Global Gaowu

Chapter 119 - Selling medicinal herbs

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After staying at home for a few days, Fang Ping was ready to go back to school on the morning of the 5th.

On the 6th, Monday, Magic Wu resumed class.

The last time he left, Fang Fang was crying and screaming, and Fang Ping was moved.

This time, when he left, he sent him to the station.



Fang Ping stared at the little girl for a while, and then he sighed for a long while: “White-eyed wolf!”

Last time, it was a cry.

This time?

The Fangyuan sent him away happily, and he hoped that he would get on the bus quickly. A pair of “Brother, why are you still not on the bus” expression, Fang Ping wants to vomit blood.

Fang Ping naturally knows what it is.

When I came back, my face was a small matter. The key to this big sister’s dream was broken. These days, no one of the members of Yuanpingshe dared to come to her.

A round of confused look, barely pretend to have a sad expression, “Brother, come back early next time, come back and remember to call!”

“I will come back without a holiday!”

Fang Ping snorted and didn’t have a good air: “Let me give you less, you round the club, I will dismiss it early!”

Also, I will come back next time, if I find that I have fewer things…”

“You have nothing to do…”

Fang Fang whispered, the sale is sold, what else?

Besides, the market is saturated – it should be the word, and it is lingering.

The purchase was bought, and now Fang Ping’s things can’t be sold, and she won’t continue the seller’s flat.

Fang Ping’s face was dark, and the detective licked her cheek. When the car started, it turned out: “At home, take good care of your parents, but also a small adult, know something.”

Also, there is something to call me, if the phone is nowhere, I may be busy, don’t worry.

I can’t get a call, I can ask Director Tan for help. ”

“Oh, I see.”

“Oh, a little smart, don’t turn the bad guys away.”

“It won’t be.”


The brothers and sisters talked about the conversation, and Fang Ping turned his car and waved his hand toward Fang Fang.

When Fang Ping left, Fang Yuan quickly took out the phone and made a phone call. He said: “Send the sisters, the old place gathers!”


Modu Railway Station.

This time Fang Ping was not blocked again, he signaled his martial arts certificate and was soon allowed to leave.

I didn’t take the subway again, got a car, and returned to school in less than 40 minutes.


Upon returning to the school, Fang Ping returned the baggage to the dormitory and went straight to the logistics department.

Exchange office.

Or the former warrior, seeing Fang Ping, apparently recognized Fang Ping, smiled and said: “Fang Ping, who came to exchange things again?

The last time I said that it is easy to use, 40 credits you earned, just 4 pieces of a blood dan will earn a return. ”

Obviously, this person knew about the previous contest in the martial arts society.

Fang Ping was not surprised. He smiled and said: “Mr. Li, this time I will exchange some medicine.”

“Your tutor is still lacking medicine?”

Li surnamed Wu laughed, but did not refuse, smiled: “Let’s say, what to redeem?

A product quenching bone Dan?

In the quenching period, one product has the best effect of quenching bone, and adding a few pieces of blood, it should be enough. ”

“Mr. Li, give me 67 ordinary qi and blood Dan.”


Li surnamed Wu suddenly stunned, and then looked at Fang Ping with amazement, and he said: “You kid can not be blinded by money!”

“The credits are hard to earn!”

“You have a lot of credits now, more than 200 points, you can exchange for ordinary qi and blood Dan, then you can have problems with cultivation.”

“Wu Da is not no one wants to rely on credits to exchange resources to buy and sell, the school does not prohibit, this is the credits you earn yourself.”

“But there is more money and some things can’t be bought.”

“And really want to exchange it for sale, it may not be cost-effective, do you think clearly?”

Converting 67 ordinary qi and blood Dan, Fang Ping obviously can’t use so much. If so, it is naturally sold and sold. This is not uncommon.

Under normal circumstances, this is the oldest of the big three, they have more credits, a little replacement to supplement the home.

If there is such a thing as Fang Ping, it is still a new student, and the credits will be exchanged at one time.

It is the hardest for freshmen to earn credits. At this time, every point has to be used in the blade.

“Mr. Li, I know, can I redeem it?”

Li surnamed Wu took a look at him and nodded slightly: “Yes, the credits are yours, and you can exchange anything, as long as you have credits.

Forget it, look at you is not like a fool, just consider it yourself. ”

Remind that the other party no longer said anything, and soon, let the background staff handed in 7 bottles of medicinal herbs.

“There are 67 in total. You can see for yourself. After deducting your 201 credits, you will have 1 credit left. Would you like to have a meal and finish your meal?”

Teacher Li had a fun, 1 credit, except for eating and drinking, it seems that it has no other effect.

Fang Ping took the medicinal herbs and smiled and said: “Leave it, maybe there will be rewards next time, 50 credits plus this 1 point, just to be able to change.”

“Are you still ready to continue?”

Teacher Li shook his head slightly: “In short, you think about it yourself, and don’t sell it on a large scale. It is also very troublesome to be caught.

Although Wu Da does not prohibit the sale and purchase, it can be sold outside, and the sale of the drug is a franchise business.

