Global Game: I, the Necromancer, am the scourge

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Escape

Translator: 549690339 

Every state-level exam topper is bound to receive a lot of attention.

But they are also targeted by various evil organizations.

There are reports every year of accidents involving students from various states, the majority of whom are talented or considered prodigies, though they mostly come from commoner backgrounds.

After all, powerful families usually provide bodyguards for their genius offspring.

Zi Liyuan wasn’t clear whether he would be targeted by any evil organizations, but during the period leading up to the state-level exam, he thought there should not be any problems.

As for after the exam, as long as he could participate in Dragon Academy’s assessment, he was ninety percent sure he could get in—such was his confidence in his own abilities.

Once he was admitted to Dragon Academy, he would apply for immediate cultivation training within the academy; he would then rapidly advance to a Level 100, Fourth Transformation cultivator. Once he had the power to protect himself, he could then start to prepare to enter the Sea of Realms.

There are limits on Blue Star, and any professional who reaches the Fourth Transformation, Level 100, would have reached the pinnacle of their strength.

Even if you were a Lord coming back from the Sea of Realms, once you arrive at Blue Star, your strength would be suppressed by certain rules to that of a Fourth Transformation, Level 100.

Zi Liyuan, leading the Skeleton Army, bulldozed his way up the mountain, and then, under the charge of the Skeleton Behemoths, swept through the Goblin lair again as if plowing a field and cleansing a den.

Unfortunately, the Goblin BOSS had not respawned, resulting in a loss of a large amount of experience.

Entering the mine, he had to adjust his skeleton lineup; all of the Skeleton Behemoths were switched out for Berserker Skeletons in a brutish advance.

When nearing the dungeon’s main hall, Zi Liyuan had all the Skeletons block the path in the corner from which they came as a precaution to prevent any surprises.

His Spirit which was nearly at 200 made his perception very keen. Ever since he crossed the newbie monster area, he always had a vague feeling of being watched.

Among professionals, there were many who possessed tracking and Stealth skills, and he certainly did not want the knowledge that he had control over a Level 20 dungeon to fall into the wrong hands, attracting a whole lot of trouble.

Luckily, he was cautious enough. Several tails that were following him saw the Skeleton Army blocking every inch of the narrow mine passage and, to avoid alerting him, could only stand helplessly at a distance, not daring to follow recklessly.

[Player Zi Liyuan has used a “Low-Level Dungeon Sealing Scroll,” attempting to seal the Level 20 dungeon “Bloodthirsty Goblin Forest.”]

[Detected player Zi Liyuan in possession of the Level 20 dungeon “Bloodthirsty Goblin Forest.” Confirm dungeon seal? Yes/No?]


Hadn’t he spent 100 million Dragon Coins just to bring this dungeon back home?

Countless intricate runes flew out from the Low-Level Dungeon Sealing Scroll, hovering in the grand hall, then formed into a three-dimensional black array.

Numerous black lines, like tentacles, extended from the grand array, wrapping around the “Bloodthirsty Goblin Forest” dungeon’s teleportation gate bit by bit, forming a vast net.

As the giant net gradually contracted, the dungeon’s teleportation gate also shrank bit by bit until it was completely condensed into an irregular black crystal, slowly floating in mid-air.

Level 20 Rare “Bloodthirsty Goblin Forest” Dungeon Core (Sealed): Players in possession of this dungeon’s control rights can destroy the seal and respawn the dungeon’s teleportation gate at a selected location. Once the teleportation gate is summoned, it cannot be moved again (can be sealed and transferred again).

A hundred million Dragon Coins for relocation, damn, that’s expensive!

Zi Liyuan finally understood why those dungeons controlled by certain powers, which sold tickets to allow ordinary professionals to grind, charged so much for entry—it was all due to the high initial investment costs, and to recoup the capital quickly meant hiking the ticket prices.

Having secured the dungeon core, Zi Liyuan led the Skeleton Army slowly out of the mine; he was now prepared to return to White Crane City.

To avoid any unforeseen complications that may arise from delaying too long, he did not wait for the dungeon’s reset at midnight; he came to seal the dungeon ahead of time.

Although it delayed him a few hours, it was worth it, and now he just wanted to go back and continue to grind in the dungeons to level up.

Upon leaving the mine, he immediately switched his skeleton configuration, and the Skeleton Behemoth began to rampage through the forests once again.

But just as the Skeleton Behemoth scattered, a black shadow appeared behind him.

Two sharp, pitch-black daggers were positioned at Zi Liyuan’s throat, one on the left and one on the right.

“Hehe, completing a class advancement quest in 48 hours and reaching Level 24? Hidden classes are truly powerful. Little one, if you don’t want your head to hit the ground, you’d better come with me.”

In a world where the game has invaded reality, even though every creature has been templated by the game, there is still special damage judgment when it comes to fratricide.

There’s normal damage, critical damage, and finally, the most special—fatal damage.

With the first two types of damage, as long as one’s health points haven’t hit zero, the game template will ensure the player survives; even using healing skills and potions, they can instantly recover lost health points. Every creature transformed by the game enjoys this divine rule.

But fatal damage is different; it’s a type of damage that results in death, a special damage judgment that only appears when one’s own kind commits fratricide.

For example, if someone’s head is chopped off, no matter how many health points you have, your health bar will instantly empty and you’ll die, unless you’re wearing an item that can resurrect you.

However, beheading an occupational player for an instant kill is no small feat, especially for those with robust physiques.

You might hack at someone’s neck, only for your blade to get stuck in their muscles—and possibly not even leave a mark, especially since the more powerful the occupational player, the tougher their physical body.

When members of the Human Race turn on each other, there’s only one fatal damage judgment: the brain!

“Who are you? Where do you intend to take me?”

Zi Liyuan felt a headache coming on. He truly hadn’t expected to be targeted and approached like this, especially since it wasn’t even the day of the important exam yet.

“Quit your gibberish and just follow me. Moreover, you’d best keep your little skeleton pets in check, or I wouldn’t mind giving you a taste of pain.”

The sharp daggers pierced the skin on Zi Liyuan’s neck, letting trickles of blood slowly seep out.

“Sir, there’s really no need to be so aggressively amorous, is there?”

No sooner had Zi Liyuan spoken than the nearby Shield Combat Skeletons, under his command, unleashed the “Taunt” skill at the assassin!

At the same time, a Rippling Scroll appeared in Zi Liyuan’s hand, instantly enveloping him in a faint yellow shield.

Dark Weakening, Enfeeble, and Damage Amplification—three skills were stacked on the assassin in an extremely short amount of time.

“Seeking death!”

In a flash, with a shift in perspective and a twist of the body, the daggers sliced past Zi Liyuan’s throat but were absorbed by the faint yellow shield, causing him no harm whatsoever.

At that moment, a Clay Stone Demon standing nearby stretched out its buttery hand and slapped the assassin’s pert buttocks.

With a crisp “smack,” a “MISS” appeared above the assassin’s head, and a debuff reducing speed by 10% was stacked on the assassin, lasting a full 60 seconds.

The sound of the crossbow firing rang out as three crossbow bolts shot out in a pinwheel formation, striking the assassin in a flash.

With the same “MISS” effect, the bolts also applied three stacks of Sunder Armor, reducing the assassin’s physical resistance by 30% for a duration of 15 seconds.

In just an instant, the assassin was burdened with no less than five different debuffs, weakening their overall strength by at least thirty percent.

“Goodbye and thank you~”

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