Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 991

Chapter 988 Weird Cecilia

Chapter 988 Weird Cecilia

Everyone has great confidence in Bard, the astral wandering god.

Since he was willing to use his name to guarantee it, it means that the backtracking screen was not really his code, but another supernatural force secretly working to make them unable to see what was in Cecilia Nightblade’s hands.

Bud starts to continue playing the backtracking screen.

Everyone is no longer entangled in the matter of mosaic, and continue to look down.

In the retrospective screen, the village chief looked at the things in the hands of Cecilia Nightblade for a while.

Obviously, he didn’t think for a while what the thing in front of him was.

“Excuse me… Your Excellency Cecilia, what is this?” asked the village chief.

“Think about it again, as her avatar, you should know.” Cecilia Nightblade’s mood did not change, and she waved the “Mosaic” in her hand to the village chief again.

Here, we can see that this “mosaic” is indeed a very important thing.

Su Yu moved back and away from the retrospective screen, squinted his eyes and looked at the “mosaic” again, and vaguely found that the “mosaic” seemed to be a badge-like thing.

Since it is a block badge, it means that this is not the code of the “Evolution” game, and the source of the mosaic has another reason.

In the retrospective screen, the village chief tilted his head and touched his chin, trying to search for a pattern similar to the badge held by Cecilia Nightblade in his mind.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

He was stunned for a moment, then his face changed dramatically!

“Fuck!!” the village chief shouted, then turned around quickly and ran towards his house at the fastest speed.

The village chief was too fast and disappeared in a flash.

The NPCs in the square were taken aback by the village chief’s sudden performance.

After living in the village for so many years, it was the first time they saw the old and prudent village chief so rude. What happened?

All the NPCs looked at Cecilia Nightblade in surprise.

Cecilia Nightblade ignored the group of NPCs, with a standard villain smile on her face.

Then, she took back the “Mosaic” in her backpack and walked slowly towards the village chief’s house.

The screen moves to the village chief’s house, which is Bernina Tide’s residence.

After the village chief rushed into the house at a very fast speed, the village chief’s house immediately set off a curtain of water.

This sky-filled water curtain shot straight into the sky, and the blue halo spread out in circles around the village chief’s house. Bernina Tide seemed to cast a strong defensive spell.

Seeing this, Kevin Plantagenet said solemnly: “This is Bernina Tide’s strongest defensive spell [End: Sishui Canopy], I know her very well, she used this spell as soon as she came up, It shows that she is very afraid of the intruder.”

“Very scared?” Su Yu and the other gods were a little puzzled.

Cecilia Nightblade is just an ordinary seventh-order, and her strength is quite limited. Does Bernina need fear?

Not to mention Cecilia, even if the god-level peak comes, Bernina’s strength will not be feared, right?

But instead of asking, they continued to watch the backtracking screen.

In the retrospective screen at this time, after the [Final Sea Water Sky Curtain] was raised, a figure ran out from behind the water curtain.

Su Yu knew this figure, so he introduced the surrounding gods: “This one who left the water curtain is [The Woodcutter], one of the three clones of Lord Bernina.”

【The Woodcutter】Leaving the Water Curtain is not for anything else. After leaving the water curtain, he immediately helped the villagers in the whole village to escape, and led the villagers to quickly evacuate the dangerous area.

At the same time, Cecilia Nightblade also walked in front of the water curtain.

Facing the sky-filled water curtain, her expression was still very calm.

She has to deal with a god-level powerhouse, but Cecilia’s expression gives the impression that she is doing an ordinary little thing.

Cecilia stood in front of the water curtain and took out a jet-black dagger.

If you look closely, you will find that this short knife is very unusual!

The blade and blade of the entire short knife are actually compressed with space cracks!

Because the space crack will absorb all the visible light that enters, the blade and blade of the short knife are black.

Seeing this short knife, Su Yu, Ailijie and all the gods all widened their eyes!

What is this?

A weapon made of compression of space rifts? This is unheard of!

Even if it is a weapon of the eighth-order legendary quality, it may not have such a bold design!

