Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 776 - Chapter 676: I come to save you

Manda asked Medusa to pray to Gaia. He wanted to know the condition of Hermes.

Gaia still loved his granddaughter, and responded in less than half a day.

“Grandma’s anger has not subsided, and Hermes is now being tortured with the most severe criminal law.”

“Can you ask the reason?” Hermes was always cautious in his attitude towards Gaia, and Manda could not understand Gaia’s anger.

“It’s best not to ask too much now,” Medusa persuaded Manda. “If you continue to anger grandmother, it will not be good for you or Hermes.”

“My poor brother,” Athena sighed. “Even if you don’t want to save him, at least you have to send the news to Olympia, and let those who can save him come to him.”

Manda nodded and said: “It makes sense, but I am worried that the gods and dragons without a leader are not Gaia’s opponent.”

“This kind of thing is not your turn to worry about as a mortal!”

Manda smiled and said: “I certainly don’t have to worry about it. I can imagine what will happen next. At the moment of life and death, the great goddess of wisdom and the goddess of war were ordered to lead the gods to defeat the earth mother Gaia. It is a pity that the gods Lord Hermes failed to hold on to the end and unfortunately fell, so there was a new owner on Mount Olympia.”

Athena raised her sword eyebrows and shouted angrily: “Don’t use your viciousness to conjecture the gods!”

“You are in a hurry, you see you are in a hurry, did I say it again?” Manda sneered, “Your idea is basically perfect, except for one link, that is, you can’t beat Gaia before. The Lord of Punishment hit the entire army until the whole army was annihilated. Have you still not learned your lesson? You always want to build your prestige by winning the war. Haven’t you thought about the price behind losing the war? Times have changed, goddess, the rules of war are familiar to you Times are different!”

“Is it your turn to teach me?” Athena rushed up unbearably, but saw the cold light in Medusa’s eyes.

Manda stood behind Medusa, hands on hips, and continued to preach: “Aren’t you convinced? Did I say you wrong? Haven’t you realized the stupid mistakes you made?”

Taking advantage of Athena’s inability to resist, Manda scolded him bitterly and felt much better.

After feeling comfortable and thinking clearly, Manda took out the parchment and wrote down the next plan.

Current goal: rescue Hermes.

This seemingly simple goal is not easy for Manda. There have been too many misunderstandings between him and Hermes, which have not been resolved until now.

But it’s the same sentence, it’s reasonable, it’s not clear for a lifetime, and it’s clear at a glance if you tell the facts.

Hermes has given Manda too much, and in this world, he can only rely on Hermes.

Hermes must be rescued, this goal is very firm!

The main difficulty faced: Gai Yatai has become stronger.

Measures taken: Only to appease, not to force attacks.

The first thing to do is to make amends for the goddess of the earth. The best way to make amends that Manda can think of is to give gifts.

He prepared a grand sacrifice for Gaia, and he was ashamed that there was only one Gaia temple in the entire Roma country, and Manda built it for Gaia on the Seven Star Mountain.

Gaia is too old. At the end of the classical era, few people believed in Gaia. Farmers prayed to Demeter, the **** of agriculture, for a good harvest. Women prayed to the queen Hera for childbirth. People lived on the earth but gradually forgot the earth. .

Although Manda built a temple for Gaia, this was the first time that he organized a large-scale sacrifice for Gaia. He didn’t understand many rules. Fortunately, Medusa helped.

Medusa lived in the early classical era. At that time, Gaia’s incense was still vigorous. He still remembered some sacrificial rituals, and he also knew the preferences of his grandmother.

Quinta learned some taboos and taboos about Gaia from ancient books. After checking with Medusa, she determined the overall process of sacrifice.

Quinta cannot be the high priest. According to the restrictions of the ritual, Gaia’s blood must be the high priest. Ziggsai became the only choice.

Ziggsai really didn’t let Manda down. His basic knowledge was very solid, and he was very patient, and strictly wrote down all the procedures that Quinta taught him.

On the day of the sacrifice, Ziggsai organized the priests to offer sacrifices around Gaia, including grain, grass, saplings, and newborn cattle and sheep.

The gifts presented to Gaia must be full of vitality, but it is difficult for these sacrifices to maintain vitality after the sacrifice.

Zigsai uses skills to plunge the sacrificial offerings into the quagmire, only halfway through them. After being soaked in silt for a period of time, the skills are released.

Grain must be used as seeds for cultivation next spring, grass and saplings must be planted back into the ground, newborn cattle and sheep must continue to be raised, and the life blessed by Gaia must survive long and happily.

The sacrifice lasted for three full days. On the last day, Ziggsai led the priestesses to end the sacrifice with the most primitive and simple dance.

But after the sacrifice, the entire Qixing Mountain shook for more than a minute.

What’s happening? Gaia is upset again? Is this bad manners?

Manda hurried to find Medusa. After a night of prayer, Medusa received a response: “Grandma is very happy. He forgave Hermes. You can take Hermes away.”

Picking up is great, but where do you pick it up? Gaia didn’t give the address!

