Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 808 - Mountain village church

Manda flew over Dill for a long time, carrying the Thunder Scepter is very dangerous. He should complete the sacrifice as soon as possible, but he must also find a safe place to dedicate it to Hermes.

Funny to say that Franjes gave Manda the artifact of Zeus abruptly, and Manda had to do it if he didn’t want it, so he could only put the artifact into the island of Styx. At that time, Zeus’s artifact seemed like a hot potato. I haven’t seen anyone come to grab it for so long.

But why is Zeus’s artifact become so popular now? Apart from being powerful weapons, are there other uses for these two artifacts?

Is the scepter like a jade seal, can be used as a symbol of power, allowing the holder to sit on the throne of the lord of the gods?

Without strength, it is useless to have a jade seal. I still have the double snake stick. Can I also sit on the throne of Hermes while he is sleeping?

But no matter what Manda thinks, he will never forget Hermes’ request that he cannot go to the underworld and must find a safe place to sacrifice.

He flew from late night to noon, and found a village in the mountains.

This village is not small. There are almost a hundred households. Places with a lot of people are safer. This is Manda’s experience, because places with a lot of people are more likely to attract Gaia’s attention. Gods will be in places with a lot of people. Somewhat restrained, as a demigod Manda, the main object of defense at present is the gods.

What’s more rare is that there is a temple in this village, and the whole country of Dil has a unified belief in the Lord of God’s Punishment. Their punishment of heretics is more severe than that of the Roma country in the past.

But this temple has been retained to this day, and it seems that this village still retains the beliefs of ancient gods.

This was definitely the safest place Manda encountered along the way. He entered the temple and couldn’t help but smile when he saw the idol.

This is an indescribable idol. The idol is wearing a blue robe, which should be dressed by the Lord of God’s Punishment, but this blue robe is not carved or painted, but a real robe sewn with blue cloth. , Put on the statue of God.

The scepter in the hand of the idol was painted as a sword of divine punishment, but because of the difference in shape, the “sword of divine punishment” could only be poked upside down on the ground, and the hand of the idol was still embarrassed on the blade.

The purse at the waist of the **** was also concealed by a wide belt, which was extremely disproportionate to the blue robe, which made the **** look like an extra belly.

This is not the idol of the Lord of God’s Punishment, this is the idol of Hermes. Although it has been severely transformed, Manda is too familiar with the idol of Hermes.

What is the situation? Manda was staring at the idol and laughing, and suddenly heard footsteps coming from the temple.

“Who!” the man asked loudly.

Manda didn’t rush, using the eighth-order skills to transform himself into the image of Amado, wearing the robes of a high deacon, and still has a Mediterranean hairstyle.

A monk walked out of the depths of the temple, saw Manda’s costume, and quickly leaned over to salute: “Big, sir, you are, yes…”

A senior deacon like Amado has the same status as the bishop. Although this monk can recognize the clothes of a senior deacon, he has never seen a figure of this level in his life.

He didn’t know why the high deacon appeared in this small village or came to this church silently.

“You said this is a church?” Manda looked around, then looked at the idol.

The monk quickly explained: “This is a poor and remote mountain village. There is no money in the village to build a new church, so we can only change the temple of the false **** Hermes into a church. Allowed.”

Manda nodded and said: “You have done a good job. The suffering and hardships you have endured are in the eyes of the bishop, and the archbishop also remembers it. The glory of the archbishop always shines on us, guides us, and warms us!”

The monk didn’t know what to say, and when Manda heard about the archbishop, he knelt on one knee and saluted desperately.

Manda helped the monk up: “How many people do you have here?”

“Add me, there are three in total.”

Three people, sixty gold coins, almost.

Manda took out the money bag and stuffed it into the monk’s hand: “This is the care and blessing from the archbishop.”

The monk was stunned. He was a monk here for a lifetime, and it was impossible to get so much money.

Even building a church would not cost so much money.

The monk was at a loss with tears.

Mandala took the monk’s hand and said affectionately: “This is not only a reward for you, but also an incentive for you. You must allocate it reasonably and use it frugally, but don’t tell anyone the news of my arrival. Will attract unnecessary disputes and jealousy,

I want to pray to the Lord that I can’t be disturbed by anyone. You take the other monks and leave immediately, lock the door of the church, and stay at the door. You must not let anyone in before dusk. “

To translate this sentence, it means: I want to stay here alone. This is a hush fee for you, so let’s share the spoils quickly.

