Global Demon King: Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Chapter 148: History of Azure Water Federation

At this moment, within the Darkness City, the Great Demon King was thoroughly satisfied.

Merely an hour after listing his trade orders, he had already received eight Level 2 building upgrade scrolls, two Level 3 building upgrade scrolls, and 2 Spirit Field blueprints.

In addition to completing these trade orders.

Zhang Nu had also been contacted by numerous Demon Kings who came to sell their blueprints, equipment, and skill stones, hoping to strike a deal.

Zhang Nu had little interest in equipment and skills.

In his possession, he held hundreds of skill stones, rendering anything below B rank unworthy of even a glance. Only top-tier skills could pique his curiosity.

As for equipment?

The dwarven treasury in Ironheart City had an endless supply!

Zhang Nu would no longer have any trouble finding a market for them.

However, unless it possessed the same caliber as the Elven King's Scepter or the Holy Grail of Blood, even the finest equipment held little significance to him.

Instead, Zhang Nu focused on acquiring attribute crystals that could enhance his stats, precious universal materials such as energy gemstones, as well as blueprints that could be useful.

Unfortunately, the majority of the blueprints that the Demon Kings had to offer

were rather lackluster in terms of both rating and quality.

Zhang Nu found himself only able to acquire Level 1 blueprints, such as Detection Tower, Barrier Tower, various elemental assault towers, as well as utility blueprints like Dark Prison.

Given the current strength of the Dark City, these items were of little use.

However, as the territory continued to expand and more cities and fortresses were established, these buildings could aid in enhancing defense capabilities across different regions.

Just as Zhang Nu finished a batch of trades.

The Hero girl, Su Yan, suddenly arrived at Darkness City.


"I bring the latest intelligence!"

"We have news regarding the members of the Dragon Shadow Hero Guild, as well as the representatives from the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce!"

Zhang Nu jestingly remarked, "It's been so many days since they left. If there's still no news, I'd start suspecting they ran off with the funds."

Su Yan crossed her arms, looking displeased, and retorted, "Boss, how can you say that? The people I recommended are trustworthy. There's no way they would run off!"

Zhang Nu chuckled.

He was merely teasing.

Three individuals, namely Rao Jian, were the leaders of the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

They were being escorted by a squadron of draconians.

If any of these three Heroes were to dare show any intention of absconding with the funds or even entertain such thoughts, it would undoubtedly result in their swift beheading by the draconian super soldiers accompanying them.

Zhang Nu inquired, "What is their current status?"

Su Yan promptly responded, "Rao Jian and his associates have arrived in a region known as the Pale Moon Nation within the Azure Water Federation. With the initial capital provided by Boss, they swiftly secured a modest island to establish their headquarters for the growing merchant association."

"Because Boss dispatched draconian craftsmen and master craftsmen there, the construction of the association's headquarters is progressing very quickly. They have already started establishing connections with the local market."

"The market within the Azure Water Federation is of considerable size, brimming with a vibrant atmosphere of commerce. As long as we can safely transport our goods there, selling them should be a breeze."

"Moreover, the Azure Water Federation is rich in resources."

"If we need any materials, we can inform the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce and use their established connections to procure the resources we want!"

Zhang Nu nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad. Despite being in the early stages, being able to establish such a firm foothold swiftly is a good start."

Seizing the moment, Zhang Nu posed another question.

"How much do you know about the Azure Water Federation?"

After all, Zhang Nu was a Great Demon King, and Demon Kings were known for their aggressive and conquering nature. If his influence became prominent, it would undoubtedly draw the attention and apprehension of major powers.

Once the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce expanded its business, it would inevitably attract attention from various factions.

If it were discovered that the merchant association had been aiding a Demon King in procuring resources, it could potentially put the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce in a disadvantageous position.

Regarding the Azure Water Federation, Zhang Nu had only a limited and superficial understanding.

