Global Awakening: Only I lay out the future in advance

32 The Dharma of Tianlei, the Buddha country in the palm of the palm, Dan Cheng! (Two -in -one

Chapter 32 The Dharma of Tianlei, the Buddha country in the palm of the palm, Dan Cheng! (Two -in -one)

After the initial situation of the ninth order, it was awakening.

There is no specific division in this state.

In simple terms, there is only one stage.

The awakening situation, as the name suggests, is to start digging the potential of the flesh and the mythology in the body.

One of the people is endless, but before the global changes, most people cannot dig out one -tenth of its potential because they are blocked by the heaven and earth, but after the mutation, the road of evolution is opened and the disappearance is disappeared.

The genetic lock hidden in the human body was broken, and unlimited potential broke out.

This is also the basis for the transition of life.

At this realm.

It is equivalent to the deification of genes and obtaining strange power, which is for the real awakening.

Although the initial realm, although there are various abilities, at best, it is still human, but it just opens the door to evolution.

Now, Lu Yuan breaks through the initial situation of the ninth level and officially stands on the awakening state.

It surpassed all the efforts of the last ten years.


When feeling this power.

Even if he couldn’t help but be happy in his eyes.

However, after Lu Yuan arrived in the realm, he did not have some ability.

The reason is simple, that is, the 11 -level blood floating slaughter that has just been fused, summarizing all the gene potential.

If you want to say, his ability is qi and blood floating.

As soon as the floating slaughter came out, the body was like a mountain.

Easy to shock to death in the same level is not comparable to the so -called flames and ice.

In the last life, he saw that the strong man who fused the eleven blood floating slaughter.

In one foot, it is like a flood beast trampled.

The mountains and rivers were shifted.

Of course, Lu Yuan only reached this situation at first, and he had not yet adapted. He could not show it at one time. If he continued to evolve in the future, his strength was improved, and under the qi and blood floating, the inside and outside were united.

Coupled with the full version of “Tao Te Ching”, in the future, you will shook the stars and walk the universe.

“This power is really good.”

Lu Yuan waved his fist slightly, his blood rushed, his tendons and bones were lingering.

However, he was very careful, for fear that he would use more strength, and the villa behind him had to collapse.

After all, my own strength is terrible, surpassing human imagination.


Lu Yuan wanted to go out directly and fought indulgent, but resisted.

Knowing that it is not necessary, it is better to adapt to all the gods, and then use the invincible posture, to the new era!

“Bodhi ancient trees, complete” Tao Te Ching “, Da Luo Jian fetus, and the 11th level of blood floating slaughter all over again. What should I do next?”

At this moment, Lu Yuan no longer pays attention to herself, and turns to look at the remaining kinds of God. These cannot be integrated into themselves. They belong to foreign objects, but all of them have good uses.

First of all, he picked up the ghost seal and the mysterious little tripod, and both things exuded.

Ghost seal is still similar to before, exuding an inexplicable evil nature.

Holding in your hand, I felt cold.

The mysterious Xiaoding is nothing, showing blue green, slap size.

There are various patterns on it densely.


In ancient times, sacrifice belonged to a ritual, which means noble, and most people are unavailable.

These two things are the key to opening Qinhuang Mausoleum, and one of the most important parts of Lu Yuan’s plan.

Because in that Laoshan Emperor’s Mausoleum, there is something he must get.

A rough breathing method!

If it is said that the idea is to open up and light up the road.

Breathing is a way to stimulate its own strength to the limit.

But regardless of views or breathing.

It can be said that it is very rare.

Unless it is the forces with ancient inheritance and blood, or outside the territory.

There are some breathing methods that Lu Yuan knows, but there is no one that can be comparable to the door in the Qinhuang Mausoleum. He must take a trip in the future. Therefore, the little Ding and Ghost Seal in his hands are also indispensable. Can’t get in.

After all, it is the place where Zulong Shen sleeps. How can there be no relative ways and keys?

But these two things are not available for the time being.

So Lu Yuan first put it aside.

Turning his head and picked up the congenital clothes.

Different from the tattoo before, this innate dress becomes as smooth and light as silk.

The texture is transparent, and it is placed on the hand without things, and the touch is very comfortable.

But don’t look at it to tear it if it is thin.


The congenital clothing is made of special materials.