Medusa prayed again, but did not receive Gaia’s response this time.

No way, Manda can only ask Ogg for help. As Gaia’s most beloved grandson, Prometheus gave a hint that Hermes is in the south of the Seven Star Mountain and needs Gaia’s power as a guide to find Hermes.

With Gaia’s power, this is obviously Zigzag. Of course, Manda can’t just take him alone. This journey is very dangerous. It is necessary to prevent Gaia from turning his face, but also to prevent the imposter from chasing after him.

Manda formed a small team, including Zigzag, Ogg, Pluto and Sphinx. Medusa stayed at home temporarily. Her main task was to take care of Athena.

Everything was prepared. On the night before departure, Ogg received a warning from Prometheus not to take too many people on this trip. The more the number, the more dangerous. At most, only two people can come back alive.

The more the number, the more dangerous they are. They can only return two alive, and they can only rely on Gaia’s power to find Hermes.

No need to think about it, Manda disbanded the team immediately and set off with Ziegssai to the south.

Because there is no exact location, Manda can’t use the underworld shuttle. South of Seven Star City is an uninhabited wilderness, and there is no road for horse-drawn carriages. The only scientific and reasonable way is to bring a Zigzag to ride a fake double snake stick.

I don’t know why, every time he rides on the double snake rod, Ziggsai gets very excited. Manda has reminded him more than once that this scepter is fake and can no longer provide him with strength, but Ziggsai seems to be useful. Unending divine power, using skills along the way to blaze a trail in the woods and thorns.

Every one or two days, Ziegsay can receive Gaia’s instructions, reminding him of the next direction. Ziegsay is very excited. In the first half of his life, Gaia said nothing to him. so much.

After walking for twelve days in a row, they still failed to get out of this wilderness. Zigsai received the oracle, and they could no longer use any tools and had to move forward with their feet.

Unknowingly, having been flying with the scepter for twelve days, Manda realized a problem. The place where they are now is no longer the world they are familiar with.

According to the normal geographical concept, the south of Qixing Mountain is the border of Roma and Dir. There is indeed a wilderness between the borders of the two countries, but the wilderness cannot be so big.

In the case of riding a scepter, he could not go out for twelve days. The area of ​​this wilderness is equivalent to a medium-sized country. It is impossible to give up such a vast land regardless of the Roma country or the Dir country.

In other words, under Gaia’s guidance, Manda and Zigzay entered another space, just like the Tartaros Abyss where Manda had been.

Manda’s speculation is correct, the Styx Island has failed, and other ways of communicating with the outside world are slowly weakening.

Fortunately, this time Manda was well prepared. He let Ziggssey carry all the equipment and supplies he could bring. By the evening of the seventeenth day, Ziggssey received Gaia’s oracle.

“The next road, we have to move forward in the wind and sand.”

The wind in the forest is indeed not small, but where does the sand come from?

Ziegsai used the flying dust technique to create a piece of sand.

Manda can’t laugh or cry, this is the legendary self-made difficulty.

It was okay at first, but a little bit of wind and sand is nothing to the seventh-order saints.

After half a day, the wind and sand became more violent, and the visibility was less than one meter. Manda didn’t know what method Ziggsai was using to judge the direction.

His mouth and nose were filled with sand. All the exposed skin was cut by the sand. The cracks in his clothes were covered with sand. The most terrible thing was that he couldn’t open his eyes at all, and he didn’t even dare to open a crack.

“It’s almost done!” Manda Ziggle, “you don’t have to work so hard.”

Zigsai covered his mouth with his clothes: “Patriarch, this is not my power, nor can I be such a powerful power. This power should come from the goddess of the earth.”

Is this Gaia’s test?

If it’s just wind and sand, this test is not too much.

Manda covered her head with her clothes and continued on, but suddenly felt that her feet were soft and one foot sank into the mud.

No, is it quicksand?

What should I do if I get caught in quicksand?

It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, if you use flying shoes, you should be able to get out smoothly.

Manda kicked his right foot hard, and suddenly found that the flying shoe failed, and he could not fly.

At the same time, the sandstorm stopped.

The wind and sand walked very suddenly, the yellow sand in the sky disappeared in an instant, UU reading Manda discovered that they were in a dense jungle.

Manda slapped her clothes and found that even the dust on her body had disappeared. In this case, they had passed Gaia’s test.

The goddess of the earth is really tolerant.

Manda was just chuckle, but found that his right foot was still in the mud.

He moved his ankle a little, but he did not expect that the ground suddenly collapsed, and he fell into a sinkhole with Ziggsai.

There are dense bamboo sticks inserted in the pit. The bamboo sticks are very sharp. Thanks to the agility of Manda and Ziggsai, they would have been worn into skewers.

This is also the test of the goddess of the earth? Is this kind of trap a bit low-level?

The two were about to leave the trap when they suddenly heard someone talking above the trap:

“The enemy has come in!”

“They are not dead yet!”

“Hurry up and light it, put the lid on, and burn them to death!”

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