Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1021

Chapter 1020 Prime Minister Cao And The First Emperor

Chapter 1020 Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor on Skrull

The battle on the Blue Star has come to an end for now.

Su Yu took the Blue Star high-level powerhouses to quickly recover 3 giant springs and destroy the anti-barite drill inside.

In this way, except for the springs of Mount Fuji, all 3732 springs have been recovered by the Blue Star humans! The war on the Blue Star will also calm down for a while.

As for Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor, they didn’t know that such a big change had happened on the Blue Star.

For the past week, they have not been guarding the end of the secret realm all the time. On the contrary, the end of the secret realm does not require them to guard.

Blue Star Tier 6 players are all in the secret realm and will not be harmed by the outside world. Of course, they don’t need to stay outside, they only need to come over when the secret realm ends.

During this week, Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor, as before, took the initiative to visit other intelligent groups except the Skrulls.

There are more than 200 intelligent groups of Scrooge.

There are so many intelligent ethnic groups, Prime Minister Cao, of course, it is impossible for them to visit all of them, and there is not so much time. So they chose the 50 largest among them as the main object of visit.

And it turns out that the number “50” is just right. Towards the end of the seventh day, the two of them successfully completed the visit to these 50 large intelligent groups.

But even if there are only 50 large intelligent groups, the footprints of Prime Minister Cao and the two are enough to cover the entire Skrull!

And this week, there was no spoiler with Plante and Manina III, and the whole trip was quite comfortable and comfortable.

Visiting these 50 intelligent groups, Prime Minister Cao and Shi Huangdi are mainly for two things:

The first thing, they talk to these ethnic groups about trade and sales of equipment;

The second thing is to show these groups of strength and persuade them to remain neutral between the Bluestar humans and the Skrulls.

As far as the first thing is concerned, the efforts of the two have been quite successful!

Almost each of these 50 large groups showed a strong interest in the equipment made by the Blue Stars.

Although the price of the equipment made by the Blue Stars is not low, these equipments are even applauded by the top races like dragons and bald eagles, let alone these lower-level races.

So along the way, as long as the “equipment trade” is mentioned, there is no failure.

The leaders of each large ethnic group had seen the samples displayed by Prime Minister Cao, and without even looking at the samples, they readily agreed to trade in equipment and placed orders directly.

Along the way, Prime Minister Cao and the two received massive orders and deposits!

To what extent is “massive”?

Cao Chengxiang took 10 500-cubic-meter space rings from Su Yu when he was leaving, and now these space rings are all full! It is full of deposits (psionic energy stones, gold and high-end Warcraft materials).

There are so many deposits, and the actual transaction volume will of course be even more terrifying!

There are now two months and five days until the start of the war, and they have two more visits to Skrull.

Prime Minister Cao has already made up his mind. Next time he comes to Skrull, he must bring more storage equipment. If he can’t, he will bring Su Yu’s [Chain of the Gorse Plane]. Shipping problem!

On the issue of “equipment trading”, Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor made great progress. Without Plante and Manina III, every intelligent group could easily handle it.

But on the second thing, that is, showing strength to these ethnic groups and persuading them to remain neutral, the attitude of these ethnic groups is somewhat ambiguous.

Prime Minister Cao and the two visited a total of 50 intelligent groups.

After showing the powerful strength of their god-level peak to these intelligent groups, these groups immediately said: “We must remain neutral and never participate in the war between the Blue Star and the Skrulls!”

But what they were thinking in their hearts, the two Prime Minister Cao did not know.

Now these intelligent races seem to remain neutral, and are willing to trade equipment with the Blue Star humans. But after the war begins, they cannot rule out the possibility of directly joining the Skrulls and declaring war with the Blue Star humans.

There are two or three hundred intelligent races on the Skrull star except the Skrulls.

Except for the Dragons who are determined and willing to stand on the side of the Blue Stars and fight against the Skrulls together, other groups are hard to say.

Even the Bald Eagles, who have a grudge against Skrull, are not so sure.

Although it seems that the current bald eagles are closely related to the Blue Star humans, they also provide the Blue Star humans with a base behind the enemy.

However, if the Blue Star side suffers a major setback in the war, the Bald Eagles are very likely to beat the water dogs against the water.

There is no eternal hatred between    ethnic groups, only eternal interests. On the Blue Star, China and Japan can establish diplomatic relations against the Soviet Union, not to mention others?

