Glitched Isekai

Chapter 47 – The Aftermath

The next few days went by in a blur as so many things happened at the same time. 

The nation of Aristonia went through a few days of turmoil due to the death of their King and firstborn heir, Crown Prince Leopold. 

The illithid attack was well reported, revealing the attempted takeover by the monsters. The illithids were well known, hated and feared throughout the known world. 

This attack was an extremely shocking event that shook the whole nation and neighboring nations as well.  

Queen Serene finally took over as sole ruler after the death of King Richard, but her rule was questioned by several members of the aristocracy and they even threatened a rebellion until the nation's heroes quelled the near rebellion. 

There was a seven day state funeral for the departed King Richard and Crown Prince Leopold as well as a memorial built for them and the valiant members of the royal household that were killed. 

The generals of the army initially wanted to hunt down the illithids and kill them all through the collapsed tunnel underneath the castle. 

However, when they heard that what was left were the brainstealer dragon and two mindwitnesses, their faces turned pale and they decided against it after all. 

In the meantime, for his efforts in removing the illithid threat, Sam received a medal of honor. 

However, Sam's role in the resistance was downplayed, with him sharing the credit with the visiting Princess Jemina of Serendale, and sisters Aria and Arisa of the Four Elements Sect, rather than getting the medal all by himself.

This was because he couldn't very well reveal that he had an army of familiars, or that the remaining current royal family were his Samsara bodies. 

Princess Jemina was captured by the illithid earlier when she travelled to Aristal through the portal from Stronghold, on the way back to Serendale. As such, now that everything was over, she bade Sam farewell as she had to go back to her family. 

Her guards that came with her including Captain Ciera were killed or converted by the illithids. Princess Jemina actually recognized Ciera's body attached to one of the dead illithids within the castle. 

Although she was reluctant to go, she knew that she could contact Sam whenever she wanted now through the mind link and they could be together though the Nexus. 

After the seven days of mourning, Sam followed Princess Gwen, who was an instructor at the Academy of Aristal, together with Aria and Arisa who apparently were the only surviving students who made the trip from Willow. 

Many of the other students became food for the illithids or were turned into illithids. 

Since Princess Celestia was meant to join the academy this year, she joined Sam, Gwen, Aria and Arisa to the Academy

As they arrived in the academy, rather than stay in the dormitory, Princess Celestia had a large bungalow share with Aria and Arisa of the Four Elements Sect. They were practically princesses as the sect was huge and was the largest sect in the country. 

They also insisted that Sam stayed with them, and not in the male dormitories. This caused a headache for the academy administration until Instructor Gwen volunteered to chaperone them and live with them as well. 

Sam of course was happy with this arrangement. He wasn't sure about being in the academy as he was an awful student before in his original life. With these girls, at least living here would be fun. 

Furthermore, as the academy had a faculty of magic and a faculty of combat, he decided to let several familiars enroll to be his eyes and ears on the ground. 

As such Hermione, Alex and Sabrina enrolled in the Faculty of Magic while Mindy, Annabeth, Faith, Buffy, Maxine, Rey and Cameron enrolled in the Faculty of Combat. 

They all moved into the female dormitories. As everyone was connected by the mind link anyway, Sam could immediately contact any of them, or bring them to the Nexus wherever they were. 

Hermione was always the studious type and very much wanted to learn about the magic in this dimension, while Sabrina was curious about the structure of magic in this world. Alex as usual, only wanted to play around in school. 

Alex and Mindy were the mischievious type and happily got along and decided to become room mates.  

Similarly, Hermione got on well with Annabeth and roomed together next door. 

Buffy decided to room with Faith. Although they were like oil and water in their TV show, here they got on well and were most familiar with each other. 

Sam thought that Rey would fit better with Sabrina and Max might be more similar to Cameron, but to his surprise they roomed differently. 

Sabrina found the terminator Cameron to be fascinating since she was a being of magic, while Cameron was pure science, so they roomed together.

Lastly Rey and Maxine didn't have a proper education with Rey being abandoned and somehow becoming a junk scavenger and later on Jedi while Max was raised in a facility to train supersoldiers. But somehow they bonded and decided to share a room. 

Over the first few weeks, Sam went to his magic classes with Hermione, Sabrina and Alex, and he could see how they easily excelled in their classes. 

Hermione of course was studiously brilliant, able to know about literally anything they thought. Sabrina on the other hand instinctively knew the right spells for everything. 

As for Alex, she fumbled and screwed around, but could always do what was required since her magic seemed like wish fulfillment, much to Hermione's annoyance. 

As for Sam, he was as he was before in his original life, a lazy slacker.

Sam found the lessons in the Faculty of Magic to be boring. As his magic came from leveling up, he literally could simply request a spell and he would have the ability to do it. So there was no need for study. 

Furthermore, after dealing with the illithid incident, he had leveled up to level 29, and could literally increase the number of spells he could use. 

However, even though he had [Heal], [Magic Missile], [Create Water], [Fireball], [Lightning Bolt] and [Cone of Cold], he wasn't keen on increasing the number of spells.

So far his attacking spells had been ineffective and he figured his levels could be used to summon more familiars rather than increase his spells or even his fighting abilities. 

He also had received another Karma Point for the illithid incident, but he decided to save it for the time being until he could think of a good way to use it. 

Since he didn't use his points to level up, or gain new spells, his magical abilities were quite limited to the spells he had. 

However, due to having he Nexus in his head, he could easily remember and recite everything taught in class, so at least he could answer everything well, even though he looked like he was sleeping most of the time, which also annoyed Hermione. 

The actual fact was that he was sleeping because at nights he literally got no sleep. He had 4 of his 6 Samsara bodies living with him as well as 23 familiars who craved his attention sexually and had to satisfy. 

And he took particularly great pleasure in punishing Hermione for being annoyed with him in class all the time, and at Gwen who was his instructor who always tried to push him to study harder. 

Ah... good old school days. If only this bliss would continue.


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