Before all the gods had time to discuss, Cecilia Nightblade in the retrospective screen had already moved.

She took a short knife and swiped on the water curtain, and the water curtain was cut into a big hole like a kitchen knife cutting tofu. Then she didn’t hesitate, and immediately got in through the big hole.

“Is this… so easy?” Kevin Gorse’s voice was very dry.

He couldn’t believe his eyes.

He had seen Bernina Tide’s strongest defensive spell [End: Sishui Canopy].

When she was still at the peak of the seventh-order, Bernina Tide used this move to withstand the attack of a god-level powerhouse for half a day.

But now, Cecilia Nightblade just slashed through the water curtain with a single stroke, almost breaking his imagination.

What kind of strength is this, and what kind of weapon is this short sword!

Kevin Gorse was trembling, and now he too felt a kind of fear coming from the bottom of his heart.

Not only Kevin Plantagenet, but all the other gods except Su Yu also showed fearful expressions.

The scene of Cecilia Nightblade cutting through the water curtain had too much visual impact on them, making them chill.

If this assassin came to them instead of Cecilia, they wouldn’t be able to stop Cecilia’s sword!

After   Cecilia Nightblade entered the water curtain, the water curtain began to vibrate irregularly.

The perspective of the retrospective screen cannot see the battle in the water curtain, but from the magnitude of the water curtain shaking, they judged that the battle inside must be very fierce.

Su Yu stared at the water curtain, and could vaguely see a blob of blue light and a blob of black light constantly colliding.

Accompanied by the collision, a large amount of black gas leaked out from right above the water curtain, just like the black gas that is soaring into the sky now.

After    collided for a while, the blue light group in the water curtain seemed to be unable to hold it any longer, and gradually became at a disadvantage.

The black light group gradually took over the dominance and began to take over the water curtain, and the color of the water curtain also quickly changed from blue to black.

After about 10 minutes, the [Woodman], who had evacuated the villagers from the village, returned to the village chief’s house and plunged into the black water curtain.

With the addition of [The Woodcutter], the blue light group stabilized a little, gradually stabilized the situation, and gradually competed with the black light group, and even launched a small counterattack locally!

But the addition of [Woodman] is just a flashback.

Soon after, the blue light group fell into decline again, and was pressed and beaten by the black light group, gradually losing its luster.

After another 5 minutes, the black light group completely grasped the dominance of the entire water curtain, and the black air rose into the sky, churning through the sky with the help of the black water curtain.

The blue light group disappeared completely, at least in the retrospective video, they could no longer see the movement of the blue light group.

The black air that was surging in the sky spread out from the village chief’s house as the center, destroying the houses of the entire village.

Fortunately, just now, [The Woodcutter] took the initiative to evacuate the villagers, otherwise, there must be dead bodies all over the place by now.

After that, Qingfeng Village completely became what it is now.

After another 10 minutes, the astral wandering **** Bard came to the scene;

12 minutes later, Kevin Gorse arrives;

followed by the Elf Queen, Dwarf King, Orc Chief Shaman…

Here, Bud turned off the screen directly: “You don’t need to continue to look down, we all already know what happened next.”

“Well, I didn’t expect it to be Cecilia Nightblade!” Kevin Gorse frowned.

He is still brooding about Cecilia’s short knife made of space cracks. Where did this thing come from?

Su Yu also wiped his sweat and said: “As far as we have seen, the strength shown by Cecilia Nightblade is definitely not only a seventh-order powerhouse. Even the god-level peak powerhouse can’t give Bernie Your Excellency Na is creating so much pressure, right?”

“That’s right.” Bud hummed again.

At this time, Alijie pulled La Suyu’s sleeve: “Bane, aren’t you good at prophecy? Can you use your prophecy to find out if Your Excellency Bernina can escape this disaster?”

“Uh… I’m afraid this won’t work.” Su Yu said apologetically, “Now what happened here has deviated from the timeline I predicted, and the amount of information is too small, so I can’t use prophecy.”

Just kidding, Su Yu didn’t really know how to predict, so he quickly put it off.

But Su Yu also seriously recalled his previous life.

