Global Fog Survival

Chapter 135: Gift and Cost

【You realize, this may not lead to death, but it will be unbearably painful…】

“What’s the point of saying that if I won’t die? Anyway, it’s a temporary ‘cheat,’ might as well use it while I can…”

Colin, having developed considerable trust in the “hints,” had no more hesitation. He slowly extended his hand, gathering an exceptionally pure ball of light in his palm. Before long, he gently lifted the glowing orb upwards.

As it ascended, the golf-ball-sized sphere of light began to absorb the surrounding rays, becoming more concentrated. After about ten seconds, it reached the topmost part of this underground world.

Avaroklair… (??)1阿婆克烈 I honestly don’t know what it is, I didn’t find the author’s note

Colin stared at the tiny speck of light, now compressed to the size of a grain of rice, high in the sky. As soon as his thoughts settled, the next moment, nearly everyone felt the sky darken, followed by an explosion of brilliance, akin to the rising of the sun.

Starting from the temple at Colin’s feet, the light spread out like a fan, rapidly illuminating the surroundings. Wherever it touched became as bright as daylight, with no shadows in sight.

In no time, the entire underground world seemed to be bathed in light. Wherever the light reached, Colin could sense everything.

At the same time, on the blood-soaked battlefield in the mountains, almost everyone felt the presence of the light. Some looked up, their pupils shrinking into pinpoints as they gazed at the blinding “sun” above, unsure of what was happening.

But no matter, slaying the monsters was more important…

Though uncertain of the details, many felt that their strikes with their axes had become more forceful! Some even sensed a growing fervor within them.

Somewhere, a voice cried out, “Praise the Sun!” Soon, the cry echoed through the forests—loud, reverberating chants of “Praise the Sun!”

“Maybe I overdid it a bit…” Colin muttered, rubbing his chin.

Through a fuzzy “perception,” he received an image in his mind—a view from above. He “saw” thousands upon thousands of people raising their axes high, chanting “Praise the Sun” as they charged at the nearby aberrations. The white-glowing army of servants was slowly but surely pushing back the tide of blood.

“And those who are wounded…” Colin pointed his finger.

Instantly, a metallic clanking sound rang out from the sky, and hundreds of chains shot from the radiant orb, descending to the ground and wrapping around the severely injured, keeping them in a state of suspended animation, preserving their lives.

Most of these were servants gained through the “gift,” their masters having died in the darkness, leaving them behind…

If Colin had the ability, he would save as many as he could, not giving up on anyone lightly. He understood that without this “gift,” he wouldn’t even be alive.

“Urging me to surrender in the ‘dream,’ but stabbing me in reality? Ha, surrendering would have led to certain death…” Colin shook his head and stopped dwelling on it. Using the light permeating the underground, he started locating the remaining lord-level aberrations, aiming to settle the final threats on the island.

Soon, he made some discoveries.

“This feels like a radar… I found five large areas, each about several hundred square meters. One is underground, and four are outside. The signals from the ones outside are weaker, probably due to the distance, but they should all be lord-level aberrations.”

With his targets identified, Colin didn’t hesitate any longer. He took a small breath, stepped forward, and instantly transformed into a streak of light, vanishing from the spot…

Meanwhile, deep in the mountains, a three-meter-tall pale stone statue was carrying an even larger stone slab on its back, relentlessly attacking the people around it.

“Mutant—Blasphemous Statue.”

This was a very unusual aberration, its body entirely sculpted from stone. Its face appeared to have been disfigured by some sharp weapon, with dark red blood oozing from the cracks, revealing writhing flesh inside. The human-carved parts of its body were rather lean, but on its back, it carried a thick, rectangular stone slab, covered with depictions of thorny vines.

The white stone slab was far larger than its own body—two meters wide, four meters long—making it look like some kind of bizarre “snail.”

Even under the influence of the radiant light, its strength remained formidable. Every time it punched, the closest person would be mysteriously crushed into pulp. It seemed that as soon as it raised its hand, some special spatial distortion occurred, making its attacks unavoidable.

Surrounding it were hundreds of servants who had come through the “gift.” They encircled it, fearlessly launching attack after attack… but with little success.

Every blow directed at its body was deflected onto the massive stone slab on its back, making it impossible to break through its defenses!

At that moment, the “Blasphemous Statue” raised its fist once more, preparing to crush a servant wielding a crucial mystical item. If the servant were struck down, the battle might spiral out of control… No one could afford for him to die.

Seeing this, many held their breath.

But just as it seemed all hope was lost, a servant missing an arm and wielding a wooden wheel gritted his teeth and charged forward, hoping to sacrifice himself to ensure stability on the battlefield.

Yet, as he prepared for death, it did not come.

A sudden burst of light froze the “Blasphemous Statue” in place.

What just happened?

The servant glanced up, confused, and saw a glowing figure standing atop the slab on the back of the lord-level mutant. From the figure’s right hand, dozens of chains of light extended, binding the aberration’s limbs like reins, preventing it from attacking.

“My lord…”

Tears welled in the eyes of the servant, who had narrowly escaped death. He immediately recognized Colin.

The Lord had finally awakened!

Many of the nearby servants, unbound by the “gift,” were stunned by this display.

“How can there be such a vast difference between lords?” one servant murmured, astonished.

“Is this truly a lord?” another whispered in disbelief.

In the battles they had fought, they had never seen a lord like Colin, descending like a god from the heavens…

But the only response was a resounding “Praise the Sun!” from the crowd.

More joined in, chanting louder and louder—”Praise the Sun!”

The servant found himself swept up in it too, praising the sun without even knowing why.

Colin quickly understood the cause. Overwhelmed by the proximity to him and the immense light’s blessing, these ordinary people could hardly resist. He needed to get them away as soon as possible.

He gave a small nod in response and glanced at the servant.

The servant, who wanted to shout “Praise the Lord” instead of “Praise the Sun,” immediately got the message and hoarsely yelled, “Retreat, everyone retreat! Leave this to the Lord!”

It was only then that the crowd noticed the “sun” hanging high above, illuminating the underground as if it were day. The mountains echoed with chants of “Praise the Sun” and the sound of axes cutting through enemies.

Following orders, the crowd quickly withdrew.

  • 1

    阿婆克烈 I honestly don’t know what it is, I didn’t find the author’s note

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