Global Awakening SSS-Rank: Hearing the Beauty’s Heart

Chapter 56: Copying Teacher Jiang Han’s Super-Level Forbidden Spell! When Wang Yanran Comes Again, I’ll Give Her a Good Thrashing!

Chapter 56: Copying Teacher Jiang Han's Super-Level Forbidden Spell! When Wang Yanran Comes Again, I'll Give Her a Good Thrashing!

Since his narrow escape last night, Lin Tianming has been contemplating how to deal with Wang Yanran if he encounters her again.

Although he indulged in a bit of revenge by holding the beauty in his arms, this behavior undoubtedly intensified Wang Yanran's hatred towards him.

After a night of reflection, Lin Tianming came up with a plan to at least protect himself.

That plan was to leave a slot for copying a skill and copy Teacher Jiang Han's super-level forbidden spell.

Wang Yanran is strong, but she is ultimately just a fourth-year student. Compared to Jiang Han, who stands at the pinnacle of awakened beings, there is still a gap.

In this era where no one has ascended to godhood, the top-tier awakener Jiang Han is still regarded as the young genius most likely to become a god, breaking the global record of awakened abilities.

If Jiang Han hadn't been killed by the original host during her crucial moment of ascension, she would have become the first god of this era.

With Jiang Han's super-level forbidden spell as protection, Lin Tianming wouldn't fear Wang Yanran at all.

"Hey, kid, what are you grinning about?"

Jiang Han's slightly angry reprimand brought Lin Tianming back to reality, reminding him that he was currently in Jiang Han's awakening class.

He chuckled and said, "Nothing much, Teacher Jiang Han!"

"Then focus!"

[This kid, I don't know what he's thinking, but he's clearly distracted. His state today isn't great!]

Hearing Jiang Han's complaints through her inner voice, Lin Tianming quickly entered a focused state, immersing himself in the special training to improve his level, lest she explodes with anger.

If Jiang Han loses her temper and decides to kill him, her combat power would be even more terrifying than Wang Yanran's.

Having finally found a method to deal with Jiang Han, Lin Tianming knew he had to keep her satisfied, immersed in the joy of nurturing him.

She likes playing cultivation games, so he had to play along.

This way, he could not only gain her guidance to quickly improve himself but also earn her goodwill and gradually eliminate her resentment.

After a morning of rigorous training, Jiang Han was quite pleased with Lin Tianming's performance.

[This focused attitude is what I like! This kid, Tianming, really has good talent. His soul power and control over the Hand of God improved significantly today. At this rate, he'll soon reach level seventeen.]

[Level seventeen is crucial for him. It will reduce the cooldown time of his Hand of God copying ability from twelve hours to six hours.]

[The next critical level is twenty. His Hand of God will be able to copy up to five skills. Given his faster growth rate in this life compared to the last, he should reach level twenty by the end of this term at the latest.]

From Jiang Han's inner voice, Lin Tianming learned two crucial pieces of information. The cooldown time for his Hand of God copying ability would shorten to six hours at level seventeen, and at level twenty, the skill capacity would increase to five.

With this knowledge, Lin Tianming was filled with anticipation for Jiang Han's daily special training designed for him.

Seeing that Lin Tianming had perfectly completed today's training, Jiang Han said, "Very good, little Tianming. Today's lesson is over. Remember, your daily training to improve your level, the training of your Hand of God, and the training of your newly awakened soul abilities from the secret realm all take a significant toll on you. Go back and rest well to prepare for the next day's training."

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Han!"

Finally, the exhausting training was over, but before leaving, Lin Tianming had to copy one of Jiang Han's skills.

He had only used three of his copying abilities during the morning training session, leaving one last skill unused.

To prevent a crisis like last night from happening again, Lin Tianming deliberately saved the last copying skill.

Originally, he planned to complete Jiang Han's lesson using only one copying skill, so he could copy three super-level forbidden spells for self-defense.

However, Jiang Han's training intensity was as high as ever, designed specifically to exhaust his current level's potential.

As a result, Lin Tianming almost killed himself to save that single copying skill.

But he managed to do it. Lin Tianming immediately activated his Hand of God.


Although it wasn't the first time Lin Tianming had used his copying ability to check her skills, the sheer number of Jiang Han's lightning attribute skills still dazzled him.

He didn't bother to look at them one by one and directly chose the super-level forbidden spell "Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens" that he had copied two months ago.

