Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 986

Chapter 983 Unexpected Sound

Chapter 983 Unexpected sound

“Is that so?” Manina’s face became more gloomy.

At present, there are 4 seventh-order powerhouses and 55 sixth-order powerhouses in Kosciuszko Springs. If all these powerhouses were killed on the spot, it would definitely be a major blow to the expeditionary army!

And this will also have a series of chain effects, leading to instability or even disintegration of the military.

But Manina couldn’t help it either.

Elizabeth has blocked the cracks in the space, and these high-level powerhouses will definitely not be able to come back unless they mutiny.

In this way, they have only one dead end.

“Alas!” Manina sighed, frowning and shaking his head.

Forget it, these dozens of high-level powerhouses should sacrifice themselves. As long as Elizabeth can survive, their sacrifices are not worthless.

If Elizabeth had died in the spring of Kosciuszko, the consequences would be unimaginable! It is barely acceptable to be her cannon fodder.

“Let’s focus on other sources.” Manina changed the subject:

“The situation in Kosciuszko Spring is temporarily stable. We must quickly organize expeditions from other springs to speed up the extraction of spiritual energy and speed up the evacuation. The tragedy of this spring cannot be repeated in other springs.”

“Understood.” Everyone else in the conference room replied.

The screen returns to Kosciuszko Spring.

This low-intensity war of attrition continues, and time gradually elapses as the battle progresses.

About 25 minutes later, the situation on the battlefield finally changed. Su Yu sensed with his mental power—Senior Yang Jian finally came to the scene!

Now, Senior Yang Jian is still far away from them, about 300 kilometers away.

The old senior stepped on a trident, and the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art was fully activated, galloping like a shooting star.

Su Yu hurriedly used her mental power to notify Alijie, Tina, and Chenxing around her: “Senior Yang Jian will be here soon, about 300 kilometers away from us, and you can get there in half a minute with all your strength.

Everyone is ready to explode skills, we will start to explode with full force after 3 minutes, and strive to kill Elizabeth! ”

“Understood.” Morningstar, Alizee, and Tina answered at the same time, and began to prepare.

However, on the surface, they were the same as before, and they kept throwing low-cost spells at the Skrulls.

Su Yu also quickly used his mental power to contact Senior Yang Jian, telling him the current battlefield situation and what he needed to do.

Receiving Su Yu’s spiritual power transmission, senior Yang Jian temporarily stopped his advance, stopped in the sky, and took out the psionic energy pot to restore the mana that was lost when he was on the road just now.

And the position where the old man stopped is very clever.

The location where he stopped was 285 kilometers away from Elizabeth, just outside the range of Elizabeth’s mental power detection, so she would not be noticed by her.

Time just passed by minute by minute.

Finally, after two and a half minutes, Senior Yang Jian mobilized the trident with all his strength, burst out his fastest speed, and charged towards Elizabeth.

Because the speed is too fast, his body protection spell and the air friction burst into hot sparks, and the whole person looks like a big fireball from a distance.

Su Yu, Alizee and Morning Star also rioted at the same time.

They activated all their explosive skills one after another, releasing powerful spells in a very short period of time, smashing at Elizabeth’s location.

Tina also brought her own anger to the extreme, and the golden and blue light beams surrounded her like ribbons.

Just listening to the sound of “bass”, she broke away from her own battle formation and crashed into the battle formation formed by the high-level Skrull, with a speed comparable to Su Yu’s teleportation.

Facing the sudden outbreak of Su Yu and others, Elizabeth and the senior Skrull who were present were well prepared.

They knew that Su Yu was waiting for reinforcements, and now that reinforcements arrived, the outbreak would naturally come.

Between the lights and flints, Elizabeth put on a goose-yellow robe with a “whoosh”.

This goose-yellow robe is of much higher quality than the blue robe she just wore, and the rich spiritual energy surrounds it like a substance.

This is also one of the strongest pieces of equipment she has at the bottom of the box, and the quality is not even worse than Su Yu’s [Space Lord Robe].

“God Scar Barrier!” During Elizabeth’s casting, a god-level defensive spell quickly formed in front of her.

This defensive spell can only be performed by a god-level psychic, and the defensive effect is also amazing.

