Global Gaowu

Chapter 116 - Come back home

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train station.

Fang Ping grabbed a hand that touched it, and pinched the other hand’s wrist instantly.

The result was very surprising. The other party did not work hard, no sickle, but nodded and looked down at the square to reveal the pleading eyes.

Fang Ping shook his head slightly and released the other hand.

When I saw that the other side was running faster than the rabbit, even the guys who seemed to be accomplices in the vicinity had no blink of an eye.

Fang Ping had to feel that the world is different, and the thieves are mixed.

In the world of warriors, who does not know whether the people around them are military or not?

This is a steal, encounter a warrior, and then fight bravely, but also have to pretend to be a grandson.

Obviously, Fang Ping took a look at it and let the other party realize that he might encounter a warrior.


The train station is just an episode.

At 4:20 pm, Fang Ping successfully arrived at Yangcheng Railway Station.

Back to Yangcheng, the moment he walked out of the train station, Fang Ping could not help but raise a hint of emotion.

I remember that when I met Wang Jinyang for the first time, the other side also felt infinite.

At that time, Fang Ping could not understand this feeling.

But this time back to Yangcheng, although Fang Ping did not perform any tasks, did not experience too much life and death, but just a few hours ago, he personally killed two young warriors.

A small city like Yangcheng is always so comfortable and so easy.

The warrior is high above, but away from everyone’s life.

At the end of the year, there may not even be a murder.

Does anyone know that Wang Jinyang swept the Quartet in the outside world and was famous?

Some people know that Fang Ping not only became a warrior, but also killed two of them?

No one knows!

They only know the big things on the Internet. They know that the penguin’s Ma Zongshi has broken through to eight products, and knows that the singer’s horse master has officially become a master.

In their eyes, the world is so big, the military is as simple as that.

“This is also very good…”

Standing outside the train station, Fang Ping whispered softly.

One month into Wu Da, some things are not ignorant.

Every year, a large number of warriors are killed. Every year, military people commit crimes because of madness and pressure, creating a suffocating **** tragedy.

But these things are concealed by the upper layers.

Among them, Wu Da is also making efforts to cover up.

In exchange for the past life, Fang Ping must have a few words of the keyboard man, this is to strip us of the right to know!

But in this life, Fang Ping feels that such a thing should be concealed.

Ordinary people live the lives of ordinary people, happy and happy, even if they are not too rich, but they have not heard of who is starving.

Are these things good?

In addition to creating panic, it has no effect at all!

I really have to encounter a very violent warrior. The ordinary people can’t resist it and increase casualties.

If you don’t know, even if you encounter these wicked people, the other party may not care about you.

The sky is falling, there is a tall man standing up, the tall man can’t stand it, and there are Fang Ping these bottom warriors.

Even Lian Fangping couldn’t stand it. At that time, when the people got the right to know, because the special class could not hold back, it might really be the end.

These thoughts flashed away, and Fang Ping shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He walked toward the house.



main entrance.

Fang Ping just walked to the door, and suddenly someone shouted: “Fang Ping!”

When Fang Ping heard the sound, he was very pleased with a big smile on his face. “This girl, actually picked me up at the door, I didn’t say that I came back today.”

Brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters, and relatives are relatives.

Even if you don’t know that you are coming back, you will be looking forward to it and waiting for you.

Fang Ping was very pleased, originally wanted to pinch the round face of the meat, and now I am embarrassed to start.

“Fangyuan, sensible, but don’t pick up, your brother, I am now a warrior, a small suitcase, I will pick it up.”

Fang Ping walked toward the square and praised his sister.

Fang Fang’s expression of a ghost, his nervousness said: “Fang Ping, why are you coming back in the afternoon?”

“There are many people in the morning, few people in the afternoon, and it is good to come back in the afternoon…”

“Oh, it’s very good…”

The square swallowed and swallowed, then quickly said: “I don’t make a call before I come back. Really, let’s go upstairs!”

Fang Ping smiled and said: “No hurry, how long have you been here? Really, now the sky is very hot, waiting at home is…”

“big sister!”

“Sister Fang, we are here!”

“Big sister, today we must learn the guys in the middle school, and the group of 38 people dare to grab our site!”

“Big sister, are you looking for a boy? Isn’t it good for boys to mix?”

