Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 924

Chapter 923 Sunlight Secret Realm (End) Successfully

Chapter 923 Sunlight Secret Realm (End) Successfully Cleared

At 6:00 in the morning, thousands of ordinary village names received a notification from the mistress and came to gather at the entrance of the northernmost village.

The mistress is the chief of the village, and her status is much higher than that of the chiefs of the Blue Star villages. No one dares not to come.

So early in the morning, every household who received the news rushed to the entrance of the village.

The mistress did not waste time either.

After the    and others were almost there, she immediately told the villagers the cause and effect of the incident.

Once the    matter was announced, the villagers immediately exploded.

“What the hell? The volcano is about to erupt?!”

“Didn’t it erupt once 800 years ago? Why so fast?”

“The village will not be destroyed, right? My family married a new house this year that my wife just built!”

“Fortunately, the gods sent down the oracle in time, otherwise we will be burned to death by lava!”

The villagers were shocked.

The threat of life and death keeps everyone’s spirits in a state of tension.

The mother finally said loudly: “No matter what, this is the land we have lived in for generations. We can’t watch our land be destroyed, we must take action to save our homeland!

All teenagers, youths, and prime-age laborers, men and women, as long as they feel they can do it well, go up the mountain with me! ”

“Up the mountain!”

“Up the mountain!”

“Up the mountain!”

Everyone was in high spirits, and their enthusiasm was completely ignited.

Except the old and weak women and children who really couldn’t do heavy work, everyone else went up the mountain with their mistresses with red eyes.

They will defend their homeland with action!

The mistress asked Jenny to stay and was in charge of instructing the old and weak women and children to do some simple logistical work, and brought the large army up the mountain by herself.

A huge project in a race against time just kicked off.

The whole big project lasted for two days and two nights.

Soon, the time came to the morning of the fifth day when the adventurer entered the secret realm.

In the past two days and two nights, a lot of big things happened in Sunyao Village.

Let’s start with the volcano.

There was no movement from the volcano at first.

But with the passage of time, the movement inside the volcano became more and more obvious, and even ordinary people lying on the ground could clearly hear the abnormal noise inside.

Sunyao Village has worked hard to dig soil, build embankments, and repair drainage channels. It is really a race against time.

But the power of ordinary people is limited after all.

Ordinary people who do this kind of heavy physical work will get tired after working for one or two hours and need a long rest.

And ordinary people have to sleep at night, only two-thirds of the 24 hours can work.

Low efficiency and short duration.

Because of this, the main part of the entire project was basically spread over 50 adventurers and 100 first-order little blue natives.

The adventurers exchanged all the red shell coins for potions to restore their stamina and energy, and everyone drank it openly.

Under the condition of ensuring sufficient food and drinking water, these practitioners are like an excavator whose fuel tank is always full, working 24 hours a day with high intensity.

Among the practitioners, Su Yu is the main force among the main force. Apart from the mistress, he can be said to be the existence with the highest engineering contribution.

Su Yu is like a heavy excavator, running at high speed all the time, and with his strength, his workload is on par with three or four excavators!

Except for the occasional discussion of the supervisory committee, he spent all his time digging in the soil according to the plan.

Once you are tired and sleepy, drink the medicine immediately, and continue after drinking the medicine.

Those Seven Nights in the novel will definitely be ashamed when they see Su Yu’s state.

Seeing Su Yu and the adventurers working so hard, the little blue people aboriginal people are full of respect for them.

Really thanks to these adventurers!

Otherwise, such a large amount of work would not have been completed in just two days by the people in the village.

The mistress and the gods were not idle either.

The mistress was a spellcaster and did not dig the soil herself.

However, she kept casting buffs, such as adding strength-enhancing buffs to adventurers such as Su Yu, and applying weight-reducing buffs to earth-moving carts…etc.

Her presence not only accelerated the progress of the project, but also made everyone’s work more handy and motivated.

The only downside of    is that the mana regeneration of the mistress is relatively slow.

God himself has to perform miracles frequently, and cannot use divine power to replenish the mistress’ mana.

Once the mana runs out, the mistress of the caster will be embarrassed.

In desperation, she could only take out more than ten bottles of high-level mana recovery potions that she had treasured for many years, and after recovering some, she continued to post buffs to everyone.