But Su Yan, as the leader of the Dragon Shadow Heroes and the top intelligence agent under the Great Demon King, had undoubtedly conducted much more thorough research.

Thus, upon hearing the question, she answered confidently.

"The Azure Water Federation is a formidable power located in the southern part of the Chaos Forest, comparable in strength to the northern Thunder Empire."

"It has a long history, dating back six thousand years. Its founder, known as the Azure Water Empress, was a legendary female ruler."

This was the first time Zhang Nu had heard of the Azure Water Empress.

"An empress? If she held such a title, why didn't she establish an empire?"

Su Yan immediately clarified, "The title of 'Empress' is a posthumous honor bestowed upon her by later generations. During her lifetime, she never officially declared herself an empress."

"I believe the Azure Water Empress was well aware of the unique environmental circumstances of her region, making it impractical to establish an empire."

Hearing this, Zhang Nu nodded in agreement.

Empires typically needed to fulfill two fundamental conditions for their establishment.

Firstly, they required a homogenous or predominantly dominant single race. It was impossible to establish a centralized nation in a region where multiple diverse races were evenly matched and mutually hinder one another.

Secondly, empires required a unified territory. The geographical terrain of the entire territory should not be overly complex or vast, as it would hinder effective governance.

The Azure Water Federation did not meet these two conditions.

Su Yan provided a detailed explanation on this matter.

"In fact, whether it's the Thunder Empire in the north, the Sunset Empire in the west, or other empires on this continent, including the former Elven Empire, Orcish Empire, and so on..."

"These empire powers were either established by humans, elves, or orcs, and in any case, they were created or dominated by a single race."

"Based on the intelligence I've gathered, the Azure Water Federation does not have a single race with overwhelming superiority. Not only is it a diverse region with multiple races, but they are also spread across land, mountains, and seas."

"There are land-dwelling races, mountain races, desert races, and even oceanic races, with a significant proportion being the aquatic races."

"Furthermore," Su Yan continued, "the Azure Water Federation's territory is twice the size of the Thunder Empire."

"Approximately twenty percent of the territory consists of land, while the remaining eighty percent is dominated by vast oceans, encompassing countless large and small islands, as well as miniature continents. The highest points reach elevations of tens of thousands of meters, while the depths plunge into dark abyssal waters of hundreds of thousands of meters."

"In such a geographical setting, the likelihood of establishing an empire is close to zero."

"The Azure Water Empress, in order to prevent inter-kingdom conflicts, took it upon herself to establish the Azure Water Federation, which eventually incorporated dozens of kingdoms."

"These kingdoms maintain their individual independence while adhering to a loose system of unity."

Listening to Su Yan, Zhang Nu found it somewhat perplexing.

If the Azure Water Federation was established over six thousand years ago by a legendary empress with her formidable power, then one would assume that the federation would collapse immediately upon her passing.

Somehow sensing the Demon King's skepticism, Su Yan revealed the information she had gathered.

"The reason the federation has been able to maintain stability for six thousand years is due to a legacy left behind by the empress."

What a legacy!

To have such power even after her death, suppressing the federation from collapsing for thousands of years!

Su Yan explained, "It is known as one of the most powerful contracts on the continent."

"Legend has it that the empress risked her life to obtain this ancient contract from a long-forgotten relic!"

"During her reign, she secured the signatures of the core families from dozens of countries and factions, binding them to this covenant."

"Today, this ancient agreement, known as the Azure Water Covenant, serves as the very foundation of the federation."

"The general content of the covenant is as follows:"

"The signatories of the Azure Water Covenant must maintain independence from each other and refrain from engaging in hostilities. They must forever uphold an alliance with one another. Whenever a signatory is threatened by external forces beyond the federation, all covenant members must join forces to defend against the common enemy."

"This covenant possesses an immense power."

"It remains effective for countless years, never expiring."

