Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1033 Holy Silver Regular

Chapter 1033 Holy Silver Regular Army

After another 10 minutes, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared more than ten kilometers to the east.

Capturing these spatial fluctuations, Su Yu’s spirit immediately lifted!


As a god-level mage specializing in space, Su Yu has the most acute perception of space fluctuations. Before the other gods in the room could feel it, he had already caught this spatial fluctuation.

“Come on, let’s go and have a look.”

Su Yu quickly rushed towards the location where the space fluctuations appeared with the large army.

After flying for about 12 kilometers, the large group slowly stopped and suspended in mid-air.

When they got here, they had almost reached the edge of the county town, and the downtown area was no longer below.

Donna glanced around and asked, “Su Yu, is the landing site here?”

“Don’t talk for now, I’ll check again.” Su Yu closed his eyes and used his mental power to carefully probe the surrounding space fluctuations.

Two minutes later, he opened his eyes.

Su Yu pointed to the front and affirmed: “That’s the location, the teleportation anchor point has already appeared. Judging from the path information of the anchor point, the teleportation gate will be opened in about 10 minutes, and the planetary existence will come over, we Just keep waiting.”

“Okay.” Everyone nodded.

Speaker Hu Jing also said to everyone behind him: “Everyone line up and stand in the order you just set. Be sure to make a good impression on the distinguished guests who have come from afar!”

“Understood!” Everyone replied.

10 minutes later, a large-scale irregular distortion appeared in the space directly in front of the Blue Star Powerhouse.

Seeing this scene, even ordinary people can see that the one is coming!

More than 200 Blue Star powerhouses and the Donna brothers and sisters held their breaths, waiting for the arrival of the one.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of colorful portals appeared in front of them.

These portals come in big and small.

The largest and most central portal has a diameter of two or three hundred meters, and a series of small portals closer to the periphery are only two or three meters in diameter.

The    portal opened, and strange-looking spaceships and aircraft flew out of the portal.

Most of these spaceships and aircraft are pure white, but the shapes are irregular, some are triangular, some are circular, and some look like an inverted trapezoid.

The hatches of the spaceship opened one by one, and in the spaceship in front, Saint Silver men flew out from the hatches.

These saint silvers look the same as Donna and Link, with long horns like cows, hooves like sheep, pale blue skin and long thick tails.

But these saint silver men are wearing standard equipment.

Among them, the warrior class wears pure white metal tight armor; the mage class wears bright white cloth armor robes; other special classes also wear white equipment or open white mecha.

Everyone has a huge blue letter drawn on their chest, somewhat similar to the Chinese word for “mouth”.

They stood neatly in a row above the spaceship, giving the impression of a regular army.

Su Yu looked up and down these holy silver troops.

He didn’t use his mental power to detect the true strength of each soldier, but he could roughly tell from their overflowing breath that ordinary soldiers in the army had at least rank 6 strength; among them, the captain’s rank was even higher than rank 7!

And the number of troops is considerable.

Rows of holy silver soldiers lined up neatly, roughly estimated to be at least two or three thousand!

This power alone is something that the current Blue Star cannot compete with.

Link, as a war monitor, also introduced to the Blue Star humans at the right time: “This is the regular army of our Holy Silver Federation.

Although I don’t know much about the numbering system of the army, I can see that they are definitely the elites in the army!

Our Holy Silver Humans can join the army when they reach the fourth rank, and they can go to the battlefield at the fifth rank. Such an army with all members of the sixth rank and above must be elites! It can be seen that the chant attaches great importance to this small battlefield. ”

The    Blue Star powerhouses nodded, no one spoke, they were shocked by the momentum of the elite troops of the Holy Silver Clan.

None of these elite soldiers said a word.

After    left the spaceship, they stood in a neat five square formation in the sky with solemn expressions.

After that, the hatch of the spaceship in the central area opened, and more than 100 Saint Silvers flew out of the spaceship.

These more than 100 Saint Silver men also wore white standard equipment with a “mouth” logo on their chests.

But seeing them, the spirits of the Blue Star powerhouses instantly tightened!

The reason is very simple, the strength of these holy silver men is much stronger than the ordinary army!

According to the overflowing breath, Su Yu can clearly perceive that these more than 100 saint silver people are all eighth-order god-level powerhouses, without exception!

Not only that, but there are at least 10 powerful beings at the pinnacle level of God!

So many super powerhouses have a magnificent aura, and their aura covers the sky and the sun.

Fortunately, they consciously restrained their breath, otherwise the people in the county town of Qixian below would suffer.

Among the 10 god-level peaks, the leading one came out more and more, gave Link a military salute, and said: “My name is Elon, I belong to the 13th column of the Aiwen Pioneer Camp, and I came here to defend against the dispatch of the chant. Darak’s attack. You must be the person in charge of this area, right?”

“Dalak” is the mastermind behind the dark energy rebels who want to attack Blue Star and Skrull Star, and Cecilia is loyal to him.

“Hello, Sir Elon.” Link returned a mage salute and replied, “I am Gretek, the teacher of the Holy Silver Secret Court, who is in charge of supervising this war zone.”

“Aiwen Pioneer Camp” Link has never heard of it. The Holy Silver Federation is really too big, and its ace troops are like crucian carp crossing the river. This “Aiwen Pioneer Camp” should be one of them.

Link glanced at the five phalanxes with more than 2,000 soldiers in the distance, and said politely, “Sir Elon, the number of troops here is far beyond my expectations. Do you need me to prepare a temporary station for you?”

Originally, Link thought that the number of people sent by the chant would not be too many, two or three hundred people would be about the same. After all, the energy consumed by teleportation across galaxies is terrifying.

But I didn’t expect that the chant sent more than 2,000 regular troops at once, and they were still the elite of the elite. This requires preparing a better station, preventing them from affecting the Aboriginal people, and at the same time preventing the Aboriginal people from affecting them.

“It won’t bother you.” Elon smiled.

He glanced at the largest spaceship in the spaceship group behind him, and smiled: “The lord has already said that our entire column is stationed in the low-Earth orbit of the planet, and we don’t need to prepare a station for us.”

“Low Earth Orbit? That’s fine too.” Link nodded.

Stationing in low-Earth orbit does have minimal impact on the entire Blue Star. And the radiation range in low-Earth orbit is larger, and it can better perform ground space missions.

(end of this chapter)

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