with you, don’t the followers of Hermes like doing business the most?”

“It turns out to be business,” Manda cleared his throat, and said with a deep polite like Pan Shen. “Dear guest, what do you need?”

“What do you think a **** needs from a mortal?”

Manda pondered for a moment and said, “Can you wear a dress first? I can’t concentrate on thinking.”

Sphinx put on a tulle, and then said: “As mortals, the only thing you can call precious is…”

“The thicker you can wear, I can’t concentrate on listening to you.”

Sphinx put on another layer of tulle: “You mortals are the most precious…”

“Can you wear something that is not so transparent…”

The sphinx roared, and Manda shivered with fright. Manda had heard the roar of the lion woman countless times, but the deity’s roar was far beyond the lion woman’s ability to penetrate and shock.

“If you dare to interrupt me, I will bite your neck. Where did I say?”

“Mortals are the most precious!”

“I have said that?” Sphinx frowned, “Forget it, don’t talk about those useless, I need to believe in pearls.”

“That kind of thing, but it’s not easy to handle!” Manda put on a face like a businessman should.

“If it’s easy, why should I come to you?”

“But believing in pearls does not belong to the mortal world, you really can’t help me.”

“Can’t you really get it?” Sphinx slumped.

“If the quantity is not too much, you can think of a way, but the price is higher…”

“I want twenty thousand!”

Manda was stunned, which really embarrassed him.

He has extorted a lot of Odysseus, but he also ruined a lot before he was promoted to the seventh rank.

Although the clerk prayed to Mengda Baikuga every day, there are still forty or fifty pearls in a day, but this pearl is just enough for Manda to pay the debt to the **** of celestial bodies. The surplus is a little bit, three to five hundred. It’s easy to say, but a mouth is 20,000, which is not the amount that Manda can afford.

“Twenty thousand, you can’t get it out.”

“You can’t get it out, you can find Hermes.”

Looking for Hermes to believe in pearls?

It’s not impossible, but what would Sphinx offer in exchange?

Sphinx made an amazing price: “Use your life in exchange.”

Exchange Manda’s life for 20,000 pearls.

“Are you doing business or kidnapping?”

Sphinx smiled and said, “To me, it doesn’t make a difference.”

Manda bit her lip and said, “Do you think my life is so much worth?”

“I guess Hermes cherishes his only believer.”

Manda took a deep breath and said, “I don’t think this is appropriate. Your father and I, the great Typhon, we had a deep friendship before, and the good ones are just like our brothers…”

“Enough!” Sphinx roared, and Manda felt her blood flow suddenly stop.

It wasn’t an illusion, or it was still. At the moment, Manda felt that all his organs had stopped working.

This is the difference between true gods and mortals, especially for high-ranking gods, if his roar comes more violently, Manda’s heart may stop beating forever.

“Stop telling me about my father,” Sphinx said angrily. “He has given you so much help. When He needs you, you are here to say these silly jokes!”

“Typhon needs me? Where is he?”

“Shut up!” There was another roar, “I said, don’t mention my father anymore, now it is me who is doing business with you, and this has nothing to do with him!”

Manda rubbed her chest and gasped for a while and said, “I can’t get too many pearls, so I can only ask Hermes for help. You have to help me get in touch with Hermes.”

Sphinx smiled slyly: “I can help with this kind of thing? Hermes is just a believer like you. He can’t stare at you every day?”

“Will you stare at your believers every day?”

“When I’m not here, I will stare at Horna every day, so I know everything about you, do you understand?”

“Understood.” Manda nodded, and he found one thing, the sphinx’s sophistication and cunning are pretending to be.

In the two sentences just now, He revealed two important messages. The first message is that the pearl is for Typhon. Typhon was severely injured. It is estimated that he would use the pearl of faith to heal his injuries.

Typhon is in trouble, Manda should help, but he can’t obediently give pearls, because kidnapping is not a business, even if the ransom is paid, the other party may continue to blackmail, and even tear the ticket.

The second message is that Sphinx cannot monitor Horna for a long time here, which proves that this place is isolated from the outside world under normal circumstances, and Manda cannot easily get in touch with the gods.

But since the Sphinx wanted pearls, he had to open a channel to communicate with the outside world, and Manda couldn’t bring so many pearls with him.

“I need to pray to Hermes. He must hear my prayers in order to respond.”

Sphinx smiled indifferently: “I didn’t stop you from praying. It may be that your voice is not loud enough and the gods can’t hear you clearly.”

He is tempting Manda, and he is worried that Manda has a special way to get in touch with Hermes without restriction.

“It’s not that I just say anything, it can be counted as prayer,” Manda said. “Prayer requires ritual, and it requires the most basic devotion to the gods.”

Sphinx said impatiently: “Just say what you want!”

“First of all, we need sacrifices, and pray to Hermes that we need to offer cooked food.”

“It’s easy!” With a wave of the Sphinx, a giant wing with golden light flashed across the water. After a gust of wind, the wings disappeared, and dozens of fish appeared in front of Manda.

Sphinx stretched out his hands, two beams of flames burst out from his palms, and dozens of fish were quickly cooked.

“Is this enough?”

Manda nodded and said: “Enough, but still need an altar.”

With a wave of Sphinx, a flat stone came to Manda.

“Is this all right?”

“No,” Manda shook his head. “The altar should be in the temple.”

Sphinx said angrily: “Do you want me to build a temple for Hermes?”

Manda shook his head and said: “It’s not that troublesome, as long as a house that can shelter from wind and rain is fine.”

Sphinx shook his head and said, “You have too many tricks, and my patience is almost exhausted.”

“The gods on Olympia are very harsh. They never accept ungodly prayers. You should be very clear about this. Moreover, you have observed me for so long, and you should know that I would never recite Hermes in the wilderness. The honorable name.”

The Sphinx frowned and said, “I’ll find a place for you. I hope you can stop by, otherwise our business will collapse.”

He grabbed Manda and flew to an altitude of more than sixty feet, flew over a swamp, and came to another forest.

This place is bigger than Manda can’t see the boundary and can’t find the direction. He has to adjust his escape plan.

Coming to the middle of another forest, Sphinx put Manda on the ground. There is a wooden house here, which is simple, but basically meets Manda’s requirements for the temple.

“Can it be done?”

Manda nodded and said, “With this sincerity, the gods won’t be picky about anything.”

After entering the wooden house, Manda found that there was only one room here, which was a bit troublesome.

The room was very messy, piled with crossbows and arrows of different sizes, and many animal furs.

“There used to be a group of hunters living here, this debris shouldn’t affect Hermes’ interest?”

Manda shook his head and said: “It is very influential. The gods will never look at such a dirty place. You must clean it up.”

“Me? Clean? Must? Are you talking to me?” Sphinx said angrily. “I will give you half a day, and you will clean this place yourself!”

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