Was caught, not only the medicinal herbs will be confiscated, but the fine will be fined for your bankruptcy. You are comfortable. ”

The drug business is involved in the government and the strength of the military and military departments.

Fang Ping sells on a small scale, and the problem is not big.

Large-scale trafficking, caught, it must be troublesome, even if the drug comes from the magic weapon.

“Thank you teacher for reminding.”


Fang Ping said thank you, and took the medicinal herbs and left in a hurry.

Just now, his wealth value suddenly increased by 670,000!

At this moment, Fang Ping’s data has changed again:

Wealth: 6.700000

Blood: 265 cards (273 cards)

Spirit: 238 Hz (241 Hz)

At home these days, he did not waste time, once again tempered into a skeleton, has been tempered to complete 28 bones.

“The value of wealth is 6.7 million, leaving 3 for the square, and now there are 70 ordinary qi and blood, and 11 are qi and blood.”

This amount of remedy is not a small amount.

Fang Ping thought about it and dialed Li Chengze’s phone.

After two words of chilling, Fang Ping asked: “I have a lot of blood in my hand now. Is it convenient to take the shot?”

Li Chengze apparently did not expect that Fang Ping had to sell the drug, and only sold a batch last time.

After thinking about it, Li Chengze asked: “How many?”


“so much!”

Some of Li Chengze was scared, and then he quickly said: “Mr. Fang, so many medicinal herbs, it is not too good to shoot, mainly because we have some strengths… some are weak.

Big companies, sneaking out the shots is no problem, but we, except you, now even a warrior.

With so many medicinal herbs at once, it is easy to be targeted and dangerous. ”

70 medicinal herbs, even if they are ordinary qi and blood, the value is more than 6 million.

Not to mention, Fang Ping has 11 products, nearly ten million worth.

“I know, I think about other ways.”

Fang Ping is not afraid to sell, just find the right person.

After thinking about it, Fang Ping went straight to the dormitory.



Room 15

Fu Changding, who just returned to school, said with amazement: “You want to sell medicinal herbs? And still so much!

Fang Ping, are you eager to use money at home? ”

“Yes, do you have channels?”

Fu Changding frowned: “Dan medicine, in fact, which is lacking, maintaining blood consumption, training offspring, all need medicinal herbs, qi and blood Dan requires the most.

A martial artist consumes a lot of blood and blood every year.

However, this is a franchise business. If you buy from a private side, everyone will be cheaper…”

Fang Ping nodded: “I understand this, what price can everyone pay?”

“It is generally about 80%. After all, large-scale purchases, even in the Dan Pharmaceutical Company, there are actually discounts. It is not uncommon to get a 90% discount.

In private, 80% should be no shortage of buyers. ”


Fang Ping frowned, this price, he is not too satisfied.

“I have 70 ordinary qi and blood Dan, 11 one product, the market price is 10.3 million. If you sell it, how much can you give?”

These qi and blood Dan have already brought him a wealth of 7.1 million.

More than 7.1 million can bring him the difference.

It is really necessary to sell at 80% of the price, and at most it can increase the value of millions of wealth, which is somewhat different from Fang Ping’s expectation.

“Do you still have so many products?”

Just Fang Ping only said ordinary, Fu Changding did not expect this guy to lick more than a dozen Yipin.

Rich and rich!

More money than myself!

Fu Changding glanced at him with a grudge, so rich, so embarrassed, eating is free every day.

Fang Ping’s question, Fu Changding considered it for a moment: “Let’s do it, I will ask you for help, first ask my old man if you want to, and the blood and blood Dan is not too much.

If the price is not suitable for you, then I will ask you for someone else…”

Fang Ping nodded and Fu Changding started to call in front of him.

The phone was called to his father. I simply said that some students had to sell the drug, and the number was also reported.

After a while, Fu Changding looked at Fang Pingdao: “My dad said that 9 million, other homes are probably able to give this price almost, not high, but not too low, what do you think?”

“9 million…”

Almost ten percent off, Fang Ping was slightly indulged and nodded: “Yes.”

“Would you like me to ask others to ask others, lest you…”


Fang Ping smiled and said: “9 million is not low, I know it myself, and it is safe and convenient.”

This one-time transaction is not too cumbersome and safe.

“That line.”

Fu Changding is not unreasonable. This price is indeed not too cheap. Of course, they are not losing money. They are not privately-made remedies that are not reliable. These are the remedies out of the magic weapon.

After talking to his father for a while, Fu Changding hangs up and said: “Give me your account, my dad will give you money, and the drug will be given directly to me.”

Fang Ping directly threw the medicinal herbs to him, and said: “Check it out yourself, check it out in person, so as not to cause trouble for this remedy.”

“it is good.”

After all, it was 9 million things. Fu Changding did not have the atmosphere. If something went wrong afterwards, it would make the two people embarrassed.

After checking it, soon, Chang Changding smiled and said: “There is no problem. I said Fang Ping. How come you have so many medicinal herbs? All the credits have been exchanged, is it almost?”


