Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 988

Chapter 985 Kill The Chicken To Get The Eggs?

Chapter 985 Kill the chicken to get the eggs?

Then, Su Yu and the others continued to seal the psychic energy in the Skrull seniors.

After the    psychic energy was sealed, these high-level Skrulls were not much stronger than the practitioners around the third level, and it was difficult to cause harm.

During the process of sealing the psionic energy, Su Yu noticed that the cat Chen Xing had been staring at Senior Yang Jian’s trident with a curious expression on his face.

He knew what Chen Xing was curious about, so he asked her: “Senior Yang Jian, how did your trident become more and more brave? Just your performance just now, your final strength is no less than the peak of ordinary **** level!”

After saying this, Su Yu added: “Of course, if you don’t want to say it, or if it involves your secret, then you don’t have to tell us.”

“Oh, you said this.” Senior Yang Jian smiled and didn’t intend to hide it: “My trident was made by collecting meteorites from the sky, and it had a very strong absorption effect when it was just born.

This weapon can absorb the power of other types around it little by little during the battle, and it will not disperse. Take the battle just now, it not only absorbed a small part of my power, but also absorbed a small part of you, Morningstar, Elizabeth, and concentrated the power in the core.

It is precisely because of this that the power of the trident will increase in battle.

All of my old friends know these things, and there is nothing that can’t be said. ”

“Oh, so it is.” Su Yu and the cat Chenxing nodded at the same time.

Senior Yang Jian’s weapon was actually made of extraterrestrial meteorites.

It is well known that extraterrestrial meteorites come from the entire galaxy, and have all kinds of strange properties. It is not uncommon for them to temporarily absorb the surrounding psionic energy for their own use.

It’s just that Senior Yang Jian’s “more courageous” feature is really useful! In the future, there may be more dazzling performances in the war.

Just as Su Yu was thinking about it, Senior Yang Jian’s voice came from his ears again.

“Little friend Su Yu.” The old senior pointed to the anti-barite drill below and frowned: “The anti-barite drill placed by the Skrulls, do we want to destroy it? Or keep it? Continue to operate and extract all the spiritual energy in the spring?”

“Huh? Of course it’s destroyed! Or else?” Su Yu blurted out, is this also a problem?

Now that Senior Yang Jian’s trident has cooled down, he put the trident into his body and continued:

“If we still destroy the anti-barite rig as before, that’s fine.

But if we don’t destroy the anti-barite rig, but keep it running, we’ll get a big chunk of psionic input into the final battle!

Of course, this is indeed killing chickens to get their eggs, but the benefits of “killing chickens” may really keep us from starving to death.

Little friend Su Yu, what do you think? ”

The amount of psionic energy mined by a giant spring using an anti-barite drill must be astronomical!

If they make good use of the anti-gravity crystal drill now, the psionic energy they get can save a lot of deaths in future decisive battles!

The behavior of killing chickens and taking eggs will definitely be scolded by future generations, but if they don’t kill chickens and take eggs, maybe they will have no descendants.

That’s why senior Yang Jian threw this question to Su Yu.

“This…” Su Yu understood what Senior Yang said, and didn’t know how to decide for a while.

According to his previous thinking, he must have dismantled the anti-barite drill without even thinking about it.

But now there are only two months left until the final battle.

In the past two months, if they just routinely mined giant springs, the spiritual energy they obtained would definitely be less than 1% of the anti-barite drill.

Did they choose to dismantle the anti-barite drill? Or choose to harvest a lot of spirits to make the spring wither?

This time, Su Yu really hesitated.

Alijie, Chenxing and Tina also knew what Su Yu was struggling with.

In order to help Su Yu solve problems, the three of them first used mental power to have a small-scale discussion.

After the discussion, Ai Lijie said to Su Yu as a representative: “Bane, do you want to hear our opinion on whether to extract the spiritual energy in Quan’s eyes?”

“Oh? What are your thoughts? Speak out and listen!” Su Yu’s eyes lit up and urged.

Alijie is the head of state of the Plantagenet Empire after all. She has learned to handle government affairs since she was a child. She must have her own unique understanding of whether to kill chickens to retrieve eggs. Su Yu really wants to hear their thoughts.

