Glitched Isekai

Chapter 84 – The Rescue

Sam felt something at his groin. Something or someone was fiddling his penis!

Suddenly, he felt a hand grab him and started yanking his dick hard. 

Opening his eyes, he was shocked at what he saw. 

He was stuck to the wall in a sticky substance, naked and unable to move. 

All around him were his familiars, all stuck to the walls all around the large hall. 

Some of them were barely alive with large holes in their chests. 

Others still had face huggers stuck to their faces and their throats and chests were pulsating as a xenomorph worm entered their chests. 

Then there were those like him, stuck to the wall and was waiting to be infected as nearby eggs pulsated ominously on the nearby floor. 

And in the middle of the large cavern, there was a gigantic xenomorph queen, who seemed more manacing and evil than Sam ever imagined. 

Nearby was the broken black armor of the dead Dark Lord Morgoth. 

"Fuck! No wonder they are so powerful! The Queen hatched from Morgoth, a godlike Ainur!" Sam muttered. 

"Damn it Sam! Are you awake?" he heard a voice from below him. 

It was Hermione, and she was stuck to the wall below him, to his right as her left hand barely reached his penis as she yanked on it to wake him up. 

"Fucking hell, are you getting an erection?" she asked in an exasperated voice. 

"Well I can't help it! You're doing too good of a job!" he responded

Suddenly, the pulsating eggs burst open as the facehuggers inside rushed at them.

Sam watched in shock as several facehuggers rushed at him, one attaching itself to Hermione under him as she tried to scream.

Sam screamed too as Hermione's hand crushed his penis with all her might.

Daisy Johnson, aka Quake, one of the later familiars whom he hadn't gotten close to yet was also under him but to the right and she just woke up as a facehugger latched onto her face.

She tried to scream as she let loose her powers, shaking the whole place up.

The enormous queen looked in their direction and charged at them.

Sam felt a facehugger climb up his body as he instantly vanished into the Nexus saving himself.

Sam gasped in relief in the Nexus, as the facehugger smashed it's sex organ into the empty air, missing Sam's face.

He looked around for any of his familiars who were still uninfected, but everyone he could see there were already either near death with a hole in their chest, or currently having a facehugger on their face. 

He immediately rescued those that were near death, that already had a xenomorph burst out of their chests. 

Surprisingly they were all alive, unlike the victims in the movies, probably because all these girls were bona fide heroes with higher tolerance to pain. 

He immediately crouched over Selina Kyle aka Catwoman's naked body and healed her chest with his [Heal] ability and immediately moved on to Selene's body. 

"Oh shit. If the xenomorphs have Selene's vampire abilities, they would be much worse" he thought to himself. 

Then he panicked. "Is anyone still free and not captured?" he asked through his mind link. 

"Sam? Yes, there are some of us still free. We're hovering 2 km in the air above the alien nest, deciding what to do. " Kara said on the mind link. 

From the link, he was glad that those with superpowers were still not captured, like Kara, Rhea, Linda, Samantha, Mary, Carol, Hancock, Jenny and Hannah. He would hate to see xenomorph with Kryptonian powers. He found out that Serleena was badly injured but managed to get away too. 

But others like Wanda, Sue, Mera and Ororo were captured, so there will be xenomorphs with super powers hatching. There was also the issue of Diana, Sif, Donna and Annabeth being captured, making godly xenomorphs. 

He immediately recalled all those still free into the Nexus as he healed Tauriel's naked body. He did leave Elizabeth and Angelica still in England, but also left Mary flying by herself high in the sky above the nest, far away from the Xenomorph nest as an escape path for the Nexus. 

"Quickly! We have to either free these girls or kill them and regenerate them in the Nexus!" Sam said, instantly giving them mental instruction. 

With a thought, Diana appeared in the Nexus, a facehugger on her face. 

Kara immediately ripped it off her face and killed it with her heat vision as Diana screamed from the lacerations on her face. 

Having no time to heal her, Sam instantly summoned Wanda, Sue, Mera and Ororo but was disappointed that they were already half dead with a large hole in their chests. 

Without healing them, he brought in Sabrina, Alex, Phoebe, Melinda and Hermione. Luckily they still had the facehuggers on them and the Kryptonians viciously ripped off the face huggers as Sam healed them. 

Some of the familiars had lacerations and wounds on their faces from the facehuggers being ripped off, but others they had to wait for their chests to burst before killing the xenomorphs and healing their chests. 

It took quite a while as Sam kept bringing them in and healing them or killing facehuggers and wormlike xenomorphs. 

As bodies started disappearing, the xenomorph queen screamed angrily and the xenomorphs all around started looking around to see where the bodies were disappearing to. 

As Sam watched the screens while healing different familiars, he saw a xenomorph fly in the sky using Wanda's abilities. Another was moving around summoning the wind to fly, using Ororo's powers. 

Suddenly, the Xenomorph Queen looked directly at Sam, making all his hairs stand up.

" can she see me?" Sam thought as the Queen approached the screen viewpoint, looking directly at Sam. 

Suddenly, it screetched and moved through the screen, it's large head entering the Nexus, looking directly at Sam!

The girls moved back in shock as the Queen tried to reach Sam. But the screen was too small for it's whole body to enter, only the front end of it's long head. 

It opened it's mouth and a long tongue with a mouth of it's own stretched to reach Sam, who was by now pressing himself to the far wall of the current Nexus hall. 

The long tongue went very near Sam's body, but because the screen was low, the tongue with the teeth was the same level as Sam's crotch and as it opened it's mouth it tried to bite Sam's penis!

"Don't you dare cocksucker!" Mindy aka Hitgirl said, having been recently healed, as she picked up a spare Gantz sword and chopped off the Queen Xenomorph's "tongue".

The Queen screamed as the tongue was chopped off and the acid sprayed on Mindy, burning her skin on the front of her body as she screamed in pain. 

Kara, Linda and Samantha opened fire with their heat vision as Serleena, who hadn't been healed yet shot multiple tentacles at the Queen, shoving her out of the nexus. 

The Queen grabbed on to Serleena's tentacles and attempted to pull her with it. 

Carol grabbed on to Serleena and Kara, Linda and Samantha severed Serleena's tentacles, causing her extreme pain. 

Sam got up and immediately shifted the viewpoint of the Nexus to Mary who was hovering high in the air over the nest. 

Quorra, who Sam had just only healed started taking a head count and realized that not everyone is accounted for. 

Several familiars were still missing namely Raven, Yuriko, Jennifer, Rey and Harley. 


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