Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 939

Chapter 938 Blue Star Quiet Period

Chapter 938 Blue Star Quiet Period

In the next ten days, Blue Star once again entered a period of calm.

Speaker Hu Jing, Political Commissar Zhang and others finally settled on the general idea of the decisive battle after a night of discussions.

Their idea is to grab all the psionic springs except the spring of Mount Fuji, and then arrange three defenses against the Skrulls.

The first defense is arranged around Mount Fuji;

They plan to exchange Su Yu’s credits for more than a dozen “Advanced Defense Runes”, and build a solid barrier around Mount Fuji based on the “Advanced Defense Runes”.

With this barrier, they were able to block the first few waves of the Skrulls’ offensive, which was the first line of defense.

The second defense is arranged in the sea area around the Neon Kingdom;

They decided to use the “Tower Defense Net” to build a defensive net covering the entire Neon Four Islands, relying on this defensive net to block the Skrulls’ footsteps.

The third line of defense is arranged on the east coast of the three kingdoms of Goryeo, Huaxia, and Rakshasa, mainly to establish a solid defensive stronghold.

Of these three lines of defense, if the Skrulls break the first line, then the Blue Star humans will defend the second line; if the Skrulls break through the second line, then the Blue Star humans will defend the third line; .

In fact, when the Skrulls break through the second line of defense, it may mean that the Blue Star humans are about to lose the war.

After all, if the “Tower Defense Network” is broken, Skrull’s aircraft can fly all over the world in a very short time. They will definitely not confront the Blue Stars of the third line of defense, and they will be able to cross the Pacific Ocean to occupy the entire American continent.

So after this plan was formulated, Speaker Hu Jing and a group of high-level officials immediately realized that the tower defense network should be the focus of the decisive battle between the two civilizations of Blue Star and Skruxing.

Another point is very important, that is, whether it is “Tower Defense Net” or “Advanced Defense Rune”, it can only be obtained through the exchange of Su Yu’s credits.

Therefore, they paid more attention to the use of Su Yu’s credits.

Currently, Su Yu has a total of 36,000 credits.

The next step is to capture 17 giant springs. If he participates in all of them, the final credits should be able to reach 70,000.

These 70,000 credits must be used on the cutting edge.

The “Tower Defense Net” worth more than 10,000 must be exchanged, as well as more than a dozen “Advanced Defense Runes”.

In addition, Su Yu mentioned that the materials needed for the transoceanic teleportation array must also be exchanged, and some other large weapons need to be exchanged.

So don’t look at 70,000 credits, it’s nothing in the face of the strong demand of Blue Star people, and you must be careful.

After the    decisive battle plan was freshly released, the humans of the Blue Star immediately began to act.

At this stage, they can’t exchange “Advanced Defense Runes” and “Tower Defense Nets”, otherwise they will start to arrange them in Neon Country, and the Skrulls will immediately understand their plans as long as they are not fools.

And these things are quick to build too, not too late to build when the Skrulls have only one last spring left.

Now, what Bluestar humans can do is to take the initiative to attack the giant spring.

That night, that is, the night of March 1, the Blue Star high-level monks and players brought more than 1,000 fifth-order mercenaries to the South Pole Spring.

South Pole Point Spring is currently recognized as the easiest spring to conquer.

In this attack on the spring, Blue Star did not send all the gods.

Among the 5 gods of Blue Star, only 3 of Shi Huangdi, Su Yu and Cat Chenxing arrived at the scene.

In addition, they brought 10 Tier 7s, 68 Tier 6s, and 1000 mercenaries purchased from the “Elemental Camp”.

The reason why    didn’t go directly to the strongest lineup was because the Blue Star Humans wanted to use up some of the Skrull’s power in this battle.

If the strongest force in the world of Blue Star, the Skrull defenders run away directly, and the overall strength remains intact, it will only make the future decisive battle more difficult.

The Blue Star Humans want to use a similar force to fight the Skrulls in a war of attrition, and don’t let them escape easily.

The   Skru defenders also noticed the conspiracy of the Blue Star people. Seeing that the Blue Star human beings sent so few troops, they also had the idea of fighting a war of attrition with the Blue Star people.

The ideas of the two sides hit it off, so the two sides launched a tragic war of attrition around the South Pole Spring.

The    battle lasted a full 6 hours.

After 6 hours, the Blue Star human successfully broke through the protective cover and entered the base.