“We think it’s better to destroy the anti-barite drill.” Alijie said seriously.


“That’s right.” Alizee explained: “Because if you don’t destroy the anti-barite rig, it would be equivalent to setting a very bad precedent.

For example, the sparrow leaves in our world, and the cigarettes and liquor in your world. When people try these things for the first time, they all know that these things hurt the body, so they will feel a strong sense of guilt. But soon after the first, there will be a second and third…”

“Let’s say you, Blue Star, fashion men’s and women’s clothing.” Morningstar suddenly interjected.

“This counts as well.” Alijie smiled and continued: “You Blue Star people are now using the anti-barite rig to obtain a lot of psychic energy, and you can taste the sweetness in a short time. Next, you will definitely use the crystal rig. Squeeze more springs, and feel less and less guilty.

As the war progresses, you are likely to become dependent on the mode of ‘anti-barite rig mining’, because this mode can obtain a lot of psionic power at no cost, and this kind of thing will be repeated over and over again.

In the end, you will even squeeze all the world’s springs!

Don’t think this is impossible, if you set a bad precedent, things like this will follow.

Wait until the last psionic energy source of your Blue Star is exhausted. At that time, even if you win the war with the Skrulls, your Blue Star humans will perish completely due to the depletion of psionic energy.

You can think about it all. ”

Listening to Alijie’s analysis, Su Yu felt that the hairs on her back stood up.

What   Ailijie said makes sense, the first time a Blue Star human being will definitely think about it a second time.

If all these “hens” that lay “golden eggs” are slaughtered, Blue Star humans will no longer have a future.

Su Yu and Senior Yang Jian exchanged glances.

Afterwards, Su Yu smiled bitterly: “Senior, let’s destroy the anti-barite drill. Even if our generation makes more sacrifices, we must leave hope for the future of mankind.”

“I don’t object.” Senior Yang Jian stroked his beard and said to Su Yu using a sound transmission: “But little friend Su Yu, I hope you can master a few anti-recrystal drilling instruments yourself.

If one day human beings are really on the verge of life and death, I hope you can extract all the spiritual energy in the spring and fight the enemy desperately.

Otherwise, all human beings will be extinct, how can we leave hope? ”

“Okay… I will do as you say.” Su Yu nodded solemnly.

At the same time, he solemnly thanked the two and one cat: “Thank you for providing me with such valuable advice, otherwise I might not have thought of this.”

“You’re welcome, we just did what we could.” Ali Jie smiled calmly, and Tina and Morningstar also smiled.

It’s just that everyone didn’t realize it—Tina’s smile seems a little forced now, her brows are slightly wrinkled, and her expression is very unnatural. I don’t know if it was because the battle just now consumed too much.

【End Space Blade】!

In Su Yu’s spellcasting, a translucent space blade with a length of nearly a thousand meters stretched across the sky.


The blade of space fell from the sky, slicing the anti-barite drill in half like cutting tofu.

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the rumbling explosion inside the anti-barite drill after being chopped up.

At least now, he doesn’t have to worry about whether to extract the psionic energy from this spring.

But what Senior Yang Jian said also makes sense. It’s time to hide a batch of anti-barite drills. If the Blue Star human beings really come to the point of life and death, having these things can also provide an extra layer of protection.

Su Yu settled down, fell into the air one kilometer from the Skrull base, and shouted in Skrull to the bottom: “Listen to the Skrull defenders in the base, I am the Blue Star God-level powerhouse Su Yu.

Your god-level powerhouse Elizabeth has left you to run away. Of the 76 high-level powerhouses above the sixth rank, 13 surrendered and 63 surrendered.

Now, I ask you to drop your weapons and raise your hands to surrender immediately! Once there is a resister, shoot and kill! ”

Su Yu’s voice quickly spread throughout the Skrull base.

The 15,000 Skrull soldiers in the base did not resist, they raised their hands obediently, threw away their weapons and went out to surrender.

This battle has little to do with them. Besides, the high-level powerhouses have already surrendered, and it is meaningless for them to resist, so they surrendered very simply.

Senior Su Yu and Yang Jian flew close to the ground to supervise the surrender of the Skrulls.

At the same time, they also spread the good news of the great victory to the headquarters of the coalition government and the coming Blue Star high-level practitioners through the AI blue whale.