If I remember correctly, there was no such outrageous plot in the previous life?

And in the previous life, Bernina Tide was not resurrected at all, and Cecilia Nightblade was even more transparent. Until his death in the previous life, Cecilia still lived and lived well in Plantagenet City.

What happened in this life?

Bud’s eyes swept over all the god-level faces, and made a “hum” sound again.

The meaning of this “hum” sound is: “Anyway, our top priority is to save Bernina as soon as possible.

Cecilia Nightblade has entered the water curtain and is going to forcibly fuse with Bernina. Judging from the current situation, Bernina has completely lost her ability to resist.

So we have to be fast. If the speed is a little slower, it will be troublesome for them to merge successfully! ”

“No problem.” The other gods replied one after another.

Cecilia Nightblade is too weird, and every **** level feels terrified.

Not only to rescue Bernina, but they have already begun to plan to completely destroy Cecilia Nightblade.

Such a weird thing can’t keep her alive in the world.

“But then again.” At this time, Kevin Gorse interjected: “If Cecilia Nightblade really fuses with Bernina, what will they become? Can they still be human? ”

“Well, it’s hard to say. I think there is a higher probability that it will become a monster that destroys the world.” Bud replied.

Then he looked at all the gods present: “Everyone, there is no time now. Let’s pool our spiritual power together through spiritual power sharing, and then let me try to rescue Bernina.”


All gods did not hesitate.

They once again contributed their own spiritual power, mixing their own spiritual power with Bard.

Bud did not hesitate, and immediately rode this huge spiritual power into the black water curtain again.

This time, the spiritual force entered the black water curtain quite smoothly, and soon entered the deepest part of the black water curtain. After all, this time it is a joint effort of everyone, and the mental power is much stronger than that of Bard himself.

Entering the deepest part of the black water curtain, everyone immediately saw the most realistic situation at the core of the battle.

Now the bodies of Cecilia Nightblade and Bernina are sticking together like conjoined babies, almost merging into one.

The blue brilliance that symbolized Bernina Tide was about to dissipate completely, and she could only barely hold on to a core; while Cecilia Nightblade’s black energy was so strong that it filled the entire space.

Budd and other gods immediately figured out the current situation – the current Bernina Tide can only guard the last line of defense at the core. Once this line of defense falls, she will probably fall!

And Cecilia’s advantage is outrageous, she must weaken her advantage!

After confirming the situation, Bard mobilized all his mental power and transformed it into a sharp “spiritual long blade”.

“Spiritual Long Blade” aimed at the connection between two people’s bodies and slashed precisely.

Stab it!

The    blade light swiped, and the left arm of Cecilia Nightblade and Bernina that had been glued together was immediately slashed from the middle by the “spiritual long blade”, and the arms of the two were separated.

The blue light group symbolizing Bernina Tide seemed to sense this sudden reinforcement, and the blue light immediately bloomed!

These blue light quickly spread from the core of the heart to the left arm, dispelling all the black light and firmly occupying the entire left arm.

She seems to know how to cooperate with the reinforcements to launch a counterattack!

Seeing this scene, Bard and other gods were overjoyed!

This seems to have a door!

As long as they continue to use the “spiritual long blade” to separate the physical connection between the two, maybe they really have the hope of saving Bernina!

So Bard mobilized his mental power again, ready to control the “spiritual long blade” to cut.

But they were clearly too optimistic.

Bud had just controlled the “Spiritual Longblade” before he could cut it off, when the half of the body that belonged to Cecilia Nightblade suddenly opened its eyes.

It was a pair of eyes with no whites, pure black like abyss.

The next second, she threw a pitch-black “card” with her left hand.

The lacquered black “card” traveled through space and was immediately printed on the “spiritual long blade” controlled by Bard.


Without any resistance, the “Mental Blade” fell apart under the attack of the black “card”, breaking into pieces of mental power residue.

The spiritual force controlled by   Bard was also severely damaged, and was instantly scattered and scattered around in the black water curtain.

In the first confrontation, all the gods were defeated by Cecilia without any resistance.

(end of this chapter)

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