The powerful spells released by Su Yu, Ailijie and Chen Xing smashed on it, unable to stir up any waves at all, so they were blocked one after another.

However, the two of them and the cat did not stop, and continued to cast powerful single-target spells to pressure Elizabeth.

Half a minute later, senior Yang Jian rushed to the scene.

The third eye on his forehead glared angrily, and a dazzling golden light shot at Elizabeth’s shield.

And the trident in his hand came out, stabbing on Elizabeth’s shield like a bolt of lightning.


In the loud noise that shook the sky, the trident accurately hit the weakest position of the shield.

But unfortunately, the trident failed to break the shield, but was bounced off by the shield.

But also because the trident hit the weakest position, the shield trembled violently, and the thickness was weakened a lot.

Su Yu and the others rallied and continued to use all their strength to attack the shield held up by Elizabeth.

As for the other Skrull seniors, it is enough to let Tina contain them alone.

As for why Tina was restrained by herself, it wasn’t that Su Yu deliberately looked down on Tina’s strength.

Tina has just been promoted to the seventh-rank median, and there are 4 seventh-rank and 59 sixth-rank in the Skru battle formation. In theory, Tina is definitely not an opponent.

But in fact, Tina is indeed “holding down” all the Skrull seniors with her own strength!

Among them, of course, there is the “cooperation” of the senior Skrulls.

These high-level Skrulls are all monkey spirits and monkey spirits.

They didn’t want to be used as cannon fodder by Elizabeth, and they didn’t even want to fight with the Blue Stars.

saw Tina rushing over alone, so they surrounded Tina and attacked her at the same time, as if they wanted to focus fire on Tina and then go to help Elizabeth.

However, in fact, they are simply not working hard.

After    besieged Tina, they seemed to be besieging Tina hard, but in fact they fought for a full 5 minutes, and Tina’s anger was still intact.

According to this progress, they would have to wait three hours to kill Tina!

Because of this, Tina used one person’s power to “contain” all the Skrull seniors, so that other teammates were not concerned and could attack Elizabeth with all her strength.

Of course, Elizabeth also noticed this group of **** who did not work hard, and her heart was full of anger.

She quickly gave an order to let the Skrull seniors abandon Tina and come to the front to resist the attack with her.

But the senior Skrull didn’t listen to the order at all, he just said to “focus on killing Tina with all his strength, and then go over to help her share the pressure when Tina is killed”.

When Elizabeth heard these words, she was directly annoyed.

But Elizabeth was helpless.

Now Su Yu and others have activated the explosive skills, and the spell damage has soared to the sky!

She had to keep her defenses up at all times and avoid deadly skills, so that she could barely support under the pressure of Su Yu and others.

At this moment, she is completely incapable of managing those **** paddling.

But fortunately, although the output of Su Yu, Chenxing, and Ailijie during the outbreak period was high, it did not last long.

One minute later, the burst period of two people and one cat ended, and the skill power returned to the usual level.

From the point of view of the “Blue Devouring Index”, after Su Yu activated the burst skill, his output ability soared to 8000+ for a short time, but after the burst period ended, it quickly dropped back to the level of 3200+.

Morningstar and Alizee are similar to him.

The only slightly different possibility is Senior Yang Jian.

Senior Yang Jian does not have the concept of “explosive skills”, the output does not fluctuate too much, and it always remains around 2000.

But his trident seems to have unlocked some kind of seal after the fighting time is prolonged, and its power is getting stronger and stronger!

After one minute, the Blue Devouring Index of the great cultivator Yang Jian did not drop but instead increased, from 2000 to around 2100, and there is still a trend of increasing!

However, with the end of Su Yu, Chenxing and the others, Elizabeth finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this minute or so, she sacrificed two top-quality props that she had collected for many years, and only barely managed to withstand this wave of damage.

Fortunately, she still has a lot of resources, enough for her to last for three hours.

In addition, the spell damage of Su Yu and others has weakened, and she has more time to rectify those wastes in the water.

Elizabeth didn’t say much. Taking advantage of a skill gap of Su Yu, she immediately issued a stern order to those Skrull seniors who were paddling.

The brief description of the content of the    order is – come over and resist the damage with me, if I die, you don’t want to live!

The threatened Skrull senior knows that he can no longer paddle.