Lu Yuan also tried it. Even with his own strength, it was difficult to leave a little trace on it.

In particular, if you observe it carefully, you will find that on the innate clothes, there is some kind of mystery and light, which is the power of heaven and earth after the mutation, which is automatically absorbed at this moment.

It is foreseeable that after wearing it, the benefits cannot be imagined.

As for why Lu Yuan first picked it up.

There are two reasons.

First, although he is horrible, he is comparable to steel, but it is not to say that he will not be injured.

And this first -day clothes can greatly increase his defense power, and seeing God is not bad.

As for some people, the strong was born in various grinding, but Lu Yuan didn’t care at all. He thought that life would go to the end. Why not have good things.

As for the second.

It is the fusion of the eleven -level blood floating after the slaughter.

Lu Yuan’s blood stains must be washed to wash, and you must put it on directly.

Soon, he went to the villa bathroom and was cleaned a little.

Then walk into the yard again.

However, the clothes were just the same and there was no change.

That’s right, this is another ability of congenital clothing, which can change with your heart.

With it, there is basically no need to be afraid to damage the clothes or something, and it is also convenient to hide. At the critical time, give the enemy a fatal blow.

What if this is not the case, why did Lu Yuan spend three months to collect all kinds of deities?

They are the best and most suitable for you.

After doing these.

Lu Yuan calmed it a little, and looked at the child’s noon to supplement the sky furnace.

He also got it in the last life, so he was very familiar and knew.

Very simple.

After urging, automatically aggregate the spirit of heaven and earth, or some gods and fruits, and practice as elixir.

It is the reason that it can be auxiliary practice, and it is a reason to use elixir in the legend.

Of course, Ziwu Zuotian Furnace is the object of Gexian Weng.

Even if it is urged, it needs method.

Just right.

The ancient book given by Mr. Ge has related records.

Lu Yuan thought about it. In the last life, he did not play the real role of this stove. It was a pity. It was better to try it now and see the effect.

When he thought of it, he opened the ancient book, just after watching it, he fully understood.

There is no way, under the blessing of hundreds of millions of talents, the understanding is too horrible.


Lu Yuan took a deep breath.

Then use the method of the ancient book to shoot a few times in the different orientation of the Sumi furnace.

Dang! Intersection Intersection

Next moment.

Ziwu Nu Sky furnace turned into one foot, suspended in the air.

The body spoke a dazzling light.

The top of the furnace, like a black hole, produces huge suction. It is actually to swallow the mysterious power generated by the villa next to it!

It was the essence of heaven and earth.

It is a special energy generated only after mutation.

The reason why Wanling embarked on the road of evolution is to rely on this power, like oxygen.

However, if the awakened person generally wants to incorporate it into the body, he needs to observe the ideas, and then accumulate day and night.

But now, after the Sumita Furnace is urged, it automatically incorporates this power into it.

This method can be said to be appalling.

Moreover, over time.

The light emitted from the furnace mouth is getting more and more eye -catching.

Lu Yuan knew that it was the spirit of aggregating heaven and earth, refining into a elixir.

It seems that it takes some time.

After a while, it can’t be ended.

“Forget it, let it refine it yourself.” Lu Yuan shook his head and chose to ignore it.

Now, there are three kinds of deities in front of them, relics, non -word stone monuments, and shaking the sky.

After thinking a little.

Lu Yuanpan was sitting in front of a stone -free stone monument.

The size of the stone monument is unchanged. The only special thing is that the surface is more glorious, like a mirror -like glory, which can reflect the shadow. At the same time, you can see that there is an irregular pattern on the stele, which is strange and unclear.

If you have to describe it, it is like a thunderbolt, falling from nine days.

“In the last life, someone realized a kind of refreshing from this wordless stone monument.”

“It is said that the man spent a whole three years, that is, how long does it take to know how long it is for my talent?”

Lu Yuan murmured to himself, with thoughts and expectations in his eyes.

And so -called supernatural powers.

It is the battle method.

Like the martial arts move, use the strength of the body to fight against the enemy.

However, supernatural powers are more powerful, magical, and capable of people are for the magical powers, but can turn over the river.

