Glitched Isekai

Chapter 41 – The Hero of Stronghold

Sam stood on top of the wall looking at the battle below and wanted to show off a little, behind the safety of the city walls.

After so much killing, his level had risen to level 24 so he added a few more level 1 spells, namely [Fireball], [Lightning Bolt] and [Cone of Cold].

He stood in the midst of the city's defenders who didn't even notice he was there. 

He raised his hands, extending all 10 fingers and cast [Magic Missile]

Endless number of missiles shot out from his fingers, 10 at a time like Roman candles.

Like homing missiles, they flew in the air and changed directions, hitting orcs and goblins alike.

Although one or two won't kill an orc, a few tens of missiles will.

So he fired on them like a gun turret, mowing down the dark creatures.

Then he started mixing them up with fireballs, cones of cold or lightning bolts.

Since he had no mana restrictions, he fired endlessly from afar, killing hundreds of enemy creatures.

"Alex, lets try our plan" he said as Alex exited the Nexus with 4 others, namely Mindy, Lara, Max and Natasha, all dressed in black skintight suits. 

Alex conjured 4 heavy machine gun turrets on top of the walls and all 4 of them entered and unleashed hell from the middle of the city wall.

The two terminators Cameron and T-X, who he renamed Trix, together with the slayers Buffy and Faith came out dressed in black skintight clothes as well, which made all of them look like they were wearing uniforms.

Alex conjured for them miniguns and they started firing at the enemies at the edges of the city walls, making sure no evil creatures came through from the sides. 

Endless loud machine fire filled the air as both forces stood stunned at the strange loud noises. 

Both sides turned to see what the source of the loud sounds were when red hot bullets turned the armies of orcs and goblins to a red mist.

The gunfire was so loud, even the screams of the evil creatures could not be heard, only the rapid rhythmic booms of each turret and the strange deceptively innocuous sounds of the miniguns. 

Even the forces of Stronghold retreated from the massacre in front of them as the bullets flew over their heads. They had never seen anything like it.

Not only orcs and goblins, the many trolls that they had mixed in with their forces were cut down mercilessly by the never-ending stream of bullets.

After a short while, the battle was over. Sam's familiars had turned the tide and won the battle for the defenders of Stronghold.

The familiars entered the Nexus as Alex made the turrets disappear and Sam climbed down from the city walls, surrounded by the stunned defenders of the city.

Suddenly a voice called from behind:

"Samsara? Samsara! You're alive!" 

It was Merlin who stayed behind to fight the orc army.

"Headmaster Merlin! Yes, I just got here" he answered as he greeted the old wizard.

"Did anyone else come with you?" Merlin asked eagerly.

"Only me and my familiars" Sam answered.

"Ah...that's good" Merlin said but looked disappointed.

"Is anything wrong headmaster?" Sam asked.

"No, I was just hoping Heracles survived too. I guess I will have to give the Hellstorm Clan a visit to give an explanation. Do you know what happened to him?" Merlin asked 

"No. I saw a village full of undead, so I avoided it" Sam lied.

It was better if he just played ignorance rather than have to explain to a famous clan why he killed their heir.

Besides, he was glad that betrayer Heracles was dead. Otherwise he would have to deal with him anyway.

"Headmaster, what happened to the other instructors and students?" Sam asked.

"Oh! Most of them arrived with me safely and had gone to the capital by the portal. You should go too. I only stayed to help out with the orc attack" Merlin answered.

"About the you know what's going on?" Sam asked

"No. But it would seem that the dark races and creatures have teamed up to destroy all humans in Stronghold. I suspect an overall mastermind is behind this." Merlin answered.

Sam guessed as much after facing a lich, a dark elf Prince and orc chieftain.

These are leaders of dark forces that usually would not cooperate, let alone ally with each other. 

There must be someone or something behind it, Sam thought to himself.

"Now lets get to the portal and get you to the Academy of Aristal. There's no point hanging around here now that the orc attacks are over" Merlin said, ushering Sam to the middle of the city.

The city was huge, definitely much larger than Willow and was the largest human city that he had seen so far. If this city was big, he imagined what Aristonia, the capital of Aristal would look like. 

He passed by numerous shops and stalls, pubs and taverns and buildings of all kinds. However, they didn't stop as Merlin brought him straight to the center of the city. 

As they approached the center, he noticed that there was a huge area with large buildings which looked regal and very much like the administrative center of the city. 

Several guards saluted Merlin as he rushed past them, turning just as they were close to the center building. 

"That's him sir!" yelled a high ranking soldier not far from them who seemed in the midst of delivering a report. 

"Wait! Headmaster Merlin!" yelled a imposing looking soldier that looked like he was in charge of all the soldiers. 

"Yes General Heimdall. How can I help you?" Merlin stopped and said politely. 

"Who is this youth with you? Captain Randall said that he single-handedly decimated the orc forces! He is the hero of Stronghold!" General Heimdall said approaching them. 

"He did? Well, he's one of my latest recruits, Samsara! He is a summoner with magic I have never seen before and am quite interested in" Merlin answered. 

"He is? Well I would like to thank you Samsara. Without you the loss of lives would have been much greater" the general said, saluting Sam.

Sam clumsily returned the salute and shook his hand replying nervously  "Pleased to meet you sir"

"Anyway, we are in a rush to the Academy, and also to give a report to his Majesty the King. Farewell General Heimdall" Merlin said. 

"Very well. Please proceed. If you have time Samsara, please drop by again for a round of drinks on me. We will give you a hero's welcome!" General Heimdall said. 

Samsara nodded as he waved and chased after Merlin who had already sped off. 

They entered a building with a large hall and high ceiling and in the middle of it was a large mirror-like structure with magicians maintaining contraption. 

"Portal open! To Aristonia!" Merlin commanded authoritatively 

The magicians looked at him in awe and immediately inserted the required magic crystals and activated a few runes. 

The mirror started shimmering as if the surface of it had become liquid and Merlin walked right into it, disappearing from view. 

Sam was startled, but after taking a breath, he entered the portal. 


The transport was disorienting but fast as he stepped into the portal and seemed to step out immediately. 

"Look, there's another one" he head a strange voice inside his head. 

Suddenly, his head felt like it was about to explode, and even the familiars in the Nexus collapsed in pain holding their heads. 

Through his barely open eyes, he saw soldiers carrying the unconscious Merlin away. 

He was already falling unconscious as he saw creepy purple skinned humanoid looking at him with creepy inhuman eyes. 

Sam screamed in his head and then... everything went black...

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