Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 783 - Chapter 683: Historical order

“When Kaos was alive, the goddess of the earth existed in his body in a way that you can’t recognize.”

Manda thought about the picture book he got from the island: “Like a cloud of yellow gas?”

“Where did you come to this conclusion?” Alante shook his head, “not air, not water, not dust, you only said the color is correct, it is indeed yellow.”

“In addition to yellow, is there a blue-blue existence?”

“It seems you know a lot, the blue existence is Uranus.”

Wait, there is a logical problem.

“Uranus is Gaia’s son, and has already coexisted with Gaia at this time?”

Alante said: “So, you don’t understand the concept of fertility. The so-called fertility is the process by which one life creates another life. The goddess of the earth is part of the body of Kaos. He is Kaos, or it is counted as Kaos’s sister, but not Kaos’s child.”

That’s right, but Manda felt that Arante was deliberately improving Gaia’s position.

“According to this statement, Uranus is also part of Kaos’s body and should be regarded as Kaos’s younger brother.”

“He’s not counted,” Arante shook his head. “He is just a part of the remains of Kaos, unaware and lifeless. He didn’t have consciousness until he was completely separated from the Earth Goddess, so he was created by the Earth Goddess. , Should be regarded as the child of the goddess of the earth.”

“Your statement is a bit double-standard!”

“What is a double standard?”

“Gaia and Uranus are part of Kaos, and they should be regarded as Kaos’s children.”

“You can’t count it like that!” Alante slapped Manda.

Manda covered his right face and said, “Ke Gaia and Uranus have gone through the same birth process, and they should obviously be regarded as brothers and sisters.”

“I said I can’t count it like that!” Manda received another slap on the right cheek.

According to the records of “The Book of Gods” and “The Book of the Temple”, Kaos is the mother of Gaia, and Gaia is the mother of Uranus.

According to the records of “Faith Biography”, Kaos, Gaia, and Uranus are all creators of this world. They all belong to the first generation of gods, but they appear in a different order.

As an authority pursued in the classical era, the statement of “The Book of Gods” has been the most widely recognized, but from the description of Arante, both statements are reasonable…

Snapped! It was another slap in the face, still on the right cheek.

Alante said angrily: “Don’t think about it! Your idea is unreasonable!”

I can’t even think about it!

Manda covered his right face and said, “Can you give proper consideration to your left face next time?”

Arante continued: “After the mother’s consciousness was sober, the abyss Tartalus, the **** Eros, the dark **** Erebus, and the night goddess Nyx also split from the wreckage. These gods have their own lives. The consciousness of the goddess of the earth can be regarded as the brother and sister of the goddess of the earth,

The Goddess of the Earth completely stripped out the remains of Kaos, and these wrecks eventually became Uranus. The process of stripping was equivalent to creation. After the separation was completed, Uranus had consciousness, so he must be counted as a child of the Goddess of the Earth. ”

Well, this is a typical double-standard enhanced explanation, but what else can Manda say?

Not only can’t I say, I’ll get beaten when I think about it.

“what’s next?”

“You should know the next thing. The Goddess of the Earth has created everything in the world, and has created countless creatures. All gods and mortals come from his blood. His will represents the rules of the world. He created it with his own power. The most glorious golden age.”

In the golden age, the most perfect age for mankind, there is no disease, no aging, no hard work, the goddess of the earth Gaia bestows everything human beings need.

The golden age was destroyed in the Titan Wars, according to the record of “The Book of Gods”, the golden age was created by Cronus.

Forget it, there is no need to entangle this question, but the timeline has come to the golden age, which means that Arante has neglected an important role, the first generation of God King Uranus.

According to her description, Uranus became a dispensable god.

“You haven’t told me the deeds of God King Uranus.”

“God King? He is worthy too?” Arante smiled contemptuously, “Except for disasters, he didn’t bring anything to this world.”

“But he is the first ruler, he represents the sky, he represents…”

“I said, he’s not worthy!” Arrant returned his hand and punched Manda in the left cheek.

The punch was so fierce that Manda rubbed it for a while before he regained consciousness.

After this punch, the swollen cheeks finally became symmetrical. The Manda statue contained two eggs on his cheeks, and said vaguely: “In this way, the goddess of the earth was the first to rule the world, and Cronus was next. ?”

Alante pondered for a while: “I can’t say that. There was a war during this period.”

“The war between Gaia and Uranus?”

Aran nodded.

“The Goddess of the Earth lost the war?”

