Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 791 - I give you the name of god

Kaijero wanted to commit suicide, and Manda kept watching him quietly.

He wants to see how superb a person’s acting skills can be, and also wants to see the limits of Kaijero’s body, and wants to see if he can survive with his head cut off.

When the blade reached his throat, Kaijero suddenly flew up and hit the deck with his head, losing consciousness.

The ship was falling sharply, and Manda flew up. Fortunately, he was able to control his balance, clutching the deck woven by branches, feeling the ship falling to the sea until it fell to the bottom of the sea.

This time it seems to be deeper than before. Will the heavy sea crush the sailboat?

Rare, rare fear.

He wanted to take a look at the scenery outside the ship, but after touching the cabin, he gave up.

To be honest, this is pretty scary.

After flying up and down between the sky and the bottom of the sea for a few days, Manda got out of the cabin, followed by Kaijero, who was already mentally deranged.

The sea tornado that made the sailing ship into the sky disappeared, but the sea did not calm down.

The sailboat is moving forward fast with the current, and ahead is the sky.

The sky, which is always overhead, changed its direction at this moment and appeared right in front. It was late at night. The stars hanging on the night were clearly visible. The sailboat was sprinting forward at an incredible speed, as if it was about to rush into the night. , But Manda knows that he has no chance to rush into the night, he will fall to the bottom of this world.

Which is deeper, the bottom of Puntos or the abyss of Tartalos?

Manda didn’t want to think about this issue. He knew that he was at the end of the ocean and was about to fall with the water. The most critical issue at the moment was to find the island at the end.

An island should not be difficult to find, but Manda didn’t know the size of the island at the end. When he saw a fault in the sea ahead, he knew that there was not much time left for him.

This is the end of the sea and the end of the world. The sea is like water on a plate, pouring down from the edge of the plate. If he looks over from the other end of the end, he will see a spectacular waterfall.

He carried Kaijero and flew into the air on his flying shoes, chanting spells to make the sailboat slowly smaller.

When it shrank to more than an inch, the sailboat flew from the sea and jumped into Manda’s pocket.

He originally wanted to abandon this ship, the scepter of wisdom was still on him, and it would not be difficult to build another ship.

But Manda saw the island at the end, which was different from what he had imagined.

Ten steps wide, less than ten steps long, a piece of ungrown reef, this is the easternmost island in the world.

“Can such a rock be considered an island?” Manda stood firmly on the reef and touched the smaller sailboat in his pocket.

Thanks to taking the boat back, there is no wood on this island. On one side is the huge waves caused by the turbulent current, on the other side is the end of the sea, the endless abyss leading to the other end of the world, the island at the end, the only foothold at the end of the world point.

“The double snake rod is really on this island?”

Manda patted Kaijero on the cheek, Kaijero drooled and sang a happy song: “Cooking the valley, the cooking the valley, the cooking the valley is cooked, the rice is not cooked, the lover is not reminded…”

Manda smiled and said, “It’s a beautiful ballad, but what does it mean?”

Kaijero didn’t respond, looked sluggish, and kept singing.

Manda searched back and forth on the reef with a first-order skill, and soon saw a valuable treasure.

The baby was hidden in a crack in the reef, and Manda was stunned.

Is the double snake stick really here?

The other party just wants to get him to the bait, is it possible that he has really invested such a large capital?

This was obviously a trap, but he couldn’t help but stepped forward and took a look. A figure suddenly jumped out of the crack and stood in front of Manda.

He was wearing a short robe of coarse cloth with a wide hood on his head.

He slowly raised his head, revealing a face with a mask under the stars.

Is it Julian?

Black market merchant Julian?

Manda stared at him for a long time, then turned to look at Kaijero beside him.

Kaijero recognized Julian and let out a grinning laugh: “Hey hey, I knew it was a nightmare, I dreamed of you, I dreamed of it, Chonggu, Chonggu…”

Manda threw Kaijero aside, turned to Yulian and said, “It seems that the person I am looking for is you.”

