Glitched Isekai

Chapter 54 – The Gantz System

Sam sat helplessly in the Nexus. 

She was naked, looking outside as all he could see was demons wondering around a wasteland. 

Where were the beautiful architecture of Aristal? When she escaped into the Nexus, she was in the meeting room of the Royal Palace of Aristal. 

Now all around here was rubble, not a single building was standing. 

Around the Nexus were the beds and other furniture and whatever mess the Avengers left. There were even multiple naked copies of every familiar on the far side of the room. They were the dead bodies that they healed but the familiar had resurrected with a new body instead.

Mindy started collecting and sorting them at the side, either to play with as dolls, or to keep count of who has died the most times.

She walked up to them, gently touching their faces one by one. They were all so beautiful, she had taken them for granted. 

Sam suddenly realized that since she could still enter the Nexus, some of the functions she had used should still exist. 

She looked at her level, she was level 0. But next to it, she realized that she still had 3 Karma Points even though she had lost her other abilities she gained from leveling up. 

What about the abilities she gained using Karma Points?

She tried her mind link, even though she didn't have any Avengers left. 

"Samsara! Where are you?"

"Samsara is that you?"

"Samsara are you alright?"




Suddenly she heard six voices in her head .They were her Samsara bodies Jemima, Gwen, Arisa, Aria, Serene and Celeste!

They had indestructible bodies, so while they were alive, they might be in trouble. 

But Sam didn't answer, as she didn't know what to say and had no way of helping them currently. 

She decided to move around to see what is going on. She walked as far as her eyesight could see in the Nexus, then quickly blinked out then into the Nexus again to extend the range she could walk to. 

But besides demons wondering around aimlessly, destroying anything that was not yet destroyed, there was nothing. 

She knew that she would need to level up again and hopefully regain her familiars, but there was nothing to kill besides demons to level up.

There are no chickens or rabbits like before, and there was no way she could kill a demon at level 0 even if she tried.

"I guess I have no choice but to fight. But how?" she thought to herself. 

"Maybe with weapons" she thought

"Nexus! I want to use 1 Karma point to create any weapon I desire" she said

[Your request is too general. You will need to specify a particular weapon, or weapon system]

"Weapon... system?" she thought.

She was worried that if she created maybe the Infinity Gauntlet, it might not work, and the backlash may kill her. Furthermore, if she created Thor's hammer Mjolnir, what happens if she cannot lift it? And if she created maybe Iron Man's suit, will she even know how to use it?

But a weapon system. That sounded promising, even though she didn't quite grasp what that actually means. 

"Nexus, explain what weapon system means" she asked

[A weapon system is a system of weapons that are from a particular group of weapons. From your memories, such weapon systems include the Combat Jacket variations of which Rita was wearing, Iron Men suits, G.I Joe Accelerator Suits, Starship Troopers armor and vehicles, Gantz system armors and weapons, ....]

"No..the combat jackets were largely ineffective. I suspect the Starship Troopers and G.I Joe gear will be useless as well. Iron men suits may be more powerful, but these demons are partially magic! Wait.... Gantz! The Gantz weaponry system was made to combat such insane creatures!" she thought to herself. 

"Nexus, I want infinite access to the Gantz weapons system" she ordered.

[Affirmative. Gantz Weaponry will be available in as many numbers as required]

A circle formed on the ground causing Sam to be startled. She walked towards the circle, then entered it.

Suddenly, a pile of rubber suddenly appeared in front of her, as did several weapons, and other machinery.

She picked up the rubber thing and discovered it was the Gantz suit, a skintight bodysuit which gives the wearer super strength, durability, speed and endurance.

She struggled to put it on only to see that it fit perfectly to her body, so perfect her nipples and even the shape of her pussy could be seen.

"Not much to protect the modesty" Sam remarked.

She looked on the ground and saw there was precisely 1 controller which can turn her invisible, track the enemy as well as fellow teammates, an X-Gun which can target and plant an unseen and undetected energy on a target, then causes the target to explode when pressing the second trigger. There was a X-Shotgun which had the same function, only that it can target more targets. 

Then there was the Y-Gun which can shoot a energy net to trap a target. She picked up the next weapon which was the Gantz sword, a katana like weapon that can cut through practically anything without feedback and can extend up to 30 feet. 

There were other items like the Gantz bike and Gantz flying bike, the Hard Suit which was a tank like suit, the Z-Gun which creates a gravity field flattening anything within the target area and the Ganz Mech which was a large Mecha suit to fight giant monsters and was as big as a building. 

Besides the Gantz sword, she picked up the controller, the X-Gun and Z-Gun

As it was not the right time to practice the Gantz Bike or Gantz Flying Bike or other vehicles, she didn't take them. She will have to use the simplest weaponry to kill the demons. 

"Ok, time for a trial run" she said, walking to within 10 feet of a demon and swung the Gantz Sword at it's body. Just as it nearly hit it, She exited the Nexus and the sword sliced right through the demon, who was caught unprepared. 

As the demon was sliced right through, it didn't even have time to make any noise as its body split in half diagonally. 

She jumped into the air, aiming her X-Gun at two demons, pressing the first trigger targeting them. 

As she landed, she pressed the second trigger and both demons exploded into pieces. 

Another demon nearby noticed her and roared, charging directly at her. 

She pointed the Z-Gun at the demon and pressed the trigger. 


A circle appeared on the ground, seemingly pressed into the ground as the demon was crushed into the ground. However, the demon was quite strong and only suffered severe injuries. 

Sam shot the Z-Gun at it a few more times, and by the 4th time, it was flattened to mush. 

By now many more demons had noticed her and was charging at her. 

She looked at them and aimed the X-Gun again, pressing the first trigger at another 2 demons before disappearing into the Nexus. 

As the demons looked around confused, Sam pressed the second trigger from within the Nexus, causing both demons to explode. 

"Well that works as well" she smiled. 

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