Glitched Isekai

Chapter 61 – Superior Summons

The two days following the attacks of the demons were relatively quiet, with no signs of hostile activity. 

The survivors of the Four Elements Sect and the Silverleaf Forest had relocated in the capital city and the mages and survivors of the Four Elements Sect helped rebuild the city walls and shored up the defenses. 

Unfortunately, there was no news from Balthazar or the Poison Sect. 

Inside the Nexus, a fierce spar was taking place. 

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

A rapid succession of swords clashing and shields banging each other was followed by fierce movements of incredible speed. 

This was a battle between Lady Sif against Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman. 

Sif looked like the actress Jaimie Alexander, while Diana looked like Gal Gadot from the Wonder Woman movie. 

Both were naked after several battles ruined their usual battle suits, so since they were in the Nexus anyway, and were used to the behavior in the Nexus around Sam, they were only all too used to being naked here. 

Both were using their magical swords and shields, and both seemed evenly matched.

Annabeth sat at the side, watching wide eyed as both Goddesses fought fiercely. 

Theoretically, Diana was her aunt, although from different universes. Zues was Diana's father, making Athena, Annabeth's mother, Diana's half sister.

In fact Diana's sword is named Athena's Sword.

"Alright, times up!" Quorra yelled.

Both Goddesses grasped each others arm and nodded

"Well met Diana" Sif said

"You too" Diana replied.

Sif hugged Diana around the shoulder as they walked to the showers.

"So surprised that they are getting along so well" Harley said with a snigger.

Sam only nodded grimly. At least that issue resolved itself, he thought.

He looked to the side as there was a firing range, and Mathilda was firing rapidly, rolling and changing guns, shooting at several targets in a obstacle course.

She was supervised by Natasha who took her under her wing.

Mathilda surprised everyone as although she was the most normal of them all, she did have impressive skills with firearms. 


Outside the Nexus, Raven was already cursing in her head

"How many meetings do these people need?" she thought, cursing her luck that she was the only shapeshifter who always covered for Sam.

The Council of Heroes were frustrated. There was so much death and destruction, yet they still didn't have a clue who was behind it or why.

Raven shared some info about what they overheard from Magdalena from before, that there were multiple monstrous creatures, all entering from portals, all invading and destroying the human countries. 

Suddenly, a horn sounded from the city walls, then another horn sounded the alarm.

The heroes rushed to the balcony, only to see at least 40 large, flying dragons fly over the walls, spouting flames from their mouths, burning countless people and destroying buildings. 

Several large flightless dragons stomped directly through the walls, smashing them with their bodies. 

The dragons were of all sizes, the smallest being 20 meters tall, the largest over 200 meters in length. 

"Dragons!" yelled Ulandir taking out an arrow and pointlessly shooting at them. 

Natasha yelled "Avengers Assemble!"

Instantly, the Avengers sprung into battle as up to 20 Gantz Flying Bikes took to the air and engaging the flying dragons in an intense aerial battle. 

Sam walked out of the Nexus and onto the nearest balcony, surveying the battle. 

"Alright mecha units" he said. 

Instantly, several Mecha Gantz Suits manned by Trix, Cameron, Faith and Harley appeared in the air above 4 flying dragons and landed on them, grappling with them in mid air. 

"Alright girls, it's showtime!" Sam said to his new summonings.

Diana and Sif ran at high speeds and jumped off the balcony, landing on a flying dragon about 200 meters away and upon landing on it, they started hacking away, bringing it to the ground as they butchered it. With Gantz suits on, their already incredible strength were further magnified. 

As more dragons approached the palace, there were two women, dressed black Gantz suits shot in the air, one was blonde the other a brunette. 

Individually they smashed into a dragon each as they engaged their individual dragons in battle. Surprisingly they were throwing the dragon around with relative ease as their Gantz suits made them strong enough to overpower the dragons. 

"These suits... they're incredible" Mary Marvel said, looking exactly like Michelle Borth in the Shazam movie. 

"Yes, incredible! This is much easier than I expected" Kara replied, looking like Melissa Benoist in the Supergirl TV series as she smashed her dragon into another dragon. 

Two more women, dressed in Gantz suits walked to the balcony. One was a gorgeous black woman with white hair, the other was a redhead. 

"You need water, no?" Ororo asked Mera, who nodded.

Ororo aka Storm of the X-Men, looking like Halle Berry flew into the sky and started creating a huge storm covering the whole city as her eyed glowed with lightning. 

Mera, looking like Amber Heard from the Aquaman movie started controlling the water from the rain and joined the battle. 

More and more dragons started appearing from a distance and a particularly large dragon that looked like a whale, over 900 meters in length that floated in the air appeared and aimed it's huge body into the palace 

A streak of light shot out of the Nexus, a blonde woman dressed in a Gantz suit, covered with energy shot energy blasts from her hands at the creature, then smashed directly into it, penetrating it's touch skin and started destroying it from the inside as her energy blasts exited the monster's body from all directions. 