“You have not cultivated yourself?”

“I still have some points.”

“The rich man…”

Fu Changding vomited a sentence, and the two waited for the account, and chatted.

“Have you heard that?”


Fang Ping often hears some gossip news here at Fu Changding. These sources, he has no channels.

“Kyoto Wuda has established a special training class.”

Fang Ping frowned and thought: “I heard that ordinary Wu Da also set up a special training class, what did the special training class do?”

“This matter has something to do with Wang Jinyang…”

Fu Changding mysteriously said: “I am going home this time. I heard people say that the schools of ordinary Wu Da, Mo Wu and Jing Wu have been a bit big.

Mainly because of Wang Jinyang!

This guy has a character, defeated a magical Wu Yi, three quality, defeated a lot of Jingwu’s three products.

Therefore, ordinary martial arts students are in trouble. They say that these famous schools will have resources, and the students they produce will be waste.

Adequate resources have also led to the lack of necessary competitiveness and commitment of students at prestigious schools.

In this way, the students of the famous schools will sooner or later become the pure qi and blood martial artists.

These schools of Magic Wu naturally do not recognize that Wang Jinyang is a special case. It is not a common case to take special cases. The school is not to train individuals but to train the whole students.

So there was a quarrel, and both the government and the Ministry of Education came forward.

Anyway, this is probably the case. The two sides are a bit fierce. Recently, in Kyoto, they went to seven or eight masters and wanted to squat.

There are also masters on the magic weapon side. In fact, both sides have been arguing for some time…”

Fang Ping frowned. He had heard Qin Fengqing before, but he did not expect that it is getting bigger and bigger now.

Ordinary Wuda is not willing to be at the bottom, resources are allocated so little, and students are making progress.

In Magic Wu, the freshman can almost be stable to a product, and the family does not have to worry about it.

Can be ordinary Wuda, but also to raise their own money, hundreds of thousands is not a small number, not a military, not every family can afford.

Wang Jinyang, who is now from the ordinary Wu Da, swept a product and three products, and finally was caught by ordinary Wu Da.

These schools can not be reconciled, and Wang Jinyang is not a common phenomenon, just a case.

Because one person denies the teaching results of a famous school, this cannot be tolerated.

Fu Changding finally said: “So the two sides agreed at the end. This time, taking the new students as an example, it proves that the freshmen of the famous schools are not necessarily comparable to ordinary Wuda.

Of course, the enrollment conditions of prestigious schools are high, and certainly stronger than ordinary Wu Da.

Therefore, the Wuda League on the side of ordinary Wuda, and the magic Wu, Jingwu appointment, the Wu Da League counted as one, the two famous schools each counted one, the East China Normal University, these second-class schools counted as one.

In total, the Quartet, at the end of this semester, sent representatives to each other to prove the teaching results of each school.

The special training class at the Wu Da Union is to prepare for this. The major schools have selected a group of elite students to come out and focus on training.

A school is definitely not as good as the magic weapon, but there are nearly 80 schools in the Wu Da Union!

There is a genius in a family, there are 80 people, and it is conceivable that there will be pressure from both Magic and Jingwu. ”

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows: “What do you mean, at the end of this semester, the Quartet will compete?”

“Well, and definitely more serious.” Fu Changding said with solemnity: “This involves the next division of resources, and even … including the division of shares in companies such as medicinal herbs and weapons.

These schools in Magic Wu really want to lose, and then the resources will definitely be cut.

Imagine now that the market price of three achievements can be exchanged for medicinal herbs, that is a dream.

Don’t look at the difference of only 20%, but the difference is a world apart…”

This level naturally understands, and spits a sigh of relief: “Does the magic weapon also set up a special training class?”

“Not very clear, there is no news yet, but I think it is very possible.

The ants are more than dead, and now everyone is actually just beginning, the gap is not too big.

Ordinary Wuda concentrates resources and trains individual students. It will not be too bad. So many schools have always been geniuses. ”

Fang Ping thought for a moment: “Let’s see, do you have an idea?”

“Of course, I really want to train a group of people. I definitely have resources to lean, don’t be white.”

“There is a reward for paying…”

Fang Ping whispered a sentence, take advantage of it, then it is responsible for playing for the magic weapon, it is not without obligation.

During the speech, Fang Ping’s mobile phone text message sounded.

The money has arrived!

Fang Ping’s face is a joy, at this moment, the wealth value has reached a new high again, 8.6 million!

9 million in cash arrived, compared with before, brought him another 1.9 million wealth.

If you take the 9 million in cash and change it into credits, you will also have 300 credits. You can exchange 100 qi and blood Dan, but according to the external price, it is actually about 9 million. There is no increase, and it will not bring about the growth of wealth.

So if you want to sell through constant buying, it won’t work.

Credits have to be earned on their own, and it is obviously not too cost-effective to rely on cash.

The value of wealth has increased a lot, and the cash is as high as 9 million. Although there is only one dynasty blood in the medicinal herbs, Fang Ping is extremely satisfied.

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