The remaining high-level powerhouses of Skrull still run through the cracks in space like the defenders of the springs before.

In this battle, Blue Star lost a total of 132 Tier 5 mercenaries and 7 high-level players who commanded the mercenaries; none of the ancient monks were killed, but two were seriously injured.

The Scroo side lost slightly less than the Blue Star because of the protection shield.

But they also lost 3 sixth-order practitioners and 18 fifth-order practitioners.

Considering that most of the losses on the Blue Star side are mercenaries exchanged for gold, the two sides can be said to be evenly divided.

After the Antarctic Point Spring was recovered, the Blue Star humans did not stop.

On March 4th, Blue Star monks and players besieged the Kosciuszko mountain spring near the Australian capital;

On March 7th, Blue Star’s higher-order beings relocated to the Cook’s Peak Spring Eye on New Zealand’s South Island.

The recovery of these two springs was very smooth, but it also took a lot of battle.

In these two battles, Blue Star killed 525 Tier 5 mercenaries, 35 Tier 5 players, 3 Tier 6 players, and two ancient monks were killed in the battle.

The Skrulls also paid a heavy price. In the two battles, they lost 81 fifth-order practitioners, 4 sixth-order practitioners, and one seventh-order was seriously injured.

The two sides also gradually became angry in the friction of the war, and slowly began to ignore death.

Blue Star’s public opinion has also undergone major changes.

Before Su Yu returned from Skrull, there were a large number of surrender factions in the Blue Star World, accounting for almost one-fifth of the entire population. The surrender faction shouted “Run” all day long, always planning “Run” to go to Skrux to live a good life.

But since the news that “planet miners” were dead occupations came to light, the surrenderers also realized that even if they went to Skrull, the Skrulls would not treat them as human beings, and there were fewer and fewer surrender speeches on the Internet.

Until recently, a large number of players and monks were killed in wars, and everyone realized that wars will really kill people. Those fifth- and sixth-order players can’t guarantee that they can survive, let alone ordinary people?

In this atmosphere, no one dared to shout surrender, everyone tried their best to improve in the game and try to survive as much as possible.

On March 10th, Blue Star senior monks and players gathered again to attack the Neon’s Mount Fuji Spring.

Of course, this attack was just a tentative attack, not to really knock the spring down.

If    is really over, wouldn’t their follow-up plans be completely bankrupt?

This attack was on the one hand a temptation, on the other hand, it was also an attempt to cover up our own real plans.

Because of the above reasons, this time Blue Star cannot send too many strong men, nor too few.

After some careful consideration, the top officials of the coalition government decided that three god-level leaders, Su Yu, Cat Chenxing, and Yang Jian, would lead the team to lead more than a thousand high-level powerhouses and mercenaries to go to Neon.

The Skrulls were also very shocked after receiving the Blue Star’s movements, and a high-level meeting was immediately held in the form of video.

“Your Majesty Manina, we must guard the spring of Mount Fuji!” At the beginning of the meeting, Kussman, the speaker of the Lenkert Alliance, directly entered the theme: “The spring of Mount Fuji is the top priority of our entire plan, and we must not let the spring fall. Into the hands of the Blue Star people!”

“I know.” Manina nodded calmly at Kussman in the video: “I have sent enough high-level practitioners to the spring of Mount Fuji, so you don’t need to remind me.”

“But the problem is.” Stim, the god-level powerhouse of Lunkett, frowned and said, “On the one hand, we have to send enough people to guard the spring; on the other hand, we can’t reveal our strategic intentions too much.”

Stim looked at all the gods in the chat room and said seriously: “If we reveal our strategic intentions in advance and let the Blue Star humans know that the final battle location we have chosen is Mount Fuji, they will definitely arrange defenses in advance.

The stronger the defenses they deploy, the harder it will be for us to occupy Blue Star.

So, we have to hold the fountain without revealing our strategic intentions. ”

“Don’t reveal your strategic intentions…and keep the spring?” Manina frowned. Isn’t this a bit too demanding?

Now the Blue Star team is on its way to the spring of Mount Fuji.

If they let go of the Mount Fuji springs like the two springs in Australia, it’s nothing. Once they resist too much, the Blue Star humans will definitely notice that they attach great importance to the springs.

On the one hand, we must guard the spring, and on the other hand, we must make the Blue Star people think that they do not pay special attention to the former spring. How is this possible?