Lin Tianming intended to copy Jiang Han's skill quietly and leave without drawing her attention.

But he greatly underestimated Jiang Han's familiarity with the original host's Hand of God.

[This little brat... is he using his copying ability to check my skills?]

Jiang Han's inner voice made Lin Tianming's heart skip a beat, but he still acted as if nothing had happened.

Successfully copying the super-level forbidden spell "Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens," Lin Tianming turned to leave.

But Jiang Han called him back, "Brat, did you just copy my super-level forbidden spell?"

Realizing her sharp sensitivity, Lin Tianming turned back and, trying to bluff his way out, said, "Teacher Jiang Han, no, I didn't!"

[This brat, does he really think I don't understand how his Hand of God works?]

[In the last life, I personally helped him enhance the potential of his Hand of God step by step. I know exactly when he uses his copying ability.]

[Even when he brutally killed me at the end and copied my skills, I was aware.]

[I just thought he was copying my skills out of concern for my safety during the dangerous godhood trial. Who knew he would betray me and kill me at the crucial moment?]

Since Lin Tianming copied her super-level forbidden spell "Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens" and lied to her about it, Jiang Han couldn't help but recall the past life.

Lin Tianming cried inwardly. He copied her super-level forbidden spell just for self-defense, nothing more.

He's not the original host!

To prevent her from exploding and turning against him, Lin Tianming quickly confessed, "Hehe, Teacher Jiang Han, I did copy your super-level forbidden spell."

"What spell?"

"Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens."

Hearing Lin Tianming copied "Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens," Jiang Han's mind flashed back to the scene in the previous life where she was attacked by Lin Tianming with this spell during her crucial ascension.

Her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens is one of the most destructive and lethal among my super-level forbidden spells. What do you intend to do with it?"

[Is he already planning to kill me in this life? Did he discover I possess the Heart of Thunder and wants to take it?]

[You're really my good student, aren't you? Traitor! I thought you'd be different in this life, but it seems my imagination was in vain. A person's nature doesn't change even with a second chance.]

If this misunderstanding continues, Jiang Han's threat will definitely surpass Wang Yanran's.

Lin Tianming quickly came up with an idea.

"Teacher Jiang Han, you should remember that I injured Wang Jian during the freshman test, right? His fourth-year student council president cousin, Wang Yanran, found out and has come after me twice already.

The first time, I managed to escape by pretending to have a stomachache, but the second time, which was last night, she forcefully took me to the Flame Awakening Grounds and almost killed me.

If it hadn't been for Senior Sister Mo Jinghong passing by and making her hesitant, I might have died in the Flame Awakening Grounds last night!

So I wanted to copy your super-level forbidden spell for self-defense in case Wang Yanran comes for revenge again. I need a way to protect myself!"

After Lin Tianming's emotional plea, pretending to be traumatized by Wang Yanran's bullying, Jiang Han's anger and resentment visibly dissipated.

[So it was just my sensitivity... I misunderstood this child?]

[Of course... I'm the only one who has been reborn. He wouldn't know about the Heart of Thunder, so he couldn't be coveting it to kill me.]

[Maybe as long as I don't tell him about the Heart of Thunder, he can remain my good disciple and student...]

Jiang Han's feelings towards Lin Tianming were the most conflicted and complicated among all the female reborn with resentment against him.

After all, he was her most promising student, whom she had devoted everything to nurturing.

[If I had known, I would have killed him two months ago. The longer I wait, the more reluctant I am to kill this traitor. I even think this life might be different...]

Despite her extreme emotional conflict, Jiang Han ultimately couldn't bring herself to kill Lin Tianming.

"Having a super-level forbidden spell for self-defense is fine, but remember, never use Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens unless absolutely necessary. If I find out you've used it for evil, I won't spare you!"

Relieved that his quick thinking had made Jiang Han drop her murderous intent and that he had obtained the super-level forbidden spell "Purple Thunder Shakes the Heavens," Lin Tianming was ecstatic.

Next time Wang Yanran dares to come at him, he'll give her a good thrashing!

Let her keep accusing him of defiling her!

He's the one whose reputation is being tarnished!

To reassure Jiang Han, Lin Tianming solemnly promised, "Teacher Jiang Han, rest assured, if I ever misuse your power, you can punish me as you see fit!"

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