Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 932

Chapter 931 Skru Top Meeting

Chapter 931 Skru top meeting

Looking at the chasm in the space that was disappearing above his head, Old Li tutted: “The Skrulls have just run away? The Spring Eyes captured this time are really easy. It took a lot of effort every time before.”

“It’s normal.” Lao Meng said with a smile: “The three strongest gods of our human race are here, and Mr. Ke will leave the customs immediately. The Skrulls know that it’s normal to run away if they lose.”

Zhong Feng said: “But I’m afraid it won’t be so smooth in the future.

Now the Skrulls still have 18 springs left, and as the springs become fewer and fewer, their resistance will become more and more intense.

I’m afraid that in the last few seats, they will hold on at all costs. At that time, if we want to seize the spring, the sacrifices to be paid will be great! ”

Prime Minister Cao looked solemn: “Take your time, one day we will take back all the springs!”

“Well.” Everyone nodded.

One day, they will drive the Skrulls out of Bluestar!

As the space crack disappeared, the gray-black protective cover that shrouded the Skrull base also disappeared.

The entire base is like a lychee with its skin peeled off, completely exposed to the Blue Star cultivator players, which is very attractive.

Senior Yang Jian looked at everyone behind him and said, “Let’s go down together, take over the base, and wait for little friend Su Yu to leave the customs.”

Then he turned to face the First Emperor, and said apologetically: “Daoist Yingzheng, I’m sorry, the base below is seriously damaged, and you can’t see the Skru base in normal state.”

“It’s fine.” The first emperor waved his hand indifferently: “I just came to see the aliens, but I don’t really care about the base.

I will study these aliens first to see what is the difference between them and our Blue Star humans. ”

After he finished speaking, he turned into a golden streamer, which was instantly projected from the sky into the square below, causing the surrendered Skrull soldiers to exclaim.

Other monk players also entered the base one after another and officially took over control here.

The Blue Star Coalition Government received a message from Zhong Feng.

Learning that the giant spring at the North Pole was easily recovered, the coalition government was extremely excited from top to bottom!

They quickly dispatched troops and troop transport ships to the North Pole, and also announced the information on the recovery of the spring on the official website.

The appearance of the    announcement once again caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

This is already the sixth big news everyone heard today!

An hour later, Skrull.

The abandonment of the giant spring at the North Pole of the Blue Star was also a big deal for the Skrulls.

This spring has given up, and the next spring cannot be given up.

So a group of high-level officials discussed and held a video conference.

Those who participated in this meeting were the top beings in the entire Skrull star.

A total of 4 people from the Rising Sun Empire were present. These 4 people were Manina III, Plante, Emperor Manina XIII and the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force Lanci;

Three people from the Lunkert Alliance participated in the meeting, namely the god-level powerhouse Stim, the shining queen Victoria, and the newly elected alliance speaker Kussman;

The rest of the participants in the meeting were also god-level beings, such as Heber, Rai, and Otas.

Except for Cecilia who said she was not sick, other gods participated in this video conference.

This is without a doubt the highest-spec conference on Scrooge.

At the    meeting, everyone discussed the military deployment of the future expeditionary force.

Started by Manina, who presided over the meeting.

Manina looked at the god-level powerhouses on the video screen, and said solemnly: “Everyone, this time everyone is gathered because we have reached a moment when we have to carefully consider the future.

Nine months ago, when our expedition fleet first entered Blue Star, we believed that with our own military strength, we could quickly crush the Blue Star people, and the overall loss would not exceed one thousandth.

So at that time, we didn’t take Blue Star Humans to heart.

But in fact, the Holy Silver Federation has given the Blue Star human beings a huge help. Now, their power has gradually approached us.

We had to discuss a more effective way to deal with this group of aggressive Blue Stars. ”



All the Skrulls expressed their approval.

Manina III asked, “Little Thirteen, what are you going to do?”

“I think we should fight a protracted war with the humans of the Blue Star.” Manina replied earnestly:

“We are still ahead in the number of high-tech weapons and high-level powerhouses. I think we can use these two points to consume the living power of Blue Star humans.”

