Global Descent into the Crypt World: A Divine-Level Decomposer

Chapter 165

Chapter 214 Spider cave

“Do you know the coordinates of these three monster lords?” Xia Chengfeng asked. He knew that as long as he had to fight for the top spot, he would inevitably collide with these monster lords.

Little Diamond Wind: “Golden Beamon’s activity area knows that it has been attacking human survivors, and many people have teleportation charms for its territory.”

“I can’t beat this at the moment.” Xia Chengfeng said directly.

The opposing force is conservatively estimated to be 30,000, plus LV49’s Earl Lord, how can you fight it if you are underdeveloped?

Little wind: “The other two monster lords, the Kyushu League is planning to attack the eight-legged queen, I suggest not to fight with them. The coordinates of the Spider Queen, I have someone who is willing to sell!”

For example, special transcendents such as travellers and assassins can locate the coordinates of other lords and make corresponding teleportation symbols.

Some caves they don’t have the ability to explore, they will also make teleport symbols and find buyers to sell them on the trading channel.

“The coordinates of the Spider Queen, I want it!” Xia Chengfeng said.

Xiaozhufeng: “Okay, I’ll contact the informant right away!”

After a while, he sent a few teleportation charms, with a message saying: “These teleportation charms are all teleported to the cave near the spider cave. It’s safer.”

Qingfeng: “Okay, it’s hard work.”

With a few teleportation charms in hand, Xia Chengfeng has the opportunity to explore the spider cave.

If you want to occupy the spider cave, he can’t be alone. He must find his teammates and dispatch an army.

If you want to teleport the army to other caves, you need special items [Space Gate]. That is a special item that at least a rank 9 alchemist or magician can make.

This is not difficult for Xia Chengfeng. Just as [Transport Talisman] is a one-time substitute for [Transport Array], [Space Gate] also has a one-time substitute.

[Space Gate Scroll (Special Item) (Five Stars)]: It can send an army of 3,000 people to the target coordinates at a time, and this item will be damaged after use. (This item can only be sent to soldiers who have signed a lord contract or a legion contract)

This scroll is sold on the trading channel, and it costs 10 million magic crystal coins.

With this little money, Xia Chengfeng has no pressure!

The resources of his own territory have been produced to the outside world, and Xu Chen’s “Regional Daily” share, my reserve funds have exceeded 3 billion magic crystal coins.

If you add the other assets of the territory, there is absolutely no problem with over 10 billion magic crystal coins!

Xia Chengfeng called Sherlock, Hades, Lunka and others, and said: “All military materials should not be sold during this period, and the construction of the city should be stepped up.”

“Train soldiers, reserve war materials, and prepare for the next war!”

“Yes, Lord Lord!” They each took their orders and went back to make arrangements.

Xia Chengfeng estimated that this war would take him at least a month!

In order to guarantee victory, he had to go to detect intelligence in advance.

The Spider Queen has at least 10,000 Tier 5 spiders. A Tier 5 monster is worth two or three Tier 4 soldiers, and five or six Tier 5 soldiers.

The total number of Tier 5 soldiers in Xia Chengfeng’s territory does not exceed 1,000, and their strength is huge.

If you call three teammates, plus their territory soldiers, they can only be equal to the monster lord’s army in number, and the overall strength is still much worse.

“Undead puppets, alchemy puppets and magic statues can make up for a certain degree of military power gap.” Xia Chengfeng planned, “The key is high-end combat power.”

“The Spider Queen is the peak strength of Tier 5, and it must have a lot of monsters of Viscount Lord and Baron Lord under Tier 5.”

“Compared to my men, Lunka, the leader of the Black Lion Legion, at level LV39, is the Viscount Lord of the Tier 4 peak. The mermaid Elsa is one rank higher than him, and Fina and others are also the Tier 4 peaks, generals. The comparison of strength is also much worse.”

“I have to find a way to upgrade them to rank five this month.”

“Besides, it’s to spy on intelligence, it’s best to engage in assassination or something.” Xia Chengfeng thought.

He took out the divination crystal and fortunetelling the situation in the spider cave.

Mental power was input into the divination crystal, and an image of a spider web appeared in the divination crystal. A spider with pink spots and two short fangs crouched in the spider web.