Sam looked at her with excitement. "They say she's a mary sue.... I need mary sues" he thought.

As the huge dragon's inertia continued uncontrollably, it's body still hurled towards the palace. 

Wanda floated into the air, using her telekinetic powers to try and stop it from crashing into the palace. 

She grunted as the huge monster was incredibly heavy. 

"Sorry, the dragon's skin was softer than I thought" Carol said as she exited the monster and tried to help push the monster away. 

"I'm on it" Susan said as she created an invisible force field to help Wanda protect the castle. 

Sam looked at her, Susan Storm aka Invisible Woman, who looked like Kate Mara in the latest Fantastic Four movie. 

He could have summoned the Jessica Alba version, but he already had issues with Alice and Violet looking similar due to being played by the same actress, if he had Susan and Maxine looking similar due to the same reason, it would cause more issues as he does see them in the Nexus nude most of the time, so the only thing to separate them would be their hair styles. 

"Ok got it... now where do we put it?" Wanda said, as they finally stopped the momentum of the giant beast, but they cannot simply throw it anywhere, it would crush wherever it was disposed. 

"Leave it to me!" said a voice as a naked lady walked out. 

Sam looked at her, the only Avenger that didn't need a Gantz suit. He summoned her in a moment of inspiration as he was thinking of a person to help fight truly monstrous creatures. 

Out of her body suddenly came tentacles... more and more tentacles it seemed that she had tentacles of limitless number and length coming out of her body until it completely wrapped up the huge 900 over meter dragon. 

The other Avengers looked at her in amazement as the monster wrapped in tentacles started shrinking, smaller and smaller and smaller, until all the bulk vanished and the tentacles disappeared into her body. 

Her stomach looked comically huge, like she was pregnant, but she simply licked her lips and then burped. 

"Well done Serleena!" Sam said. She was Serleena, looking exactly like Lara Flynn Boyle, who played the Kylothian queen, the villain in the Man in Black 2 movie. 

"Uh.. that was a big meal. Where's the restroom?" she asked, holding on to her belly. 

Sam looked at his new summons with both pride and worry. Diana, Kara, Mary, Carol, Susan, Ororo, Mera and Serleena. They were arguably the most powerful beings he had summoned and he couldn't think of any more powerful women in movies at the moment. 

He possibly could think up another one or two later, but at most that person would be only at the same level, not much more. 

But were they enough? Even if they defeat the dragon attack, what about the next, and the one after that?

Since coming to this realm, things went from killing rabbits to killing dragons in a short period of time

Coins collected already became irrelevant as did collecting drumsticks. He has mountains of them in the Nexus!

Although he summoned so many familiars at the same time, they were defeating so many demons before and so many dragons now, leaving him at quite a high level 52 at the moment. 

Perhaps he should increase his own abilities as well? 

He only just realized that he received another Karma point for defeating the demon attack, and he guessed he should get another one if they defeat this dragon attack, giving him a total of 3 Karma Points. 

Perhaps he should do something useful with them?

Suddenly heard Mathilda's scream from a nearby balcony as her flaming body crashed to the ground with the balcony rubble.

Sam rushed to have a look only to see several medium sized dragons perched on the rooftop

"Shit!" He yelled as he entered the Nexus, just as flames engulfed his position.

He glanced around seeing both dragons being engaged by thick green vines as Queen Serene appeared and attacked them. 

The battle lasted for days, with the Avengers suffering few casualties. Even those that did die were immediately resurrected in the Nexus so Sam's loses were negligible.

However the whole nation of Aristonia was destroyed.

Sam sat around a campfire with Queen Serene, who looked devastated.

Around them were the leftover of the armies of Aristonia.

Some Avengers limped back to them, while others flew or drove their Gantz bikes which looked worse for wear. 

Carol flew from the sky landing with a huge dragon head in her hands.

"This is but a brief respite your majesty. The question is. Do we keep fighting? There's nothing left!" Merlin said, his robes were torn and burnt.

"The people are dead. The land destroyed. It's time to retreat before we take more unnecessary casualties" Queen Serene said with a determined face.

"Where do we go?" Roland asked, his left arm missing above his elbow.

"The portals to the other places has been destroyed. But when our civilians were fleeing, they were fleeing towards here! Those places were under attack too!" Ulandir added.

"We should go to the Crying Forest!" Samsara said

"The Crying Forest? But Magdalena betrayed us" Ulandir said

"Yes. But as she has an agreement with the other forces, perhaps we can take advantage of that, as no one will expect us to go there." Samsara said.

"You mean..." Roland asked.

"Yes. We are not looking for refuge. We are there to conquer!' Samsara announced

Queen Serene looked at the Avengers, even the newly summoned ones that had been hardened with battle.

Kara's eyes looked savage as she cracked her knuckles, Carol slammed her fists together.

"Alright, let's do it" Queen Serene gave the order.

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