They gave up the siege of Tina one after another, returned to Elizabeth, and used their own defenses to help resist the attack.

But even after returning to Elizabeth, the Skrull seniors still did not use their full strength. They still try to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy in their bodies as much as possible, and focus on self-protection. After all, their own life is the most important thing.

And Su Yu and the others don’t care about these high-level Skrulls at all.

Although these senior Skrulls returned to Elizabeth, the attacks and spells of Su Yu and others still greeted Elizabeth’s location.

Most of the pressure fell on Elizabeth herself.

After a long and fierce battle, Elizabeth found that although these wastes could help her bear the pressure, they could only bear a small part.

Time goes on and so does the battle.

Su Yu, Ali Jie and Morning Star all use the game mode, a small burst in 10 minutes and a big burst in 60 minutes…

But after 60 minutes, Elizabeth gradually realized that something was not right!

This problem doesn’t come from Su Yu, Chenxing and Ailijie. Although their explosive skills will cause a sudden increase in the “Blue Devouring Index”, the overall output is still stable.

The main thing that is really wrong is Yang Jian, this ancient Blue Star cultivator is really wrong!

At the beginning, Yang Jian’s “Blue Devouring Index” was quite stable and would not suddenly increase like Su Yu’s.

But gradually, Yang Jian’s “Blue Devouring Index” began to climb. It climbed to 2300 at 10 minutes of the battle, and climbed to 2800 at half an hour.

Up to now, the battle has lasted for an hour, and his “Blue Devouring Index” has reached 3600+, which has even exceeded the normalized output level of the peak of the **** level!

Both Elizabeth and the Skrull seniors felt the pressure increased, and Elizabeth began to panic!

Yang Jian’s trident became stronger and stronger with each battle, and now it is as glorious as it has evolved, making them afraid to look directly at it.

There is no doubt that Yang Jian’s “Blue Devouring Index” will continue to rise.

But Elizabeth herself can’t hold it anymore!

She simply calculated the stock of resources she carried, and then found out pessimistically—if the current trend continues, at most one hour, the superb props she has collected over the past few hundred years will be exhausted!

Although there are dozens of Skrull seniors around her who can be used as “consumables”, but even if these “consumables” listen to her words and are willing to be used, she may not last for three hours!

And an hour later, the Blue Star army will arrive at the scene, which will hasten her downfall.

The discovery of this made Elizabeth extremely terrified!

What should she do?

This place is completely irreversible, is she going to fall here?

The bosses in the top-floor conference room of Scrooge are of course aware of Elizabeth’s difficult situation, after all, they can see the “Blue Devouring Index” clearly at any time.

Seeing that Yang Jian’s “Blue Devouring Index” has soared to 3600+ and continues to rise, everyone’s face is ashen.

They all realized a terrible fact – Elizabeth, I am afraid she is about to fall!

This is the first time that a god-level existence has fallen in front of them, and the stimulation to them is particularly intense.

And in the future, how will they deal with the humans of the Blue Star?

“Your Excellency Stim, is there any help for Your Excellency Elizabeth? Or, is there any way we can save her?” Lunkt Kussman asked anxiously in the conference room.

If Elizabeth really fell, it would be a fatal blow to their Lenkert Alliance! Even a blow that can subvert the country’s capital!

At that time, they will not be able to be “G2”, and they will only be reduced to a second-rate country, which is completely unacceptable to him.

Stim also knows the stakes.

But after thinking about countless possibilities, he could only shake his head sullenly and feebly: “I’m afraid not. The three-hour time limit is set by the rules, and no one can modify it.

If the Blue Star powerhouse continues to maintain such an offensive intensity, I can’t think of the slightest possibility that Elizabeth will survive. ”

“This…” Kussman opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

A god-level terrifying existence, is it really going to fall like this?

After a while, the Sun Emperor Manina said in a sad tone: “I just contacted the old ancestor and His Excellency Plante, and they both said there was no way. I’m afraid… We have to accept the reality.”

“…” There was silence in the conference room.

Kosciuszko Spring.

Just when Elizabeth was completely in despair, an unexpected voice suddenly sounded in her ear: “Yo, isn’t this Elizabeth? Seeing that you are very embarrassed now, do you want your sister to save you back to Skrull?”

(end of this chapter)

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