On the wall behind Manina, a giant blue star map was slowly spread out.

There are 18 red blips on the map, which are all the giant springs the Skrulls now hold.

Manina said: “At present, we only have 18 springs, 1 in Asia, 1 in Antarctica, 2 in Australia, 2 in Europe, 4 in Africa, and 8 in America.

As the strength of the Blue Stars is getting stronger and stronger, it is definitely impossible for us to defend all of these 18 springs.

I want to divide the springs into three categories, the first category must be adhered to…”

Manina used the psychic marking technique to mark 8 springs in America.

“These 8 springs are integrated with each other, and we need to guard against them.

Before the war begins, we must guard all these 8 springs, so that the entire America can become our base for conquering the entire Blue Star! ”

Listening to Manina’s narration, some of the god-level powerhouses and the Speaker of the Renkert Alliance had different ideas in their hearts.

But instead of speaking their minds, they decided to listen to Manina.

Seeing that no one expressed any objection, Manina continued: “The second part of the spring is used to fight the war of attrition with the humans of the Blue Star.”

He used the spiritual power marker again to circle the 8 springs in Europe, Africa and Australia.

“For a period of time in the future, the psionic energy produced in these 8 springs will be used by the expeditionary forces stationed in the springs, and will no longer be transported back to Skrull.

And we have to equip these 8 springs with a large number of psionic weapons and equipment to improve the defense of these springs as much as possible. ”

After finishing speaking, Manina finally pointed to the two springs of Asia and the South Pole: “As for these two springs, one is too close to the Blue Star Human Headquarters, and the other is not easy to defend. My suggestion is to give up.

But we can’t give up in vain,

I propose to start transporting 200 ‘anti-barite drills’ to this place, and bring out the spiritual energy in these two springs, and take as much as you can, as a reserve for the war. ”

The    “anti-barite drill” has been used in the previous “blasting mining” plan, and the effect is to excite and take away the spiritual energy that will erupt in the spring for hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

Doing so will lead to the destruction of the springs. After the Skrulls occupy the Blue Star, these springs will have no use value, and it is quite a bit like killing chickens to find eggs.

This scourge of a giant spring has endless troubles, which may arouse the dissatisfaction of many people (the most important thing will affect the distribution of benefits after the war).

For small and medium-sized spring maninas, you can just let it go.

But for the giant spring, even the Lieyang Emperor, he has to ask the god-level powerhouses for instructions, and can only start action after getting the approval of most people.

is also the reason for this video conference.

After   Manina finished speaking, he turned his attention to the god-level powerhouses: “This is my strategy, isn’t it what you think?”

In the video screen, the three gods of Heber, Lai and Otas nodded in agreement at the same time.

They had no problem with Manina’s strategy.

In fact, to tell the truth, no matter what strategy Manina proposes, they will agree, as long as it is not particularly outrageous, they are qualified wall mounters.

But at this time, Kussman, the new Speaker of the Renkert Alliance, said, “I don’t agree with His Majesty Manina’s opinion.”

“Huh?” All eyes turned to him.

Kussman continued: “I think this plan is too conservative, and it can even be said that it is too conservative!”

“Then what do you think?” Manina frowned, feeling very unhappy in her heart.

Since the Sun Empire took over the dominance of the war, all the military strategies of the Expeditionary Force were formulated by Manina himself, and the Lenkerts had no right to intervene at all.

Kussman, the newly elected president of the coalition, has only a mere sixth-level strength. What qualifications does he have to dare to question?

But looking at the face of all the god-level powerhouses, Manina suppressed the displeasure in his heart and looked at Kussman calmly.

Cusman of course also sensed the unhappiness in Manina’s heart, but he didn’t take it to heart.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, and replied, “I have another strategy, which is more radical and more conducive to us winning this war. I wonder if everyone will listen to me?”

“Okay, let’s talk.” Plante nodded.

