Glitched Isekai

Chapter 67 – War In The Dimensions

*Boom* *Boom* the earth rumbled where the school was outside the Nexus. 

Alice and Rita actually stayed behind to witness the battle and be an anchor to that dimension. 

Sam had by now finished having a orgy with the Avengers who were in the Nexus with him and was watching the battle in the zombie dimension through their eyes. 

At the same time, Selene and Jennifer communicated through the mind link that they were in a midst of a battle too. 

They switched their attention to Selene and Jennifer's view and found them being attacked by wraith like beings. 

The whole demon realm was under attack with the demons fighting these shadowy beings who levitated and flew in the air. 

It reminded Sam of dementors from the Harry Potter movies as they too seemed to suck out the lifeforce of the demons. 

The mages Hermione, Sabrina and Alex were in the Nexus all along as they watched everything in all three dimensions. 

"I'll go" Hermione said as she exited next to Selene and Jennifer

Expecto Patronum

She yelled as she cast the spell on the dread creature, disintegrating it easily.

However, the bright light the spell cast attracted the attention of more dreads as well as other demons who charged towards her.

She cast several more patronums but too many dreads were flying in her direction at high speeds.

Sabrina appeared from the Nexus, burning all the dreads and demons with hellfire.

However, although they burned the dreads and demons, they didn't disintegrate immediately, rather they started screaming and moving around blindly.

Several other Avengers appeared as backup before Hermione, Selene and Jennifer were overwhelmed.

Phoebe and Alex started casting all kinds of spells they deemed perhaps useful against these wraith beings and against demons.

Wynona appeared shooting Peacemaker like the gunslinger she was.

Violet and Lara tried their Gantz weapons but they were completely useless against the dreads.

"Lets get out of here" Hermione said. The others nodded as they abandoned the demon realm, entering the Nexus into safety. 

"Sam! We want to enter the Nexus!" Rita also suddenly yelled through the mind link from the zombie earth dimension. 

Sam was just looking at those that arrived in the Nexus from the demon realm as he quickly looked at what was happening in the zombie earth dimension with Alice and Rita.

They were still in invisibility mode around the rubble of the school when the battle between the Titans, Gods and Dragon Lords created such destruction that a 10,000 meter wave was rushing towards them from afar from the sea, destroying everything in their path. 

"Fuck, that wave will destroy half the country!" Sam muttered to himself, pulling Alice and Rita back into the Nexus as the wave devastated everything in it's path. 

"Well, that went nowhere" Alex said, "Now what?" she asked

"Now.. I think I want to have a private chat with Merlin" Sam replied as he exited the Nexus in the Crying Forest. 

About half and hour later, Samsara and Merlin had been chatting in private for a while.

"So... you too huh?" Merlin said. 

"Well.. .uh... yeah" Sam answered after explaining what he knew, about the prophecy etc.

Merlin didn't know as much, as his interface with his equivalent of the Nexus was more primitive than Sam's.

While Sam has a computer interface that actually does give him information, especially when it now has Quorra to interface with it, Merlin only had a board and two dice. He could manipulate things to happen for him, but there was no feedback otherwise to tell him what was going on. 

"So what do we do?" Merlin asked

"I don't know. We just do our best to be heroic or something, I guess" Sam answered.

Suddenly there was a loud bang. 

"We're under attack!" a guard yelled.

Sam and Merlin ran towards the sound of battle, which came from where the portal to the demon realm was. 

As they arrived together with Queen Serene and the rest of the remnants of the Heroes of Aristonia, they were surprised that the enemies were not demons or even dreads coming from the portal.

Rather, there were glowing people arriving from the sky.

"Gods!" Sam thought to himself. 

There were several Avengers guarding the portal, namely Diana, Sif, Kara, Mary, Carol, Susan, Ororo, Mera and Annabeth. 

They were surrounded by over 30 gods wearing different colored glowing clothes, some colors Sam did not see in their previous encounter with them in the zombie earth dimension. 

"You! And you! You have signs of divinity in you! Why are you resisting joining us?" yelled one of the gods, pointing to Diana and Sif.

"There's even a mongrel here! She should be grateful we are rescuing you from wallowing with these inferiors!" he continued, pointing at Annabeth

There were several gods on the ground injured, causing all the gods to be on full alert. 

These gods had strength that slightly surpassed the non super strength Avengers wearing Gantz suits, but those Avengers with superstrength like Diana, Kara, Carol etc, they were as strong when they wore their Gantz suits as they were compared to normal humans when they didn't wear their Gantz suits. 

"I may have the blood of a God, but I owe no allegiance to any gods of this realm!" Diana answered defiantly, throwing aside a god she held by the throat in the air. 

As Sam appeared, he summoned the other Avengers from the Nexus. He currently has exactly 40 Avengers that he's ever summoned and they looked stunning in their Gantz suits. 

"Who.... who are you?" the god that looked in charge asked, realizing that Samsara was in charge of all of them. 

".. and why... why are there demons in this group with gods?" the leader asked. 

"I am Samsara, the ... ah... leader of this group. We are called the Avengers!" Sam answered. 

"How dare you speak to our leader, you backwards ape!" one of the gods yelled. 

But the leader lifted his hand, shutting that god up and landed on the ground in front of Sam. 

"I am Ranium! Leader of this expedition of the gods to this dimension" he answered. 

"What are your intentions coming here? Why are there so many demons, dragons, monsters of every sort and now even gods who appear here?" Sam asked. 

Ranium looked at him and nodded, answering "The walls separating the many dimensions have been cracking. What once was impossible to pass, can now be entered easily through portals such as these" he said, pointing to the portal to the demon realm. 

"Once, we could only venture to nearby dimensions, whereby we conquered for the godlands. We only encountered other strong races like the Dragon Lords, or the Demons and their Demonlords in extremely rare circumstances. Even then we obliterated them. 

But now, our dimensions are open to each other, and other dimensions like this one has been opened to all, so all the major forces are busy fighting and expanding their territories!" he explained. 

*Boom* an explosion came from far away, so loud that it could be heard from where they were. 

There was also a loud sound of a horn blowing, summoning all the Gods to battle. 

Ranium looked that direction then floated in the air. 

"This realm will be swallowed up, either by the gods, or by the other forces. I would advise you, being part of the god realms and subservient to the gods is more... pleasant than the alternatives!" he warned as he flew off waving his hands at Diana, Sif and Annabeth. 

Several Gods rushed at Diana, Sif and Annabeth, attempting to carry them off. 

At the same time, several gods rushed and attacked Selene and Jennifer, casting godly flames and lighting at them.

"No demon shall live!" one of the gods yelled as he destroyed the portal to the demon realm at the same time. 

Jennifer screamed as she rolled on the ground in flames, while Selene managed to dodge the attack, only suffering minor burns. 

Diana and Sif managed to fight the gods off, forcing them to drop the two of them, but Annabeth was carried off. 

Sam gestured and Annabeth disappeared into the Nexus and reappeared next to him. 

They looked at the gods who glared back before flying into the distance to participate in some battle with the other forces. 

"That was pleasant" Alex said sarcastically. 

"What do we do now?" Mindy asked

"We need more information. We've gotten a vague idea of whats going on from these gods and demons, lets capture some of the rest to see if it's the same from everyone else's point of view" Natasha said. 

"This means..." Mindy smiled.

"This means we go hunting!" Diana said with a gleam in her eye. 





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