This potion was bought by the mistress in a distant city, and it is very precious.

It is also worth mentioning that Su Yu found out that the potion that the mother drank, and the craftsmanship was very similar to the “Evolution” game, and it was completely unrelated to the craft of Scrooge.

Combining it, we learned from the mother’s mouth that there are many big cities and many countries in the secret realm, and there are mature national constructions.

This made him wonder – could this be a real world?

After talking about the mistress, let’s talk about the gods.

The biggest role of the gods is to use their divine power to forcefully control the weather.

Originally it was going to rain heavily on their first day of work.

Once the torrential rain falls, there will be mud everywhere, ordinary people will not be able to work, and their work will be completely finished!

The gods all used their powerful divine power to forcibly disperse the dark clouds above their heads.

The sky cleared again, which allowed the project to continue smoothly.

In addition to controlling the weather, the other thing the gods do is to keep descending oracles, speeding up the progress of the project in all aspects as much as possible.

The gods are also fighting their lives for their own survival. In these two days, more oracles have been sent down than in the past 20 years combined.

Trucks of dirt and stones were transported to the bottom of the mountain, and the project was progressing rapidly with the joint efforts of all parties.

Finally, on the morning of the 5th day, the project was officially completed!

It took two days and two nights, this huge work was finally completed miraculously!

In the past, after the lava was ejected from the top of the volcano, it could flow unobstructed along the hillside into the village, destroy the entire village and then flow into the lake.

But it’s different now!

With the joint efforts of adventurers and villagers, everyone built a 5-meter-high and 200-meter-long defensive embankment on the only path of magma. The embankment can completely block the path of magma.

And in order to prevent the accumulation of magma, they forcibly dug a drainage channel 30 meters wide and 3 kilometers long on the side of the defensive levee.

The    drainage channel can directly introduce the magma under the defensive embankment into the ravine on the other side of the mountain.

And the most amazing thing is that the gods also used their own divine power to do a lot of simulation experiments.

After testing, the combination of the defensive levee and the drainage channel can achieve 100% effect, so everyone is completely relieved.

Just two hours after the completion of the project, what should come will always come, the volcano is about to erupt!

At present, the signs of volcanic eruption are quite obvious.

The snow on the top of the mountain melted most of it, which should be caused by the high temperature.

The sound of “boom and boom” inside the mountain became more and more obvious, accompanied by slight vibrations of the ground from time to time.

The adventurers led by Su Yu and the stronger villagers stood 30 meters behind the embankment, nervously watching the erupting volcano ahead.

As for the weaker villagers, the elderly and the weak, women and children, they have now been moved to the other side of Sunyao Lake, where the volcanic eruption has no effect at all.

In the crowd, Jenny stood beside Su Yu.

At this time, she had already disregarded any etiquette and held Su Yu’s hand tightly.

Su Yu could feel that the little girl’s palms were all sweaty.

But he couldn’t comfort the little girl, he could only squeeze her palm lightly, indicating that she was okay.

While comforting Jenny, Su Yu asked the god: “The volcanic eruption is about to start, will our current distance be burned by the magma? Do you want to step back?”

“No.” The voice of the gods appeared above everyone’s heads: “We still have a lot of flint stones here, and the shields released are enough to protect everyone’s safety.”

“That’s good.” Su Yu nodded.

Old Li is now standing behind Su Yu.

Looking at the volcano that was about to erupt, he also sighed with emotion: “Seriously, this is the first time I have seen a volcano in other places other than videos and games!”

Yunzhong Mudi, who was standing beside him, showed a wry smile: “To be honest, I have seen a real volcano. The first time I came to Skrull, it was drilled out of the crater with lava.”

“Have you tasted the taste of magma by the way?” Lao Li asked.

Yunzhong Mudi replied: “Of course I tasted it, but it’s too hot to eat, it’s not delicious at all.”

The conversation between the two left the little blue people in the back speechless for a while.

What the **** are these two talking about? Can’t keep up with their brain circuits at all.

But soon, the attention of the little blue people aborigines was diverted.


With a loud bang, the long-awaited volcano finally erupted!

A huge hole exploded at the top of the volcano, and the ground shook violently.

Immediately after, the fiery red magma spewed out of the mouth like a giant fountain, directly spewing out dozens of meters high!

