Glitched Isekai

Chapter 2 – Pathetic Progress

Sam walked down the road for two hours, drinking when she was thirsty from the lake, and eating the leftover goose drumstick when she was hungry.

All the while, she was trying her best to walk in a balanced way. 

She tried jogging, running and just simply walking, but like two independent pendulums, her body’s centre of gravity was thrown all over the place as her breasts moved in independent trajectories.

“Breasts…. Are not great to have after all I suppose” she thought to herself, holding on to her breasts to stop them from moving.

“Wasn’t Sharon a gymnast and cheerleader?” she thought to herself.

She placed her right hand on the ground and effortlessly did a front flip with one hand.

“Whoops” she said as she flipped back over, her skirt flipped over exposing her naked bottom parts. Her boobs were bouncing all over the place again too, causing her to nearly fall flat on her face.

“I guess that’s why they need sports bras” she sighed.

She looked up in to the sky. It was mid afternoon, and although she didn’t worry about food and drink, when it gets dark, it will be pitch dark in the forest.

“Hey, this is like a RPG game. Computer, don’t I have any abilities?” she asked out loud.

[Character Sam Serra. Level 0. No Class selected. No abilities learned]

“What, nothing? What do I need to do then?” she asked again.

[Character must attain more points, level up character and learn new skills]

“Level… level up character? How many points do I need for Level 1? How many points do I have?” she asked.

[Character has 5 points from killing goose. Points needed to Level 1 = 995]

“Fuck, then I better do something about it before dark” she thought.

As she walked, she looked around and saw three rabbits hopping around harmlessly by the roadside.

She walked up to one rabbit and kicked it. Immediately gold coins appeared with the kick, but the rabbit did not die. Instead it attacked back!

With a hop, the rabbit jumped up at Sam and kicked her, causing her to fall backwards.

“Fuck, that hurt! Fucking rabbit!” she yelled just as the rabbit jumped and kicked her in the face.

Just then, the other two rabbits joined in the attack. Sam was surprised how strong the rabbits were, and vicious!

Another kick from the first rabbit kicked her to the floor, nearly knocking her out. At the same time, the other two rabbits charged forwards and head butted her, one into her ribs, and the other her butt.

“Ow!” she yelled.

[Warning. All 3 rabbits, although also Level 0, have higher stats than you. They are stronger, faster and have more hit points. They are capable of killing you]

“What? These fucking weak looking rabbits can kill me?” she thought in disbelief.

Suddenly one of the rabbits went under her skirt and bit her on the inside of her pussy.

Sam screamed in pain, getting up but finding the rabbit clenching down hard. She could feel blood flowing down from her thigh.

The other rabbit was already inside her blouse and another bite caused her blouse to turn red with blood. Her right breast felt like razors were cutting it.

The last rabbit butt her knee, causing her to fall again.

“Fuck this!” she yelled as she took the gun out of her bag.

She pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. She didn’t know how to use it, and didn’t know the safety was on.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she yelled in desperation as she used the gun like a bludgeon and smashed the rabbit on the floor. 

Due to the weight of the gun and her smashing it several times, the rabbit turned into a drumstick as well, and upon touching it, it disappeared into her inventory.

She smashed at her own chest and after several attempts, managed to get the rabbit in her blouse to let go. She held it down with one hand and smashed it until it was a drumstick as well.

Then she lifted her skirt and killed the rabbit in her pussy. One more drumstick in the inventory.

She panted and sat on the ground in pain. Eating a drumstick, her wounds started healing like magic.

“Fuck, that was insane! Fucking rabbits!” she said as she gasped for breath.

“Computer, how many points did that get me?” she asked.

[Each rabbit kill has brought you a total of 30 points]

“Thir…ty. Fuck, they’re only 10 points each? So 965 points to go?” she asked again


She looked up in the sky. It probably will take 4 hours before dark. Since she didn’t feel tired and recovered fully after eating food, she might as well grind out points.

By the time it was dusk, she only accumulated another 130 points from killing 3 wild chickens and a wild boar that nearly killed her.

She was already completely naked apart from her boots, after stuffing her blouse and skirt into her bag to prevent the only clothing she had from getting more torn and damaged. 

They offered her absolutely no protection anyway and were getting more and more bloody and torn.

Not only that, small creature seemed to like entering her clothes and attacking her from underneath the clothes.

The chickens were relatively easy kills as she snuck up on them while they were still unaware and viciously killed them with a sharp stick and rocks.

As for the boar, it was a freaking level 1 boar that nearly killed her! Her entire body was bloody and bruised, but luckily her stick was sharp, and she managed to impale it with her stick as it attacked her, impaling itself as she wedged the other end of the stick into the ground. 

This fight was so difficult, she had to eat nearly all her saved drumsticks while she fought it in order to keep simultaneously healing while fighting. 

She looked at herself and was glad she hid her clothes, as she would have ended up naked anyway. 

She was dirty and bleeding all over her body that even if she did wear clothes, there wouldn't be avstrip on her anyway after that battle with the boat.

“Fuck! It’s almost night, and I still have 835 points to level up? It’s impossible before nightfall” she thought to herself.

So she washed herself up, got dressed as it was slowly getting chilly, and tried to start a fire. 

But after 15 minutes, she gave up on that, unable to even create smoke from rubbing sticks together like she saw on TV.

“Fuck that. Better get some sleep. Looks like a lot more grinding to do tomorrow to level up” she said to herself as she placed her bag under her head and shut her eyes.

She was actually quite scared as the sky turned dark extremely fast. The forest was pitch black and although there were a million stars that shone in the sky, the two moons reminded her that she was in a foreign world.

The wind blew and she tucked her skirt between her legs to prevent her skirt from flying up and exposing herself. She hugged her blouse tightly too.

“Fuck, I better wash my clothes from all my blood tomorrow. It smells so bad, I hope it doesn’t attract predators” she thought. With all those thoughts in her mind, and the constant noises coming from the forest, she could not sleep as she dared not shut her eyes.

It took many hours before she finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

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