In response to this situation, Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor came up with three solutions after consultation.

The first is that the price of equipment sold to these intelligent groups cannot be cheap, especially for groups that have a certain relationship with the Skrulls, the price is higher than the normal range.

If it is the normal price, once these intelligent groups join the war, the equipment they wear is equivalent to the bullets that hit the Blue Stars.

Equipment is expensive. Even if these equipments are still bullets that hit the Blue Stars, the Blue Star side also gains more benefits, and the strength of the group is stronger, which offsets part of the damage;

The second is to add some “backdoors” to the manufactured equipment, for example, by using any means to remotely disable these equipments.

These methods also need to be done by top manufacturing players such as [Sledgehammer 80].

Let these intelligent races wear equipment with a “back door”. Once they plan to wear the equipment made by the Blue Stars to attack the Blue Stars, just wait for the equipment to fail;

The third is to gain an advantage on the battlefield as much as possible after the war begins.

These intelligent races must be helped by whoever wins.

Once the Blue Stars have the upper hand, they will at least remain neutral, and it is not impossible for a group like the Bald Eagle to take the initiative to attack the Skrull’s territory.

After deliberation, Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor thought of all possible future events and made full preparations.

After visiting the 50 wise groups, on March 25th, Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor returned to the end of the secret realm.

According to the news sent by the base area behind the enemy, the illusion outside the terminal secret realm has been very dilapidated and shaken violently, and the secret realm must end today.

So Prime Minister Cao and the two returned to the destination secret realm in time.

It has been 14 days since I came to Skrull Star, and it is time to lead the team back to Blue Star!

At the entrance of the final secret realm.

Noticed the arrival of Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor, and there was an immediate commotion here.

Now there are many representatives of intelligent groups at the entrance to the secret realm.

The representatives of the bald eagle, rhinoceros, sea giants, mermaids, etc. are all guarding here, and even the patriarchs of many big clans have come over in person.

Seeing the arrival of Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor, the representatives of these ethnic groups immediately cast a respectful look at them.

The representatives of these ethnic groups, even the patriarchs, have at most only a god-level median, and Prime Minister Cao and the two are genuine god-level peaks!

Unless the two god-level peaks of the Skrulls arrive, no one can match them.

Prime Minister Cao also didn’t put on airs at all.

Arriving at the entrance of the final secret realm, he immediately waved to the representatives of each ethnic group: “Hello everyone! We meet again.”

“Welcome Your Excellency Cao Cao and Your Excellency Ying Zheng!” The representatives of various ethnic groups hurriedly saluted Cao Cao and the two of them.

However, because there are all kinds of creatures present, the scene looks messy.

Prime Minister Cao nodded in return, and then glanced around.

There were representatives of more than 20 ethnic groups and two or three hundred intelligent creatures present.

But he swept around and found no Skrulls in sight.

The Skrulls, as the largest family of Skrulls, don’t have them!

How is this going? Didn’t the Skrulls send the gods over?

“This is the Skrull?” Prime Minister Cao secretly felt that something was wrong.

Could it be that they made a misjudgment, isn’t the end of the secret realm about to end?

Prime Minister Cao looked up at the outer illusion of the secret realm at the end.

The external illusion of this secret realm is a vast virgin forest. The illusion is full of towering trees, each of which is tens of meters high. The whole illusion is nothing but a tree or a tree.

Now, the external illusion is shaking violently, the giant trees in the illusion are falling one by one, and the entire secret realm has begun to collapse.

According to Prime Minister Cao’s own feeling, the secret realm should be over within 10 minutes.

There are only 10 minutes left, and the Skrulls haven’t come yet? Are you not going to come?

So he asked: “Everyone, what about the Skrulls, why didn’t they come?”

The representative of the    Bald Eagle Clan was a high-level bald eagle at the peak of the seventh rank. Hearing Prime Minister Cao’s question, it was the first to answer: “Your Excellency Cao Cao, the Skrulls are holding a celebration recently.”

“Holding a celebration?” Prime Minister Cao asked with a question mark: “If a celebration is held, a celebration will be held. What does this have to do with the Secret Realm at the end? Also, what kind of celebration are they going to hold?”

“You listen to me first.” The seventh-order bald eagle waved its wings and explained: “If the Skrulls want to let the gods come over, of course, it is most suitable for Lord Plante and Lord Manina III to come together. If other gods come over, they will definitely be crushed by the two of you.