The prompt read: “This is a spider lord with human memory. He has strong perception ability. He likes to drink and gamble. The wine is very poor and his gambling skills are terrible.”

“???” Xia Chengfeng received such a prediction for the first time, “What does this prediction mean?”

“Could it be that I am going to win back the city of the Spider Queen?”

There are no more hints for the divination crystal, Xia Chengfeng pondered for a while, and it seemed that there was a possibility.

Anyway, he will first go to the spider cave to explore.

Xia Chengfeng specially prepared some items and props before leaving.

He crushed a teleportation talisman and first came to the cave near the spider cave with his clone.

Here is an empty space, with only a few collapsed buildings. It looks like it was once the territory of a human lord, but it has been taken by the spider army at this time!

All the creatures have been gnawed away, only the spider webs all over the ground are left, and there are many small spiders on the ground.

Xia Chengfeng turned on his camouflage and concealment skills and moved forward cautiously here. But he found that the spider has a very strong perception ability, as long as he touches the spider web, he will be spotted by the spider monster immediately.

In order to keep his whereabouts a secret, he first escaped into the ground with the technique of earth escape, and then his soul came out of his body, and directly killed the spider monster on the path with his soul skills!

In this way, when you explore again, you will not be discovered.

He went through two caves before he came to the real spider cave.

Spider Cave is a five-star resource cave, which can also be called a resource city. But it is not a ground city in the conventional sense of human beings, it is an underground city!

Countless burrows and passages constituted this city, and the resources it possessed made Xia Chengfeng jealous.

In the passage, in the cave, you can feel the super-rich magic energy fluctuations, and you can see the magic spar everywhere, that is to say the mineral vein of the magic crystal coin!

This is a magic crystal coin resource city!

“How much is it worth?” Xia Chengfeng thought to himself. He was worth tens of billions of magic crystal coins, and he was already considered a local rich!

And the Spider Queen who sits on a magic crystal vein is Shenhao!

Must win here! He confirmed this idea in his heart!

“Which way to go?” In front of Xia Chengfeng’s eyes, dozens of different forks appeared, each leading to an unknown direction.

“Continue to divination!”

In case of indecision, divination crystal.

Xia Chengfeng hid in the ground and used the barrier to isolate energy fluctuations and his breath.

The image of the passage appears in the divination crystal, and each passage has a different color, corresponding to the corresponding danger level.

“Light colors are not dangerous, dark colors are dangerous.” Xia Chengfeng took a closer look, and most of the passages were dangerous, only two were light colors.

“There is no danger, just use the clone to explore.” He condensed two clones and went in and explored separately.

These avatars also specially used the [Blood Alchemy Array] and [Soul Alchemy Array] to disguise the spider breath, so that the spider monsters are also difficult to detect.

“Among the dangerous passages, there is one with the darkest color but with a hint of white. It should be the passage where the Spider Queen is located.” Xia Chengfeng guessed.

“The spider queen’s information, I definitely want to get one, go one!” He condensed another strong clone and headed to the passage.

The other avatars are exploring one channel by channel, recording all the terrain, monsters and other information here.

His main clone headed towards the spider cave, which is the most dangerous passage in the spider city.

In this passage, danger is hidden everywhere. Spiders are natural hunters, and they are also good at hiding themselves.

Xia Chengfeng didn’t dare to use the escape technique, because there were spiders in the soil and rocks, and they could perceive the energy fluctuations from the escape technique.

“A lot of monsters! All are Tier 5, and the lowest is elite!” Xia Chengfeng wore see-through glasses with dense red dots in her field of vision. Each red dot represented a Tier 5 spider monster!

“I was still less before, and the strength of the Spider Cave is much higher than I thought!”

“The number of Tier 5 spiders must be more than fifteen thousand!”

“The number of Lord Levels will also double!”

He tried to maintain his invisibility, and several times he was discovered by spiders! But the spiders did not attack him, because in their perception, Xia Chengfeng, who has the same kind of soul fluctuation, is also a “spider”.

This is the advantage brought by the alchemy circle, which can make up for the lack of concealment and camouflage skills.

The passage became more and more spacious, and Xia Chengfeng finally came to the depths of the passage, a huge underground space.

