Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1059

  Chapter 1058 From the last month before the start of the war

    to the present, everyone’s test of the tower salary defense network has temporarily come to an end.

    After that, everyone conducted a new test on other defense modes of the defense network, and the results were satisfactory, so they left happily.

    The successful deployment of the tower fire defense network symbolizes that Blue Star’s defense force has entered a new stage.

    Subsequently, the Blue Star coalition government released the test data of the tower salary defense network through the official website.

    Through detailed data introduction, the official fully demonstrated the strength of the defense network.

    The official is not afraid of the published data being obtained by the Skrulls.

    First of all, the current Mount Fuji spring has been hooped like an iron barrel by Blue Star’s army, it is impossible for anyone to defect into the spring and leak data;

    secondly, even if the Skrulls know the data, it will be fine. After knowing the strength of the tower’s defense network, the Scruis would give up attacking the defense network and honestly fight them in two holes.

    As for why the data of the defense network should be released, it is because there are too many benefits!

    Seeing the data listed in detail on the official website, people all over the world have taken a reassurance.

    The defensive capabilities of the tower salary defense network are so terrifying, which makes people believe that the defense network + the coalition government army can really protect them. Even if they can’t beat the Scruws, self-protection is more than enough.

    This stabilizes the hearts of the people all over the world, and at the same time, it can gather more strength, unite as one, and work together to win this war! (Of course, there are also naysayers among them, but in troubled times, heavy codes should be used, and those who sing naysayers will be secretly executed by the relevant departments as soon as they appear.)

    The coalition government released the data purely to stabilize the people’s hearts, as the so-called “people’s hearts have moved together.”

    The more critical the situation is, the more we must unite as one.

    As for Star Skrull, the response to the appearance of the tower salary defense network is also relatively large.

    Seeing the tower salary defense network, all the senior officials of Skrull realized that the Blue Star humans had come up with a trump card.

    But how to deal with this killer weapon, they definitely can’t do it just by observation and imagination.

    But the Skrulls are not in a hurry, and they can slowly study the defense net after the official war begins.

    The technology of Blue Star humans will not explode, they can fight a protracted war with humans, and there is no rush to study the defense network overnight.



    In this atmosphere, time passed day by day.

    The time has entered May, and both Blue Star and Skrull Star are making their final deployments.

    On May 2, Bluestar humans began to deploy fusion power plants on the three islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hokkaido.

    This matter is very important, so eighth-rank monks such as Su Yu and Yang Jian all joined in to participate in the construction.

    With the participation of eighth-level practitioners, the construction progress is of course progressing rapidly.

    In just 10 days, 10 large-scale fusion reactor power stations have sprung up on 3 small islands, with an installed capacity of 2.263 billion kilowatts, and the power generation capacity is comparable to the sum of China’s annual power generation!

    The 10 fusion power plants continuously input power into the defense network, which not only easily meets the daily maintenance needs of the defense network, but also built 20 water storage and photovoltaic energy storage power stations on the island to store the excess power for future use. It will be used after the start of the war;

    on May 5th, Su Yu was promoted to the top of the god level;

    on May 8th, Xu Xiaotian, Zhong Feng, and Lao Meng joined hands to promote the god level, and the number of blue star god level existences suddenly increased to 7 1, plus the cat Morning Star is 8.

    Originally, the coalition government also planned to promote the two players of Yunzhong Mudi and Ice Black Tea to the god level.

    But the coalition government is really lacking in spiritual power. After some trade-offs, they can only give up the two of them, so that their strength is stuck at the peak of the seventh order;

    On May 10th, the Blue Star Allied Forces thoroughly mastered the use of the Tower Fire Defense Network, deployed monitors at important nodes of the defense network, and arranged the highest level of defense in two holes;

    on May 13th, Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shihuang went to Star Scruw, this is also the last trip of the Blue Star humans to Star Scruw before the start of the war;

    on May 15th, the 10 lines of defense in the Neon Kingdom were completed.

    All the defensive resources of Blue Star and the defensive weapons collected from the Skrulls were all piled up on these 10 lines of defense;

    on May 16, the thousand-member magic army carefully cultivated by Su Yu’s avatar grew into a complete body.

    With the accumulation of a large amount of resources, a total of 124 members of the Thousand Magic Legion were promoted to the sixth level, and the remaining 876 people were all above the median level of the fifth level.

    All members of the Thousand Magic Legion have been equipped with a fifth-level mercenary [Holy Angel].

    If calculated according to the “blue-eating index” of the Skrulls, the actual actual combat power of the thousand-man magic legion is equivalent to four god-level powerhouses, which is enough to serve as the core force of the large army.

    Su Yu avatar led the Magic Legion to the northern defense line at the front of Mount Fuji. In the future, they will stick to the northern defense line and the holes in Yamaguchi County and become the backbone of the battle;

    on May 20, Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shihuang returned to Blue Star.

    Their return brings back a plethora of “big three-pieces” and “little three-pieces.”

    Up to now, Bluestar Human has more than 3,300 “big three-piece sets” and more than 370,000 “small three-piece sets”.

    This has successfully completed the goal they set three months ago, and it is more than ten percent.

    In addition to armaments and weapons, Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shihuang also brought back a lot of spiritual energy stones and high-level magic beast materials from various ethnic groups.

    This batch of Psychic Stones has greatly alleviated the current situation of the lack of Psychic energy in Blue Star, and allowed more monks to improve their strength


    The recovery of their strength means that the number of Blue Star’s eighth-level practitioners has reached 10, even surpassing the Scruis in number!

    Emperor Liu Che and Emperor Taizong were originally monks in the Mahayana stage. They could have recovered the Mahayana stage, but they lacked spiritual power.

    This time Prime Minister Cao and Emperor Shihuang brought back a batch of Psionic Stones. After a careful meeting with Blue Star’s senior management, it was decided that this batch of Psychic Stones plus the psionic energy mined from all Psychic Springs in the past week will be devoted to them, allowing them to recover Mahayana strength.

    As for Herd Enemy in the Cloud and Iced Black Tea, the priority is not as high as these two, so let’s put it later;

    on May 25th, Su Yu was promoted to the pinnacle of the god level.

    His smooth promotion means that Blue Star’s eighth-level peak existence has reached 3 people, and Blue Star humans and Skrulls are completely equal in terms of peak combat effectiveness

    ; All high-level Warcraft materials have been made into equipment potions, and all golden items in the game have been taken out of the game;

    on May 29, the Blue Star Army has assembled on the 10 lines of defense, all preparations are ready, and all armaments and weapons are worn Finished, all defensive weapons have been checked, and some have been activated and entered the standby state.

    This is the third-to-last day before the start of the war, and the eyes of the whole world are focused on the small land of Neon Nation, quietly waiting for the start of the war two days later.

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