"There had been an instance in the past where one of the forces violated the Azure Water Covenant, only to have their entire families cursed and subsequently perish... Hence, no one dares to breach the terms of the covenant anymore."

So that's how it was.

Zhang Nu was surprised to learn about this information, which he had been unaware of before.

It seemed that Su Yan had truly done her homework and research.

Zhang Nu then asked, "And where is this ancient covenant located?"

Su Yan shrugged helplessly, "Boss, you're giving me too much credit. How would I know such a thing? The Azure Water Covenant is the lifeblood of the Azure Water Federation!"

Indeed, the entire federation was built upon this covenant.

Having operated for six thousand years, the Azure Water Federation surely had faced countless internal conflicts and disagreements.

If this covenant were to be broken, the restraints that held together the major kingdoms, factions, and families would be shattered.

In that very instant, the entire federation would be turned upside down.

This powerful entity, comparable to an empire, would undoubtedly crumble without a trace.

The Azure Water Federation was well aware of the importance of this covenant and would undoubtedly keep it hidden in the most secure and secretive manner.

The current Dragon Shadow Hero Guild was only a mediocre intelligence organization.

If Su Yan could reveal the location of the Azure Water Covenant, it would be incredibly absurd!

Not knowing was acceptable.

Although the existence of this covenant provided a fatal weakness for the Azure Water Federation.

The Great Demon King's primary focus was ruling and managing the Chaos Forest.

His main adversary was the northern Thunder Empire, and he had no intention of antagonizing the Azure Water Federation for now.

Moreover, sowing chaos within the federation would yield no benefits for him.

On the contrary, he hoped to establish trade connections between the various countries of the continent, with the Azure Water Federation as the central hub.

Zhang Nu considered for a moment and said, "Regardless, to be on the safe side, the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce should avoid directly procuring goods through the Darkness City or any other cities."

"We have a vast gnome merchant caravan under the Thousand Fang City's command. I will have these gnomes establish a Gnome Forest Merchant Guild to serve as the intermediary between our guild and the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce."

"Understood," Su Yan acknowledged.

At that moment, hundreds of elves, including Nancilia and Marilyn, arrived in the Darkness City from the Giantree City.

"Oh, Great Demon King!"

"We have arrived!"

"Where is the sanctuary?"

Nancilia approached with anticipation written all over her face.

Word had spread among the elves of the Giantree City about Zhang Nu's plan to construct a holy sanctuary for them.

When they learned that they could learn ancient magic, martial arts, and other long-lost knowledge in areas such as alchemy, herbalism, cultivation, and formations, the elves could not help themselves but feel excited.

The elven race had experienced a significant loss of ancestral knowledge, making this opportunity all the more appealing to them.

Thus, Nancilia, Marilyn, and the elven elders all journeyed to the Shadow City to witness this marvelous sanctuary.

Before long, their wishes were granted.

A grand and elegant ancient hall stood before them.

As the elves laid eyes on this structure, they could sense an overwhelming sense of familiarity emanating from it, as if the building had been used by elves for tens of thousands of years.

"May we enter?"

"Let's go in!"

The elves joyfully made their way towards the sanctuary.

The Great Demon King suddenly interrupted, saying, "Nancilia, wait a moment."

"Ah, Your Majesty, what is it?" Nancilia asked.

"Come with me."

Zhang Nu wanted to test his new Level 5 ability, the Demon King's Baptism.

This skill had the power to instantly enhance the strength of a unit. The higher the inherent talent and potential of the unit being baptized, the better the effect.

After contemplating his options, Zhang Nu realized that Nancilia, the little Elven King, possessed the highest potential and talent among them.

Therefore, he decided to make her the guinea pig and the lucky recipient of this baptism, allowing her to be the first to experience its effects.

Nancilia was taken aback, her expression filled with confusion.

Although she was eager to visit the elven sanctuary, she understood that the Great Demon King had summoned her for an important matter.

Without questioning further, she promptly followed him into the Demon King's Hall.

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