Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 766 - Hera\\\'s trap

Aphrodite is very clever, Ares’ soul was split by Hephaestus, and his memory is likely to stay at that moment.

That was the moment when Ares loved Aphrodite to the bone, and also hated Hephaestus. Aphrodite successfully used the memory of this moment and attracted Ares. come out.

But he forgot one thing, his previous guess was correct, and the remaining soul was enough to make Zeus jealous.

The rusty Ares walked out from the depths of the mine, standing in front of Aphrodite like a tin man about to break.

“You finally came!”

Aphrodite nodded characteristically: “I’m here.”

“Bring your ugly husband?” Ares looked at Pan Shen, who regarded Pan Shen as Hephaestus.

Ares’s soul was obviously unconscious, and Aphrodite hurriedly said: “This is not my husband, this is our son Phobos.”

Phobos, the **** of fear, is the son of Aphrodite and Ares, and often follows Ares in charge.

In desperation, Aphrodite chose the wrong person. Ares is very familiar with Phobos, but now it is too late to change his words.

“This is my child?” Ares looked at Pan up and down, and every time he moved, there would be rusty foam on his body. “Come on, boy, call out my father.”

It is impossible for Pan to call Ares his father, let alone the remaining soul of Ares, even if the deity of Ares is here, it is impossible for Pan to succumb to him.

Pan touched his waist and prepared to take out his panpipes. Suddenly, Ares laughed loudly: “The one with horns on his head, you are the son of Hermes. I thought I could not recognize you.”

He recognized Pan Shen.

What can I do if I recognize it?

The other party’s aura is not that strong. Pan Shen has the confidence to be like him. He took two steps back and took out the panpipe to play, but heard Ares laugh out loudly: “Idiot, is it useful? Here and now, We fight without weapons.”

Here and now…

Pan Shen’s pan flute can’t sound.

“Now and here, we don’t need skills either.” Ares spouted a choking rust foam and punched Pan.

Pan finally understood one thing, why Zeus was so afraid of Ares’ remaining soul.

Because the remaining soul has been transformed.

Ares rushed towards Pan Shen, his fist came like rain, Pan Shen dodged a few punches, tried to fight back, was hit by Ares in the cheek and fell to the ground.

Except for Hercules, it is difficult for anyone to fight close to Ares. Ares wanted to make another kick in Pan Shen’s face, but was staggered by Aphrodite’s punch.

Ares moved his stiff joints and walked to Aphrodite: “My beloved woman, when did you become so stupid? In front of me, what else can you do besides showing off charming?”

Aphrodite wiped the rust on his hands: “Stupid man, I never loved you, and you did not underestimate my qualifications.”

Hera stood outside the barrier and wanted to hear the fighting inside, but the barrier’s isolation ability was too strong, and she couldn’t hear any sound at all.

This is exactly the result Hera wanted. Even if a **** passes through the mine, he will not know what happened inside.

As for whether his son could defeat Hermes, Hera didn’t care about it. He carefully designed this trap to allow Ares’s remaining soul to temporarily hold Hermes.

He carried the bruised Callisto in his hand. He had known Callisto’s identity a long time ago. He knew that this was the spy that Athena had arranged by his side. He also knew her relationship with Hermes, Callisto. Her every move is under the control of Hera.

Since Zeus fell into deep sleep, Hera has been enduring and waiting for the opportunity.

When Athena wanted to seize the power of Hermes, Hera thought he saw hope, but after Athena’s fiasco, he realized that what he had done was far from enough.

He knew that Zeus had sealed a part of Ares’ soul in the deep mountains, and he also knew the way to open the seal. This was a secret that only Zeus and him knew.

This part of the soul has great power, but he did not place hope on Ares, because he thought of one thing, the barrier to seal Ares is very strong.

After Zeus was injured by Typhon, he still retained a trace of consciousness. In this case, where would he choose to sleep?

It must be the safest place.

The place where Ares is sealed is the safest place!

No one in this world is reliable enough, except for his man.

