Glitched Isekai

Chapter 90 – Captured

Sam felt something warm and wet and extremely pleasurable, but he also strangely felt something in his mouth.

He felt himself climaxing and something warm went down his throat!

Slowly he opened his eyes to see his fully erect penis in his mouth as he continued sucking on it while bending over. 

"What... what are you doing?" he said, talking to himself. 

"This feels soooo good" Sharon said in his head, co-controlling his body as he masturbated himself. 

"Then what was that earlier?" Sam wondered when he felt something dribbling out of his mouth. 

He quickly wiped it, thinking he had drooled in his sleep. 

His eyes popped out as he realized it was his own seed. 

He was never that long before in his original life, and he had so much sex in the other world, if indeed it was real, that the thought of autofallatio never crossed his mind. 

But now, indeed he was sucking himself like a well endowed porn star, and before he knew it, he had his own warm seed in his mouth. 

"Uugh" he wretched as he spat out his cum from his mouth. 

"What the hell?" he yelled. 

"It felt good right? So wonderful to have one of these" Sharon said, his hand still playing with his cock. 

"Never do that again!" he said to himself, realizing that his mouth still had the aftertaste in his mouth, even down his throat although he spat it out. 

"Don't tell me she's been doing this all night?" he wondered. 

"Don't you guys like to be sucked? Don't you like us girls to swallow?" Sharon asked in his mind

"Not swallowing my own cum!" he yelled in his head

"Anyway, you have taken over my body. What do we do now?" Sharon asked in his head. 

Sam stood up from the bed they were sleeping on, wiping his hand on the bedsheets. 

Looking in the mirror, he realized that although this body seemed familiar, as he had looked like this nearly the whole time in the other world, if indeed it wasn't a dream, nobody knew him looking like this. 

He looked neither like his unattractive original self, nor the extremely beautiful Sharon who has been convicted for the death penalty. 

As he was a new person, he could start all over again. But as what? He had no money, nor any possessions except for the clothes he stole. 

They were in a house they broke into, as the occupants were possibly away, as the car was not in the driveway. 

Suddenly, they heard a car drive into the garage and the front door opened!

"Fuck. Lets get out of here first" Sam said as he climbed out the first story window and down the drain pipe. 


He walked through the streets barefoot in stolen jeans and t-shirt, wondering what to do next. 

He realized that he had his [Heal] ability, which was really a flesh transmutation ability. 

But what else? His [Level 1] powers included [Magic Missile] and his most used ability and hack, his summoning.

Just as he was thinking about testing his other abilities, he walked past a old electronics repair shop which had several TVs turned on, and he watched the news. 

There was still a manhunt for death row inmate Sharon Carpenter, and her accomplice a handsome young man. 

They showed CCTV footage of himself in his male form sneaking out of the hospital. Then a artist rendition of his face. 

"Damn! That's quite a good impression of me" he said, looking at the sketch of himself. 

"Hey! You're him!" a bum on the corner said, looking at the TV and at Sam

"What? No! I'm not him!" Sam replied 

"It's him! It's him!" the bum yelled, calling attention as a police car nearby suddenly took a U-turn and drove directly towards them

"Fuck" Sam said as he turned and ran the other way

"Freeze!" the loudspeaker sounded from the vehicle, but Sam ran without looking back, turning into an alley

Sam ran for dear life, but he was barefoot and the alley had glass shards on it as well as used needles that lacerated and cut up his feet as he ran. 

Sam tried to heal himself as he ran, but his feet kept getting cut up, leaving bloody footprints as he ran, making it easy for the officers to follow him. 

The officers were surprised at his tenacity, as they could clearly see his feet bleeding everywhere, but they were confused as his feet kept shining a light as he healed. 

Just then, Sam ran into a dead end and the cops were close behind him. 

"Too late scumbag!" the first officer arriving said as he shot his tazer at Sam's back

Sam's whole body trembled uncontrollably as the officer's partner arrived. 

"Fucker! Making us run like that" the second officer yelled as he too took out his tazer and shot at Sam

Sam's body trembled while standing, electrocuted by 20,000 volts of electricity

Just then, more officers arrived and the first one that tazed him ran towards Sam as his body collapsed, kneeing him in the face as he fell to the floor. 

Sam's handsome face was smashed by the knee and he fell sideways to the floor as he landed face first into the dirt. 

The officers jumped on him, applying their full body weight on him while they cuffed him. 

As the officers pulled him off the ground unconscious, they suddenly realized something strange. 

"Hey.. look at this! It's Sharon Carpenter!" they said, realizing the suspect had large breasts popping out of the now torn T-shirt that looked like it could barely hold them in 

Furthermore, as the body suddenly transformed into her former female body, she was slimmer, and the jeans she wore dropped off her hips, revealing her female anatomy. 

The officer looked at her beautiful face, now smashed up and bleeding and looked at her whole body again. 

"I could swear... she was a man..." he said as he carried her prone body to the squad car. 

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