“Do you know who I am?”

Julian spoke!

Manda smiled and said: “I thought you were a dumb, but your voice sounds like…”

“Sounds familiar, right? Let’s show you how I look.” Julian lifted the mask and smiled.

Manda stepped back and almost fell into the rushing water.

Under the mask, is the face of Hermes.

Julian turned out to be Hermes? Isn’t he a Tier VI believer of Hercules?

“Is it surprising?” Julian looked at Manda with eager eyes. “My child, you have reached the end of the world. You have passed the last test. I declare in the name of the Lord of the Gods that you Became my eighth-tier believer.”

“This, this is all a test?” Manda shook his head, “This is impossible! You are an impostor, this is all your lie!”

Julian smiled and said: “I can understand your feelings, maybe you should have thought that there are no pretenders from beginning to end, everything is a trial that I have painstakingly arranged for you.”

“Lying!” Manda kept shaking his head, “You are lying!”

“Calm down kid, you should be proud of what you have achieved. Since you came into this world, I have been paying attention to you. You were born in a viscount’s house. Unfortunately, you did not have the status of a nobleman. You are just an illegitimate child. Forced into the Valley of Misty Haze, and became a subordinate of Earl Misty. Am I right about these things?”

“A lot of people know my past, this proves nothing!”

“Then say something that others don’t know. I used a drop of my blood to exchange a drop of Typhon’s blood to make you a believer. No one else should know about this.”

Manda looked at Julian in a daze, not knowing what to say.

Julian continued: “You went to Artex City. I sent Pan to protect you. That was where you met for the first time. Then you went to Niujiao Town, where you opened a tavern. I used the black market merchant Yuri Ann appeared and deliberately led Dionysian believer Millow to protect you,

Later, you defeated the Earl of Resentment and went to Qixing Mountain to build a foundation and fight for my faith. You went to Olympia Mountain and fought side by side with me. My child, I am really proud of you. You deserve to have it. The immortal body and soul, come, come by my side, let me give you this glory, and make you a **** who walks in the world! “

Manda was biting her nails, her teeth rattling in her nails.

“I, I don’t believe you, you were taken away by Gaia, this is what Athena told me!”

“You believe Athena? Have you heard her tell the truth? How could I be so stupid that I was caught by Gaia? You made a mistake and almost died in Madsa’s hands. Athena refused to help you. Fortunately, I showed up in time and saved your life.”

Manda’s cheeks twitched violently, but he heard Kaijero singing behind him: “Cooking valley! Chopping valley! Chopping valley into cooking!”

“Shut up!” Manda yelled and pointed at Kaijero, “Who is he? Is it your subordinate? Is it your believer? Or is it your clone?”

“He is nothing,” Julian shook his head. “He is just a Chinges businessman, an ordinary businessman, but he is lucky, and we are going to take him home.”

“Go home? Us?”

“Yes, my child, we are going to the Qings Continent, where, to fulfill your dream of becoming a true god, are you very curious about the Qings Continent? I will take you That is another world, and there is another **** in that world. He will help us and help us defeat the Lord of God’s punishment.”

Manda stammered: “Yes, which god?”

“His honorific name is Haotian God!”

Manda was shaking violently. He tore his hair hard, cold sweat ran down his cheeks layer by layer: “He, he is a god, what kind of god?”

“You should have heard of his name. Don’t ask so much for now. When that world comes, I will give you the opportunity to choose.” Julian leaned down and took out something from the crack.

The twisted double snake rod is truly the artifact of Hermes.

“Fair trading is my unchanging creed,” Julian raised the double snake rod, “I give you the blood of God, I give you the weapon of God, I give you the name of God, and now you are a demigod. , Follow me to the mainland of Chinges.”

Manda looked dazed and walked forward.

Kaijero sang hoarsely: “Pumping the valley, pounding the valley, pounding the valley into cooking!”

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