The monk thanked him for his gratitude, took the other two monks, locked the door of the temple, and carefully guarded the door.

Manda hid behind the idol, set up the altar, and began to pray to Hermes.

After praying for a long time, Manda suddenly heard a strange laughter.

“Hey hey, Manda Crowdersey, a follower of Hermes, how dare you call Hermes in my church, you are so bold!”

Manda looked up and found that the idol was looking back at him.

The idol and Manda looked at each other for a long time, but Manda never responded. The idol turned his head back and sighed: “You are still so boring.”

Hermes figure floated out of the idol and sat in front of Manda.

It seems that he usually pretends to be the Lord of God’s punishment, and it is estimated that he has also earned a lot of faith pearls.

Hermes didn’t think so: “This was originally my temple, and the punishment was turned into a church, and my idol was made into that look. Shouldn’t I charge them some rent? “

“It should be received, fair trade, definitely should be received!” Manda took out the Thunder Scepter and dedicated it to Hermes.

“Just got a scepter? Where’s the Shield of Aegis?”

“I didn’t get it.”

“Where is Odysseus?”

“I didn’t catch…”

Manda described the whole process, but of course it was limited to some facts.

“I fought with Odysseus. He was still so difficult to deal with, and it was even harder to deal with when he became a living dead. We fought for nearly a night, and he hid in the barrier and refused to come out. I stayed outside the barrier and talked to him. The stalemate threatened him to invite Athena, but in the end he compromised and told me the location of the artifact.”

“His barrier!” Hermes sniffed, “I almost forgot about this. Have you found out the source of the barrier?”

Manda pretended to be surprised: “Isn’t it the skill that the goddess of wisdom bestowed on him?”

“Athena must have this ability!”

Manda thought for a moment and said, “Is it because you learned the shielding technique from the Lord of God’s Punishment?”

“It’s not the same as a shield!” Hermes shook his head. “His barrier is much stronger than a shield, almost as…”

Hermes hesitated to speak, and then asked: “Have you not encountered an ambush when you went to find the artifact?”

Manda nodded and said, “There is an ambush! It’s an old man.”

“What kind of old man?”

“Very strange old man, he knows a special skill that can pull people away in the air. It is not a silk thread, but a kind of lightning…”

“Surrender! My father’s Tier 8 skills!” Hermes squeezed his chin, “But I remember that my father has no Tier 8 believers.”

“He also knows Pluto’s fifth-order technique-funeral, and Pluto’s fourth-order technique-leading the way.”

Hermes opened his mouth and looked at Manda: “Are you right?”

Manda shook his head and said, “I’m not mistaken.”

Hermes sat on the altar, raised his left foot, and tickled the sideburns with his toes.

“It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense…” Hermes was used to joking, and seeing him so shocked made Manda very nervous.

“What other skills does he have?”

Manda said: “Can also know the skills of Poseidon.”

“Poseidon?” Hermes scratched his sideburn with his right foot again.

“What kind of monster is this?” Hermes’ reaction turned out to be exactly the same as Manda’s.

He grabbed the Thunder Scepter and let out a sigh of relief: “Just get it. Don’t worry if you have this.”

Don’t worry if you get a Thunder Scepter. What is the reason?

Hermes put away the Thunder Scepter and sighed: “It’s a bit troublesome to not get the soul of, you must successfully complete the mission of the soul guide, otherwise you Cannot enter the Skettis River.”

Manda was startled: “What am I going to do in the river?”

Hermes smiled and said: “You are a demigod, and a demigod must have an incorruptible body, but if you do not complete the mission of Pluto, Pluto will not give you a chance.”

“The mission is to take a dead soul to the underworld?”

“It’s not an ordinary soul, I told you.”

Manda raised the double snake stick and said, “There are many dead souls here, maybe one or two of them are special.”

Hermes raised his eyebrows: “It’s okay to try your luck, by the way, tell Hades that I have got the Thunder Scepter.”

“Tell him about this?” Manda didn’t understand Hermes’ thoughts.

“You must tell him!” Hermes smiled triumphantly, “tell him proudly!”

After speaking, Hermes gave Manda a big pot of original power.

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