Let His man return to the throne, everything will be restored to its original appearance.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is to temporarily control Hermes.

Although Hera can break through the limits of Olympia, with his current strength, there is no possibility of defeating Hermes. The only option is to fool Hermes.

But it was too difficult to fool Hermes, and even the most perfect scam would be seen through by Him, so Hera chose a less perfect scam.

He acted abnormally, went to the mountains to dig mines, in order to attract Hermes’ attention, and at the same time took the opportunity to open the seal.

He also spread some news to Apollo. He didn’t need Apollo’s help, but he needed Apollo’s panic.

Apollo knew some inside information and knew that the sealed soul was very powerful. He definitely didn’t want Hera to release this terrible soul. He would definitely remind Hermes, but he didn’t expect Apollo to let Hera wait so long.

Apollo had his considerations. He knew that the war between Hermes and Hera was inevitable, but he didn’t know who would win the final victory.

If Hermes wins, everyone is happy. If Hera wins, I am afraid that he will have to settle accounts after the fall. He was settled by Hera, and he has suffered a lot for this.

So He chose the safest method, and gave Hermes some hints in a way that was as subtle as possible.

So this very secret but slightly flawed strategy successfully appeared in front of Hermes. Hera, who was waiting patiently, finally ushered in the opportunity, allowing Hermes to fall into his trap.

As long as Ares appears in the mine, the barrier at the entrance of the cave will be triggered. Although Hermes is strong, it is absolutely impossible to open the barrier within three days.

Using these three days, Hera is enough to support Zeus on the throne. If Hermes can leave the enchantment alive, Hera will give him two choices, one is to leave Olympia forever, and the other is to take the king. The identity was executed.

Hera came to the entrance of the cave and opened a gap in the rock with divine power.

He made his body as thin as paper, shuttled through the gap for a long time, and walked into a spacious road.

This path was opened by Him himself. Hermes must have thought that Hera had just opened the seal of Ares, but she did not know that Hera had found the hiding place of Zeus.

Hera wore the queen’s golden crown, which was a gift from Zeus to him. It not only symbolized the queen’s identity, but also got rid of the restrictions of Olympia, allowing Hera to use all his power.

He swallowed a big bag of pearls of faith, and now no one on Olympia is his opponent except for Hermes.

In the dark cave, a ball of lightning was faint, and Zeus was there.

Before opening the seal, Hera hesitated. Zeus did not sleep for a long time, and Hera could not be sure of his current situation.

Maybe he is still asleep, maybe even if he wakes up, his body is very weak.

But Hera could not find a better opportunity than now. As long as Zeus could walk and talk, that was enough. The gods on Olympia would never forget the majesty of the lord of the gods, as long as they saw Zeus’s eyes, All gods will surrender at His feet!

Hera silently recited the mantra, pouring divine power into the lightning.

Zeus has always maintained absolute trust in Hera. As long as the seal is made by him, Hera must have a way to unlock it.

The lightning slowly dissipated, and Hera saw Zeus suspended in the air. He closed his eyes tightly. Hera could hardly feel his breathing, and he was still in deep sleep.

“My man, wake up, open your eyes, I beg you to wake up…”

Hera hugged Zeus tightly, tears dripping on his face one by one.

“The humiliation and pain I have endured are all in my tears, do you feel it?” Hera cried and cried aloud while holding Zeus for an unknown period of time, and He heard a gasp.

Zeus woke up, and after a few coughs, he opened his eyes.

“My man, my man!” Hera was surprised.

Zeus gasped, “I, why did I wake up? It’s not time to wake up yet!”

Hera wiped away her tears and said, “Now is the time, you are going to put on the crown and sit back on the throne of the King of Gods.”

“I’m very weak now, I’m afraid, can’t…” Zeus didn’t say a word, it was very difficult.

“You can, of course,” Hera took Zeus’s arm and inspired the lord of the gods, “stand up, my man, you can do it!”

“I, can it really be?”

Hera nodded vigorously: “Trust me, you can!”


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