Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 973

Chapter 970 “Murderer” Xu Xiaotian

Chapter 970 “Murderer” Xu Xiaotian

At 3 p.m., Xiaotian drove a pink brand-new BK-1300 floating car on the wide streets of Baker City.

Her destination is the nature reserve in the west of the city.

The current day is disguised as a Skrull girl. This girl is the only daughter of a rich man in the country of Baker, and her family is superior. The BK-1300 floating car is the top luxury car in the country of Baker!

So we went all the way, attracting the envious eyes of a large number of passers-by.


Arrived at the entrance of the nature reserve, the light strip around the floating car lit up with dazzling white light, and slowly landed on the ground.

Visitors and staff at the entrance to the reserve looked curiously in this direction.

They were surprised, how did such a person who looks like a rich man come to the reserve? Are you here to travel?

Because the windows are one-way transparent, people outside cannot see who is in the car. So they continued to watch the car, wanting to see which big man had the leisure to run to the nature reserve.

But after the floating car landed, there was no movement.

1 minute…3 minutes…5 minutes…10 minutes…

After waiting for 10 minutes, no one came out of the car.

Everyone is full of doubts.

Who is the owner of this car?

Why did you stop at the gate of the protected area? Don’t get off?

And if you really want to park, why not park in the parking lot? Why stop at the gate and block the door?

But there is no answer to all this.

It was not until 20 minutes later that the traffic police who received the complaint came swayingly, and after making sure that there was no one in the car, they posted a large fine on the window, and the crowd of onlookers became less.

But these Skrulls didn’t know that at the moment the floating car arrived, Xiaotian left the floating car at a speed invisible to their naked eyes, turned on the [camouflage] skill to integrate with the environment, and quickly touched nature. inside the reserve.

As for this floating car, she has long given up, and she doesn’t have to pay the fine anyway.

Going all the way, passing through the territory of many wild animals, Xiaotian came to the depths of the nature reserve, which is where Emperor Liu Che and his base were located.

But after arriving at the exact location of the base, Xiaotian did not find any traces of the base, and there was still a forest around, which was no different from the rest of the reserve.

Could it be that the address is wrong?

Xiaotian was not in a hurry.

She released her mental power, and the mental power circled in the surrounding space for a week, carefully exploring the surrounding psionic energy fluctuations.

Soon, she realized that this place was quite different from the rest of the reserve.

Other places are real objects, but this place gives a very illusory feeling, as unreal as watching a movie.

Xiaotian immediately understood that she should have entered an illusion!

It must be the blue star cultivator who arranged the illusion. The Skrulls do not have such technology. As for the purpose, it should be to prevent the Skrulls from entering by mistake.

So, Xiaotian canceled his disguise and returned to his original appearance.

After   ’s small body appeared, she said loudly to the surroundings in Chinese: “Seniors, I’m Xu Xiaotian. Since I’m going back to Blue Star soon, I came to visit you all.”

Before she could finish her words, a relieved voice came from the air in front of her: “Oh, so it was you, I thought it was a Skrull spy!”

The person who said this sentence is also in Chinese, and it is ancient Chinese, but it is very lame.

But hearing this voice, Xiaotian immediately felt relieved.

Because this voice is familiar to her, this is the iconic voice of Tuscarola, the great ancient Indian monk in North America.

Not long after, Tuscarola canceled a small piece of illusion in the area and appeared in front of Xiaotian.

Tuscarola has yellow skin like the Huaxia people. The ancient Indians of North America actually migrated from Asia during the ancient ice age, and they are the same ancestor as the Huaxia people.

Just because of customs, Tuscarola’s clothes are very primitive. He still wears animal skins, with colorful Indian headdresses on his head, and white patterns on his face.

Xiao Tianchao glanced around and immediately saw a stone cave in front of him.

The cave has no door. From the outside, you can see that there are many large electronic devices inside. There is also a cold fusion energy machine at the entrance of the cave, which should be the base of the great monks.

However, Xiaotian didn’t see other big monks around the cave.