But recently, the super AI chant of the Holy Silver Federation sent another god-level Holy Silver reinforcement to the Skrulls. Manina III and Plante have been attending various celebrations for the past two days.

Until half an hour ago, the two of them attended a celebration in Sun City. Now they are still in Sun City, and they have no intention of coming. ”

The exact location of   Prundt and Manina III is known to all major ethnic groups.

And they are also strange – why are these two god-level peaks still not coming after the end is almost over? Don’t they care about the lives of human geniuses in the secret realm?

“Song has sent another god-level reinforcement to the Skrulls?!” Prime Minister Cao sighed in his heart, and he immediately asked, “Why did Sing send? Did something happen on our Blue Star?”

“I don’t know about this either.” The representative of the bald eagle shook his head and said, “The Skrulls only disclosed the reinforcements sent by the chant, and did not say why.”

“Cecilia is an undercover agent of the Dark Energy Rebels” can’t be made public. So until now, the Skrulls have not announced the reason for Lilith’s arrival.

“Is that so?” Prime Minister Cao frowned and fell into thought.

This is a bit weird!

Anthem sent another god-level reinforcement to the Skrulls for unknown reasons;

And Prandtl and Manina III are obviously free, but they don’t come to the destination secret realm to pick up their geniuses back. What exactly is the Skrull playing?

The First Emperor also wondered what the Skrulls were going to do.

So he used his mental power to communicate with Prime Minister Cao: “Since Anthem sent a god-level to the Skrulls two days ago, there is a high probability that something happened on Blue Star.

Why don’t I go back and have a look first, you can stay here and take our players back. ”

“Well… OK.” After a short thought, Cao Chengtong agreed with the first emperor’s suggestion.

He alone is enough to protect all Blue Star players, and it is no problem to let the First Emperor go back.

Although it is said that the Skrulls on the Blue Star cannot leave the psionic fountain, the behavior of the Skrulls today is really weird, and it would be a good choice for the First Emperor to go back and have a look.

After the two negotiated, the First Emperor activated the teleportation pendant and returned to Blue Star, leaving only Prime Minister Cao in front of the secret realm.

But Prime Minister Cao is not the master of An Sheng either.

He began to think about whether the current situation could cause trouble for Skrull.

After thinking for a while, he really came up with a good idea!

took a look at the end secret realm, and now the end secret realm is still not over, it is estimated that it will take a few minutes.

Taking advantage of this time, Prime Minister Cao said to the representatives of all the ethnic groups present: “Everyone, I have a very good suggestion. I wonder if everyone would like to hear it?”

Now the representatives of various ethnic groups are anxiously waiting for the end of the secret realm to end, wanting to see if the genius of their own family has survived the secret realm.

Especially for a few relatively weak ethnic groups, only one or two people entered the secret realm. At this time, they were worried about whether these two only seedlings came out alive.

Because everyone was very anxious, no one was in the mood to chat, and the scene was quiet. So after Prime Minister Cao opened his mouth, representatives of various ethnic groups immediately looked at him.

Very good advice? What the **** is this Blue Star human trying to do?

Prime Minister Cao met the gazes of the representatives of various ethnic groups and said with a smile: “Everyone, the Skrulls did not send over the gods, this is a great opportunity for us!

Take advantage of this opportunity, why don’t we work together to kill the Skrull genius who came out of the secret realm? ”


After hearing Prime Minister Cao’s words, most of the ethnic group representatives were stunned.

This blue star human is really very thoughtful, and actually wants to kill the genius of Skrull?

However, no ethnic group representative was willing to take care of Prime Minister Cao.

After a short delay, everyone turned their heads away and pretended not to hear.

They don’t want to be used as swordsmen by Blue Star humans. Moreover, killing these Skrull geniuses at this time will definitely touch the nerves of the Skrulls, which is not good for them at all, only fools will do it.

Prime Minister Cao didn’t panic when he saw that no one responded. He was very aware of the thoughts of the representatives of these ethnic groups.

These groups will not do things that are not good for them. To get them moving, you have to give them enough benefits.

So Prime Minister Cao said loudly: “As long as you kill these Skrull geniuses, the participating groups will all get 10% off when buying equipment from our Blue Star! Words count!”

(end of this chapter)

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