“Okay.” Cusman turned his attention to Manina: “Your Majesty Manina, our ultimate goal in this war is to defeat the Blue Star people and occupy the entire Blue Star, right?”

“That’s right.” Manina was startled.

Kussman continued: “Then why don’t we put the strongest military power on the spring of Asia?”

Kussman refers to the giant spring of Mount Fuji in the Neon Country. This giant spring is the only spring in Asia that has not been taken away by Blue Star humans.

“You mean Neon Country?” Manina was stunned again, he didn’t expect Kussman to think so.

“Yes.” Kussman said sternly: “This giant spring is the closest to the Huaxia Kingdom, and the Huaxia Kingdom has concentrated more than 90% of the entire Blue Star’s defense forces.

If we want to take Bluestar, we must defeat this force.

We put all our troops in the fountain of Neon Kingdom, and we will be able to have a decisive battle with the humans of the Blue Star immediately after the start of the war!

As long as we win this decisive battle, we will win the war completely!

And according to His Majesty Manina’s strategy, we stick to America, so we can only fight the war of attrition with the humans of the Blue Star.

And we are the invading party. If we fight the war of attrition, the domestic pressure will inevitably increase. So I think it’s better to be proactive. ”

After    finished talking about his strategy, Kussman asked: “Everyone, what do you think of my ideas?”

But no one answered him for half a minute after that. All the gods were thinking and weighing the pros and cons.

Half a minute later, Stim said first: “I agree with Cusman’s idea more. Cussman is right, the longer the war lasts, the worse it is for us.

The longer the war is, the more high-level powerhouses the Blue Star people can get from the game “Evolution”, and the Blue Star humans will become more and more adaptable to the war, and the war potential may become greater and greater;

And we, as the war is mired in the quagmire and the casualties are increasing, dissatisfaction may arise in the army. Moreover, the lower-level residents in the country will not get any benefits brought by the war, and will only become more dissatisfied, causing social unrest.

All in all, I also think that it is better to focus on the Neon Spring, and it is better to fight quickly. ”

“Well, I also agree with Kussman’s idea.” After Stim made his statement, Queen Victoria of the Shining made the second statement.

And she immediately added: “I’m not partial to my own people, it’s a matter of fact. Personally, I tend to play more aggressively.”

Manina took a deep breath and looked at Manina III and Plante: “Old Ancestor, Lord Plante, what do you two think?”

In his heart, he disapproved of Kussman’s statement, and felt that the strategy he said was unreasonable.

But before expressing his thoughts, he wanted to seek the opinions of his two gods.

Manina III thought about it seriously, and said, “Little Thirteen, as far as the matter is concerned, I also think Kussman’s strategy is more in line with me.”

“Same.” Plante echoed.

After the speeches of the two of them, the approval rate of Manina and Cusman on the field instantly became 0:4.

Although the three Hebers did not express their opinions, their voices have not been particularly important. Even if they voiced their support for Manina, Manina ultimately lost the game.

However, Manina will not give up just like that.

It’s not that Cussman stole his limelight…well, not all.

Most importantly, he defends his strategy.

Manina faced all the gods and said: “Everyone, I have already thought about the question of ‘where to put the main troops’.

I also thought about placing the main force in the Neon Country and directly fighting the Blue Star humans.

But have you ever thought about what we should do if we cannot win the decisive battle we just started? ”


Manina pauses slightly here.

The other god-level powerhouses and Kussman did not take his words.

Manina smiled and continued: “If we place the main force in the 8 springs of the Americas, then we will have a great strategic depth.

Even if we can’t beat the Blue Stars at first, at least we can occupy a large part of America.

If we put all our troops in the spring of Mount Fuji in the Neon Kingdom, once we do not win the decisive battle with the Blue Stars, then we will be completely passive.

And everyone has seen the development momentum of the Blue Star people.

Really, after three months, it is very difficult for us to completely defeat the Blue Star people with only one decisive battle. It is very likely that the war will drag on for a long time, a month or even two or three months. So we have to consider options for protracted warfare.

That’s all I want to say, I hope everyone can understand. ”

(end of this chapter)

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