Just when Manina was about to say something, in the video conference room, Plant suddenly asked, “Lanqi, who are the god-level powerhouses that Blue Star sent this time?”

Lankey never imagined that he, who has always been just playing soy sauce, would still have time to speak!

He glanced at the report sent by the front line, and hurriedly replied: “Lord Plante, there are three god-levels in total, namely Su Yu, Cat Chenxing and Yang Jian.”

“Well, the weakest three.” Plante nodded.

After a short thought, he said: “Then why don’t we send a lineup that is similar to Blue Star but slightly weaker, and put on a stance to fight attrition with them.

The humans of the Blue Star will definitely not consume us to the end, and they will definitely retreat when the war of attrition reaches a certain level.

In this way, we can not only ensure that our strategic intentions are not known to the humans of the Blue Star, but also keep the spring eye, which perfectly meets the conditions! What do you think? ”

“I agree with Lord Plante’s idea.” Kussman was the first to express his position.

“I agree too.” Stim said the second.



Everyone agreed.

Manina himself did not make a direct statement, but since everyone agrees, his statement is meaningless.

“Okay, I will arrange the most suitable practitioners and troops to go there.” Manina replied.

More than two hours later, the Battle of Mount Fuji officially started.

The number of high-level cultivators participating in this battle was much higher than the previous two, but both sides fought fairly well.

Blue Star’s side didn’t really want to break through the spring, and Skrull’s side didn’t want to reveal his tactical intentions.

So in the 6th hour of the war, the sun had already risen, but the Blue Star humans had not even broken through the outermost protective cover of the base.

However, both sides also lost a lot of manpower in the battle.

After 6 hours of fighting, Blue Star killed 323 Tier 5 mercenaries, 19 Tier 5 players and 2 Tier 6 players. An Indian monk was hit by an anti-matter railgun and died on the spot, and a dozen others were seriously injured.

The price paid by the Skrulls is also not small.

Under the concentrated fire attack of the Blue Star humans, 64 fifth-order practitioners were killed, and 3 sixth-order practitioners were turned into powder.

The losses of both sides in these six hours exceeded the losses of every battle in the past. The only difference was that this time the Blue Star practitioners did not break through the protective cover of the base as before.

Su Yu stared at the protective cover below.

The shield is still tough and full of gray metal texture, and the Skrulls inside the shield are eyeing.

From this point of view, I am afraid that I will not be able to win this spring today.

“Bane, what should we do?” Tina, who was at the forefront, was so tired that her breath was a little short. She put away her golden giant sword and looked back at Su Yu.

Over the past few days, Tina, Ailijie, and Chenxing have provided great help to Bluestar, and they have made indelible contributions to breaking through the three giant springs.

Especially in terms of damage to Skrull cultivators and effective output to shields, they are a lot higher than cultivators of the same level.

The reason why    is higher than the practitioners of the same level is very simple – the Skrulls don’t care about the three of them.

The Skrulls also know that Tina and the three of them can be resurrected. It is useless to kill them with great effort, so even if they appear in a very arrogant position, for example, they have already got into the crowd of Skrull monks to kill and kill. No one will set fire to them.

Because of this, the three of them contributed much more to the campaign than players of the same level.

Hearing Tina’s words, Su Yu smiled.

He didn’t answer Tina directly, but smiled at the Skrull gods Victoria and Lai in the base: “I’m sorry, you two, you’ve been fooled.”

“???” When they heard Su Yu’s words, a series of question marks appeared on their foreheads.

Why does Su Yu say that? How did they get fooled?

“Didn’t you two realize that I didn’t do much today?” Su Yu explained to them.

“…” The two of Victoria were speechless.

Thinking about it carefully, Su Yu didn’t seem to be doing much today. He was paddling beside him all the time, and the main tasks were basically given to the cat Chenxing.

Now that he said that, it wouldn’t be to…

A possibility appeared in their hearts.

“That’s right, you guessed it right!” Su Yu condescended and shouted to all the Blue Star cultivators, “Focus on me, gather!”

Hearing Su Yu’s order, the Blue Star cultivator players immediately understood what Su Yu was going to do. Everyone’s eyes lit up and quickly flew towards him.

Su Yu was also unequivocal, a huge silver-white teleportation formation appeared in the sky in an instant.

A dazzling silver light flashed, and most of the Blue Star practitioners in the sky disappeared into the silver light and were sent to a very distant place.

(end of this chapter)

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