“Looking for a stronger one, this seems to be thinner?”


Fang Ping: “…”

Fang Ping turned his head and glanced at it. I saw a little girl who was jumping around seven or eight and about the same age.

These people are young, but the words in their mouths are puzzling.

“big sister?”

Fang Ping’s face is black with the bottom of the pot!

What happened in the two months when I was not at home?

Is it big to become a big sister?

In other words, just not waiting for yourself, but waiting for this group of little girl, ready to grab the site together?

What did I miss?

Fang Fang’s face collapsed and he said with a sad face: “If I said, this is a misunderstanding, do you believe?”

“Ha ha!”

“Brother, listen to me explaining…”


On the side of the square, there was a “go” exit. Suddenly, among the few little gimmicks, some people were pleasantly surprised: “The boss is back, we have a back!”

“Ping brother is back!”

“Ping Ge is a warrior, we have to be famous!”

“Big brother is good!”


The little girl shouted in a screaming voice. Someone saw that the square was not right. The two who had a good relationship with her suddenly screamed: “Run!”

“Big brother, we have mistaken people, not to find a round!”


“Why are you running?”

“Also ask, run first!”


A few small gimmicks were so hot that Fang Ping had almost no time to open his mouth, and they saw that they had run away without a trace.

Fang Ping’s mouth twitched, and suddenly he reached out and squeezed his cheeks like a smile. “Look, it’s a long way!”

“big sister!”

“When did you become a big sister?”

“It’s also a flat society!”

“I let you round the society, I let your big sister, I let you learn Xiaotaimei!”

Fang Ping was in a hurry, licking her sister’s cheek and knocking on her head!

How long have I been going?

This girl is lawless!

“The pot, fifty (the brother, I am awkward)…”

The square was licked on the cheek, and the face was depressed and vaguely explained.

“Hey a fart! I saw it with my own eyes, Fang Yuan, you are now a long-term business, your brother, I am not a boss at Wuda, you are better, than I am!”

Also, I am your big brother, what does it mean?

Why not call Pingyuan?

No, hey, what agency has stopped me! ”

Fang Ping pulled his sister’s cheek in one hand and dragged his suitcase to the house.

Fangyuan pitifully rushed to keep up, and his heart was very sad. Who knows that you are coming back today, and the society I built, of course, got my name in front.

Also, don’t worry about your face, can you speak well?


When he arrived at home, Fang Ping did not open the door by himself. He still licked his face with one hand and carried the suitcase with one hand and said: “Open the door!”

Fang Yuan turned a blind eye, you are addicted!

It is a pity that the technology is not as good as people, and it has been arrested. The Fangyuan had to take out the key to open the door.

When the door opened, Fang Ping heard the mother’s voice coming: “Is the round back?”

“Mom, it is me.”


Li Yuying hurriedly walked out of the kitchen. As soon as he saw Fang Ping, he was pleased: “I thought you were not coming back. I asked you yesterday. You are not saying that it is not necessarily?

Really, I don’t call back when I come back. I call your dad and let him bring some steamed vegetables back…”


Aside from the grievances of the face that was ignored, did you not see me being squinted by Fang Ping?

The face is swollen, still not saving your daughter?

Li Yuying seems to have seen her daughter. When the two brothers and sisters just met, they made a fuss. They laughed and said: “What is this?”

Fang Ping has some helplessness: “Mom, it’s more to manage this girl, guess what I just saw downstairs?”

“It’s going to be the sky! This girl actually got a club and grabbed the ground…”

“What do you say… what is it?”

Li Yuying’s words made Fang Ping’s stunned, and the aunt knew it?

Li Yuying also has some helplessness: “It is also a good lesson. This girl can’t say.”

Only adults, we must work with her classmates to set up a business, every day to grab the booth, the school teachers who are noisy know.

You said that you can work and study, then you can go to other places to set up stalls, a few gimmicks, have to set up stalls in the school, the teachers have opinions.

This is the third day of the year, it is not good to prepare for the high school, which is the difference between your family?

Hey, it’s a good time to say it, this girl is not obedient now…”

“Put the stalls? Grab the booth?”

Fang Ping stunned, what is the situation?

Subconsciously loosened my sister’s cheek, I seem to have misunderstood something!

Fang Yuan depressed his cheeks and succumbed to his cheeks: “Fang Ping, isn’t it just selling you something? Is it useful to swear me now?”

