Global Demon King: Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Chapter 336: Titans of the Abyss

Zhang Nu sensed the area. The Eye of Space was not far from here. Once he successfully locked onto its position, Zhang Nu immediately utilized his spatial abilities to reach the location. In just a moment, Zhang Nu traversed thousands of miles and arrived at the place where he had sensed the Eye of Space. However, upon arrival, he frowned.

"What's going on? I clearly sensed it, so why isn't it here?"

Zhang Nu found himself in a fragmented floating ruin. The place still bore many traces of the Evil God's aura. In the massive ruins, he could even see creatures created by the Evil God's power. From all these signs, it seemed Zhang Nu had not come to the wrong place. Given this, why was the Eye of Space not here?

There was only one possibility. The Eye of Space had fled.

Zhang Nu showed a playful smile. "Interesting. It knows to run away. It seems this Eye of Space has developed quite a high level of intelligence."

When Zhang Nu used the resonance of the Evil God fragments to locate the other pieces, the Eye of Space would undoubtedly sense it as well. In other words, the resonance was bidirectional. Zhang Nu could sense the Eye of Space, and the Eye of Space could also sense Zhang Nu's eyes. Realizing that all seven fragments were in the possession of a single being, the Eye of Space, possessing any measure of wisdom, would understand its current predicament.

The Evil God's Eye of Space represented the spatial power of the Eight-Eyed Evil God. If it decided to escape, even a being several levels stronger might not be able to catch it. However, the Eye of Space was very unlucky---it had encountered Zhang Nu. This meant it had no chance of escaping.

Zhang Nu, with just a slight sensing, could track it down immediately. During the chase, Zhang Nu continually used the Evil God resonance to update the Eye of Space's location, while the Eye of Space kept changing its position. Though the Eye of Space was cunning, its spatial abilities were no match for Zhang Nu's.

The chase soon reached its conclusion as Zhang Nu teleported to a massive floating island. This island was more than ten times larger than the Darkness Valley and was completely shrouded by a huge barrier. Although it was impossible to see inside, the powerful energy emanating from it was unmistakable.

This place was no ordinary location. The Eye of Space had hidden itself within it. As Zhang Nu gazed at the island, relevant information immediately appeared before him.

[Titan City] Level 6 legendary Demon King's main city...

Description: This is the territory of the Dark Titan Demon King Tarak Khan, featuring extremely powerful facilities and defenses.

"A Demon King's territory?" Zhang Nu raised an eyebrow. He hadn't expected such a coincidence. Chasing the Eye of Space had led him straight into another Demon King's city, and not just any Demon King.

The Dark Titans were a race on par with Abyssal Dragons, sometimes even slightly superior in certain talents and overall abilities. As for this Demon King, Tarak Khan, Zhang Nu had seen his name before. When the Demon King rankings first appeared, this Demon King was ranked 8th. However, the rankings had seen some movement recently, and Tarak Khan had dropped to the 11th position, just below the 10th-ranked Han Kexin. Such minor changes in rank were normal, given the real-time updates of the Demon King rankings. It was to be expected that they wouldn't remain static.

Zhang Nu didn't know this Demon King personally, but considering that they were both Demon Kings, he figured he might have some clout to resolve the issue peacefully. Since he didn't conceal his aura, Titan City quickly sensed his presence. The pitch-black barrier opened layer by layer, revealing an immensely grand and colossal giant city. The buildings were uniformly over a thousand meters high, towering like mountains, exuding a sense of oppression.

The entire Demon King city was shrouded in an eerie glow of electricity. Before Zhang Nu could closely examine the functions and types of these buildings, numerous powerful auras locked onto him. A number of titans, nearly a hundred meters tall and as black as ink, took to the sky. Surrounded by crackling black lightning, they moved with astonishing speed, wielding lightning spears as they swiftly approached Zhang Nu.

Within moments, Zhang Nu found himself surrounded. Hundreds of lightning spears forged by the titans' dark lightning were pointed at him.

"How dare you invade the great Titan City! Who are you and what are your intentions?"

These titans, all of them at least Level 5 overlords, had five leaders who were Level 6 monarchs. Each titan had a cold expression, and the black lightning emanating from them was the Dark Titan Divine Thunder. Its power far surpassed the Abyssal Dragon's Abyssal Thunder, as lightning was the strongest and most common ability among titans.

It seemed their temperaments were not particularly friendly. If Zhang Nu's aura hadn't been so overwhelmingly powerful, causing them unease and fear, they likely would have attacked first without giving him a chance to explain.

Facing this situation, Zhang Nu calmly responded, "I have no intention of invading. I was merely tracking something and accidentally ended up here. I wish to meet your lord."

A Titan King shouted, "Who do you think you are? Our master is not someone you can have an audience with just because you wish to!"

Zhang Nu's eyes narrowed slightly. These titans were clearly not in the mood to negotiate. Just as he was contemplating whether to demonstrate to them a bit of his power, a sudden, overwhelmingly oppressive surge of lightning began to gather from all directions. The lightning carried an aura far more powerful than that of dozens or even hundreds of titans combined.

A Level 6 legendary aura! Only a Demon King could command such power here!

As the Dark Titan Divine Thunder converged like rivers flowing into the sea, a figure emitting a strong presence emerged from the center. By rights, a giant or titan's strength was often related to their size, but this titan, who appeared, was not as tall as the others, standing only about a fifth of the height of an ordinary Dark Titan. Nevertheless, this still made him several dozen meters tall.

This figure was none other than Tarak Khan, ranked 11th on the Demon King leaderboard, just surpassed by Han Kexin. Zhang Nu speculated that unless the opponent also had the talents of an Evil God, the comprehensive strength of this Demon King would be on par with Han Kexin, not posing much of a threat to him.

Tarak Khan asked, "You don't seem like a Hero. Who are you?"

Zhang Nu replied, "I am Zhang Nu, the Demon King of Darkness City!"

Upon hearing this name, the Titan Demon King's expression changed dramatically.

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