Global Fog Survival

Chapter 27: Can’t Hear! Can’t Hear At All!

“You have obtained ‘Servant’ *1.”

“You have obtained ‘Servant’ *1.” … The notifications kept refreshing, finally stopping after sixteen times.

Colin sat behind the table, watching figures materialize around him, marveling at the magic.

“Greetings to the new Lord,” the servants said in hoarse and weak voices.

Colin nodded, but before he could say anything, several servants collapsed.

What the…

Colin was stunned and quickly checked their status panels. The status bar showed “Severe Hunger,” with their satiety value at just 1! Additionally, there were numerous debuffs like “Dizziness” and “Near Shock.”

In less than ten minutes, Colin could see this person starving to death right here!

Those selling servants were mostly on the brink of starvation themselves, unable to feed others. So, when Colin bought them, their hunger was at its limit, making even standing a challenge.

“Feed them quickly!”

Immediately, Colin used the crafting table to make some oatmeal porridge with a bit of meat and had Number One and Number Two serve it. After a frantic period, the servants finally recovered.

Seeing this, Colin breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want his recruits to die before they could be of use. That would be too unlucky.

“Thank you, Lord, for saving our lives!”

The revived servants expressed their thanks as their eyes and faces were filled with gratitude. To save these worthless individuals, the new Lord used such luxurious and delicious food.

Like the previous Number One and Number Two, they were used to hard, sour black bread filled with grit. Tasting this new food made their jaws ache slightly. They even tasted meat in the porridge! Meat! A luxury their previous master couldn’t afford.

After giving them a ten-minute rest, seeing their status mostly recovered, Number Two smiled and said, “As long as you work hard for the Lord and follow him, you can have this porridge every day!

“The Lord is fair and just. If you perform well, the Lord will reward you with meat!”

“R-really?” one servant asked, immediately feeling scared for questioning the Lord’s deputy.

Number Two was about to say something, but Colin raised his hand to stop him.

Colin leaned forward, elbows on the table, hands crossed under his chin. He recalled a survivor’s words from the chat channel and decided to borrow them.

“I’m not one for long speeches or fancy words. I’m a simple person: you work for me, help me, and I provide you with food and good treatment.

“Of course, I won’t sacrifice you needlessly. I value life, both mine and others’. Understand?”

“Yes, Lord,” the dozen servants mumbled, their voices disorganized and low.

Colin frowned. Did he recruit a bunch of elderly folks on a bus?

Number One stepped forward, back straight, eyes glaring. “From today, you are the first batch of followers under Lord Colin! I am Number One, and that is Number Two! We are your friendly big brothers!

“I’ll repeat the Lord’s words! Work for the Lord, and he’ll give you food and good treatment. If you have questions, ask us. I’ll give you three seconds! Three! Two! One!

“Good, it seems like there are no issues!

“Now, I’ll repeat! Do you understand? If so, say: Yes, Lord!”

“Yes, Lord!” The response was slightly better.

They all looked fearfully at the thunderous voice of Number One. Though also servants, they saw he was twice as strong as them, with bulging muscles and a blood-stained cartwheel behind him, as if he could kill them with a punch!

But seeing Colin’s lack of response, Number One frowned. He knew the Lord wanted more: spirit, determination, and strength!

“Not loud enough! I can’t hear you! Are you mute? Speak up! Again!”

Number One roared.

“Yes, Lord!”

“I can’t hear! I can’t hear at all! Did you just eat? Even dogs bark louder! Again!”

Hands on hips, eyes glaring, his imposing manner even surprised Colin. He thought Number One was quite talented. Servants could be trained to any height, and Colin had some ideas.

“Yes, Lord!” The voices grew louder.

But still, it wasn’t enough. Their crooked stance was unacceptable, and Colin didn’t see the “Inspired” status appear.

“I can’t hear! I can’t hear at all! Again! So quiet, and you want to work for the Lord? And you, straighten your back, stand like me!”

“Today’s lunch is meat porridge, but if you don’t speak up or stand straight, everyone will go hungry!”

Number One shouted.

Being a servant himself, he knew the greatest fear: hunger. Beating and scolding were useless; only hunger truly scared them!

“Yes, Lord!” Hearing about hunger, everyone panicked, blood rushing to their faces, shouting loudly.

The food Colin gave only sustained their lives; they were still essentially starving, just not severely.

“Good,” Colin took over, clapping his hands. Seeing the “Inspired” status appear, he approved. Only then would they not be scared by the fog during exploration.

Seeing their empty hands, Colin exchanged some materials from the trading market.

[Iron Block*1 + Wood*1 + Correct Posture = Axe]

Colin quickly synthesized a dozen axes, a shovel, and some other tools, distributing them.

Soon, all nineteen had an axe each.

The Fog Axe Gang, should I do an axe dance? Colin mused.

He looked at the group, “Number One, Number Two, assign the teams. I’ll prepare. Before we leave, I’ll ensure you’re all full. Don’t disappoint me!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Actually, there’s no need for this… Colin smiled awkwardly yet politely.

He then opened the parchment and checked the regional channel for new messages. Being prepared was essential for surviving in the mist. After all, hints weren’t omnipotent.

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