Glitched Isekai

Chapter 88 – Into the Fire

Sam's consciousness started awakening. He was shocked that he could not feel his body

He could not feel his body, nor could he move.

All around him was white and the only thing he could see were the 3 starry humanoids

Why are you, the creator, not in control of your world?

This world is not his!

How can it be? It is clear that this world is made with his unique creation energies!

Someone else created this world after stealing his creation energies


A creator self named Merlin, also known as 12780

Did he lose his creation token during the war of the creators?


He did not participate, and 12780 ambushed him after winning several battles against other creators and winning their tokens. 

Then where is 12780?

Killed by this subject self named Samsara also known as 12990

So 12990 took back his world from 12780?

Affirmative. But 12780 already used his creation energies and the creation tokens of others to create this overpowered out of control world. This is why 12990 cannot subdue this world. 

Still, this is a failure. Not creating a world even after given the creation energies

There as a mistake made when he was acquired. He didn't get the tutorial and was instead sent to 12780's world and lived there for a while. 

He had the power of a creation god and lived a s a mortal in another creation god's world? Does he have no ambition?

Perhaps he didn't know what he had

Nevertheless, he's a failure for not creating and establishing his own world, which was his task. 

So we will be destroying him?

No... It's not his fault he was mistakenly sent to the wrong world without the tutorial. We will send him back where he came from. 

So be it!

Let it be so!

So say we all!

That was the last thing Sam heard as he disappeared. 


Sam suddenly awoke and was in excruciating pain.

It was as if every nerve in his body was on fire, and his brain is letting him feel every ounce of pain. 

He screamed and writhed around as nurses and doctors rushed to pin him down and increase the dosage of painkillers and sedatives. 

"How did he wake up? I thought he was brain dead?" A doctor asked

"I don't know. He suddenly woke up and started screaming" the nurse said

"It's inhumane to keep him alive like this. Why aren't we euthanizing him?" another doctor asked. 

"The courts decided to keep him alive until at least the criminal case is over. The governor is using this poor sod as a political tool for his election campaign to get reelected. The death penalty is one of his campaign promises, and this case is on all the national news!" the first doctor answered. 

"Won't this create racial riots?" a nurse asked

"No. The black guys aren't getting the death sentence. They were mere accomplices. It's the pretty white girl who is up for first degree murder" the first doctor said. 

"Poor guy, kept alive for this. Half his brains were blown out, he's blind in his left yet, half his face is gone, most of his body has 3rd degree burns and his penis was shot off. Both his arms and legs had to be amputated due to the severe burns. I hope she get the death sentence for this" the second doctor said. 

Hearing all of this, Sam's mind screamed in shock. He was back in his old body! But he was horribly disfigured, disabled and brain damaged. Although he could see and hear everything, he could not communicate to anyone. 

He was trapped in his own body, and unable to do anything about it. 

"No! Help! I'm here!" he yelled in his head, but nobody could hear him. 


Sam lay in his hospital bed for days which stretched to weeks and then to months, unmoving and unable to communicate.

He thought he was going mad, and perhaps all the experiences in the other world with the powers and all his familiars were just a dream. 

Nurses and doctors came and went, gave him his treatment but nevertheless talked about him and treated him as if he could not hear them. 

But he could hear everything. His black right eye stared at them, listening to everything they said and talked about. 

Sharon's court case was in the national news and they were talking about it all the time. 

Of the three guys, Tyrone and Jacen got 20 years for kidnapping and arson while Jamal got an extra 15 years for assault in shooting Sam in his crotch. 

As for Sharon, she got the death penalty. It was the top news in all the newspapers and news stations. 

Several days later, the doctors were arguing with each other right in front of Sam's room 

"Why are they bringing the media circus here?"

"The victim of the case is here, so they want to do an interview"

"What interview? He's brain dead and he is barely alive and severely crippled"

"The governor wants to show how badly he was injured to quell the riots happening because of the case. Maybe by showing how serious their crimes are, they would not riot so much"

"Are they stupid? How will this stop the riots? Most of these anarchists are rioting just because they can. This case is just an excuse anyway"

"Regardless, the news crew will be coming in two days time. They will be bringing the girl on death row"

"For what? To ask for forgiveness?" 

"It makes great television"

"I swear, if it weren't for the fact I need the salary to pay for my alimony, I would have quit this job so many times and left the country to live in Bali or something"

"Haha, you won't do that. Like you said, you need your money for alimony. The way the current courts are so liberal, if you don't pay your alimony, you'll be the one getting the death sentence"

The doctors walked away and the room was silent, leaving Sam to his thoughts

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