You don’t have to, I use the waste and open the market…”

“To shut up!”

Fang Ping screamed, not very airy: “I told you early, don’t do these things, you are tossing!”

It’s not enough to toss myself, but also to take the classmates together!

Didn’t listen to Mom?

The teacher has opinions! ”

Fang Ping went downhill and hurriedly transferred the topic, and did not apologize for his misunderstanding.

Said, Fang Ping said with a face: “What did you sell me?”

The square does not say anything.

Li Yuying said with a smile: “Except for two sets of changing clothes, you have nothing else.”


Fang Ping is a little worried, I grew up, even if there is nothing, long and big, there are a lot of things.

What does Mom say now?

All gone!

Fang Ping did not speak, and rushed into his room.


A minute later, Fang Ping looked black and iron and walked out of the room.

“Fangyuan, you are real!”

“I have no toothbrush!”

“What about my slippers?”

“What about the teacup?”

“The towel is gone!”


Fang Ping slaps and slaps the heart of this hoe. I am with your brother, I am not coming back, right?

Fang Yuan lowered his head and shouted: “Is it not ok to buy you a new one? The old one can change three sets of new ones, and I don’t know how to live…”

“You shut me up! Can it be the same? Old feelings, new feelings?”

“Not the same, I feel new and better…”

“Don’t you still give up?”

Fang Ping was furious. This time, he did not rub his face with one hand, and both hands were used together. He grabbed the square face and pulled it to both sides.

Fang Yuan helpless, vaguely said: “Enough, don’t make excuses to lick my face, or else I turned my face.”

“Do you dare to turn your face?”

Fang Ping sneered and kneaded a bit, which only let go of the square of the fried hair.

“Don’t do this again in the future! Did you hear it?”

Next time, I will interrupt your leg directly! ”

Fang Ping admonished that this girl did not know whether it was interest or join in the fun, thinking about it all day long.

How many adults?

Anyway, Fang Ping does not want the square of this age, tossing too much mess.

After learning a little sister, Fang Ping and his mother talked about college life.

In Fang Ping’s mouth, the university is very beautiful.

The school’s meals are free to eat, and the luxury single apartment is occupied. The tutor especially likes him, and the medicinal herbs are eaten casually.

The students are also very friendly and the girls are very enthusiastic…

In short, the university in his mouth is almost the same as heaven.

The side of the side of the hearing has forgotten the painful face, the envy of the face.

Li Yuying is also very happy, especially before I knew that my son broke into a warrior.

Li Yuying also said something about the family. Fang Ping broke into a warrior and knew a lot of people.

Fang Mingrong has now become a formal employee of the Education Bureau. He is nine to five, and his main job is to drink tea and read newspapers.

Li Yuying is no longer working, responsible for taking care of the party.

Fang Fang, also benefited from this, in the school, became a veritable big sister, the teachers are also very caring for her.

On the side of the community, the neighborhood committee and the property, visited the door a few days ago, and sent a lot of gifts. Now every day, security guards patrol the downstairs of their building, even if there is no practical use, and the mind has done it.

As for the property fees, no one mentions it. People in the military live in your community. Is that your face and dare to ask for property fees?

Everything is fine at home, everything is going well.

From time to time, Fang Mingrong must bring something back, eat and drink, all of which are welfare benefits.

Listening to the mother’s narrative, Fang Ping is also very relaxed.

Sometimes people are so easy to satisfy.

Until the father came back, seeing his father full of red light, the mood is more cheerful than before, and people are much healthier, Fang Ping is more gratified.

The family had a great dinner and everything was fine.

If you don’t care about some of the sidelines…

For example, when Fang Ping was eating, he found that the set of chopsticks bowls at home seemed to be missing one set.

For example, if you want to drink water, you can’t find a teacup…

Fang Ping would like to ask, which brain was bought?

However, seeing the sister’s appearance as a vigilant, Fang Ping decided to let her go first. Anyway, this holiday, I have to wait a few days, and I am not in a hurry.

“It’s still good at home…”

After eating and drinking, Fang Ping once again expressed a feeling of grief, and there was some faint feeling in his heart. This morning, if he was killed by someone, what kind of scene is it?

I vomited and pressed these thoughts down, and I was right, no one wanted to die.

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