And these erupted magma are also accompanied by several silver-white lightnings, and the close-up view adds a lot of deterrence to the volcanic eruption.

Under the action of gravity, the magma sprayed into the sky falls from the sky.

At the same time, a giant black plume of smoke formed directly above the crater, rushing high into the sky.

The overflowing magma spewed out directly from the crater, and one of them flowed towards Su Yu and others along the terrain.

“This…this is simply too spectacular! It is indeed a miracle of nature!” Lao Li praised repeatedly: “For the entire planet, a volcanic eruption is like a pimple on our face, right?”

“No, it’s not that exaggerated.” Yunzhong Mudi replied: “According to the proportion, the height of a mountain to the planet will definitely not be higher than the height of goose bumps on a human body, so it is not as exaggerated as acne.”

Lao Li was speechless.

But he quickly said: “When this volcano erupted, it was accompanied by lightning and thunder? It should be different from our Blue Star, right? There doesn’t seem to be a similar scene in the video I watched.”

“Cough, it’s actually the same.” The enemy in the cloud touched his nose: “Our Blue Star will also experience lightning and thunder when the volcano erupts.

Lightning is actually a physical phenomenon.

When a volcano erupts, an ascending thermal airflow is formed, the air above is a low-pressure area, and the surrounding area is cold air, so the conditions for air convection are formed. When the thermal airflow is strong, the convection intensity will increase, and current will be generated through friction. At a certain level, lightning will form…”

“Stop, stop, I’m not here for a physics class!” Old Li got a big head and hurriedly stopped him.

This clock peak’s eyes lit up: “Come on! Everyone be careful!”

In the process of herding the enemy in the cloud and talking about physics, the fiery red and hot magma had flowed along the terrain and flowed in front of them, slamming into the defensive embankment.

The magma hit the levee and sparked countless sparks, and with the arrival of the magma, the temperature at the location of the people began to rise rapidly.

The gods immediately used a large fire escape stone, and a huge eggshell-shaped red fireproof shield with a diameter of fifty or sixty meters appeared around them and enveloped them.

This shield is not only fireproof, but also effectively absorbs surrounding heat.

After using it for a long time, Su Yu and others immediately felt that the surrounding temperature became normal, at least not as hot as before.

After    hit the embankment, the magma was “extinced”.

In desperation, the magma could only flow to the lower side of the embankment and successfully flow into the drainage channel.

The fire shield inspired by the large flint stone also played a great role, helping the defensive levee to block the impact of a lot of magma.

Gradually, the magma never overflowed the levee, and was drained to the ravine by the drainage channel.

The   volcanic eruption has always been relatively violent for the first time, and then the eruption of magma will become weaker and weaker.

Seeing that the defensive levee cooperated with the drainage channel to successfully resist the first wave of magma, the little blue people who were present were extremely excited: “Yeah! We succeeded!”

“Our village is saved!”

Jenny also jumped into Su Yu’s arms, jumped up and kissed his face: “Thank you adventurer, thank you for saving our village!”

“Ah, you’re welcome.” Facing Jenny’s sudden “sneak attack”, Su Yu didn’t react for a while.

Zhong Feng stood aside and said, “As expected of you, Su Yu. No matter where you go, you can be so feminine.”

“Don’t say that, we are leaving soon after all.” Su Yu smiled lightly.

He asked towards the void: “My gods, should the 10,000 shell coins promised to us be given to us?”

Soon, the voice of the gods sounded in the void: “It should be. But skip the steps of shell coins, I will give you what you want directly.”

As soon as the voice of the gods fell, a golden rain suddenly fell from the sky.

This golden rain fell quickly, turning into “raindrops” and falling into the hands of each adventurer.

“Raindrop” is a golden rhombus spar, also known as “Sunday Essence”.

Using the essence, they can leave the secret realm smoothly.

Looking at the essence in their hands, the 50 adventurers simultaneously smiled reassuringly.

Their hard work was not in vain, and they were finally able to go out alive!

“Jenny, we’re leaving, goodbye!” Su Yu didn’t hesitate and used the essence directly.

Jenny was obviously very reluctant.

But she had no choice but to look at Su Yu’s gradually disappearing figure, and reluctantly said, “Well, goodbye by fate, Su Yu.”

(end of this chapter)

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