So Xiaotian said politely: “Senior Tuscarola, it’s a pleasure to see you again! What about the other three seniors?”

Tuscarola didn’t answer, but shook her head.

Xiaotian’s pupils shrank: “What? What happened to the three seniors?”

“That’s not it.” Tuscarola explained in broken Chinese: “Recently, I was in charge of stationing at the base headquarters; Daoist Sima Yan was collecting intelligence in Baker City; Daoist Liu Che and Daoist Hammurabi went to London. Trainer City of the Kerte Union.”

Senior Tuscarola said as he led Xiaotian into the cave.

After walking to the front of a transmitter, he smiled at Xiaotian: “You came just in time, we have recently collected a batch of information and are worried that there is no way to send it back to Bluestar. Just in time, bring this information back to Bluestar. Leave the star to Su Yu.”

As he spoke, Tuscarola handed a pure white electronic device that looked like a portable hard drive into Xiaotian’s hands.

Xiaotian carefully took over the electronic device and stuffed it into his space ring.

Then she tilted her head and asked, “Why did Senior Tuscarola, Senior Liu Che and Senior Hammurabi go to Traina City?”

Tuscarola didn’t hesitate and replied: “They are going to meet up with fellow Daoist Yang Jian, you know the spy ‘Lisa’ inside Tiqi? Fellow Daoist Yang Jian seems to have discovered something important with Lisa…”

Tuscarola told the story.

The spy “Lisa” within the Tiki organization is the female Lunkett spy that Zhong Feng had been in contact with before.

During the night scout of the “Linlong Dragon Clan Research Institute” in Sun City, Zhong Feng discovered her spy status, but did not make a sound.

After that, Senior Yang Jian took the initiative to go to Sun City to contact the female spy, and followed her all the way back to the Lunkett Alliance.

But Yang Jian seems to be unable to handle the female spy alone, so Emperor Liu Che and Hammurabi took the initiative to support him, so now he is the only one left in the base.

“Oh, so it is.” After listening to Tuscarola’s narration, Xiaotian Mengmeng nodded.

But there is one thing she doesn’t quite understand: “Then why did you cut off contact with other bases? Senior Zhu Yuanzhang said that he has never been able to contact you.”

“That’s because the Lenkert Alliance has implemented an information blockade on us.” Tuscarola shook his head and smiled bitterly: “The intelligence department of the Lenkert Alliance seems to have discovered our traces, and recently sent a large number of intelligence personnel into Baker Country. Find our whereabouts.

Fortunately, fellow Daoist Sima Yan is good at arranging illusion formations. After the illusion formation was activated, the Renkerts entered this nature reserve several times, but failed to find us, so it is not dangerous at present. ”

“That’s it!” Only then did Xiaotian understand why an illusion formation was arranged here.

And this magic circle is very cleverly arranged!

Xiaotian’s strength is already close to the seventh-order upper rank, and she can only detect the location of the illusion with her extraordinary mental power.

Ordinary Lenkert intelligence officers do not have her strength at all, and they have no ability to decipher the illusion.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” Xiaotian asked: “I should stay in Baker Country for a while, and I can provide some help within my capacity.”

“Well…” Tuscarola rubbed her chin and thought.

He originally wanted to say that he didn’t need Xiaotian’s help, because he didn’t think Lunkett’s spies could crack the illusion.

But after thinking about it, he felt that he had something to entrust to Xiaotian: “Well, little girl, go to the west of Baker City and help me assassinate a few people…”

What he wants to kill is the Ferris Eye intelligence personnel, as long as they are killed, the base area will be able to restore contact with other base areas.

A few minutes later, at the entrance to the nature reserve.

Xiaotian’s latest pink luxury floating car is still parked here.

Because the floating car blocked the gate and seriously affected the traffic, now three high fines have been posted on the window.

The traffic police originally wanted to tow the floating car away, but considering that the owner of the floating car might not be able to afford it, they did not do it, but only left three tickets.

When tourists come to the nature reserve to see this floating car, they can’t help but take a look, because this car is so luxurious!

