Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 929

Chapter 928 First Emperor Exits Customs

Chapter 928 The First Emperor Exits the Customs

This stupid method is theoretically feasible, but in order to succeed, a precondition must be met—it cannot be disturbed by the outside world.

The First Emperor could not let other monks know where he was, and was frequently disturbed.

Otherwise, the hibernation process was repeatedly interrupted, how could he “travel” into the future?

So, he thought of the “Blind Spirit Stone”.

“Blind Spirit Stone” can completely obscure the perception of spiritual consciousness (that is, spiritual power) of monks. During the Warring States Period, a large number of assassins, such as Jing Ke, who disturbed the wind and rain, relied on this special stone.

After    unification of the whole country, the first emperor forcibly put away all the “hidden spirit stones” in the whole country for the peace and stability of the country, a total of hundreds of thousands of pieces.

If he used hundreds of thousands of “hidden spirit stones” to build a hiding place in the deep mountains and old forest, the probability of being found by the monks cannot be said to be impossible, but it will definitely be very low.

Then he cooperated with some illusions, and it was almost impossible for him to be found by other monks!

Thus, a hiding place constructed purely from the hidden spirit stones appeared.

The first emperor went dormant in the Tibetan habitat.

Everything was as he expected, and no monk came to the door.

This flash is more than two thousand years.

It was not until Senior Wang Mang and Xiaotian entered here that the monks visited the hiding place again.

The First Emperor also knew that in the long 100,000 years, other monks or creatures would definitely break in.

So, he erected this huge stone tablet in front of the main hall, and used the stone tablet to inform the intruders of all the ins and outs.

And at the end of the inscription on the stone tablet, he reminded: “My body is dormant in the main hall, there is nothing to hide.

If you accidentally break in, please go back the same way, and don’t mention the matter here to others;

If you are a tomb robber, sorry, there is nothing worth stealing here, only my body. If you dare to trespass, hehe, you can try it and see if it will die.

If you covet my strength, I still maintain my peak strength, I am afraid you can’t do it;

…(8 items omitted)…

If you are from the future, if you have mastered the technology to travel to the stars, you can wake me up. If you don’t, please don’t wake me up in any way, or you will be at your own risk! ”

The first emperor wrote more than a dozen hypotheses at once, taking into account all possibilities in the future.

He did this, of course, to try to prolong his dormancy.

If a rational person saw these words on the stone tablet, there is a high probability that they would not wake him up.

The first emperor even considered his hiding place to be discovered by the outside world and transformed into a tourist attraction to attract tourists, so he made a lot of “patches” to the hiding place. For example, the hiding place will change its location at regular intervals, change the location of the entrance, and so on.


After reading all the words on the stone tablet, Xiaotian let out a soft breath.

She looked at Senior Wang Mang: “Senior, are we going to wake up the First Emperor now?”

“Of course.” Senior Wang Mang nodded and pointed to the last line of words at the end of the stone tablet: “We meet the first emperor’s awakening conditions, we can go to the Holy Silver Federation through special channels, and now there is no problem in awakening him.

And the Blue Star human beings are at a critical moment of life and death, no matter what, wake him up! ”

“Then let’s start.” The expression on Xiaotian’s face became solemn, and he turned to look at the hall in front of him.

There is no movement in the entire hall now.

Even if Xiaotian is already a seventh-order professional, and the distance is relatively close, she cannot perceive the existence of the first emperor inside.

Senior Wang Mang first settled down.

Then he turned to face the main hall, and said aloud in ancient Chinese: “Your Majesty the First Emperor, I am Wang Mang, Emperor of the New Dynasty. I came to visit this time because…”

Accompanied by the voice, the aura of the senior Wang Mang gradually increased, and soon he showed all his aura.

Xiaotian showed his aura under the instructions of Senior Wang Mang.

In the middle of a distraction period, a seventh-order lower position, the breath of the two paths flourished in the square.

seems to be aware of the visitor, and there is gradually a movement in the hall.

A golden light flickered in the center of the hall, slowly glowing with vigor, and the First Emperor slowly woke up from his dormancy.

However, he was not completely awake, only a touch of consciousness was awakened to understand the external environment.

If the information given to him by the outside world does not satisfy him, he will continue to sleep.

“I am the first emperor of Qin, Yingzheng, what are you two doing so far?” A voice full of energy sounded in the sky above the hall, and it sounded like he was only about 30 years old.