The good news does not mention the anti-barite debate.

Hearing the good news of this victory, the coalition government and the army were shaken, and their morale was boosted!

Speaker Hu Jing was even more delighted.

Originally, according to AI Blue Whale’s calculations, their Blue Star cultivators could only take down one giant spring, and they might have to sacrifice a lot.

But now only half an hour has passed, and they have successfully recaptured a spring without bloodshed!

This was completely unexpected beforehand!

“Blue Whale, this time your prediction was miscalculated!” President Hu Jing of the Coalition Government Headquarters teased the AI Blue Whale: “It took only half an hour for senior Su Yu and Yang Jian to get back a spring, which is not related to you. Predictions are different.”

“Comrade Speaker.” AI Blue Whale retorted calmly: “This is mainly because I made a serious mistake in judging Su Yu’s strength.

There is no information about his suit in my database. The entire calculation model is still calculated according to his original strength, so this kind of serious umbrella appears. ”

“It’s not your fault.” Speaker Hu Jing waved his hand: “Then Blue Whale, now that you have enough data, can you recalculate how many springs we can build before Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor return?”

“Okay.” AI Blue Whale replied.

The calculation of the   AI Blue Whale was not delayed, the result of the calculation came out as soon as it finished the last sentence: “Comrade Speaker, as to how many springs we can win, it depends on the reaction of the Skrulls.

There are two possibilities in my calculation: the first possibility, the Skrulls let the two god-level peaks of Plant and Manina III come to Blue Star to guard, so that we can only win 4 more springs at most;

If the Skrulls hadn’t sent two god-level peaks to the Blue Star, we should have been able to win 6 springs. ”

“Is that so?” Speaker Hu Jing nodded thoughtfully.

But what he didn’t know was that the AI Blue Whale’s predictions were quite accurate.

At the same time, at the Skru top meeting, Manina, Kussman and the 4 Skrulls were discussing this matter.

Kussman asked: “Should we invite two god-level peaks to go to Blue Star to guard the spring? In this case, we can mine more psychic energy in the two giant springs.”

Stim looked at Manina: “His Majesty Emperor Lieyang, what do you think about this?”

After Elizabeth was seriously injured and died, the leadership of the top-level meeting was handed over to Stim, the most powerful of all the gods.

Stim took Manina’s opinion very seriously and was the first to ask him.

“I think…” Manina thought for a while, and replied, “I think I can invite the ancestors and Lord Plante over there.

The two Blue Star gods cannot fight on our planet due to the principle of fairness in war, so we don’t need to be careful about them.

In contrast, it is more important to acquire more psionic power. ”

“But the only drawback is…” Kussman frowned and said: “We don’t know when the end of the secret realm will end. When the secret realm ends, if our god-level is not next to the secret realm, then we enter the sixth-order cultivator of the secret realm. The situation will be very dangerous and may be besieged by hostile races!”

“Indeed, this has to be guarded against.” Manina nodded in agreement.

There are a total of 16 sixth-order Skrull practitioners who have entered the final secret realm this time, and they are all leaders of the new generation in various countries.

The safety of their lives is the concern of all the Skrulls, and the coalition government dare not leave them in the middle of the wild continent.

“Then why don’t you do that?” Stim said: “At the end of the secret realm, it is only hostile races such as bald eagles who may attack them.

We let the two Lords, Plante and Manina III, show their strength, warn these hostile races not to do anything, and at the same time promise to give them some resources, which should be able to effectively protect the safety of our sixth-order practitioners. ”

No matter when, the “carrot + stick” strategy always works well.

Manina thought for a moment, then nodded immediately: “Well, I think this method is feasible, what do you think?”

“I agree.”

“I agree.”

In the top-floor conference room, Kussman and the other three gods expressed their approval, and the plan was passed unanimously.

Stim nodded and said, “Since everyone agrees, then the matter is settled.

After the two god-level peaks returned, the two of them went to the Rocky Mountain Spring and Mitchell Mountain Spring respectively to be stationed;

I went to Atul Peak Spring with Ortas. Lay, you and Heber are stationed at Osorno Springs.

Do you all understand? ”

“Understood.” Everyone replied.

(end of this chapter)

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