The reserve staff are also watching the car secretly, because this floating car is indescribably weird. Until now more than half an hour has passed, and no one has gotten out of the car!

What does the owner of this luxury floating car want to do?

In the shadow of the gate of the protected area, there are also several pairs of eyes staring at this floating car.

These people are intelligence collectors sent by the Lenkert intelligence organization “Sky Eye”.

In the past few days, they have entered the nature reserve seven or eight times in a row to find the whereabouts of the secret intelligence organization of Baker Country. (They knew there was a secret intelligence organization in the reserve, but they didn’t know it was the Blue Stars.)

The sudden appearance of this luxury floating car at the entrance of the reserve caught their attention immediately.

And this floating car is really weird, a floating car at this price is enough to buy the entire nature reserve! People who can afford this kind of car shouldn’t come here to play, right?

And they pretended that tourists passed by a few times and didn’t feel anyone in the car.

So what the heck is going on with this car? Could it have something to do with that secret intelligence organization?

Just when they were puzzled, the pink luxury floating car suddenly moved!

The floating car slowly floated from the ground, and the white light strips around the body once again lit up dazzlingly.

Immediately after, the floating vehicle left the reserve at a very fast speed and flew away along the road.

Seeing this scene, the intelligence officers of Ferris Eyes immediately froze.

“Remember this license plate number, let’s follow it!”


A few minutes later, Ferris Eye’s intelligence officer drove his floating car to catch up with the pink luxury floating car.

To their surprise, this luxury floating car started flying at a relatively fast speed, basically driving at the upper limit of the road speed limit.

But after flying for 5 minutes it suddenly slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

Looking at the pink luxury car, an intelligence officer in the car asked the leader, “Captain Green, should we get out of the car and have a look?”

“Well… well, I’m the strongest. I’ll get out of the car to take a look later. You guys stay in the car and stand by.

“Follow orders!”

At this time, the Skyscraper Intelligence Organization’s floating car was only three or four hundred meters away from the pink luxury floating car.

But before they were ready to pull over and stop, the door of the luxury floating car in front suddenly opened!

“??? No!” The leader of the intelligence team immediately felt that something was wrong.

Because according to their ideas, this luxury car should be nobody.

Since no one is there, how can the door suddenly open?

But it was too late when he realized something was wrong.

A white light flew out of the car door and hit their car with lightning speed.

Then they lost all consciousness and the soul was completely liberated.

In the luxury floating car in front, Xiao Tian coldly glanced at the floating car in the back that was smashed by her arrow.

But she didn’t stop, set a target for the car, and the car took off immediately and continued to fly forward.

Xiaotian’s crime was soon detected by Baker City police.

Cameras are installed everywhere on the main street of Baker’s car. The case of Xiaotian destroying the whole car with one blow and causing seven or eight lives immediately sounded a red alarm in the Baker City Police Station!

Baker City police dispatched immediately and began to chase and intercept this pink luxury floating car.

And they also contacted the powerhouses above the sixth rank in Taoism for help, because this criminal is not an ordinary criminal at first sight, and it may not be possible for the police station alone.

But the police station completely underestimated Xiaotian.

Xiaotian uses his own spiritual energy to accelerate the floating car, and ordinary third- and fourth-order police officers cannot capture the flight path of the car at all.

Those sixth-order cultivators were also completely toyed with by her. As long as they took the exhaust gas along the way, they couldn’t catch up with the speed of the floating car after acceleration.

And Xiaotian did not stop, she continued to commit crimes according to the position and coordinates of the enemy given by Senior Tuscarola.

In just over an hour, she ran a total of 15 places in the city and killed 23 Sky Eye intelligence officers.

And she has always left with one blow, without stopping, killing one person in ten steps, without leaving a thousand miles.

So it didn’t take long before the whole city shook!

In the streets and alleys of Baker City, it is rumored that a vicious murderer suddenly appeared, driving a pink BK-1300 floating car all the way, killing countless people!

And during the whole process, the police in Baker City, and even several sixth-order powerhouses, had nothing to do with him and could not stop him at all.

This caught everyone’s attention.

(end of this chapter)

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