The golden light in the hall also flickered more and more frequently, and the coercion from the powerhouse in the Mahayana period spread from the inside of the hall to the outside of the hall, attracting people’s minds.

Senior Wang Mang respects this ancient emperor very much.

He bowed respectfully towards the hall and said loudly: “His Majesty the First Emperor, I am Wang Mang, Emperor of the New Dynasty, this is Xu Xiaotian, a contemporary strong man, only 14 years old.

Now that Blue Star has undergone major changes, it can be said that it is a major change that has not been encountered in ten thousand years, so I come to visit. ”

“Oh? What kind of change? Also, how many years have passed since I hibernated?” Shi Huang asked.

While asking questions, he also focused a considerable part of his attention on Xiaotian.

Yes, this little girl is 14 years old.

But what’s with her strength? !

In the early stage of integration?

This strength is a bit too strong, right?

Even if they were peerless geniuses in their era, none of them advanced to the Distraction Stage (sixth order) before they reached adulthood.

And this little girl is only 14 years old and has already been in the early stage of integration… Is this future era so powerful? How much can Mahayana have?

Facing the first emperor’s question, Senior Wang Mang answered truthfully: “It is now 2122 AD, about 2300 years after you started dormancy.”

“2300 years? So short?” The first emperor was obviously startled.

Seeing Xiaotian’s terrifying strength, he thought he had been sleeping for at least tens of thousands of years.

Didn’t expect that it was only 2300 years old? It’s too short.

Noticing that the First Emperor did not speak, Senior Wang Mang continued: “2300 years is a short period of time. Few of you can survive in the Mahayana before you. As far as I know, there is only one Senior Yang Jian in the late Shang Dynasty. ”

“Senior Yang Jian? Is he still alive?” Thinking of his old friend, Shi Huang suddenly felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Senior Yang Jian can be said to be one of the strongest beings at the same time. They have met many times and are quite familiar with each other.

“That’s right, his old man is alive and well, and he just regained his strength in the Mahayana period.”

“It’s good to live… Wait, you said to restore the strength of the Mahayana period? Did he fall into the realm for some reason?”

“This has to start from the beginning…” Senior Wang Mang sorted out his thoughts, and then started from the dynasties and dynasties, the exhaustion of spiritual energy, and explained all the major events that happened in Blue Star in a coherent manner.

This is more than an hour.

The First Emperor listened and fell into silence.

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he fully understood why Wang Mang came to wake him up.

Psionic revival, alien invasion, intervention by the Holy Silver Federation, the game “Evolution”…

Indeed, Blue Star human beings have come to the moment of life and death.

At the end of   ’s words, Senior Wang Mang said solemnly: “Your Majesty the First Emperor, the purpose of my visit this time is to invite you to come out and fight against the Skrulls.

Humanity has now reached the juncture of life and death, if one is not careful, it is the danger of the extinction of the ethnic group!

And we have not violated your wishes on the stone tablet. After defeating the Skrulls, you can go to the Holy Silver Federation through a special channel to explore the outside world! ”

“Well, that’s fine.” The first emperor didn’t think much, and immediately replied: “I can go out, please wait a moment…”

In the face of the crisis of the imminent destruction of mankind, he really has nothing to think about, and he must go out to rescue.

And after the war, there is indeed a way to go to the Holy Silver Federation, killing two birds with one stone.

So he can’t seem to find a reason not to leave.

At 3 pm on March 3, a golden light burst into the sky in the due west of Huaxia Rongcheng!

This golden light is unusually dazzling and dazzling, and almost the entire southwestern region of China has seen this light.

Looking at this golden light like a barrier, the people in Rongcheng outdoors were stunned:

“Wife, look at what this is?”

“Did something explode?”

“Could it be that the Skrulls called?!”

“How is that possible? There are still 89 days before the war begins.”

“The place where the light is emitted is very close to us. It should be in the province. It is not estimated that the Skrulls are playing tricks.”

“Could it be that our Blue Star has come up with some ultimate weapon?”

“Let’s wait for the official news. The official response has been very fast recently. It should take a long time for the official draft to come out.”

“A strange golden light appeared in the west of Rongcheng” and related pictures immediately spread on the official forum.

Players in the game can also see the official forum, so this matter will soon be known to all.

Everyone was talking about it, what is the origin of this dazzling golden light? And it seems to be quite durable.