Of course, people with weak strength generally cannot master supernatural powers. Even if there are, they cannot exert their true prestige, and their bodies cannot support them. Unless they are talented, they can only be exhibited smoothly after the shackles are reached. Essence

Lu Yuan is powerful and combined with various objects, and he has long been able to figure out common sense.

Until the magical power, it can be mastered naturally.


He concentrated, and his mind was all placed on that wordless stone monument.

Slowly, the irregular patterns on the stele seemed to start to move.

Soon, Lu Yuan suddenly saw that a huge thunder turned into a Thunder Dragon, with a wild breath, and dived down from nine days, like destroying the Thunderbolt.


The huge roar sounded in my mind, like the punishment of God.

Click ~ click ~

And at this time.

The stone monument was full of cracks, and finally banged into debris, sinking into the soil, disappearing.

However, Lu Yuan, who found this scene, did not react in the slightest, showing a thoughtful expression on his face.

After watching the time, it has passed ten minutes.

And in that ten minutes.

He has enlightened the magical power on the wordless stone monument.

The strong man died for a full three years of time.


It took ten minutes?

Lu Yuan is a little speechless. It seems that the benefits of the ancient tree of Bodhi are really big.

Immediately, he put away his thoughts and closed his eyes, and a thunder appeared in his mind.

Each of the text is also engraved in it.

This is the great magical power of the wordless stone monument, named: Jade Emperor Tianlei Fa -rectification!

After the exhibition, you can control the power of thunder. If the arm is made, the stronger the strength, the stronger the thunder, and the power to split the sky.

Originally, the thunder reaches the sun, and it means destruction.

Lu Yuan can imagine.

How terrible will it be?

It is not time to describe the legendary thunderbolt, right?

“It deserves to teach the ancestral court, this magical power of Longhu Mountain, I laughed.” Lu Yuan smiled, spent 10 million, and got such a powerful magic. Bar?

Of course, at this moment he did not continue to understand the study, but looked at the relic.

The monks are left in the sits, and there is a Buddhist gate.

But even the awakened people are unable to realize it.

The reason is very simple. It requires the bodhi ancient tree to open, otherwise anyone can get it.

Therefore, everything Lu Yuan did was planned in advance and would not be surprised.

After picking up the relic, he thought about it.

Close your eyes immediately.

Close it to the heart of the eyebrows, and at the same time, the ancient trees that have been integrated into the mind.

Suddenly, on the ancient tree, the Buddha’s chanting emerged.

At this moment, the relics exuded a soft Buddha light and resonated with the ancient trees.

It didn’t take long for the relics to appear one by one in the middle of the air.

Immediately, all of Lu Yuan’s eyebrows disappeared.

When the last text poured in.

The relics are also covered with cracks, completely turning into pink, and it seems that there is no existence.

Like a stone monument, as long as someone is fully realized, it will disappear automatically.

And at this time.

Lu Yuan also knew the name of the magical power in the Sari.

The Buddha country in the palm!

If you have enlightened it, and then urge it with absolute strength, you can produce a vast Buddhist country, forming a field to imprison the enemy. At the same time The door is not lower than the great magical power of the Jade Emperor Tianlei.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan’s eyes lighted up and stretched out his right hand slightly.

I saw that the light of the Buddha was surging on the palm, and there was a vast Buddha soil in it.

However, because it is just initially enlightened, it is not thorough, and inadequate strength, the Buddha soil is blurred and not formed.

But even so, you can still feel the power of this magical power.

“Sure enough, I didn’t let me down.”

Lu Yuan put away his palm, and a smile appeared on his face.

With these two supernatural powers, your own combat power will be greatly enhanced.

Of course, if you want to fully play power, you still need to practice until you are completely grasped.

This will definitely be one of his capitals in the future, invincible capital!

“Unfortunately, I realized that this Buddha’s two magical powers have enhanced my strength, but this realm has not yet made a breakthrough, it is almost a matter of time.” Lu Yuan no longer ignored these, but observed his own state.

In continuous integration of a variety of deities, he reached the awakening state, and he could break through one step even worse.

It’s just that everything should be used up, it is really difficult to do.


But when Lu Yuan was helpless.

There was a buzzing of Weng.

Turning around, I saw that the noon furnace stabilized, and the light was all converged.

At the entrance of the furnace, there is a pure white elixir with a thumb size, which is fluttering up and down!


How to forget it?

(This chapter is finished)

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