Global Demon King: Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Chapter 338: Evil God Essence

[Assimilation of Evil God fragment successful!]

[Maximum MP +30000!]

[You've gained a new talent: Eye of Space!]

[Your "Eye of Space" has resonated with the "Eye of Wraith", "Eye of Element", "Eye of Destruction", "Eye of Time", "Eye of Regeneration", "Eye of Domination", and "Eye of Death"]

[Ability strength of the eight Evil God Eyes +100%, Evil God power +100%, maximum HP +30000, maximum MP +30000, all stats +1000!]

The moment Zhang Nu absorbed the Eye of Space, he could clearly feel the eight Evil God fragments within him undergoing an indescribable, peculiar transformation. Eight different types of powers were almost perfectly merging together, like eight pieces of a puzzle forming a complete picture, these originally independent entities had fused completely.

Ultimately, they transformed.

This wasn't a simple arithmetic addition of seven plus one equaling eight. The moment all eight Evil God Eyes were collected, Zhang Nu could distinctly feel a profound impact and change in his very life essence. This was a qualitative leap.

With the eight Evil God Eyes fused into one, the eight types of Evil God power no longer remained separate. They combined to form an extremely powerful and unique force of evil, which began to condense within him into a mysterious aura that surpassed the ordinary limits of mortal beings. If his guess was correct, this mysterious aura was divine in nature, a godhood unique to this Evil God.

At the same time, Zhang Nu heard a notification sound.

[You have activated "Evil God Essence: Eight-Eyed Evil God," granting you the potential to obtain all the talents and powers of the Eight-Eyed Evil God!]

[All stats +2000!]

[Maximum HP +100, 000!]

[Maximum MP +100, 000!]

[You have acquired a new talent skill: Eight-Eyed Evil God!]

The increase in power was overwhelming. Zhang Nu could clearly feel that after successfully merging the eight Evil God Eyes, they had transformed into what was known as the Evil God essence, flowing through his body. The boost to his stats was astounding. Already incredibly powerful, Zhang Nu's strength now, fused with the Evil God essence, made him nearly invincible before reaching Level 7. Even when facing Level 7 entities, even Level 7 legendaries, Zhang Nu now held them in little regard.

Upon gaining the Evil God Essence, Zhang Nu unlocked a new skill.

[Eight-Eyed Evil God] Talent skill. Retains all non-bloodline racial talents and transforms into an evil god form. In the evil god form, immunity to all damage and abnormal statuses is granted. However, 1% of life force is lost every second, and the form can last for a maximum of 5 minutes.

From the skill description, it seemed like a transformation skill. However, it was far more than a mere transformation. This skill could transform him into the Eight-Eyed Evil God. Despite the limited duration, the combat power in this form was beyond mortal comprehension. In the Evil God state, Zhang Nu was no longer mortal. Gods were immortal and indestructible, so in the Evil God state, he couldn't be killed. All attacks would be rendered ineffective against him. This was an incredibly terrifying ability!

And yet, compared to acquiring the transformation talent skill of the Eight-Eyed Evil God, the most significant gain for Zhang Nu was the Evil God essence now condensed within him. With this godhood, he could activate the Chaos Dragon God. Zhang Nu had traveled this far with precisely this ultimate goal in mind. However, before he could thoroughly examine the godhood essence, he suddenly sensed powerful auras closing in.

Zhang Nu didn't need to guess; it was the Dark Titan Demon King, Tarak, who had discovered his presence again. But this time, there was no need for further civilized interaction.

Zhang Nu smiled coldly, "Perfect timing to test this new power on you!"

Meanwhile, Tarak was rallying his forces. He had sensed an extremely dangerous presence using rare and powerful spatial-temporal magic to break through his barriers and spatial restrictions.

"Preposterous!" Tarak was clearly enraged. "To intrude on my territory, do they not know my reputation and might? I'll make sure they die a painful death!"

With this in mind, his orders were swiftly issued. Hundreds of titans and several top subordinates were now ready. Tarak himself transformed into countless streaks of lightning, ascending from his Demon King's castle into the sky. Just as he was about to lock onto the invader's exact location and launch an attack, an unprecedented pressure enveloped the entire Titan City.

Tarak had reigned supreme in this place for a considerable time. Since reaching Level 5, he had feared no opponent. But now, sensing this aura, Tarak felt an inner tremor. It was akin to a rabbit encountering a giant wolf, a profound oppression emanating from the very essence of his being, affecting him at the bloodline and soul level.

Dark Titan bloodline was among the mightiest, arguably surpassing even the Abyssal Dragon. As one of the pinnacle races of this continent, how could there exist a creature capable of exerting such pressure and primal fear on him?

Before he could ponder further or assemble all his subordinates, the space suddenly tore open forcibly. This occurrence in Titan City was inconceivable, as the city, like any major human metropolis, was fortified with various spatial restricting arrays. Normal spatial magic shouldn't have been possible in his city, let alone one having such a significant effect.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Tarak demanded, feeling increasingly agitated. Even a powerful being like him found this situation overwhelming.

At that moment, a dark green figure stepped out from the portal. Zhang Nu had transformed into his Evil God form. Upon seeing Zhang Nu's current state, Tarak gasped in shock.

"What...are you?" Tarak stammered in disbelief. "We have no quarrel or grudge. Why must you confront me?"

"No quarrel? I wouldn't be so sure," Zhang Nu replied. "Just because there isn't one now doesn't mean there won't be one in the future!"

Such words, confident and resolute about an uncertain future, might seem unreasonable or unjustifiable to an outsider. But Zhang Nu, having glimpsed the future through his time abilities, knew there was no point in negotiating with this Dark Titan.

Tarak, through no fault of his own, found himself at odds with a being who had foreseen their inevitable conflict. Zhang Nu, for his part, decided that eliminating Tarak now would save future trouble. Thus, Tarak's only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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