“It can’t be regarded as a loss, it can only be regarded as a retreat. Gaia does not want to let the souls bleed again. Gaia does not want him to create everything to be completely destroyed. He chose to retreat, but the result of the retreat is repeated bullying and humiliation.”

Manda still knows this allusion: “Uranus hurt Gaia.”

“Not only Uranus, but also Cronus and Zeus, they are all the same. Until one day Gaia stopped giving in, they understood the taste of fear. Unfortunately, everything Gaia created has been destroyed too much. many

The world of God belongs to God, and the world of man belongs to man. God always wants to infiltrate the mortal world. They can give it a try. They can give it a try while Gaia is sleeping. The earth is very broad. If it is cunning enough, they can. Avoid Gaia’s sight, but if Gaia finds out, they must pay for it! ”

There was a chill in Arante’s eyes that people did not dare to look directly at. Except for Kaos and Gaia, she had always used “he” to refer to other gods, which was not the tone that a maid should have.

Manda’s eyelids were a little heavy, and he insisted; “You haven’t told me the order of Gaia and Uranus.”

Alante said: “What I said is very clear. Gaia’s order is the will. Use your own will to control your own power. Didn’t you just do it?”

“Just by will? Don’t you need the right method?”

“In accordance with your will, it is your method. The order of the goddess of the earth is so simple.”

“Where is Uranus?”

“What order can that savage guy have? His order comes from his desire, the most primitive desire, and his power is all driven by his desire. The stronger the desire, the stronger the power.”

This is strange. According to the doctrine, the Lord of God’s Punishment has always advocated that believers restrain their desires…

Thinking about such a complicated question later, while he was still awake, Manda then asked, “What about the order of Cronus?”

“His order is complicated, I don’t know how to express it,” Arante thought for a long time. “To sum it up, it should be a restriction. It may be because of his extreme hatred of his father for doing whatever he wants, or it may be because of his inherently rigid temperament. The core of his order is restriction. It is not stipulating what can be done, but stipulating what cannot be done. He has formulated different rules for everything in the world. In his days as the king of God, he has been keen on two things. One is to create new rules, and the other is to fix loopholes in the old rules.”

“Where is Zeus?”

“You are a believer of Hermes, don’t you know Zeus? The order of Zeus is hierarchy. Cronus created the concept of hierarchy. Zeus carried it forward. The high class is above the low class, and the gods are above the mortal. , The higher the level, the more profit in the order, regardless of the gods or mortals, under his order.”

Manda nodded. Although the ancient gods have fallen, the order of Zeus is still the current order.

“I am in Gaia’s territory, so I have mastered Gaia’s order. Can I use my will to control my skills?”

Alante shook his head and said, “Gaia gave you his order, and it has nothing to do with whether you are in his territory or not.”

“I have the ability to control power with my will? Even if I leave Gaia’s territory, I have this ability?” Manda looked at Arante in surprise.

Aran Fei said, “Since you came here, until tonight, you have not trampled on your life. This is the reward given to you by the Goddess of the Earth.”

Manda smiled excitedly: “When will the earth goddess give me a reward? I haven’t received his oracle.”

“Why must there be an oracle?” Arante said with a playful smile, “Why can’t it be light food and water?”

“It’s food and water!” Manda was stunned. “The goddess of the earth is so generous?”

“Yeah, he is so generous, but you can’t hold on anymore.” Arrant pinched Manda’s nose.

“Yes, I can’t hold on anymore.” Having controlled tens of thousands of six-dented beasts, although Manda’s skills have been improved as never before, the consumption is really amazing.

“The six-toothed beast is a sacred beast at the beginning of the creation of the world. It is rare that you can hold on for so long. While you are not asleep, what questions do you have to ask?”

“I have been to the I have been to the abyss of Tartalus, and now I have come to the land of the goddess of the earth. How many unknown places are there in this world?”

Alante said: “There are many more, I can’t describe for you one by one, the real world is much larger than the world you see.”

Manda asked the question he most wanted to ask: “Is the earth round or flat?”

Alante was stunned: “Why did you think of this question?”

“I thought for a long time, would you tell me?”

Aran Nodded: “It is both round and flat. This comes from the barrier. Gaia’s two sons have separated the world. Different areas have different orders.”

“Also, there is…” Manda still has a lot of questions to ask, but he can’t hold it anymore.

He asked the last question: “You are Gaia, right?”

Arante didn’t answer.

With a look of curiosity and unwillingness, Manda lay on the ground and fell asleep deeply.

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