Glitched Isekai

Chapter 69 – Ability Upgrades

"So.. we have to make a decision whether to defend the dimension, or look for another one" Sam concluded at the end of his report. 

The remnants of the Heroes of Aristonia looked at him glumly. 

Over the past days, they've witnessed the might of the gods, the dragon lords, the titans, the demons etc.

While it was not as if they could not put up a resistance without Sam and the Avenger's help, but it was a battle they would lose eventually. 

Ultimately, the decision was obvious. They opted to defend to their last breath. 

"Can't blame them I suppose. It's their home after all" Sam said as he entered the Nexus and met up with all his Avengers to discuss. 

"Any ideas or options?" Sam asked, looking at his multiple familiars, many of them geniuses in their own right. 

"Yes, I have two suggestions!" Quorra said. 

Sam nodded for her to proceed. 

"The first is that you use one of your Karma points, since you have around 25 by now, to give yourself the ability to open portals to other dimensions. With this, we can take the initiative and look for alternate dimensions" she suggested. 

Sam nodded. This was a good idea.

"The second is that you use another of your Karma points to access the Tron system" Quorra said. 

"The Tron system?" Sam asked. 

"Yes, my homeworld system" Quorra said.

"Since you could access the Gantz system, you could also use the Tron system as my homeworld has vehicles and weapons" as she used the Nexus to project the many things available from the Tron system. 

There were projections of Light Jets, Light Tanks, even huge Command Ships and Carriers Ships, Light Cycles etc. 

"Holy shit! We'll have the full capabilities of an army!" Mindy said, her eyes gleaming. 

Sam nodded as he got excited too. 

Suddenly, Jemina appeared naked out of nowhere. 

"Jemina? What happened?" Sam asked as she looked shocked and fearful. 

"Oh Sam! Thank god. I thought I couldn't die and would be stuck there forever" she answered. 

"Quorra, use 2 Karma points in accordance to your plan" he ordered as he brought Jemina aside. 

She tearfully fell into his arms, telling him all that has happened to her. 

Serendale was no more. 

It was attacked by beings that Sam identified as dreads from Jemina's memories. 

The dreads sucked the life out of all the remaining people of Serendale, including all Jemina's family and friends who survived. 

She survived due to her self regenerating abilities being a Samsara body. 

However, her mind was trapped and unable to contact Sam through the mind link. 

She was stuck and tortured as they drained her neverending life force for weeks before the gods came and destroyed everything, including the dreads, the land and eventually Jemina's body. 

Where Serendale used to be, now was only a giant crater several hundred meters deep into the ground. 

Sam looked up at the familiars standing around them and stated "I think that may very well be the future of Aristonia too" 

Quorra approached and reported, "2 Karma points has been used, and both updates have been implemented by the Nexus. You may try them now"

Sam looked at his hand and opened a portal to the zombie earth that they visited not too long ago. 

"I'll go. It feels closest to home" Mindy said and dragged Mathilda along as they entered the portal to scout that dimension. 

He opened another portal to the demon dimension since it was the only other dimension he has access to and could create a portal for.

Selene and Jennifer entered it again, this time dressed in the Gantz suit and packing Gantz weapons.

"Those are the two dimensions where I seem to be able to identify since we've been there before. As for the rest, I am just randomly opening dimensions. Be careful" he said as he opened another portal. 

"I'll go" Tauriel said.

"Me too" Max replied as they both jumped into the portal. 

Sam opened another one. 

"My turn" Yuriko said as Cameron agreed to join her. 

They both entered when seconds later, they suddenly jumped back out of the portal!

Yuriko's body was horribly burned and Cameron had half her body burned off, including her robotic skeleton. Their gantz suits were completely burned off. 

Yuriko's adamantium bones were showing in most of her body as she slowly healed. 

Alex rushed to them and started casting healing spells. 

"What... what happened?" Sam asked. But the two girls were still slowly recovering.

Kara bravely jumped into the portal to check it out. 

Seconds later, she came out. Her gantz suit was completely burned off. But she was naked. 

"That dimension is made entirely of corrosive acids" Kara answered. 

Luckily her Kryptonian body was immune to the damage caused. But it was scary nonetheless. 

"We've got to be more careful before simply jumping in" Natasha said. 

While these Avengers can be healed, or even reincarnated in the Nexus, they nevertheless felt and experienced every death. It wasn't as if they would willingly experience it on purpose. 

"Let me try" Mary said as she entered. 

She exited naked moments later, her Gantz suit melted off. However unlike Kara, although she was fully intact, her skin felt like it was burning and Alex had to wash her off with her magic. 

"I'll try too" Diana said and Sif nodded. 

Both of them came out seconds later with slight burns like Mary. 

Sue entered with her forcefield but she exited moments later, looking terrified. 

Her forcefield was still active, but the acid was clearly making holes in it, and the drops barely missed her body. 

Wanda had even worse results as her telekinetic field completely collapsed and she reappeared naked in the Nexus after dying in that dimension. 

Carol tried in her Binary form and came out with minor burns like Mary did.

"I can't believe you girls are trying it out like a challenge" Sam said. 

"We're doing this because we will face many more dimensions like this one as we scout them. We can't let only Kara do all the scouting" Diana said as Alex healed her wounds. 

"Only Kara is the most immune huh?" Sam thought. 

He then sat down on one of the beds and started playing with himself. 

"What are you doing?" Diana asked. 

"I'm summoning a Kryptonian and a Daxamite!" he replied as he started the summoning process. 


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