Some people speculated that Su Yu was breaking through the realm, but this was quickly refuted, because the official announcement that Su Yu’s breakthrough was at the North Pole, certainly not in Sichuan Province.

The official response is indeed very fast.

About 20 minutes later, the official official announcement appeared on the official game website:

“Regarding the special anomalies that have appeared in the Huaxia Kingdom today, the coalition government hereby announces:

A strong golden light appeared in the west of Rongcheng, because the ancient monks left the customs.

The ancient cultivator who went out this time was the founding emperor of the Qin Dynasty—Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng.

The name of the first emperor is unknown to everyone, so we will not introduce too much here.

The First Emperor has been dormant in the past, and his strength has not been affected by psionic exhaustion, and he still maintains the strength of the peak of the Mahayana period (the peak of the eighth-order).

Because his strength is too strong, the psionic fluctuations caused by his exit are also extremely violent.

But these psionics will not cause harm to everyone, please don’t panic…”

This announcement is the so-called “5th big news”.

This big news just appeared, and immediately caused a huge shock in the whole world, especially in China!

Qin Shi Huang, who doesn’t know? !

However, there is still a slight difference between Chinese and foreigners.

The Chinese people are full of three words “Qin Shi Huang”;

Foreigners are full of the four words “the peak of the eighth order” (if they can read Chinese characters).

In the various divisions of the official forum, whether it is the “chat irrigation area”, “news discussion area”, or “equipment discussion area”, “dungeon discussion area”… all the divisions are almost completely occupied, and all of them are instantly destroyed by the three “First Emperor”. Swipe every word:

“My God! The First Emperor is still alive?!”

“I didn’t expect to see such a powerful historical figure in my lifetime!”

“Eternal Emperor!”

“I thought about it before – many powerful emperors have survived to this day. Qin Shihuang, as the first emperor of the ages, should also be alive? Now it seems that he is not dead!”

“Isn’t anyone paying attention to the words ‘Eighth-Rank Peak’? The ‘Eighth-Order Peak’ is the most powerful existence in the entire Blue Star! Smash the Skrulls!”

“Oh, it’s a pity that the spiritual power has been exhausted in the past few hundred years, otherwise the great man who founded the country… I really want to see him again!”

The giant earthquake on the Internet quickly spread all over the world.

The people of the world are not fools. They all know what the appearance of an eighth-order peak means. This is a very effective cardiac booster!

Except for the capitulation faction, the whole world rejoiced!

Everyone suddenly felt that defeating the Skrulls is not an unattainable goal!

A large number of Chinese and foreigners have returned to the real world from the game.

Everyone celebrated the arrival of the First Emperor in their own way.

This really brings a lot of hope to everyone!

There is such a big movement on the blue star, of course, it is impossible for the Skrull star to be ignorant.

In fact, when the First Emperor left the customs, they were also in extreme shock, and the shock was no less than that of the Blue Stars!

At this time, in the office of Lanqi, the headquarters of the Skrull Expeditionary Force, two god-level peak powerhouses, Plant and Manina III, stood side by side.

In front of them is a huge 3D projection, which is provided by AI Blue Phantasm.

In the    projection, the sky above Shenmu Lei Mountain was glorious, and a large number of supersonic fighters rushed over from Yunlu Mountain and the Imperial Capital.

Looking at the dazzling golden light, the two of them looked serious.

Just a few minutes ago, the Blue Star Coalition Government issued a notice on this matter, and Blue Bitten promptly relayed the content of the notice to the two of you.

After learning the content of the announcement, the two behaved more seriously.

“Blue Star has another god-level peak!” Plante murmured while looking at the projection.

“Yes!” Manina III nodded and sighed slightly: “I feel that the humans of Blue Star are getting harder and harder to deal with.”

“It was relatively easy to deal with before, but as time goes by, alas…” Plante sighed softly.

In their previous expectations, few Blue Stars could become god-level.

In addition to Cao Cao, who has a god-level peak ability by chance, only Su Yu and Yang Jian are stable at the eighth level.

The rest, Su Yu’s pet cat Chenxing, the great monks represented by Tang Taizong Li Shimin, Han Wudi Liu Che, and the rest of the players should also have 2-3 eighth-orders.

In other words, at the beginning of the war, the number of Blue Star cultivators at the **** level was about 5-6.

Who knew that another god-level suddenly appeared now, and it was still the pinnacle of god-level!

(end of this chapter)

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