Glitched Isekai

Chapter 63 – Entering the Demon Realm

Samsara looked up at the beautiful girl on him. He was both extremely aroused and yet terrified as she looked at him lustfully. 

The last time he summoned someone he was so fearful of was Serleena, but he had summoned her after just summoning Diana, Kara, Carol, Susan, Ororo, Mary and Mera who were all among his most powerful summons so far, so he felt secure and safe. 

However, this time he was alone with only Quorra in the Nexus with him as he looked at the face of the gorgeous beauty mounting him. 

She was Jennifer Check from the movie Jennifer's Body, acted by Megan Fox. In the movie, she was transformed into a succubus with superhuman strength and demonic powers. 

He immediately established a mind link with her, enabling him to share thoughts with her and filling her in on whats been going on. 

"Interesting... this is an adventure!" she said happily. 

She rode him for a short while before exhausting his stamina and satisfying herself. 

Slowly getting up, she let his seed spill on his body as she stood over him, letting it drip out of her sex. 

"Er.. aren't you going to get dressed? There are many Gantz suits over there to choose from" he said. 

"No.... I'm going to the demon realm! I think going naked will be more suitable, don't you think?" she said, flaunting her body. 

"Yes.. .I suppose you're right" he said. 

They both emerged from the Nexus next to the demon portal, him dressed while she was naked. 

The portal was surrounded by dead demons, as several of the Avengers stood around the portal, together with the remnants of the Heroes of Aristonia. 

"This is Jennifer" Sam introduced. 

"Why... isn't she dressed?" Queen Serene asked. 

"She's ah.. going to the demon realm. And she doesn't want to bring attention to herself while she's there" Samsara said. 

"Good idea" Alex said and smirked at Selene. 

Selene grimaced and nodded, stripping off her Gantz suit and stood naked next to Jennifer. 

After their experiences in this realm with Sam, none of the Avengers were shy or modest anymore. They were practically naked half the time anyway. 

"Ready?" Jennifer asked. 

"Lets go" Selene said as both of them entered the portal. 

"Are you sure they will be alright?" Merlin asked. 

"They are both technically demons. One is a high ranking vampire, the other a succubus. Both have super strength, super speed and incredible healing capabilities. They should do alright as scouts" Samsara answered. 

Samsara left a team of some of their strongest Avengers, namely Diana, Sif, Carol, Kara, Mary, Susan, Wanda, Buffy and Faith next to the portal to keep it in check from more invading demons.

Every few minutes, another demon or two would arrive and they would kill it. 

As for the rest, they helped in other matters like fortifying the tower, with snipers covering from high ground and other Avengers on guard duties. 

Meanwhile, in the demon realm, Selene and Jennifer found that the demon realm was much different from what they expected. 

They expected the realm to be full of demons preparing for war or invasion. Instead, it seemed that the demon realm was in chaos.

There were dead demons everywhere and there were demons fighting among themselves everywhere. There were portals opened every few miles, and demons seemed to be rushing into them randomly.

The demons did not seem intelligent, but rather wild and untamed as they killed and even ate each other wantonly. 

Selene and Jennifer themselves were attacked multiple times and they had to team up to kill their attackers. 

As they ventured deeper into the demon realm, they realized that the demon realm itself was under attack!

They did manage to meet a few intelligent demons who were the leaders of small groups of demons and after subduing them, they discovered that there was a war between the many different demon realms who have united against other races such as the God races, the Titans, the Dragon Lords, the Dreadlords and many others. 

Apparently, the humans in the realm that they were in is but a minor realm with beings deemed lesser to the above mentioned races.  

"That's not very flattering" Natasha said, sitting next to Samsara.

"I guess they view humans as either food or slave material" he answered. 

After a few hours, Selene and Jennifer found themselves near another portal, where a huge battle was taking place. 

"What is going on here?" they wondered as they watched while hiding behind some rocks.

They saw demons fighting each other, but they noticed that while one side was fighting to destroy the other side, using all their powers to try to exterminate them, the other side's demon army seemed only interested in eating them. 

They watched while one of the demons attacked the local demons and took a large bite in it's shoulder, the local demon started changing and changed sides!

The demon seemed to become more vicious and did not fear injury or pain and attacked in a berserk manner. 

"Those demons have become zombies!" Samsara realized from within the Nexus

Selene concurred from outside the Nexus. 

"Look!" she pointed.

There were human zombies, torn to bits everywhere next to the portal.

"Human zombies!" Jennifer said in shock.

"The demons must have eaten them or they may have bit a demon to turn them into zombie demons" Natasha said.

"Ridiculous sounding but scary nevertheless" Quorra concurred. 

"If that portal leads to another human dimension, we must check it out" Samsara said. 

"A small scouting force would be sufficient" Natasha said. 

"Ok, who'll go?" Samsara asked. 

"I'll go. Zombies are my forte" Alice said. 

"I'll go to. Shouldn't be that much different from Mimic aliens" Rita said. 

They both dressed in their Gantz suits and were armed with a Gantz X-Shotgun and Gantz sword each. 

Then they both activated their Gantz controller, turning both of them invisible as they appeared next to Selene and Jennifer, and rushed towards the portal. 

Selene provided cover with her Gantz X-Gun while Alice and Rita killed multiple demons from both sides before vanishing into the portal within seconds. 

"Ok what do we do now?" Jennifer asked. 

"We should continue scouting. Those two can look after themselves. And besides, like us, they can disappear into the Nexus any time they want" Selene said.

"That settles it then. Lets go" Jennifer said. 

They both disappeared over the horizon as they continued scouting the broken and war torn demon realm. 





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