Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1057

  Chapter 1056 The last sword repair

    “What a powerful defense!” Emperor Shihuang praised.

    The attack he unleashes is equivalent to the full blow of a monk in the early stage of Mahayana.

    Although this blow caused a lot of damage to the baffle, the baffle returned to normal in the blink of an eye, making his attack completely useless.

    And it’s not just about returning to business as usual.

    The first emperor’s attack seemed to have touched the overall defense system of the defense network, and a large number of golden and orange rays of light converged here. He could clearly feel that the baffle was being strengthened and thickened, and the defense was strengthened layer by layer.

    As for the ancient monks behind the first emperor, they were also surprised to see him make a move.

    The big monks all had sharp eyes, and it was easy to see that the blue light released by Emperor Shihuang just now was a flying sword, and it also carried the unique domineering aura of sword cultivators.

    Didn’t expect Emperor Shihuang to be a sword repairer?

    Since it is a sword cultivator, then maybe the First Emperor is the only and last sword cultivator in China?


    When it comes to “sword repair”, it goes back to ancient times.

    From the ancient times to the Tang Dynasty, there were many sword cultivators in every era, and each of the great cultivators present had friends of sword cultivators, and there were even several of them.

    The profession of “Sword Cultivator” is extremely talented, and monks with low talents can’t play it. Among all monks, sword repairs accounted for about 5% of the total.

    However, the overall strength of sword cultivators is particularly strong!

    Their attack is extremely strong, and their defense is not weak.

    Many heavenly favored men of large sects like to take the path of sword cultivation. Not only can they advance quickly, but they can often challenge beyond the level. They can easily become the most dazzling new stars of the era.

    Among the top cultivators, the proportion of sword cultivators is astonishingly large, even accounting for one-fifth at one point.

    But surprisingly, the Dharma-ending era has come!

    In the age of doom, the former advantages of sword cultivators have become fatal flaws.

    There are very few magic weapons in the hands of the sword cultivator.

    The vast majority of sword cultivators only have 1 or 2 natal flying swords, and no other magic weapons are used. The emphasis is on “single-minded, single-minded effort to break through ten thousand spells”.

    However, in the Dharma-ending era, those generalists with many magic tools can survive better.

    This is why most of the great monks who have survived to the present are emperors of past dynasties.

    The emperors generally don’t have high talents, but they have a lot of resources and a lot of magic weapons!

    For example, Emperor Liu Che and Emperor Taizong of Tang held a vast number of magic weapons and treasures, even reaching tens of thousands at their peak! Much like Doraemon.

    There are many magic tools and magic weapons, which is a huge advantage in the Dharma-ending era!

    There is a huge amount of psionic energy in both the magic weapon and the magic weapon. There is really no way. By destroying the magic weapon and magic weapon to absorb the spiritual energy inside, the emperors can survive the most difficult years of the Dharma-ending era.

    But sword cultivators are different.

    As mentioned earlier, they only have one or two natal flying swords.

    In the age of doom, not only can they not sacrifice their own flying sword, but the flying sword itself is a big eater of psionic energy, and it needs a large amount of psionic energy to exert its power.

    Therefore, the strength of the ancient sword cultivators quickly dried up.

    Although the ancient emperors possessed a large number of magical weapons and treasures, they could only watch helplessly as these sword cultivators lost their spiritual powers, degenerated into ordinary people, and eventually their lifespan was exhausted.

    As for giving up the resources in his hands to Jianxiu? how can that be! As long as you are not a fool, no one wants to fill these bottomless pits.

    There are also some sword cultivators who broke through the void and left Blue Star to find the last way out in the universe.

    But they have few magic weapons, and the probability of surviving without Blue Star is quite slim.

    So up to now, there are no sword cultivators on Blue Star, and most of the people who can survive until now are ancient emperors.

    The first emperor used the method of sealing to live until now. Therefore, he is most likely to be the last and only sword cultivator on Blue Star.


    The First Emperor also knew about the plight of the sword cultivators. Both Prime Minister Cao and Yang Jian had told him about it.

    He didn’t intend to hide it, and said frankly: “Yes, I am a sword repairer. Just now I used the natal flying sword that I made during the period of alchemy. This sword is called ‘Ding Qin’.” The

    Emperor Shi Huang had two handles in total . The natal flying sword, one handle is “Dingqin Sword”, and the other side is “Tai’a Sword” forged when he achieved Mahayana.

    Apart from that, he doesn’t have any other instruments and treasures.

    In his era, there was actually no need to use other magic tools and weapons. He could conquer the world with two swords alone. No amount of other monks’ magic tools could hold him back with one sword, and it’s the same now.


    Su Yu had no intuitive understanding of the power of the First Emperor. He still doesn’t know what’s special about the sword cultivator, he just feels that the blue light just now is very powerful, that’s all.

    Looking at the defense-enhanced baffle, he said seriously, “Let’s continue, Senior Yingzheng, this time, please use the Mahayana mid-level attack.”

    “Okay.” Shihuang replied.

    The top sword cultivator’s sharp and extreme aura once again appeared.

    In an instant, another blue light burst out!

    Before everyone could react, the blue light had already struck the thickened baffle.

    when! ! !

    Another ear-piercing crash.

    The orange baffle was punched into a deep dent again, covered with a large area of ​​spider silk-like white cracks, and the degree of damage was no less than last time.

    From Su Yu’s perspective, it can be seen that the durability of the orange baffle dropped even more this time, from “100%” to “32%” in an instant.

    The power of Emperor Shihuang’s attack was about twice that of the last time, and it can be seen that the comprehensive defense strength of the baffle has also increased by 80%-90%.

    However, just like last time, the moment the baffle’s durability dropped to “32%”, the durability figure jumped back to “100%” again.

    The orange baffle was back to normal again, shining crystal clear in the sun again, as if it had never been hit.

    Seeing this situation, Su Yu took a deep breath.

    He shouted to Emperor Shihuang: “Senior Yingzheng, please use the strength at the peak of the Mahayana period directly for the next attack!”

    “Okay.” Emperor Shihuang nodded: “Then I will use the attack strength of Prandt’s level.”

    Plant is the most powerful existence on Star Scruw, and he has been the only god-level pinnacle on Star Scruw for the past few hundred years.

    The real strength of the First Emperor was above Plant. But to be honest, it’s not that high.

    The first emperor was a sword repairman, and his offensive ability was the ceiling of two planets; Prandtl was not bad either, not only did he have a large number of treasures in his hand, but the mecha he built was also the crystallization of the highest technology of Star Skrull.

    In a real fight, the strength of the two is close to 50-50, the first emperor Xiaoyou.

    If he really wanted to show a Prandt-level attack, it would be almost impossible for Shi Huangdi to do it with a single “Ding Qin Sword”.

    This time, he wants to use both swords together.

    Hum~ Amidst the ear-

    piercing sound of the sword, another flying sword “Tai’a Sword” of the First Emperor appeared in the void!

    The high-ranking monks present could barely see the shape of the “Tai’a Sword”, they could only see a jet-black light suddenly appearing, intertwined with the blue light of the “Ding Qin Sword”, bombarding the orange baffle in an instant superior!

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