The space here is a bit larger than the underground space where the Diamond Giant stayed before, and the scene inside made Xia Chengfeng amazed.

There are modern buildings made of reinforced concrete, a whole commercial street and residential areas! In modern buildings, there are also extremely simple spider nests and monster caves!

There are spiders, orcs, slimes, goblins, monsters, and humans living here!

“The mix and match style of the modern city and the alien world is really weird!” If there were no information prompts for the divination crystal, Xia Chengfeng would be very strange.

But he has now learned that the Spider Queen has human memory, and it is normal for this kind of architecture to appear.

It is estimated that its human memory takes the lead, which designed and manufactured this strange city.

Xia Chengfeng’s main clone disguised as a fifth-tier lord-level spider monster, walking in this “different world city” with integrity.

No one asked him about his origin, perhaps because the spiders on patrol had already regarded him as the same kind, and he easily got in.

“Pighead grilled meat, one of the best in Spider City, three coins for one string, ten coins for three strings!” There were orcs on the side of the road yelling for business.

At the entrance of the clothing store, a slogan was written: “Magic Steel Spider Legs, new products are on the market! Limited time to buy in three days!” Inside, a big spider is lying on the ceiling, staring at the passing customers. It should be the owner of this store.

There is also a weapon shop run by the dwarves, which not only has swords, guns and clubs, but also special weapons such as spider webs and fangs.

Xia Chengfeng walked through the alien city and came to the commercial district with human architectural style, where many humans were active.

What they said was also the language Xia Chengfeng was familiar with.

“MD, those spiders are too pitted, I went to get the goods, it was half black for me!” a man complained.

“Come on, this is the spider cave, it’s good to survive!” the companion said.

“Hey!” the man sighed, “you are right, if it weren’t for the queen, we would have died long ago!”

“It is also our luck to survive in this different world.”

“To be honest, I feel quite comfortable. I don’t have to explore everywhere and be eaten by monsters. Who is working for? The Spider Queen can at least guarantee our food and safety!”

The “spider” Xia Chengfeng walked in front of them, and they quietly lowered their voices, but Xia Chengfeng could still hear clearly.

He observed that many human settlements imitated the style of previous lives. What clothing stores, milk tea shops, shops, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. There are even business places such as bars, stock exchanges, and Internet cafes!

Some are open for business, some are just decorations.

Although the humans here are more or less dissatisfied with monsters, they still live comfortably. There are thousands of them!

Xia Chengfeng can be sure that these people have long since left the Survivor Forum!

Once you take refuge in the monster lord, humans will be removed from the Survivor Forum! Many people here seem to be survivors of a region.

Xia Chengfeng eavesdropped on their conversation and learned roughly that they all belonged to a small survivor area called area 2457.

None of the survivors in that area can suppress the Spider Queen. After the Spider Queen grows up, the area is wiped out.

These people don’t even know the existence of the 2000 area, they have lived here for nearly half a year!

These buildings and businesses were all ordered by the Spider Queen to do them.

“It’s really weird!” Xia Chengfeng became more and more curious about the Spider Queen. How did he feel that the development of this monster lord’s city was better than his own!

He strolled around the city for a whole day, and the transactions here were all done with magic crystal coins. Xia Chengfeng’s “lurking” did not encounter any obstacles.

The exploration of the other clones was also very smooth, only one clone was discovered by the spider and destroyed.

“This should be the main city!” Xia Chengfeng roughly understood the topography of the spider cave.

In other passages, there are also ground holes. There are granaries, barracks, arsenals, mines, farmland, small lakes, and so on.

Every cave is guarded by a certain army of spiders. As for other types of monsters, the number is wrong, and it is estimated that they were captured by the Spider Queen.

The area where the main clone of Xia Chengfeng stays is the main city of Spider Cave, which is the area where the Spider Queen lives.

“The Spider Queen, lives in a skyscraper!” Xia Chengfeng looked at a thirty-story building in the cave.

This building is forged with earth magic, and its appearance is exactly the same as the Earth City Building. There are also various decorations, glass curtain walls and so on on the outer wall.

It is said that the Spider Queen lives on the top floor! As for her residence, no one has ever entered. Except for monsters, these humans have no idea what the Spider Queen looks like, and how strong is it?

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