Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1050 The start of the plan

    When it comes to the “Stinging Insect Project”, it has to be traced back to when Su Yu just installed the sky shield more than a month ago.

    By then, the Skydome was deployed, dealing the fatal blow to the Skrull spy satellites.

    In the past, the hundreds of spy satellites of the Skrulls were able to monitor the entire Blue Star, except for the Yunlu Mountain Spring and the Yanshan Headquarters, other places could be seen clearly.

    It is precisely because everything can be seen clearly that the Skrulls clearly know the strength of the Blue Star humans, so in the first eight or nine months, the Skrulls did not take the Blue Stars seriously.

    But after the successful installation of the sky shield, things are completely different!

    The sky blocker successfully blocked all the spy satellites of the Skrulls.

    After that, except for the spring of Mt. Fuji, all other Skrulls could not see, and became completely blind!

    The field of vision was pitch-black, which caused a great shock to Skrull’s senior management.

    This also made them have to sit down and discuss how to deal with the sky blocker.

    At that top-level meeting, the 6 god-level Skrulls and the two speakers finally formulated two strategies after lengthy discussions:

    The first strategy was to try to crack the shielding of the sky shield.

    The Skrull coalition government convened a group of top scientists with the same research direction to try to explore how to break through the sky shield.

    This strategy has been implemented for more than a month.

    But alas, to little avail.

    After all, the sky blocker is a high-end creation of the Holy Silver Federation. How could it be easily cracked with the science and technology of Star Scruw and only a short month?

    In the past month or so, the top scientists of Skrull tried to launch dozens of new spy satellites, but all of them fell into the sea like mud cows, and they all lost contact as soon as they left the base.

    Skrull’s executives also knew that the probability of success of this strategy was very low, so they did not use too many resources to promote this strategy. Their focus is actually on the second strategy.

    As for the second strategy, it is the so-called “stinger plan”.

    The focus of the “Stinger Project” is to produce a large number of flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots.

    At an appropriate time, the Skrulls will release all these flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots from the base, allowing them to complete a one-time reconnaissance of the Blue Star.

    Because flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots only have reconnaissance capabilities and do not have attack capabilities, they will not affect the “principle of fairness in war.” They can produce as much as they want, and they will not be demoted by Anthem.

    Moreover, the number of flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots they intend to produce is very large, and the number is as high as millions, so it is named “Stinger Project”.


    However, there is a major flaw in the “Prickly Insect Project”, that is – there is a Blue Star human garrison outside the spring to intercept it.

    When the Blue Star humans see the flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots released by the Scruis, they will intercept them 100%.

    At first, Blue Star humans might be caught off guard.

    But as time goes by, the released flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots will hardly fly far before being destroyed by the Blue Star humans.

    In order to improve this major flaw, Skrull’s high-level officials made a major decision—stock up more flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots in the early stage, and release them all at once after the stockpiles are sufficient!

    They planned to manufacture 2 million flying reconnaissance devices and 1 million miniature detection robots, and release them all at once on May 15th, catching the Blue Star humans by surprise.


    But the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and the Blue Star humans arranged the tower salary defense network!

    Up to now, the tower salary defense network has covered one-third of the sky.

    There is no doubt that the golden thread will touch the ground, forming a huge golden net, enclosing the spring of Mt. Fuji.

    Once the gold and silver threads touch the ground, how will their flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots fly out?

    So Morgan Lieyang hurried to Blue Star to remind the gods to start the “Prickly Insect Project” in advance.

    Slow down, and the “Stinger Project” will be aborted!


    Skrull gods are also human beings. When they heard Morgan Lieyang mentioning the “Prickly Insect Project”, they immediately understood that this plan must be launched immediately!

    “Okay, let’s go and release all the flight reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots that have been built.” Prandt said seriously, and then quickly used the “space jump” module on the mecha, and disappeared on the spot.

    At present, not all flying reconnaissance devices and micro-detection robots have been completed. 1.2 million flying reconnaissance devices and 730,000 micro-robots have been produced, barely reaching two-thirds of the target.

    But can’t handle that much.

    Now they must release these little things immediately, and explore as many areas as they can!


    Two minutes later, the force field shield at the spring of Mount Fuji suddenly became transparent.

    Immediately afterwards, a large number of densely packed “small black spots” flew out of the spring like locusts passing through, and flew towards the surroundings at more than two or three times the speed of sound.

    Because China is the key detection area designated by Skrull, there are especially many “small black spots” flying in the southwest direction, which makes one’s scalp tingle.

    Looking at these densely flying “small black dots”, the corner of Morgan Lieyang’s mouth couldn’t help revealing a tricky smile.

    He came to Blue Star this time to remind him that the start of the “Stinger Project” was not out of good intentions, but his mentor Alice sent him here.

    Alice also knew about Project Stinger, which Morgan had told her about a long time ago.

    Seeing the tower salary defense network arranged by the Blue Stars, she immediately thought that once the defense network was completed, the Skrulls’ “stinger plan” would be completely ruined.

    It was none of her business.

    If the plan fails, it fails. It has nothing to do with her directly, and she doesn’t bother to mention it.

    But it occurred to her that she might be able to use this plan to do something small. After all, with so many detection devices, she can use them to detect what she wants to know.

    So she immediately returned to Star Scruw, and sent Morgan to Blue Star to inform.

    As for herself, she went to the warehouse where the flying reconnaissance devices and miniature detection robots were stored, and tampered with these little things.


    Looking at the densely packed “small black dots” flying out of the base, Blue Star’s high-ranking powerhouses were startled!

    The Skrulls are going to do something big!

    Moreover, the flying speed of the “little black spot” is extremely fast, the slower one can reach twice the speed of sound, the faster one can even reach three or four times the speed of sound, and the speed is even faster than that of a sixth-level practitioner. Skim!

    Blue Star’s high-ranking staff immediately began to show their abilities to destroy these “little black spots” without being reminded by those around them.

    Colorful and large-scale spells were released, and large areas of “small black spots” were directly destroyed.

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